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Application of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) slows down the horizontal cell response time course (HCRRT) and induces membrane depolarization in horizontal cells (HCs) after synaptic inputs are blocked by Co2+. We present evidence that suggests both effects are probably mediated by GABAA receptors which open chloride channels in the HC membrane. In any given concentration of GABA, ranged from 0 to 100 microM, the HC membrane potential (VHC) in saturating light and in the presence of 100 microM Co2+ are identical. This result suggests that GABA in both light and 100 microM Co2+ opens the same amount of chloride channels (same gCl) so that VHC determined by chloride and leak conductances has the same value. Higher concentrations of Co2+ (> 300 microM) not only blocks synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to HCs, but also acts as an antagonist that suppresses the GABA-mediated depolarization in HCs.  相似文献   

The new therapeutic method of scotoma-based photocoagulation (SBP) developed at the Vienna Eye Clinic for diagnosis and treatment of age-related macular degeneration requires retinal maps from scanning laser ophthalmoscope images. This paper describes in detail all necessary image analysis steps for map generation. A prototype software system for fully automatic map generation has been implemented and tested on a representative dataset selected from a clinical study with 50 patients. The map required for the SBP treatment can be reliably extracted in all cases. Thus, algorithms presented in this paper should be directly applicable in daily clinical routine without major modifications.  相似文献   

HeLa cells were exposed to recombinant interferon-alpha (rIFN-alpha) in combination with bleomycin (BLM) concentrations known to exert single as well as double-strand breakages of cellular DNA. rIFN-alpha is added before or/and after cell treatment with BLM. The sensitivity of HeLa cells to BLM or/and rIFN was assessed from the number and the size of cell colonies formed. rIFN-alpha alone at concentrations of 250 IU/ml had no effect on the development of HeLa cell colonies, in combination with BLM, rIFN-alpha increased the already marked inhibition of HeLa cell colony formation caused by 1 microgram/ml BLM. At BLM concentrations of 5 and 10 micrograms/ml the inhibition of HeLa cell colony formation was almost complete and no overlapped effect of BLM and rIFN-alpha can be distinguished. However, rIFN-alpha afforded protection of HeLa cells colony formation when it was added before BLM treatment or it was present continuously thereafter.  相似文献   

We investigated the recovery of light-adaptive spinule formation following dopamine depletion with intraocular injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and subsequent neogeneration of dopamine interplexiform cells (DA-IPC) at the marginal zone. DA-IPCs were gone by 2 weeks postinjection and appeared at the marginal zone by 6 weeks postinjection, at which time DA-IPC neurites grew toward the central retina, reaching within 0.5 mm of the central retina by 1 year. Retinas from day time, light-adapted fish at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 3 months, and 1 year postinjection with 6-OHDA were processed for pre-embedding tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity (TOH-IR) and compared to sham-injected and control retinas at the electron-microscopical (EM) level. Only 6-OHDA fish that tilted markedly toward the injected eye were used for these experiments. The tilt mimics the dorsal light reaction, indicating a 2-2.5 log unit increase in the photopic sensitivity of the 6-OHDA eye. Spinule formation was reduced by about 60% in the 2- and 4-week 6-OHDA retinas, but returned to control levels throughout the entire retina of 3-month and 1 year 6-OHDA retinas even though the central region of these retinas contained no detectable TOH-IR. Intraocular injection with 10 microM SCH 23390 (a D1 antagonist) reduced light-adaptive spinule formation by 50% both in control eyes as well as those eyes that were 3 months post 6-OHDA injected. The full return of spinule formation with only partial reinnervation of the retina with DA-IPC processes and their subsequent inhibition by SCH 23390 indicates that dopamine diffused large distances within the retina to regulate this synaptic plasticity (i.e. displayed volume transmission). Also, since all 6-OHDA injected fish displayed an increased photopic sensitivity in the injected eye when sacrificed, we suggest that horizontal cell spinules are not required for photopic luminosity coding in the outer retina.  相似文献   

The hypophyses of 24 individuals, aged 79-89 years (mean age 83.5+/-3.3 years), were investigated for cytoskeletal changes associated with abnormally phosphorylated tau protein using the monoclonal antibodies AT8, PHF-1 and Alz-50. A previously unreported pattern of cytoskeletal changes was identified in the neurohypophysis consisting of axon-like fibers and large swellings resembling Herring bodies. The density of the cytoskeletal lesions was subject to notable variation among individuals. Marked neurohypophyseal alterations were also noted in cases even devoid of Alzheimer's disease-related cytoskeletal pathology in neocortical areas. Fully developed Alzheimer's disease is thus not a prerequisite for the presence of advanced neurohypophyseal alterations. In conclusion, the aged human neurohypophysis is revealed as a potential focus of abnormal cytoskeletal changes which may impair the neuroendocrine function of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system.  相似文献   

