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The current report of the Policy and Planning Board is not about rethinking the Strategic Plan. Rather, the goal of this report is to reflect on what APA is, who and what it serves, and how it can prepare itself for action to address the changes that are coming—changes initiated from events both outside and inside the Association. As a preface to the Five-Year Report, it raises many more questions than it answers. These are questions for APA governance and members to address, and how we answer these questions in the near term will determine our long-term opportunities. This report is thus about APA’s potential for organizational change and benchmarks for success. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Strategic capital investment decisions are crucial to a business firm. The decision to invest in privately financed infrastructure projects requires careful consideration, because they are exposed to high levels of financial, political, and market risks. The project appraisal methods should incorporate analysis of these risks. A number of capital-investment decision methods can take risks into account, but each of them focuses on different factors and has its limitations. Thus, a more vigorous method is needed. A systematic classification of existing evaluation methods shows that it is possible to develop a new method—the net-present-value-at-risk (NPV-at-risk) method—by combining the weighted average cost of capital and dual risk-return methods. The evaluation of two hypothetical power projects shows that the NPV-at-risk method can provide a better decision for risk evaluation of, and investment in, privately financed infrastructure projects.  相似文献   

There is now a need for entering faculty personnel in business schools "to apply the behavioral science point of view as integrated members of the business faculty, rather than as distinguished visitors from the psychology department." Recent studies critical of business curricula have stressed the importance of the behavioral sciences in the business school curriculum. The "educational and research experiences leading to the doctorate in industrial psychology" gives the industrial psychologist the opportunity to "fill the role of behavioral scientist in the business school." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Former President Ronald Reagan's 1983 speech addressed the vision of a world capable of defending itself against a nuclear attack rather than having its defense based solely on the threat of mutual destruction. The Strategic Defensive Initiative Organization (SDIO) has been dedicated to this goal, with the U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command (SDC) as its largest player. Over 30 years of Army research and technology development provides valuable contributions to all five SDIO program elements. These areas include: Surveillance, Acquisition, Tracking, and Kill Assessment; Kinetic Energy Weapons; Direct Energy Weapons; Survivability, Lethality, and Key Technologies; Systems Analysis and Battle Management. SDC research includes boost, postboost, and midcourse tiers, as well as the terminal defensive tier where the Army has always been preeminent. Programs and experiments focus on interceptors, sensors, communications, and laser development. Additionally, the Army plays a key role in Theater Missile Defense. Dedicated research has yielded many important scientific breakthroughs and successful technology demonstrations. Building on its past contributions, the Army continues to respond to the complex, challenging demand for strategic defense.  相似文献   

论述了企业的经营管理者对企业的影响,指出只有提高企业经营管理者的素质,健全监督制约机制,才能实现国有企业的扭亏脱困。  相似文献   

Trivialization as a mode of dissonance reduction and the conditions under which it is likely to occur were explored in 4 studies. Study 1 tested and supported the hypothesis that when the preexisting attitude is made salient, participants will trivialize the dissonant cognitions rather than change their attitudes. Study 2 tested and supported the hypothesis that following a counterattitudinal behavior, participants will choose the first mode of dissonance reduction provided for them, whether it is trivialization or attitude change. Study 3 tested and supported the hypothesis that following a counterattitudinal behavior, the typical self-affirmation treatment leads to trivialization. Study 4 demonstrated that providing a trivializing frame by making an important issue salient also encourages trivialization rather than attitude change even when there was no opportunity for self-affirmation. The implications for cognitive dissonance theory and research are briefly discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ties that bind     
As doctors jump at offers from practice managers, many ignore business basics. But even a good lawyer can't cover everything. "No matter how carefully you make an agreement with one company, if it is swallowed up by another, it can be very different than you anticipated," says a doctor who sold his Southern California network only to be fired after a change in owners. "You could go to bed with Albert Schweitzer and wake up with Attila the Hun."  相似文献   

Interfirm use of power.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Attempted to identify the tactics of influence used by organizations in their attempts to influence other organizations. The experiment also examined conditions under which organizations used various tactics of influence. 67 graduate business students enrolled in evening courses described an incident in which their organization attempted to get its ways with another organization. The reason for attempting to exercise influence and the tactics of influence used were tabulated. 20 tactics were identified. It was found that strong and controlling tactics of influence were used significantly more often when (a) the target company resisted being influenced, (b) the target firm was less powerful than the influencing firm, and (c) the influencing firm was reacting to some initial action of the target firm rather than attempting to change the behavior of the target firm. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

关于无形资产新旧会计准则的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐珊珊  任慧 《包钢科技》2007,33(3):69-70
随着中国经济改革和全球一体化的深入,我国企业的经营环境和经营理念发生很大变化,企业无形资产的数量增长越来越快,正确处理该类业务对确认企业会计要素十分重要.为了更好地理解无形资产新会计准则,文章对新旧无形资产会计准则进行了比较研究.  相似文献   

Strategic planning is a new concept in general practice. Underneath all the jargon, however, it is simply a label for the planning and evaluation processes that most organisations have used in the past. The aim of this paper is to demystify strategic planning as it applies to newly formed Divisions of General Practice.  相似文献   

