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A review is given on muscular exercise and its role in glucose homeostasis in normal and diabetic persons. Metabolic and hormonal consequences of short term and endurance exercise are described in detail. Based on clinical experience as well as on the basis of data published by the author dealing with animal experiments and clinical research studies the hypothesis of the "permissive role" of insulin with respect to the stimulatory effect of exercise on muscle glucose metabolism is put foreward and discussed. The metabolic effects of training in patients with diabetes mellitus are summarized. It is emphasized that in clinical research as well as in clinical routine muscular exercise as a means to treat metabolic disturbances has been widely neglected.  相似文献   

In [2] the author has developed an optimization model for the force and energy in competitive running. In this paper the energy processes in the muscle were described by a three-compartment hydraulic model. Here this is reviewed briefly and applied to the current world records in order to determine the key parameters, maximal force, energy reserves and oxygen uptake. These values agree well with those given in the literature and those obtained by other means. The velocity profiles for 100 m sprints are described equally well. The model is then applied to older world records to deduce a relation between the force and energy by linear regression. Finally the fully parameterized model is used to compute the effects of adverse wind and altitude. Inasmuch as there are data available, there is a good agreement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine alternative pathways to labor force exit among older men. Based on the life course perspective, we distinguish between crisp exits from the labor force, which are characterized as being unidirectional, and blurred transition patterns, which include repeated exists, entrances, and unemployment spells. Using longitudinal data from the 1984 Survey of Income and Program Participation, we find that one-quarter of the sample of men aged 55 to 74 at first interview experienced at least one transition in labor force status over a 28-month observation period. Fewer than half of these can be characterized as crisp exists from the labor force. Our multivariate analysis suggests that blurred transition patterns are likely part of an effort to maintain economic status in later life.  相似文献   

强化计量工作合理节约能源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺文辉 《有色冶金节能》2003,20(3):40-41,54
文章介绍了青铜峡铝业集团公司通过准确的计量数据为企业提供了可靠的管理依据,进行有效的在线工艺控制,使计量检测水平真正向自动化、一体化方向发展,为企业的产品质量和经济效益提高创造了科学的条件,起到了保证的作用。  相似文献   

The loss of manufacturing jobs and the expansion of service jobs and part-time employment have contributed to a decline in the rate of employer-sponsored health insurance among workers. Not only does manufacturing provide more of its own workers with coverage compared with other industry groups, but it also is a significant net "exporter" of coverage to dependent workers in other industries. In 1991 the net export of coverage represented a 20 percent tax on manufacturing employers per covered worker, while professional services--the fastest-growing industry group-collected a subsidy from other industry groups equal to more than 12 percent per covered worker. Similarly, larger firms--those that employed 100 workers or more--paid a self-imposed tax of as much as 13 percent per covered worker to support dependent workers employed in smaller firms.  相似文献   

In addition to reviewing the literature about the extent to which basic nursing education is related to actual nursing practice, this article investigates the extent to which the relationship between nursing practice, education, and experience varies across specific health care settings. The literature presented no consistent or systematic association between type and amount of previous nursing experience and current nursing practice. However, the literature generally provided evidence of a consistent and systematic association between baccalaureate preparation and level of registered nurse (RN) practice. The review of practice and organizational differences across the hospital, nursing home, and ambulatory care sectors suggests that baccalaureate-prepared RNs in hospitals may have a more strongly differentiated role relative to those in nursing homes and ambulatory settings. If baccalaureate-prepared nurses continue to be perceived as capable of more complex and independent practice, and if employers believe that they can increase revenues by increasing the quality of nursing care or can save money by shifting to RNs some responsibilities now held by more costly personnel (such as physicians), then demand for baccalaureate-prepared nurses may increase.  相似文献   

This article describes a collaborative project formed between three major community systems--education, health care, and the business sector--to respond to the specialized cultural needs of a growing Hispanic population in a large public health care system in Dallas, TX. Two specific strategies, short-term cultural immersion and the development of a nurse exchange program with a "sister" hospital in Mexico, assist health care personnel to learn the language and the culture of Mexico. Findings from process evaluation suggest that these initiatives are essential and beneficial to changing individual views and developing knowledge and skills. Community partnerships requiring a significant commitment to a continuum of efforts from top administrative levels to the individual level facilitate institutional responses to the challenge of developing a culturally skilled health work force.  相似文献   

The processes of sick-leave inception and work resumption are governed by many interrelated factors. Hence conventional univariate models of these processes do not provide an adequate basis for explanation and prediction. In this study, multivariate models were used to fit absenteeism data for a large government department. The variables considered were the age, sex, and grade of the employees concerned; the day, month, and year of inception of sick leave or resumption of work; the section in which the employees worked and the size of that section. The models were used to predict the rates of sick-leave inception and work resumption in a test set of employees. The predicted inception rates appear to agree well with the observed values.  相似文献   

张丽文 《包钢科技》2003,29(3):86-87,44
本文通过成对内力做功问题的讨论,说明了两质点间成对内力所作的总功等于其中一个质点受的力沿着该质点相对于另一个质点所移动的路径上的功。  相似文献   

