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Facing the market economy and global challenge the development of manufacturing industry especially casting industry is critical to the national economy. To reform the traditional casting industry by using computer technology is one of the hottest research frontiers studied by many researchers and engineers. Computer simulation of solidification process of shaped casting can assure the quality of casting, optimize the casting technology, shorten the lead time and therefore decrease the developing and manufacturing cost. Recently, numerical simulation of mold-filling and solidification processes of shaped casting and prediction of microstructure and property as well are extensively studied and put into application in many casting plants with many successful simulation cases.  相似文献   

The design method of a 6-axis force robot's transducer based on the Stewart platform is detailed. For this purpose, the sensitivity isotropy evaluation criteria of the transducer are defined, and by the aid of computer, the relationships between the criteria and the parameters of all the transducers based on the Stewart platform are investigated within the geometric model of the solution space, which can provide the theoretical background for the optimal construction design of the 6-axis force transducer related to the sensitivity isotropy.  相似文献   

An improved arc discharge method is developed to fabricate carbon nanotube probe of atomic force microscopy (AFM) here. First, silicon probe and carbon nanotube are manipulated under an optical microscope by two high precision microtranslators. When silicon probe and carbon nanotube are very close, several tens voltage is applied between them. And carbon nanotube is divided and attached to the end of silicon probe, which mainly due to the arc welding function. Comparing with the arc discharge method before, the new method here needs no coat silicon probe with metal film in advance, which can greatly reduce the fabrication's difficulty. The fabricated carbon nanotube probe shows good property of higher aspect ratio and can more accurately reflect the true topography of silicon grating than silicon probe. Under the same image drive force, carbon nanotube probe had less indentation depth on soft triblock copolymer sample than silicon probe. This showed that carbon nanotube probe has lower spring constant and less damage to the scan sample than silicon probe.  相似文献   

Robot's dynamic motion error and on-line compensation based on multi-axis force sensor are dealt with.It is revealed that the reasons of the error are formed and the relations of the error are delivered.A motion equation of robot's termination with the error is established,and then,an error matrix and an error compensation matrix of the motion equation are also defined.An on-line error's compensation method is put forward to decrease the displacement error,which is a degree of millimeter,shown by the result of simulation of PUMA562 robot.  相似文献   

Differed from the existed applications of generalized stochastic Petri net (GSPN) theory in machine-tool manufacturing system, reliability computation of FMS, testability parameters determination and fault analysis, a new idea of applying GSPN to model and performance analysis for the serial and parallel production system is proposed. And one typical discrete event dynamic system (DEDS), turner-unit of palletizing system, is taken as a real case to research. Based upon the established GSPN models, the working performances of serial and parallel layout are compared. Furthermore, their differences of working mechanisms including feeding mechanism, coordinating mechanism and monitoring mechanism are discussed. Thus the theoretical basis which is helpful to appraise layout plan and its reasonableness is provided. Meanwhile, the research results show that parallel layout is more advantageous to greatly improve the operational speed of production system than serial one.  相似文献   

A promising approach on the search for geometric constraint of directional graph in off-line parametric design has been put forward . The method for representation of the directional graph is given firstly , then the constraint model for every geometry element is put forward . By the search of geometric constraint, it sets up the topology constraint relation on the different element objects , which are not related in geometry data base, and achieves the identify for the directional graph . The algorithm of recognizing geometric constraint is described in detail, in the meantime, the application example in off-line parametric design on dimension-driven is given .  相似文献   

The dynamic working process of 52SFZ-140-207B type of hydraulic bumper is analyzed. The modeling method using architecture-based neural networks is introduced. Using this modeling method, the dynamic model of the hydraulic bumper is established; Based on this model the structural parameters of the hydraulic bumper are optimized with Genetic algorithm. The result shows that the performance of the dynamic model is close to that of the hydraulic bumper, and the dynamic performance of the hydraulic bumper is improved through parameter optimization.  相似文献   

Former research work about the modeling of hip joint focus on the upper segment of femoral, and assumes the acetabulum cup is sphere concave, and the acetabulum prostheses is semisphere. A method of acquiring the point data on the surface of the hipbone using the reverse engineering technology is presented. After analyzing the acetabulum surface fitting error, a rotation ellipsoid CAD model is applied to fit the acetabulum surface, and then optimization technique is used to find the geometric parameters of the model. The fitting error between the sphere and rotation ellipsoid is compared and gets the result that the fitting error of rotation ellipsoid is smaller than sphere, and the rotation ellipsoid can describe the shape of the acetabulum better.  相似文献   

