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主要研究了在25℃室温和4℃冷藏条件下,新鲜生菜和清炒生菜中亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐含量的变化情况,并探讨了微生物对其硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐含量变化的影响。结果表明,新鲜生菜在两种贮藏条件下,其亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐含量在较小的范围内波动。清炒生菜在冷藏条件下贮存亚硝酸盐含量变化较小,远低于国标规定值的4mg/kg,但在室温条件下贮存6h,其亚硝酸盐含量就已经超过国标规定值,贮存24h后,更是超过国标规定值4倍之多。而微生物的生长是导致清炒生菜中亚硝酸盐含量变化的主要原因之一。   相似文献   

在不同贮藏温度(0、10、20 ℃)、贮藏方式(未包装、0.04 mm PE保鲜袋包装)条件下贮藏大白菜(Brassica rapa pekinensis)16 d后,采用高效液相色谱法测定大白菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量的变化。结果表明,在不同贮藏温度和贮藏方式条件下,硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量随着贮藏时间的延长均呈现先增加、后降
低、再上升的趋势,其中硝酸盐的含量在整个贮藏期间,均在低于432 mg/kg的安全食用范围内;亚硝酸盐含量在20 ℃贮藏条件下贮藏7 d即超过了4 mg/kg的安全摄入量,而其他贮藏条件均在安全食用范围内。大白菜中硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐的含量在贮藏过程中随贮藏温度的降低而显著减少,到贮藏末期(16 d时)20 ℃和10 ℃贮藏大白菜中硝酸盐含量分别是0 ℃贮藏的1.2 倍和1.1 倍,亚硝酸盐含量分别是0 ℃贮藏的1.4 倍和1.2 倍。PE保鲜袋包装有助于减少大白菜在中、低温(10、0 ℃)贮藏中硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐的含量,但在高温(20 ℃)贮藏中其含量增加。因此,建议贮藏大白菜时最好采用PE保鲜袋包装和0~10 ℃的贮藏温度,以保证其硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量不超标。  相似文献   

鲜切生菜在贮藏期间的微生物生长模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

对小白菜,大白菜、包菜、菠菜等4种蔬菜在室温储藏过程中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐含量及硝酸盐还原酶活力进行分析。结果表明,储藏前后小白菜NO-3含量均超出国家标准;储藏3d后小白菜和菠菜中NO-2含量超标,该2种菜不适宜储存后食用。对4种叶菜储藏中NRA进行检测,其变化无一定规律。对4种蔬菜储藏3d内的NO-3含量的降解速率及其相应的NRA进行分析,4种蔬菜NO-含量的变化与NRA变化未呈现一定相关性。  相似文献   

对小白菜,大白菜、包菜、菠菜等4种蔬菜在室温储藏过程中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐含量及硝酸盐还原酶活力进行分析。结果表明,储藏前后小白菜NO-3含量均超出国家标准;储藏3d后小白菜和菠菜中NO-2含量超标,该2种菜不适宜储存后食用。对4种叶菜储藏中NRA进行检测,其变化无一定规律。对4种蔬菜储藏3d内的NO-3含量的降解速率及其相应的NRA进行分析,4种蔬菜NO-含量的变化与NRA变化未呈现一定相关性。   相似文献   

几种常见野菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
几种常见野菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量韩涛,马红梅,李丽萍,黄万荣北京农学院食品科学系102208近年来,野生蔬菜因其营养、保健、无污染等优点日益受到人们的关注。杨恩孚等人[1]曾具体分析过72种野菜中的维生素含量,其中胡萝卜素的含量只有7种低于胡萝卜;...  相似文献   

研究了黄瓜在不同储存温度(0~20℃)、储存方式(未包装,0.04 mm PE保鲜袋包装)条件下储存6 d期间,采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)同时测定的硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐质量分数的动态变化情况。结果表明,在不同储存温度和储存方式下,硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的质量分数随着储存时间的延长均呈现先增加、后降低的趋势。整个储存期间,硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐的质量分数均在安全食用范围内,即硝酸盐≤432 mg/kg;亚硝酸盐≤4 mg/kg。但在储存4 d后,黄瓜由于失水严重,感官品质严重下降,不建议食用。黄瓜中硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐的质量分数在储存过程中随储存温度的降低而显著减少,20℃和10℃储存黄瓜中硝酸盐最高质量分数分别是0℃储存的1.1和1.2倍,亚硝酸盐最高质量分数分别是0℃储存的2.7和2.9倍。PE保鲜袋包装有助于减少黄瓜在储存中硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐的质量分数。因此,建议储存黄瓜时最好采用PE保鲜袋包装,并尽快食用,以保证其食用安全品质。  相似文献   