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movements in sleep (PLMS) are disorders that are common and disturbing to uremic patients. The treatment of these is problematic. Eight patients on chronic hemodialysis and continuous peritoneal dialysis completed a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study using incremental doses of pergolide up to 0.25 mg at bedtime for treatment of RLS and sleep disruption. Five patients (62.5%) noted subjective improvement in restless legs symptoms and sleep quality. Objective results were improved only slightly by treatment. The percentage of the first hour in bed during which leg movements occurred decreased from 20.5 +/- 6.0 to 11.5 +/- 3.3, p < 0.05. However, findings during sleep were less positive. The following measures were not significant between placebo and treatment: leg movements per hour of sleep [53.7 +/- 22.3 vs 35.8 +/- 11.8 (p = 0.2)]; and percentage of sleep time spent with leg movements [5.5% +/- 3.2 vs 4.4% +/- 1.4 (p = 0.37)]. Patients continued to have very disrupted sleep, and we could not document an objective improvement in sleep architecture. Thus, although pergolide at the dose of 0.25 mg at bedtime provided subjective improvement in symptoms of restless legs and quality of sleep, and objectively decreased leg movements during the first hour in bed, objectively sleep continued to be disrupted. In this small patient group, the response to pergolide was not uniform, and further investigation is required to test effectiveness at higher doses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the principles and practice of the use of conscious sedation for IVF. DESIGN: The pertinent literature was reviewed and recommendations are provided. RESULT(S): Conscious sedation appears to be the most commonly used method of pain relief for transvaginal retrieval of oocytes. Conscious sedation does not require the presence of an anesthesiologist and can be done in freestanding clinics. Agents commonly used include opioids in combination with benzodiazepines. This combination minimizes pain, decreases anxiety, and provides sedation and some amnesia. Adjuvants such as promethazine and hydroxyzine can also be used but often are not needed. Conscious sedation is well tolerated by patients and does not require highly specialized equipment. However, there are specific safeguards that should be followed. Only a few toxicity studies have been performed, but they are reassuring because they have not found significant effects on fertilization or cleavage. CONCLUSION(S): Conscious sedation appears to be a safe and cost-effective method of providing analgesia and anesthesia for transvaginal retrieval of oocytes.  相似文献   

Facial asymmetry (facedness) of selected academic faculty members was studied in relation to brain asymmetry and cognitive specialization. Comparisons of facedness were made among humanities faculty (H), faculty members of mathematics and physics (M-P), psychologists (P), and a group of randomly selected individuals (R). Facedness was defined in terms of the relative sizes (in square centimeters) of the two hemifaces. It was predicted that the four groups would show differences in facedness, namely, H, right face bias; M-P, left face bias; P, no bias; and R, no bias. The predictions were confirmed, and the results interpreted in terms of known differences in hemispheric specialization of cognitive functions as they relate to the dominant cognitive activity of each of the different groups. In view of the contralateral control of the two hemifaces (below the eyes) by the two hemispheres of the brain, the two sides of the face undergo differential muscular development, thus creating facial asymmetry. Other factors, such as gender, also may affect facial asymmetry. Suggestions for further research on facedness are discussed.  相似文献   

The term, 'retinitis pigmentosa', refers to a heterogeneous group of inherited diseases that cause degeneration of rod and cone photoreceptors in the human retina. Loss of photoreceptor cells is usually followed by alterations in the retinal pigment epithelium and retinal glia. Ultimately, degenerative changes occur in the inner retinal neurons, blood vessels, and optic nerve head. This chapter provides background information on the genetics of retinitis pigmentosa and a summary of the histopathologic alterations in human retinas caused by this disease. Detailed information is provided on the effects of the primary disease process on the rod photoreceptors and changes in the other retinal components, all of which are important considerations for understanding and developing therapies for retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to evaluate the cosmetic use of botulinum toxin type A (Botox), which blocks the release of acetylcholine at the presynaptic neuromuscular junction leading to an irreversible, but temporary chemical denervation muscular paralysis and weakness. This produces a significant cosmetic improvement of wrinkling in the upper face due to hyperfunctional animation. METHOD: A prospective clinical study representing our experience with this new technique is presented. Patient selection and evaluation, classification of animation lines, techniques, results and complications are discussed. In a 15-month period, 23 patients with seven anatomic sites were injected. Twenty-three patients had the lateral aspect and the inferior aspect of their squint lines injected, and 26 patients had their glabellar frownlines injected. RESULTS: Significant improvement occurred to the average depth and length of the glabellar frownlines. The subjective improvement by the patients was also significant. Regarding the crow's feet, the lateral canthal lines showed more improvement than the inferior lateral canthal lines because the latter has a greater component of zygomaticus major and minor muscle, which contributes to the inferior lateral squint line. CONCLUSION: Botox is a safe, easy-to-use, effective modality for the temporary elimination of hyperfunctioning upper-facial muscles.  相似文献   

