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It is shown for (Sr, Ca)1–y CuO2.00+z (nominal composition) superconductors fabricated under a high pressure of 5 GPa and at 930°C that, as z increases, the Meissner fraction increases from a few percent to 20% and then starts to decrease. In the X-ray powder diffraction pattern for the sample with the maximum Meissner fraction, it is obvious that the infinite-layer structure has been decomposed and a new structure becomes the major phase. It appears that the new structure is the 0223 structure which consists of rock-salt and the infinite-layer type blocks. This material is likely to be a new superconducting cuprate.  相似文献   

We measured the spectrum of energies deposited by -radiation, emanating from radioactive materials in the laboratory that houses our mK cryostat, and by cosmic ray muons. This allows us to quantify the heat input that adversely affects the lowest temperature accessible in sub-mK experiments. We use our nuclear stage, stage plate and experimental cell as a prototype model system, and calculate the power deposited due to low energy (below 2.65 MeV) background radiation quanta (~20 pW). This is significantly less than the power (~120 pW) deposited in the nuclear and experimental stages by muons. Installation of a 5 cm thick lead wall around the cryostat reduced the energy due to the flux of quanta by a factor of ~10 to ~2 pW, and the number of quanta by a factor of ~20. The lower energy, soft cosmic ray component was also affected by introducing the same thickness of lead, reducing the overall count of cosmic ray derived particles by ~15% and the heat leak to ~100 pW.  相似文献   

Despite projected inroads from competing materials Ni-based superalloys remain the material of choice in the hot sections of advanced gas turbine engines. In this paper microstructural development and improvement of mechanical properties in mill products produced by ingot metallurgy (IM) and powder metallurgy (PM) techniques are discussed. Particular attention is given to approaches to improvement in ingot ductility. Thermomechanical treatment schemes used during forging of a complex-alloyed Ni-based superalloy are recommended. It is demonstrated that the PM technique used for production of this complex-alloyed superalloy is a promising approach. On the basis of the studies carried out the salient features of the structure of material produced both by both IM and PM techniques have been defined. The mechanical properties of two versions of an advanced Ni-base superalloy produced by IM and PM techniques are discussed. The best combination of mechanical properties are exhibited by a PM material with a necklace structure; and this latter structure is superior to a fine grained structure for IM product also.  相似文献   

In order to obtain glass-ceramics reinforced by -wollastonite, pressed specimens prepared by powdered waste fluorescent glass and refuse shell dumped in the seashore were heat-treated at 800°C, 900°C, and 1000°C. Chemical stability of the heat-treated specimens was analyzed by weight changes and by observation of surface morphology and composition, by field-emission scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Chemical durability of the samples, especially at the glass-matrix area, was decreased with an increase in the heat-treatment temperature from 800°C to 1000°C.  相似文献   

The paper discusses a non-concave fractional programming problem aiming at maximization of a pseudoconvex function under standard transportation conditions. The pseudoconvex function considered here is the product of two linear functions contrasted with a positive valued linear function. It has been established that optimal solution of the problem is attainable at an extreme point of the convex feasible region. The problem is shown to be related to indefinite quadratic programming which deals with maximization of a convex function over the given feasible region. It has been further established that the local maximum point of this quadratic programming problem is the global maximum point under certain conditions, and its optimal solution provides an upper bound on the optimal value of the main problem. The extreme point solutions of the indefinite quadratic program are ranked to tighten the bounds on the optimal value of the main problem and a convergent algorithm is developed to obtain the optimal solution.  相似文献   

There are a number of publications concerning the observation of a paramagnetic signal in HTSC ceramic samples during field-cooling procedures. Some authors assume that this signal is connected with spontaneous currents and discuss the possibility of the existence of -junctions in Josephson media. In this work, it is shown that the paramagnetic signal could appear in the case of capture and compression of the magnetic flux in a sample during field-cooling procedures. The results of numerical calculation of the magnetic moment for different configurations of the sample and flux compression are presented. The unusual behavior of longtime relaxation of the magnetic moment in experiments on capture of magnetic flux is discussed.  相似文献   

Free vibrations of an inclined cylindrical shell with a breathing crack are analyzed by the authors in view of the results of spectral diagnostics of transverse vibrations of a beam with a closing crack, which were obtained by A. A. Matveev and A. P. Bovsunovskii at the Institute of Problems of Strength of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Elastic characteristics of the shell are interpreted as a certain bilinear system. Data on the stiffness degradation due to the crack opening can be used for the selection of vibration damage indicators. We have obtained relationships between the relative stiffness degradation, crack depth, and crack location. It is demonstrated that the potential energy of tension of the shell median surface must be taken into account. We have found that the efficiency of detecting damages using vibration diagnostic methods improves with increasing shell thickness.  相似文献   

The phase diagram of the cuprate superconductors at low doping and low temperatures in the non-superconducting state is dominated by magnetic correlations. When increasing the hole concentration in the CuO2-planes from zero an antiferromagnetic (AF) insulating phase is followed for hole concentrations greater than approximately 0.08 by the superconducting phase. For the range of doping in between the situation is less clear and several models exist. For Bi2Sr2Y x Ca1–xCu2O8 in the range of Y-concentrations 0.9 < x < 0.0 the evolution of the electronic structure starting from the AF phase at x = 0.9, which in this respect can be regarded as the parent compound of the superconducting phase, and its gradual development into the superconducting range can be studied on one system. In this series the CuO2-planes are kept embedded in a nearly identical environment for each hole concentration. Especially the results from the AF phase deviate from former reports attained mainly from oxychlorides.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made on the spectra of the rays scattered by trotyl and by substances similar to it in density and composition placed behind various shielding materials. The experiments check the scope for implementing -tomography for observing and identifying explosives.  相似文献   