对不同温度、容器等贮存条件下蔬菜及菜汤中NO3-和NO2-含量状况的研究。结果表明:不论是在新鲜蔬菜还是菜汤中,这两种有害物质的含量均随贮存温度的升高而相应增加,且含盐菜汤中的含量高于无盐菜汤;在同种温度条件下,3种不同质地容器贮存的菜汤中NO3-特别是NO2-的含量差异较大,均为铝容器>不锈钢容器>铁容器。  相似文献   

蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对7种蔬菜不同处理的硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐含量进行分析,探讨其在蔬菜中的变化情况,为人们合理食用蔬菜提供科学依据。  相似文献   

综述了硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的危害、污染来源、蔬菜中的污染现状、蔬菜中硝酸盐积累机理及控制措施。  相似文献   

Frankfurter-type sausages were prepared in a pilot plant with different concentrations of NaNO(2) (75, 125 or 250 ppm) combined or not with 200 ppm KNO(3). A meat system, free of curing agents, was also used as control. Nitrite and nitrate levels were tested in various processing steps and over 120 days storage at 3 °C of the vacuum-packaged frankfurters. Little influence of the originally added nitrite level on the amount of nitrate formed was observed. Important losses of nitrite and nitrate were due to cooking. Thereafter about 50% of the nitrite added initially remained in this form in all samples (39, 59 and 146 ppm, respectively) and between 10 and 15% as nitrate. When only nitrate was initially added, formation of nitrite after cooking was observed (maximum level 43 ppm NaNO(2)). Formulations prepared with both nitrate and nitrite showed no significant differences (p < 0.01) respect to their nitrite or nitrate counterparts. A good correlation among nitrite and nitrate levels and storage time was showed by multiple linear regression analysis. It is concluded that the use of nitrate in combination with nitrite in cooked meat products seems to have little technological significance and adds to the total body burden of nitrite.  相似文献   

泡菜制作过程中亚硝酸盐和微生物的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对泡菜在生产过程中的亚硝酸盐、pH值、温度、大肠菌群和菌落总数进行测定,结果表明,泡菜发酵进行的第4天亚硝酸盐的含量和大肠菌群的MPN值达到最大值,分别为43.48 mg·kg-1和12000.当发酵进行到第7天,大肠菌群的MPN降低到30以下.当发酵进行到第8天时,泡菜中的亚硝酸盐含量和大肠菌群值均符合国家的酱腌菜标准.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrate/nitrite on the microbial and chemical properties and sensory quality of Turkish‐style sausage (sucuk) were investigated during 15 days of ripening and 45 days of storage. Aerobic plate count, mould and yeast count, pH, 2‐thiobarbituric acid value, residual nitrite level, nitrosomyoglobin conversion and sensory characteristics (flavour, colour and cutting scores) were monitored. Aerobic plate count increased (P < 0.05) during the first 8 days of ripening and decreased (P < 0.05) during further ripening and storage. Mould and yeast count increased (P < 0.05) during the first 4 days of ripening and decreased (P < 0.05) during further ripening and storage. Overall sensory quality increased (P < 0.05) during the first 12 days of ripening and decreased (P < 0.05) during further ripening and storage. Increasing the nitrate/nitrite concentration increased (P < 0.05) the overall sensory quality. During the first 4 days of ripening, the pH of all sausages decreased (P < 0.05) from 5.98 to 4.53–4.81, owing to the action of lactic acid bacteria. Residual nitrite level decreased (P < 0.05) sharply during the first 8 days of ripening, from 150 to about 2 mg kg?1 in sausage samples B3 (prepared with 150 mg kg?1 nitrite, 300 mg kg?1 nitrate and starter culture) and from 75 to about 1 mg kg?1 in samples B2 (prepared with 75 mg kg?1 nitrite, 150 mg kg?1 nitrate and starter culture). The conversion of haem pigments to nitrosomyoglobin increased (P < 0.05) during the first 12 days of ripening and decreased (P < 0.05) during further ripening and storage. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The nitrate and nitrite contents of four kinds of vegetables (spinach, crown daisy, organic Chinese spinach and organic non-heading Chinese cabbage) in Taiwan were determined during storage at both refrigerated (5 ± 1°C) and ambient temperatures (22 ± 1°C) for 7 days. During storage at ambient temperature, nitrate levels in the vegetables dropped significantly from the third day while nitrite levels increased dramatically from the fourth day of storage. However, refrigerated storage did not lead to changes in nitrate and nitrite levels in the vegetables over 7 days.  相似文献   