An anaesthetic drug error: minimizing the risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Goldfish cells (RBCF-1) cultured at different cell densities were harvested and their photorepair (PR) abilities were examined in terms of survival. Photorepair ability gradually increased during the phase of logarithmic growth, reaching a maximum in cells at the confluent state. This enhancement of PR ability disappeared 12 h after replating of cells in fresh medium. A number of growth-inhibiting treatments (serum depletion, UVC, hydroxyurea [HU], change in incubation temperature) were tested for their ability to induce PR. The treatment of cells with HU and serum depletion induced PR while the other treatments did not. The increase in the ability to perform PR after treatment with HU or serum depletion returned to normal levels more rapidly than that after fluorescent light treatment.  相似文献   

Since 1990, society has been evolving through a period of significant transformation. In response to an increasingly information-rich and knowledge-based environment, the work force for most of society is becoming more specialized. Medicine is one of the few areas developing a work force which emphasizes generalism. For our current needs, the transitional work force has overproduced physicians. Because the overproduction has been uneven by specialty, it is deceptive to evaluate growth collectively rather than by individual subspecialty. Future shifts in age and types of illness combined with enhanced technology will transform the public's expectations of the American health care system. The type and number of physicians that will be needed in the future will be substantially different than in the past, so current patterns in physician education may not address the population's future demands.  相似文献   

The influence of 100--600 microng of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) injected into the right lateral ventricle of the brain on behavior and activity of the cerebral cholinergic system was studied in Wistar rats. Proportionally to dosage, GABA inhibited motor and exploratory activity in the rats. Reduction in the content of acetylcholine in the pons and medulla oblongata was accompanied by increased acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. GABA changed AChE activity differently in various parts of the brain. GABA depressed motor and exploratory activity in rats in a degree dependent on its dosage and inborn exploratory of the rats, and this effect was accompanied by changes in the cerebral cholinergic system.  相似文献   

African American women in the United States have a long history of employment outside of their homes. Their experiences are unique from other groups of majority and minority men and women due to the interaction of race, gender, and class. Despite long-standing and continuing struggles against discrimination, harassment, low pay, tokenism, and stereotypes, a myth that African American women enjoy a bonus or advantaged status in the work force has developed and persisted. In this article, Black women's work force experiences are examined from a social constructionist framework, misperceptions of Black women are critiqued, explanations are developed that explain the unique status of African American women and recommendations are proposed to eradicate the discrimination and marginal status that Black women have endured in the work force.  相似文献   

1. The functions of a continuous quality improvement tool used by Deming--the Plan, Do, Check, Act Cycle--can be applied to the assessment, implementation, and ongoing evaluation of an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). 2. Various methods are available to assess the need for an EAP. As much data as possible should be collected to qualify and quantify the need so that management can make an informed decision and develop measures to determine program effectiveness. 3. Once an EAP is implemented, it should be monitored continually against the effectiveness measures initially developed. Using a continuous quality improvement process, the occupational health nurse and the EAP provider can establish a dynamic relationship that allows for growth beyond the original design and increased effectiveness of service to employees.  相似文献   

Using a hard sphere model and numerical calculations, the effect of the hydration force between a conical tip and a flat surface in the atomic force microscope (AFM) is examined. The numerical results show that the hydration force remains oscillatory, even down to a tip apex of a single water molecule, but its lateral extent is limited to a size of a few water molecules. In general, the contribution of the hydration force is relatively small, but, given the small imaging force ( approximately 0.1 nN) typically used for biological specimens, a layer of water molecules is likely to remain "bound" to the specimen surface. This water layer, between the tip and specimen, could act as a "lubricant" to reduce lateral force, and thus could be one of the reasons for the remarkably high resolution achieved with contact-mode AFM. To disrupt this layer, and to have a true tip-sample contact, a probe force of several nanonewtons would be required. The numerical results also show that the ultimate apex of the tip will determine the magnitude of the hydration force, but that the averaged hydration pressure is independent of the radius of curvature. This latter conclusion suggests that there should be no penalty for the use of sharper tips if hydration force is the dominant interaction between the tip and the specimen, which might be realizable under certain conditions. Furthermore, the calculated hydration energy near the specimen surface compares well with experimentally determined values with an atomic force microscope, providing further support to the validity of these calculations.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 75-year old woman presenting sarcoid myopathy with pseudohypertrophy and skin involvement. Muscular biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Symptomatic muscle involvement in sarcoidosis is rare. Three forms are described: myopathic, myositic and nodular. The relevance of imaging techniques is reviewed. Treatment is based on corticotherapy which is less efficient in myopathic form and in this case we had to use methotrexate with success.  相似文献   

The golden hamster possesses a forestomach and a glandular stomach. The gastric groove connects the cardia to the glandular stomach and is situated on the lesser curvature of the stomach. The constitution of the muscle fibers in the gastric groove was investigated. The gastric groove consisted of two lips and a groove floor. The muscle coat of the lips was composed of a mixture of smooth and striated muscle fibers. The smooth muscle fibers were components of the cardiac muscle loop. The striated muscle fibers were extensions from the esophageal inner circular muscle layer, and invaded about half the length of the lips. The muscle coat of the groove floor consisted of an inner circular muscle layer made up of smooth muscle fibers, and the outer longitudinal muscle layer of the striated muscle fibers extended from the esophageal outer longitudinal muscle layer. The present study revealed that the muscle coat of the gastric groove in the golden hamster was composed of smooth and striated muscle fibers, and that these striated muscle fibers were extensions of the esophageal muscle coat.  相似文献   

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