在今后的竞争中,规模已不再是企业最终命运的决定力量,灵活性和适应性将成为企业参与市场竞争成败的关键。由此,扁平化管理的趋势不可逆转。如果企业实施变革的条件尚不成熟。决策者又没有从根本上理解和把握扁平化管理思想的内涵和精神实质,就贸然对企业施行“扁平化”重组,轻则引发企业的全局性的震荡,造成企业的组织结构和管理机制“扁而不优”,重则将使企业“分崩离析”。  相似文献   

Elaborates on a proposal by J. R. Nesselroade et al (see record 1981-06920-001) to view the study of change within the broader temporal context of multiple, rather than the customary two, occasions of measurement. It is suggested that the study of change requires an explicit distinction between the concept of standard change (which disregards occasion-related differences in the variances of interindividual differences) and that of deviation change (which takes such differences in variances into account). It is shown that the 2 concepts of change are likely to lead to different models of the underlying change processes and that the study of deviation change should receive more systematic attention because it offers a more differentiated view of change. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Reproductive Health Awareness model developed by Georgetown University Institute for Reproductive Health is responsive to the elements of quality of care articulated by Judith Bruce in 1989. The model encourages self-choice regarding family planning options, informed choice and flexibility to change family planning options with changing circumstances, and inclusion of men and the family. Providers utilizing the model must know the stages of behavior change and how to program care based on the client's knowledge and readiness, and how to communicate with clients such that they are facilitating care rather than prescribing it.  相似文献   

The struggle for the soul of health insurance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The politics of American health insurance is a struggle over which vision of distributive justice should govern: the solidarity principle or the logic of actuarial fairness. Actuarial fairness is central to American private health insurance. It is both an antiredistributive ideology and a method of organizing mutual aid by fragmenting communities into ever-smaller, more homogeneous groups, leading ultimately to the destruction of mutual aid. This fragmentation is accomplished by fostering in people a sense of their differences and their responsibility for themselves, rather than their commonalities and interdependence. Actuarial fairness developed as a business strategy for gaining market share. Medical underwriting, which is far more extensive than commonly known, is the information technology used for implementing actuarial fairness. Despite significant changes in the political context of health insurance which are leading toward restraints on underwriting, the logic of actuarial fairness is so deeply embedded in the structure of competitive markets in insurance and so deeply consonant with social divisions in American society that eradicating it will take more than any current reform proposals contemplate.  相似文献   

Considers that the reluctance to discuss value implications in clinical psychology, and to regard it as value-free, stems from 2 sources: (a) the emphasis on psychology as a value-free science, and (b) the desire for independent and respectable professional image. Nevertheless, it is argued that the practice of clinical psychology has direct political implications, which are then outlined. Most clinical orientations today adopt a social control approach, which concentrates on individual maladjustment rather than system malfunctioning. Defining problems as personal or intrapersonal, rather than interpersonal or political, neutralizes potential threats to present political structures. Psychology then becomes parallel to religion in that it offers individual salvation, and not social or political change. Several recent developments, and especially the new understanding of personal problems in members of minority groups and women, are seen as possibly changing the political impact of clinical practice. (47 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The landmark U.S. Supreme Court case of Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals , which overturned the venerable Frye test for the admissibility of scientific evidence, has sparked considerable interest among scholars and practitioners, within both the law and the various sciences. The discussion of the impact of Daubert on social science evidence, however, has been largely confined to a narrow range of issues, primarily concerning criminal law and mental health. Indeed, the Daubert case thus far has received relatively scant attention in the published cases involving business litigation, and in most of these instances, the focus has been on evidence from the hard sciences rather than from the social sciences. The author explores the use and acceptance of social science evidence in business litigation within the post- Daubert era. First, the specific Daubert factors are analyzed from the perspective of social science evidence in business litigation. Second, the scope of business litigation which has been impacted-or which is potentially impacted-by Daubert is outlined and discussed. Third, various procedural issues in the post- Daubert era are explored, including motions for summary judgment to dispose of social science issues… (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

文献编目是图书馆重要的基础业务工作,随着信息化及网络化的迅速发展,图书馆文献编目工作模式发生了显著的变化。文章在阐述编目工作者必须坚持的基本原则的基础上,分析了图书编目工作者必须树立的基本思想,并提出了图书编目改革的对策建议。  相似文献   

论述了股份合作制企业的性质及中小企业改制为股份合作制的必要性并对股份合作企业的组织结构、股份设置、改制中通常存在的实际问题及对策进行了探讨。文中还以某小型企业为例,介绍了其改制过程的具体操作程序及改制后企业发展的变化。  相似文献   

营业税改征增值税的税制改革是国家实施结构性减税的一项重要举措。以某危废处理企业为例,分析了危废处理企业税制改革前后的变化,以及营改增对该类企业税负造成的影响,并提出了相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

Contradicts G. W. Albee's (see record 1971-08263-001) view that major corporations victimize population groups with their power- and profit-motivated enterprise. Actually, progress has been brought about by the economic system, and current managers are motivated to achieve growing sales rather than short-term profits. The need for psychological studies of consumer and business motivation is stressed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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