目的 探索冰箱冷藏(4℃)条件下蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量随时间的变化,对冷藏食品的安全性进行评价.方法 分别采用重氮偶合分光光度法和麝香草酚分光光度法对生菜、菠菜、油麦菜及苦苣4种常用蔬菜在冷藏条件下其亚硝酸盐及硝酸盐的含量变化进行测定.结果 1~4d内,生菜、苦苣中的亚硝酸盐含量随着时间的延长逐渐增加;菠菜、油麦菜中亚硝酸盐含量分别在第2天和第3天达到最大,之后逐渐降低,而菠菜中亚硝酸盐含量在第4天又出现上升趋势.4种蔬菜中亚硝酸盐含量4d中最大值仅为0.419 4 mg/kg(生菜),均<4 mg/kg的限量值.苦苣和油麦菜中硝酸盐含量在1~4d内逐渐上升.菠菜中硝酸盐含量第2天达到418.48 mg/kg,之后又降低至20.83 mg/kg.生菜中硝酸盐含量在第3天达到最大值317.26 mg/kg,之后逐渐下降,但均在安全范围内(432 mg/kg).结论 在4℃下冷藏4d后,4种常见蔬菜均可安全食用.可见,冷藏能有效减缓亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐含量的升高.  相似文献   

以菠菜为实验材料,研究低温贮藏条件下(4℃)密闭气体环境对菠菜贮藏品质,尤其对硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐及硝酸还原酶等酶活性的影响。结果表明:与对照(非密闭环境)相比,低温密闭气体环境可显著减缓菠菜可溶性固形物、VC、叶绿素等贮藏品质的下降,维持菠菜较高的硝酸还原酶(NR)活性和抗逆酶活性(SOD、POD、CAT),抑制丙二醛的产生,贮藏8d硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐分别为1318.44、0.42mg/kg,较对照分别降低了31.96%、26.19%,实验表明低温密闭气体环境有效降低了硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的累积,提升了菠菜的安全贮运品质。   相似文献   

加工和贮藏期间鲜切生菜品质变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索鲜切生菜加工贮藏期间品质和安全性随加工过程和贮藏时间的变化,为鲜切生菜安全性评价提供参考。方法本实验以生菜为材料,鲜切后顺序采用自来水、150 mg/L和50 mg/L NaClO进行多级清洗处理,沥干包装后分别贮藏于4℃和25℃,检测贮藏期间微生物(菌落总数、大肠菌群、单增李斯特氏菌)、生理生化(呼吸强度、色差、抗坏血酸、丙二醛、超氧阴离子)和品质(亚硝酸盐)等因子,探索它们随加工过程和贮藏时间的变化。结果研究显示,减灭菌处理有效地降低了鲜切生菜微生物总数;4℃低温能有效地抑制微生物的增长、控制鲜切生菜的呼吸强度、延缓衰老腐败、显著降低了亚硝酸盐、超氧阴离子和丙二醛等产生。结论 NaClO多级清洗能有效减少微生物总数,低温有利于鲜切生菜的保鲜和安全性保持。  相似文献   

贮藏温度对鲜切莴笋品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以莴笋为原料,研究贮藏温度(2,8,25℃)对鲜切莴笋贮藏期间失重率、呼吸强度、PPO活性、ΔE值、VC含量、菌落总数和感官指标等理化指标的影响。结果表明,鲜切莴笋在2℃和8℃的低温下贮藏能有效降低失重率,抑制呼吸作用和VC损失,降低PPO活性,减轻酶促褐变,控制微生物的生长和繁殖,贮藏12d后仍具有良好的感官指标,其中2℃下贮藏保鲜效果最好。  相似文献   

Nitrate is essentially non-toxic to mammals but it can be reduced to nitrite either in improperly stored food, in the rumen of cattle, in the gastrointestinal tract of the human infant, and by the microflora of the human mouth. The nitrite from these and other sources, including that purposely added to food, presents a toxic hazard both because of the direct toxicity of nitrite, and by the formation of carcinogenic N-nitroso compound by reaction with amino compounds. Administration of toxic amounts of nitrite induces methaemoglobinaemia. The nature of this disease, its importance in human medicine and the reason for the particular sensitivity of the infant, are briefly discussed. The carcinogenic properties of N-nitroso compounds are described. These compounds have been found in the environment and may be formed in the stomach from amines and nitrite. Our knowledge of the amount of N-nitroso compounds to which man is exposed, is continually increasing but with the lack of epidemiologic evidence, the assessment of the significance to man of these traces of N-nitroso compounds depends upon the interpretation of animal experiments and their extrapolation to man. This extrapolation would be more certain if there were a more clear understanding of the factors determining tissue selectivity by carcinogens and tissue sensitivity, and of the mechanism of cumulation of carcinogenic doses and of synergism between carcinogens. Recent experiments suggest that there may soon be a significant breakthrough in the understanding of this. These experiments are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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