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目前,宽带无线业务正在不断增多,其中,影响无线通信发展的一大问题就是频谱资源非常稀少。但是,在某段频谱资源上具有很多的业务,而其他频段的使用效率却比较低。因此,我们就提出了认知无线电技术,进一步改善了无线环境,使频谱资源提高了利用率。  相似文献   

基于认知无线电技术的动态频谱接入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了基于认知无线电的动态频谱接入技术,并对其网络架构、关键技术以及目前的研究现状进行了详细分析。在此基础上探讨了动态频谱接入网络中采用跨层协议设计方法的必要性。  相似文献   

陈云  代海丽  杨军 《信息技术》2010,(6):164-168
目前认知无线电技术受到了极大的关注,其中的动态频谱分配问题是不得不面对的一个问题.讨论了动态频谱接入的分类,尤其是讨论了机会式频谱接入,包括其基本组成以及各组成部分的功能,并提出了实现这些功能的过程中遇到的挑战.将对今后动态频谱接入的进一步研究起到积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

认知无线电中频谱感知技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
固定频谱分配政策导致频谱使用率低下,为克服这一缺点,人们提出使用认知无线电技术实现动态频谱接入,从而有效利用频谱空穴。频谱感知是认知无线电的关键技术。文中介绍了目前已提出的频谱感知技术:发射机检测(包括匹配滤波器检测、能量检测和周期平稳特征检测)、合作检测、接收机检测及基于干扰温度的检测,仿真分析了各种方法的优缺点及有待解决的问题。为满足多用户环境和实时性要求,仍需探讨新的频谱感知方法,提高检测性能。  相似文献   

在对认知无线电网络频谱感知和接入研究成果进行分析的基础上,文章首先讨论了认知无线电网络频谱感知的基本方法以及协作频谱感知、单智能体和多智能体强化学习算法,比较了各种算法的优缺点,并展望了这一领域未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

认知无线电中的频谱共享技术   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
认知无线电(cognitive radio,CR)具有动态重用空闲频谱资源的能力,可以有效提高频谱利用率,是一种智能的频谱共享技术。文章给出了一种频谱共享的过程,阐述了频谱共享各个步骤包括频谱感知、频谱分配、频谱接入和频谱移动的概念、功能和研究现状,分析了频谱共享的关键技术,重点介绍了其中的频谱池策略、频谱分配算法和功率控制算法。  相似文献   

在传统的无线通信系统中,频谱的分配是固定的。但是由于通信过程的突发性,这些频谱的使用率很低。另一方面,随着无线通信和多媒体的高速发展和广泛应用,无线频谱资源日趋紧张。如何提高频谱利用率已经成为迫切需要解决的问题。一种可行的思路是把这些授权频谱向未授权用户开放,未授权用户采用动态频谱接入技术,在不对授权用户造成干扰的前提下使用频谱。本文以认知无线电技术(Cognitive Radio,CR)为基础,提出了一种基于CR的动态频谱接入MAC方案(CR-Ad Hoc-MAC)。该方案允许未授权用户自适应地选取可用带宽,实现了动态频谱接入,有效地提高了频谱利用率。  相似文献   

动态频谱接入技术的分类和研究现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
动态频谱接入是认知无线电技术的一种重要应用,它利用通信过程中出现的频谱空洞机会式地接入频谱,能极大地提高频谱的利用效率.文章介绍了动态频谱接入的一种分类方法,重点分析了该分类中三个模型的特征、关键技术,以及在美国下一代(XG)无线通信计划、IEEE 802.22标准和欧洲端到端效率(E3)项目中对于动态频谱接入技术的研究现状,最后探讨了动态频谱接入技术的应用前景.  相似文献   

认知无线电是一种可以提高频谱利用率的智能技术,高效而准确的频谱检测是其实施的关键。文章在充分调研国内外研究进展的基础上,介绍了认知无线电的概念、基本的信号检测方法以及多天线与协作检测方法,并对各种检测方案进行比较和分析,最后指出现实中频谱检测的难点和面临的挑战。  相似文献   

认知无线电技术是针对当前频谱资源匮乏及一些频谱资源闲置的问题而提出的。文章简述了认知无线电的基本概念及原理,并对认知无线电涉及的频谱感知、动态频谱介入等物理层核心关键技术进行深入分析,对其功能特点、技术优势、政策及进展进行了总结。  相似文献   

