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BACKGROUND: In order to explore the differences in rheological behaviour of full formula and flour/water doughs due to mixing, small‐amplitude oscillatory strain (SAOS) rheological measurements were made on fully developed nonyeasted and inactivated yeasted dough formulations mixed at various speeds using the Brabender Farinograph and the Bohlin ReoMixer. These results were compared with large‐strain empirical rheological results (including Kieffer rig uniaxial extension) as well as baking test results to determine differences due to mixer speed and/or flow distribution. RESULTS: The uniaxial extension and baking tests detected mixing speeds with incomplete dough development. Above those speeds, energy input to peak development was relatively constant in the Farinograph. Extensibility trends showed increases with speed in the yeasted dough samples, which were attributed to variation in fermentation time during mixing to peak torque at different speeds. While SAOS results did not show differences due to mixing speed, they did detect differences between the yeasted and nonyeasted dough formulations, as well as significant differences (P < 0.01) between yeasted doughs mixed in the two different mixers. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that known differences in the distribution of elongational and shear flows in the two mixers impact the development of dough structure during mixing. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Three Canadian wheat cultivars representing the Canada Western Red Spring, Canada Western Extra Strong and Canada Prairie Spring classes, varying in protein content yet containing similar high‐molecular‐weight glutenin subunits, were evaluated for dough functionality and multiple end‐use properties. The effect of protein content on dough properties and end‐product quality was also studied. Gluten, starch and water‐soluble components were extracted from the flours and reconstituted to make up three samples for each variety to match the protein content of the three parent flours. Empirical and dynamic dough rheological properties, baking (bread and tortilla) performance and noodle‐making properties of the flours were determined using small‐scale techniques. Results indicated that protein content had a significant effect on rheological and end‐use quality of wheat flours. Increase in protein content (of the reconstituted dough) increased mixograph peak height (r = 0.761), peak width, maximum resistance to extension and end‐product quality characteristics such as loaf volume (r = 0.906), noodle firmness and cutting force and decreased storage and loss moduli. Reconstituted flours from the three varieties at the same protein content also showed significant differences in mixing time, mixograph peak height, maximum resistance to extension, composite fineness of pan bread, tortilla diameter, cooked noodle hardness, gumminess and dynamic viscosity of dough. This study indicates that a simple reconstituted dough system can provide an unambiguous assignment of the quantitative and qualitative effects of dough components on dough properties. It has the advantages that any aspect of flour composition can be manipulated and details of the relation between composition and functional behaviour can be obtained for any end‐product. Copyright © 2003 Crown in the right of Canada. Published by Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Gluten, starch, water soluble material, and glutenin‐rich and gliadin‐rich proteins were extracted from three Canadian wheat cultivars representing the Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) (cv Roblin), Canada Western Extra Strong (CWES) (cv Glenlea) and Canada Prairie Spring (CPS) (cv AC Crystal) classes having glutenin‐to‐gliadin (Glu:Gli) ratios of 0.70, 0.75 and 0.85 respectively, all giving the same high‐molecular‐weight glutenin subunit score (Glu‐1 score) of 10. The resulting fractions were reconstituted to produce 18 mixtures of flour components, representing all combinations of Glu:Gli ratio and protein content observed in the original three flours. Dough rheological properties and baking (bread and tortilla) performance were determined using small‐scale techniques. Within any of the cultivars, increasing the Glu:Gli ratio in a reconstituted dough system had significant effects on dough and end‐use properties, causing increases in mixograph development time (MDT), maximum resistance (Rmax), pan bread loaf volume, tortilla dough maximum resistance and cooked tortilla puncture force. The CWRS wheat Roblin, proved to be best suited for pan bread at higher protein content and higher Glu:Gli ratio, and also produced a high protein tortilla of large diameter at a Glu:Gli ratio of 0.70. The CPS flour, AC Crystal, was good for making tortillas at protein contents of 110–130 g kg−1 and at its original ratio of 0.85. The CWES wheat Glenlea, did not perform as well in bread or tortilla‐making but in its role as a blending wheat, altering the Glu:Gli ratio of Glenlea to 0.70 may have an advantage by lowering mixing time without compromising baking properties. Manipulating the Glu:Gli ratio may make a wheat cultivar suitable for a particular end‐product. For the Department of Agriculture and Agri‐Food, Government of Canada, © Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2005. Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Two hard wheat varieties and one soft variety grown under the same agroecological conditions were analyzed for their physical and uniaxial stress–strain compression properties. RESULTS: The physical properties of wheat kernel were determined at a moisture content of 0.13 kg kg?1 (wet basis), whereas the stress–strain compression test was conducted at a kernel moisture content from 0.082 to 0.433 kg kg?1. Mean kernel lengths were 5.46 (5.37 and 5.38) mm, widths were 2.56 (2.47 and 2.62) mm and thicknesses were 2.12 (2.18 and 2.43) mm for Simonida, Dragana and NS 40S cultivars, respectively. Bulk densities were 791.34 (Simonida), 788.51 (Dragana) and 731.77 kg m?3 (NS 40S). The force at the yield point was 241.46 N for Dragana (moisture content 0.133 kg kg?1), 244.30 N for Simonida (0.136 kg kg?1) and 164.90 N for NS 40S (0.433 kg kg?1). CONCLUSION: The width and thickness of the analyzed kernels were small compared with the length, and bulk densities were also moderate. The yield point force values of the two hard varieties were 2.2 times higher than the values of the soft variety, at a moisture content of 0.136 kg kg?1 for Simonida, 0.133 kg kg?1 for Dragana and 0.141 kg kg?1 for NS 40S. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gluten peptide was prepared by trypsin hydrolysis and characterized by high‐performance liquid chromatographic analysis. The effects on non‐frozen and frozen doughs of trypsin‐hydrolyzed gluten peptide (THGP) and its combination with ascorbic acid or KBrO3 were investigated. RESULTS: Molecular analysis of THGP showed a decrease in the high‐molecular‐weight and an increase in the low‐molecular‐weight sodium dodecyl sulfate‐soluble fractions, compared with those of control wheat gluten. The addition of 8% THGP decreased the mixing time and tolerance of the dough, both with and without ascorbic acid or KBrO3. However, the maximum resistance and extensibility of the rested dough containing 8% THGP, with and without ascorbic acid or KBrO3, were not significantly different from those of the control dough. The addition of 8% THGP significantly increased the loaf volume of bread baked from non‐frozen dough when combined with 60 ppm ascorbic acid or 30 ppm KBrO3, but it had a significant effect both with and without ascorbic acid or KBrO3 on frozen‐dough bread. A large difference in volume was observed between breads made with and without THGP at the oven‐spring, rather than at proofing. CONCLUSION: The addition of 8% THGP increased the loaf volume of bread made from freeze‐damaged dough and this effect increased when THGP was combined with 60 ppm ascorbic acid. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High levels of oil in fried products has been recognized as causing health problems. The formation of microstructure during frying is one factor that influences oil absorption. Above the glass transition temperature (Tg), the physical properties of a polymer influences the formation of structure. The ball‐milling process changes the physicochemical properties of wheat flour constituents. The present study investigated the effects of physicochemical changes in wheat flour by the ball‐milling process on structure formation and oil absorption in wheat flour dough model. RESULTS: Dough samples were made from wheat flour that had been ball‐milled for 0 to 10 h and then fried in frying oil at 150 °C for 1–7 min. Thermal properties of wheat flour, structure alteration, and textural properties of fried samples were evaluated. As compared with samples made of non‐milled flour, samples made from milled flour had smaller pores and higher oil absorption. The fracture force of a fried sample prepared from non‐milled flour was lower than that of a sample prepared from milled flour. CONCLUSION: Ball‐milling affected the microstructure formation in fried wheat flour dough, and subsequently oil absorption. The crispness of a sample prepared from non‐milled wheat flour is higher than that of a sample prepared from ball‐milled wheat flour. This may be due not only to a plasticization effect, but may also be dependent on microstructure. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae), is a common pest in stored grain. The present study examined the time taken for larvae of C. ferrugineus to exit wheat kernels at 40–55 °C, stage-specific mortality at 40–60 °C, and whether a combination of heat and shaking could be used to control this pest. The average time larvae took to leave wheat kernels ranged from 130 min at 40 °C to 6 min at 55 °C. At 55 °C and 6 min exposure, 81 ± 2% of larvae exited the kernels, 10 ± 1% of larvae were alive inside kernels and 9 ± 2% were dead inside kernels. Under constant temperature of 55 °C, less than 5% of the larvae escaped in 2 min, but under the rising temperature of 40, 45, 50 and then to 55 °C, over 50% of the larvae escaped in 2 min at 55 °C. The time taken to reach 50 and 95% mortality was similar for all stages. Higher temperatures resulted in higher mortality in a shorter exposure time. The longest LT95 for pupae was 6480, 293, 50 and 3.7 min at 45, 50, 55 and 60 °C, respectively. At 55 °C for 88 min, combined with shaking gave 88% control in a 100-g wheat bulk. Time needed to kill eggs and pupae were much longer than the time needed to force larvae out of kernels. Therefore, the combination of heat and shaking would only provide partial disinfestation of C. ferrugineus.  相似文献   