Coal is a sedimentary, organic rock which is almost never in a state of thermal equilibrium. Because of its importance, the thermal properties of this ill-characterized substance are of great interest. Recent work has shown that coal has many of the characteristics of a gel-type structure. We have made this observation the basis for a model study of the thermal properties of a gel system, using the equation-of-motion method to determine the density of states for the system and, thereby, its heat capacity. This model has one of the essential features of a model of coal, namely, a porous structure. With a hexagonal close-packed lattice as the basis for our gel, we have calculated the frequency spectrum for several particle densities. The disorder in the system has a marked effect on the frequency spectrum, shifting a larger number of modes from high to low frequencies. Also, for a gel with 3% vacancies, and in-plane, out-of-plane bond strengths at the ratio 2 1, there is a further shift to lower frequencies and the two-peaked spectrum expected for such an anisotropic structure develops. The heat capacity is affected only at low temperatures. We conclude that the gel model provides a satisfactory basis for development as a model of coal.Paper presented at the Ninth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 24–27, 1985, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Results are presented on the effects of measurement errors on items in routine production as regards the reliability of results on sampling inspection obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. The customers and the makers risks are examined in relation to the distributions of the measurement errors and the values of them.Translated from Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, No. 12, pp. 8–11, December, 2004.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

It is shown that an existence of a pseudogap and peculiarities of its behavior under temperature and doping variation, both at doping above and below the optimal one, naturally follow from the impurity mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity, which is an additional argument in favor of it. Main attention is paid to the tunneling spectroscopy experimental data.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Tatsache, daß Konsumenten (und auch Unternehmen) hohe implizite Diskontraten bei der Entscheidung über Energiesparinvestitionen verwenden, wird häufig beobachtet. Dies wird fast einhellig als Marktversagen angesehen und hat viele Analytiker dazu veranlaßt, entweder für öffentliche oder bezuschußte Energiesparinvestitionen zu plädieren. In dieser Arbeit wird die Theorie der Realoptionen auf ein bekanntes Beispiel angewandt: der Wahl zwischen konventioneller Glühbirne und Sparlampe bei unterstellter Risikoneutralität des Entscheidungsträgers. Es zeigt sich, daß die dem Wert der Option des Abwartens und Aufschiebens der Investition Rechnung tragenden impliziten Diskontraten nahe den beobachteten Werten liegen. Deshalb bedarf die Schlußfolgerung eines Marktversagens aus hohen impliziten Diskontraten einer sorgfältigeren und feineren Analyse. Dies trifft a fortiori auf due Empfehlung von Energiesparprogrammen zu.Die Autoren sind zwei anonymen Gutachtern zu Dank für ihre konstruktiven Vorschläge verpflichtet  相似文献   

The results of an investigation of different types of tungsten lamps in order to estimate the components of the error budget of spectrum-pyrometer apparatus are presented. Quantitative relations are considered and the results of experimental research, which enable systematic methods to be developed for eliminating the influence of polarization of the radiation of the lamps in standard radiation thermometry, are analyzed.Translated from Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, No. 9, pp. 42–45, September, 2004.  相似文献   

The properties of a one-dimensional 0--Josephson junction, consiting of ans-d junction or selected boundaries between three suitably orientedd-wave superconductors, are studied. It is shown that ad-wave type interference pattern can only be observed in the field-modulated critical current if the junction is short compared to the Josephson penetration depth. However, the behavior of a 0- junction is found to be indistinguishable from that of a 0-junction betweens-wave superconductors in the long junction limit, due to the formation of a -vortex.  相似文献   

For Gd2CuO4, a new symmetry-forbidden phonon for the tetragonal T structure is observed. This implies that oxygen in the CuO2 plane is locally distorted along the CuO2 plane. Such distortion has never been observed for other T-type superconductors, which show superconductivity by Ce doping. The disappearance of superconductivity for Gd can be correlated with the appearance of the distortion due to oxygen in the CuO2 plane.  相似文献   

The structures of A: YBa2Cu4O8 (T c=80 K), B: Y0.9Ce0.1Ba2Cu4O8 (T c=5K), and C: YBa2.2Cu4O8 (T c=80 K) have been investigated using the powder neutron technique with a view to assessing the influence of the bridging Cu(2)-O(4) and Cu(1)-O(4) bonds on the superconducting transition temperature. The Cu(2)-O(4) bond for samples A and C (withT c=80 K) appears to be compressed as compared to the reported data. On the other hand, the substitution of Ce at 10% Y sites elongates the Cu(2)-O(4) bond substantially and also brings theT cdown to 55 K. The role of Cu(2)-O(4) bond length as well as other parameters expected to influence theT cbehavior of Y-124 samples are discussed in the light of the present data. The study also shows that the ambient oxygen pressure route, if tried with the starting composition YBa2.2Cu4O y , leads to a quite homogeneous 124-phase.  相似文献   

The state and future outlook of research to determine the Earths orbital parameters, i.e., Universal Time and the coordinates of the pole, carried out by the State Time and Frequency Service and in calculations of the Earths orbital parameters are described.Translated from Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 24–27, January, 2005.  相似文献   

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