Cognitive radio network (CRN) is an emerging technology that can increase the utilization of spectrum underutilized by primary users (PUs). In the literature, most exiting investigations on CRNs have focused on how secondary users (SUs) can coexist harmlessly with the PUs. Despite the importance of such a coexistence issue, it is also crucial to investigate the coexistence of SUs because (i) the PUs usually rarely use the licensed spectrum and (ii) the advantages of CRN will significantly increase the number of SUs in the future. To address this challenging issue, we propose, in this paper, an optimal randomized spectrum access scheme, whose main ideas include the following: (i) an SU shares its sensing results with neighboring SUs and (ii) with the regional sensing results, an SU will access available channels with a non‐uniform probability distribution. We first formulate a multichannel optimal randomized multiple access (MC‐ORMA) problem that aims to maximize the throughput of the CRN; we then develop efficient distributed algorithms to solve the MC‐ORMA problem; we derive the closed‐form value of collision probability for each SU; and finally, we conduct extensive numerical experiments and compare our theoretical analysis with simulation results to demonstrate the advantages of our scheme. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为有效平衡认知无线网络中次用户系统中接入信道的感知时间和信道总的吞吐量之间的矛盾,提出了一种只对部分信道进行感知的频谱接入策略,联合总的感知信道数和各条信道的感知时间进行优化,并通过最优停止算法求解,在最大化节省感知时间的同时,取得较大的平均吞吐量。与HC-MAC(Hardware Constrained- Media Access Control)算法的仿真分析对比表明,该算法在相同给定条件下感知时间更短,吞吐量更大,具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) can be integrated with Device‐to‐Device (D2D) communications to enable the exploitation of unused spectrum portions and to address the spectrum scarcity problem. Spectrum management mechanisms integrated into DSA and D2D allow low‐power communications between User Equipments without interfering with licensed primary users. However, these mechanisms tend to be energy and processing intensive, being unfeasible to implement in User Equipments with strict battery and processing limitations. On the other hand, Cloud Radio Access Networks already leverage the virtually unlimited computing capacity of clouds for baseband processing functions. Thus, in this article, we propose the Cognitive Radio Device‐to‐Device (CRD2D) approach aiming to offload spectrum management functionality to the cloud taking advantage of Cloud Radio Access Networks architecture to support the integration of DSA and D2D.  相似文献   