The total phenolic (TP) content, phenolic acid composition and in vitro antioxidant capacity of whole wheat doughnuts fried at 120–180 °C were determined to identify the effects of frying temperature. Significant differences (P < 0.05) in TP content were observed between doughnuts fried at different temperatures. The TP content of doughnuts decreased significantly when doughnuts were deep‐fat fried. The TP content of doughnuts increased with elevation with frying temperatures. These increases in TP content of doughnuts were also detected in the determination of individual phenolic compounds using HPLC. DPPH radical and iron‐chelating capacity of deep‐fat fried doughnuts exhibited increases with elevation of frying temperature from 120 to 180 °C. Deep‐fat frying at 120 °C lowered lipid peroxidation inhibition capacity of doughnuts prepared from both refined flour and whole‐grain meals and increased consistently with increased frying temperature from 120 to 180 °C. Moderate deep‐fat frying temperature would increase the content and activity of antioxidants of doughnuts.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of arabinoxylan with different molecular weight on the wheat dough thermo‐mechanical, rheological, microstructural and water mobility properties. Arabinoxylan was extracted from wheat bran and hydrolysed by endo‐1,4‐β‐xylanase (EC from Trichoderma reesei, 10 000 U g?1) for 2 min (AXM) and 10 min (AXL), respectively. The addition of hydrolysed arabinoxylan AXL increased the stability time, decreased the setback value of wheat dough and enhanced the values of storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″), while unhydrolysed arabinoxylan (AXH) reduced these values. Meanwhile, unhydrolysed arabinoxylan increased T2 relaxation time while hydrolysed arabinoxylan AXL decreased T21 and T22. Confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) results showed that the addition of hydrolysed arabinoxylan AXL promoted the formation of a more compact and continuous protein network in wheat dough. These results revealed that compared with high molecular weight arabinoxylan, hydrolysed arabinoxylan could improve the rheological properties and processing properties of wheat dough by enhancing the interaction among water molecules, starch and gluten in wheat dough.  相似文献   

A near‐infrared reflectance spectrometer, previously evaluated as a granulation sensor for first‐break ground wheat from six wheat classes and hard red winter (HRW) wheats, was further evaluated for soft red winter (SRW) wheats. Two sets of 35 wheat samples, representing seven cultivars of SRW wheat ground by an experimental roller mill at five roll gap settings (0.38, 0.51, 0.63, 0.75 and 0.88 mm), were used for calibration and validation. Partial least squares regression was applied to develop the granulation models using combinations of four data pretreatments (log(1/R), baseline correction, unit area normalisation and derivatives) and subregions of the 400–1700 nm wavelength range. Cumulative mass of size fraction was used as reference value. Models that corrected for path length effects (those that used unit area normalisation) predicted the bigger size fractions well. The model based on unit area normalisation/first derivative predicted 34 out of 35 validation spectra with standard errors of prediction of 3.53, 1.83, 1.43 and 1.30 for the >1041, >375, >240 and >136 µm size fractions respectively. Because of less variation in mass of each size fraction, SRW wheat granulation models performed better than the previously reported models for six wheat classes. However, because of SRW wheat flour's tendency to stick to the underside of sieves, the finest size fraction of these models did not perform as well as the HRW wheat models. © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Crispness is an important characteristic to be controlled in deep‐fat fried products. The physical state of food polymers influences the development of cellular structure and textural qualities of fried food. Glassy state is believed to play an important role in the mechanical properties of low‐moisture food. Therefore, an understanding of the physicochemical phenomena in the development of fried food structure using a state diagram of the frying process is discussed. RESULTS: Wheat flour models containing 400 and 600 g kg?1 initial moisture content were fried in frying oil at 150 °C for 1–7 min. Thermal properties of wheat flour, structure alteration and textural properties of fried samples were evaluated. The porous structure continuously enlarged when the sample was in the rubbery state. As the frying time was prolonged, the state of the product became glassy due to a decrease in water content, resulting in the ceasing of porous enlargement. Conclusion: The results revealed that physicochemical changes during frying influence the alteration of microstructure and quality of fried food, and the state diagram could be applied to explain the formation of microstructure during the frying process and used as a decision‐making tool to choose the proper conditions to provide desirable qualities in fried food. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The present study examined the percentage oil output, energy and mechanical properties of selected bulk oilseeds namely pumpkin, hemp, sesame, milk thistle, cumin and flax by a uniaxial compression process of a maximum load capacity of 500 kN and a preset speed of 5 mm/min. Each sample was measured at 60 mm pressing height with a plunger using the pressing vessel of diameter 60 mm. The results show that milk thistle seeds required the highest force corresponding to the highest stress and energy demand for recovering the oil in both the bulk oilseeds and seedcakes. However, pumpkin seeds produced the maximum residual oil yield of 24.99 ± 0.04%, followed by sesame seeds at 21.29 ± 1.82% and then flax seeds at 22.61 ± 0.31%. The study revealed that higher energy is required to produce the maximum oil yield with minimum residual oil in the seedcake by continuous pressing.  相似文献   

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