Pigs were fed a commercial conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) mixture, prepared by alkali isomerization of sunflower oil, at 2% of the basal diet, from 61.5 to 106 kg live weight, and were compared to pigs fed the same basal diet with 2% added sunflower oil. The total lipids from liver, heart, inner back fat, and omental fat of pigs fed the CLA diet were analyzed for the incorporation of CLA isomers into all the tissue lipid classes. A total of 10 lipid classes were isolated by three-directional thin-layer chromatography and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) on long capillary columns and by silver-ion high-performance liquid chromatography (Ag+-HPLC); cholesterol was determined spectrophotometrically. Only trace amounts (<0.1%; by GC) of the 9,11-18:2 cis/trans and trans,trans isomers were observed in pigs fed the control diet. Ten and twelve CLA isomers in the diet and in pig tissue lipids were separated by GC and Ag+- HPLC, respectively. The relative concentration of all the CLA isomers in the different lipid classes ranged from 1 to 6% of the total fatty acids. The four major cis/trans isomers (18.9% 11 cis,13 trans-18:2; 26.3% 10 trans,12 cis-18:2; 20.4% 9 cis,11 trans-18:2; and 16.1% 8 trans, 10 cis-18:2) constituted 82% of the total CLA isomers in the dietary CLA mixture, and smaller amounts of the corresponding cis,cis (7.4%) and trans,trans (10.1%) isomers were present. The distribution of CLA isomers in inner back fat and in omental fat of the pigs was similar to that found in the diet. The liver triacylglycerols (TAG), free fatty acids (FFA), and cholesteryl esters showed a similar pattern to that found in the diet. The major liver phospholipids showed a marked increase of 9 cis,11 trans-18:2, ranging from 36 to 54%, compared to that present in the diet. However, liver diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG) showed a high incorporation of the 11 cis,13 trans-18:2 isomer (43%). All heart lipid classes, except TAG, showed a high content of 11 cis,13 trans-18:2, which was in marked contrast to results in the liver. The relative proportion of 11 cis,13 trans-18:2 ranged from 30% in the FFA to 77% in DPG. The second major isomer in all heart lipids was 9 cis,11 trans-18:2. In both liver and heart lipids the relative proportions of both 10 trans,12 cis-18:2 and 8 trans, 10 cis-18:2 were significantly lower compared to that found in the diet. The FFA in liver and heart showed the highest content of trans,trans isomers (31 to 36%) among all the lipid classes. The preferential accumulation of the 11 cis,13 trans-18:2 into cardiac lipids, and in particular the major phospholipid in the inner mitochondrial membrane, DPG, in both heart and liver, appears unique and may be of concern. The levels of 11 cis,13 trans-18:2 naturally found in foods have not been established.  相似文献   

p21waf1 has been shown to mediate the p53-dependent growth arrest induced by DNA-damaging agents. Several functions have been ascribed to p21waf1 that could be involved in this growth arrest. For one, p21waf1 is an efficient inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). Also, p21waf1 can interact with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and as such inhibit in vitro DNA-replication. Finally, p21waf1 has been reported to inhibit stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs). In order to study these multiple functions of p21waf1 we have established U2OS-derived cell lines, in which the expression of p21waf1 can be regulated by the concentration of tetracycline in the culture medium. We observed a virtually complete, but reversible inhibition of cell growth upon induction of p21waf1-expression. Both [3H]thymidine-incorporation and CDK2-activity were strongly inhibited by p21waf1. Upon induction of p21waf1 cells accumulated with a 2N or 4N DNA content suggesting events in G1 and G2 can be inhibited by p21waf1. Indeed, kinase activity associated with cyclin B was reduced dramatically upon induction of p21waf1, although cyclin B continues to be expressed. In contrast, p21waf1 does not seem to inhibit the function of PCNA in ongoing DNA replication, since cells expressing high levels of p21waf1 apparently progressed normally through S-phase. Also, the activity of SAPKs was not substantially affected by the high levels of p21waf1. We conclude that, at least in these U2OS-derived cells, p21waf1 functions as an inhibitor of CDK-activity in G1 and G2, but not as an inhibitor of PCNA or SAPKs.  相似文献   