In cognitive radio networks, cooperative sensing can significantly improve the performance in detection of a primary user via secondary users (SUs) sharing their detection results. However, a large number of cooperative SUs may induce great sensing delay, which degrades the performance of secondary transmissions. In this paper, we jointly consider cooperative sensing and cognitive transmission in cognitive radio networks, aiming to achieve efficient secondary access with low sensing overhead under both the sensing time and reporting power limitations, where primary users are guaranteed to be sufficiently protected. We first propose an adaptive sensing scheme to lower the detection time while not degrading the detection probability. Then, based on the proposed adaptive sensing scheme, an efficient cognitive transmission protocol is well designed, which improves the throughput of secondary transmissions while ensuring the QoS of primary transmissions. We analyze the performance for the proposed secondary access framework in terms of misdetection probability, average detection time and normalized secondary throughput, respectively, and derive their closed‐form expressions over Rayleigh fading channels with considering the reporting errors accordingly. We also study the problems of optimizing the number of cooperative SUs to minimize the misdetection probability and average detection time, and maximize the normalized secondary throughput for proposed framework. Simulation results reveal that the proposed framework outperforms the traditional case significantly. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In cognitive vehicular networks (CVNs), spectrum sensing and access are introduced as the promising technologies to fully exploit the underutilized licensed spectrum. Because the sensing ability of a single secondary vehicular user (SVU) is affected by high mobility, dynamic topology, and unreliable wireless environment, collaborative sensing is developed to increase the sensing accuracy and efficiency. Generally, the synchronization is required in the collaborative sensing in CVN. However, it is difficult to keep all SVUs synchronized with others for sensing under the high dynamic network topology, and the sensing overhead of the synchronous cooperative action may be significant. In this paper, we first propose an asynchronous cooperative sensing scheme in which each SVU provides an energy information (EI) that is tagged with location and time information. The sensing decision will be made on account of the EI. Considering the temporal and spatial diversities of each SVU, we assign different weights to each EI and formulate the probabilities of detection and false alarm as the optimization problems to find the optimal weight of each EI. Then, based on the asynchronous sensing, the specifications of the opportunistic spectrum access mechanism are elaborated in both centralized and decentralized CVNs for the sake of practical implementation. We analyze the system performance in terms of achievable throughput and transmission delay. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme is able to achieve substantially higher throughput and lower delay, as compared with existing schemes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The cognitive radio (CR) paradigm for designing next‐generation wireless communications systems is becoming increasingly popular, and different aspects of it are being implemented in currently available wireless systems. In the last decade, a significant amount of research efforts has been made to solve CR challenges, and several standards related to CR and dynamic spectrum access have been developed. Also, there have been advances in software‐defined radio platforms to implement the CR systems. In this article, we provide a comprehensive survey on the evolution of CR research covering aspects such as spectrum sensing, measurements and statistical modeling of spectrum usage, physical layer aspects such as waveform and modulation design, multiple access, resource allocation and power control, cognitive learning, adaptation and self‐configuration, multihop transmission and routing, and robustness and security in CR networks. Also, state‐of‐the‐art research on the economics of CR networks, CR simulation tools, testbeds and hardware prototypes, CR applications, and CR standardization efforts is summarized. Emerging trends on CR research and open research challenges related to the cost‐effective and large‐scale deployment of CR systems are outlined. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In designing cognitive radio systems, one of the most critical issues is handling the channel handover process (CHP). The CHP consists of spectrum sensing, spectrum decision, negotiation on the common control channel, and adjustment of frequency and modulation settings, and such, it can be a time‐consuming process. Consequently, initiating the CHP after each detected user activity (UA) can decrease the aggregate spectrum utilization. To alleviate this problem, we introduce a novel handover strategy to find the optimal trade‐off between the durations of the CHP and UAs. With the use this model, secondary users (SUs) track only local information on their current data channel to make the decision to initiate the CHP or to wait for the termination of the ongoing UA. The system adapts to the dynamic conditions of the data channels and reduces the frequency of handovers to increase throughput and decrease access delay. We give analytical utilization bounds for SUs and also compare the performance of our model to those of other channel handover strategies by using extensive simulations. Our results for channels with heterogeneous loads and dynamic environments show that this model can clearly decrease the frequency of handover and consequently increase the aggregate SU utilization. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor network of regular topology is efficient in area covering and targets locating. However, communications with fixed channels lead to low spectrum efficiency and high probability of conflicts. This paper proposes economical timeslots‐and‐channels allocation methods for scheduling links in square, triangle, and hexagon lattice topologies. Based on these scheduling methods in square lattice, the authors explore routing methods for load balance and delay minimization, respectively, and compare their effects on transmission delay and energy consumption. The OMNet++‐based simulation for square lattice verified the effectiveness of scheduling methods for improving network throughput and made performance comparison among different scheduling methods. It also proved that delay minimization‐oriented routing helps to reduce the energy consumption for node standing by and load balance‐oriented routing helps to reduce the energy consumption for packets transmission. However, there is trade‐off between the reductions of the two types of energy consumptions. The authors further propose the idea of hybrid routing with the two aforementioned routing methods for reducing overall energy consumption and explore the challenges and countermeasures for hybrid routing optimization. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

信息时代无线通信飞速发展,许多需要较宽频谱和较高下载速率的业务,如多媒体通信业务,已经成为无线服务的重点对象。认知无线电是一种智能的无线通信技术,可以通过感知周围环境来自动调整其发射机参数,其核心思想是利用已分配但未获得充分利用的频谱,从而提高频谱利用率避免对主用户造成干扰是认知无线电最需要解决的问题,频谱感知则是实现这一目标的前提。  相似文献   

Spectrum sensing and access have been widely investigated in cognitive radio network for the secondary users to efficiently utilize and share the spectrum licensed by the primary user. We propose a cluster‐based adaptive multispectrum sensing and access strategy, in which the secondary users seeking to access the channel can select a set of channels to sense and access with adaptive sensing time. Specifically, the spectrum sensing and access problem is formulated into an optimization problem, which maximizes the utility of the secondary users and ensures sufficient protection of the primary users and the transmitting secondary users from unacceptable interference. Moreover, we explicitly calculate the expected number of channels that are detected to be idle, or being occupied by the primary users, or being occupied by the transmitting secondary users. Spectrum sharing with the primary and transmitting secondary users is accomplished by adapting the transmission power to keep the interference to an acceptable level. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed sensing and access strategy as well as its advantage over conventional sensing and access methods in terms of improving the achieved throughput and keeping the sensing overhead low. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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