Intracellular and patch-clamp recordings have been used to characterize GABA-activated channels in axonless horizontal cells (ALHC) of the rabbit retina. In our intracellular recordings on an everted eyecup preparation, GABA depolarized the horizontal cells (HC), diminished their light response amplitude and slowed the response rise time. Glycine showed similar effects on the HC light responses. In our whole cell patch-clamp recordings on dissociated ALHC, all HCs responded to 3 microM GABA but none to glycine, even at 100 microM. Dose-response relationship for GABA gave EC50 values around 10 microM and Hill slopes of 1.3. Whole-cell current-voltage (I-V) relationships of GABA-activated currents reversed close to the predicted Cl- equilibrium potential. Partial replacement of intracellular Cl- with isothetionate shifted the GABA reversal potential to a more negative value. Muscimol (30 microM), a GABAA agonist mimicked the effect of GABA, but baclofen (30 microM), a GABAB agonist and cis-aminocaprionic acid (30 microM), a GABAC agonist did not elicit any effect on ALHC. Responses to GABA were blocked by the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline (10 microM) and picrotoxin (100 microM). According to our results, we conclude that ALHC express GABA receptors coupled to ion channels, and they correspond to GABAA receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

The gradual loss of DNA from the ends of telomeres has been implicated in the control of cellular proliferative potential. Telomerase is an enzyme that restores telomeric DNA sequences, and expression of its activity was thought to be essential for the immortalization of human cells, both in vitro and in tumor progression in vivo. Telomerase activity has been detected in 50-100% of tumors of different types, but not in most normal adult somatic tissues. It has also been detected in about 70% of human cell lines immortalized in vitro and in all tumor-derived cell lines examined to date. It has previously been shown that in vitro immortalized telomerase-negative cell lines acquire very long and heterogeneous telomeres in association with immortalization presumably via one or more novel telomere-lengthening mechanisms that we refer to as ALT (alternative lengthening of telomeres). Here we report evidence for the presence of ALT in a subset of tumor-derived cell lines and tumors. The maintenance of telomeres by a mechanism other than telomerase, even in a minority of cancers, has major implications for therapeutic uses of telomerase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Horizontal cells of the carp retina alter their synaptic connections with cones during dark and light adaptation. At light onset, dendrites of horizontal cells, which are positioned laterally at the ribbon synapse, form "spinules," little processes with membrane densities. Spinules are retracted again during dark adaptation. Spinule retraction is also elicited upon glutamate application to the retina. In the present study, we address the question whether calcium/calmodulin-dependent pathways are involved in dark- and glutamate-evoked spinule retraction. Light-adapted retinas were isolated and subsequently dark adapted during incubation in media of different calcium concentrations. Spinule retraction was clearly blocked in low-calcium solutions (5 microM and 50 nM CaCl2). Incubation in medium containing cobalt chloride (2 mM) had the same effect. Both treatments blocked the glutamate-induced spinule retraction as well. These results indicate that spinule retraction is induced by a calcium influx into horizontal cells. To investigate whether calmodulin, the primary calcium receptor in eukaryotic cells, is present at the site of spinule formation, light- and dark-adapted retinas, embedded in LR White resin, were labelled with an antibody against calmodulin and gold-conjugated secondary antibodies. Horizontal cell dendrites at the ribbon synapse revealed strong calmodulin immunoreactivity, which was more than twice as high in light- as in dark-adapted retinas. The incubation of isolated retinas with the calmodulin antagonists W5 and W13 inhibited spinule retraction. In summary, these results suggest that spinule retraction may be regulated by calcium influx into horizontal cells and subsequent calcium/calmodulin-dependent pathways.  相似文献   

When Escherichia coli is chronically exposed to very low, nontoxic doses of a monofunctional alkylating agent (notably N-methyl-N'-nitro-nitrosoguanidine, MNNG), the adaptive DNA repair pathway is induced which enables the bacteria to resist the killing and mutagenic effects of further alkylation damage. Mutation resistance in adapted bacteria is achieved, at least partly, by a greatly increased capacity of the cells to eliminate the minor DNA alkylation product O6-methyl-guanine, which has been strongly implicated as premutagenic and precarcinogenic. We now show that the chronic treatment of a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and a SV40-transformed human skin fibroblast (GM637) cell line with non-toxic levels of MNNG renders the cells resistant to the induction of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) by further alkylation damage. CHO cells also become resistant to killing (GM637 cells have not yet been tested). Having ruled out explanations such as changes in cell cycle distribution, mutagen permeability and mutagen detoxification, we conclude that resistance is probably achieved by the cells becoming more efficient at repairing alkylation damage, analogous to the adaptive response of E. coli.  相似文献   

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