Flank and crater wear are the primary tool wear patterns during the progressive tool wear in metal cutting. Cutting forces may increase or decrease, depending on the combined contribution from the flank and/or crater wear. A two-dimensional (2D) slip-line field based analytical model has been proposed to model the force contributions from both the flank and crater wear. To validate the proposed force model, the Bayesian linear regression is implemented with credible intervals to evaluate the force model performance in orthogonal cutting of CK45 steels. In this study, the proposed analytical worn tool force model-based predictions fall well within the 75% credible intervals determined by the Bayesian approach, implying a satisfactory modeling capability of the proposed model. Based on the parametric study using the proposed force model, it is found that cutting forces decrease with the increasing crater wear depth but increase with the increasing flank wear length. Also, the predicted cutting forces are affected noticeably by the friction coefficients along the rake and flank faces and the ratio of crater sticking region to sliding region, and better knowledge of such friction coefficients and ratio is expected to further improve worn tool force modeling accuracy. Compared with the finite element approach, the proposed analytical approach is efficient and easy to extend to three-dimensional worn tool cutting configurations.  相似文献   

0 INTRODUCTIONRP/RVPFEMiswidelyusedinmetalformingsimulationfortroubleshootingofmetalformingdefectssuchaswrinklingandbreakage ,rapidvaluationofproductformability ,andoptimizationofformingdieanditstechnology .Fromtheenergyprinciple ,thesolutionofaRP/RVPFEMs…  相似文献   

Ti–6Al–4V is a kind of difficult-to-cut material with poor machinability by traditional machining methods, while electrical discharge machining (EDM) is suitable for machining titanium alloys. In this paper, three input machining parameters including pulse current, pulse on time and open circuit voltage were changed during EDM tests. To investigate the output characteristics; material removal rate (MRR), tool wear ratio (TWR) and different aspects of surface integrity for Ti–6Al–4V samples such as topography of machined surface, crack formation, white layer (recast layer) thickness and microhardness were considered as performance criteria. The variations of MRR and TWR versus input machining parameters were investigated by means of main and interaction effect plots and also verified by ANOVA results. The effect of pulse energy based on pulse on time and pulse current variations against recast layer thickness and microhardness was studied. The possibility of forming different chemical elements and compounds on the work surface after EDM process was investigated by EDS and XRD analyses. The experimental results revealed that general aspects of surface integrity for machined samples are mostly affected by pulse current and pulse on time. The approximate density of cracks, micro holes and pits on the work surface is intensively dependent on pulse energy variations. Although increase of pulse energy improves the material removal efficiency but leads to increase of average thickness and microhardness of recast layer.  相似文献   

The object of study is about dynamic modeling and control for a 2 degree-of-freedom (DOF) planar parallel mechanism (PM) with flexible links. The kinematic and dynamic equations are established according to the characteristics of mixed rigid and flexible structure. By using the singular perturbation approach (SPA), the model of the mechanism can be separated into slow and fast subsystems. Based on the feedback linearization theory and input shaping technique, the large scale rigid motion controller and the flexible link vibration controller can be designed separately to achieve fast and accurate positioning of the PM.  相似文献   

The main structures of the gas absorption cell, including small graded-index lens type, Bragg fiber type, photonic crystal type, etc., are compared in this article. Also, different principles of the gas absorption cell were discussed in detail in order to improve the sensitivity of the optical gas sensor. The study showed that the structure of gas cells plays a key role in the improvement of the sensitivity of optical gas sensors. The end of the article discusses the future direction of the development of the gas cell.  相似文献   

A new rigid-plastic/rigid-viscoplastic (RP/RVP) FEM based on linear programming (LP) for plane-strain metal forming simulation is proposed. Compared with the traditional RP/RVP FEM based on iteration solution, it has some remarkable advantages, such as it's free of convergence problem and its convenience in contact, incompressibility constraint and rigid zone treatment. Two solution examples are provided to validate its accuracy and efficiency.  相似文献   

Traditional upper-limb rehabilitation robots usually realize force feedback with force sensors or impedance controllers. Otherwise, assistant or resistant force required in different training modes is given by the robot, which does not motivate the initiative of patients sufficiently. This article introduces a self-controlled upper-limb rehabilitation robot to implement force sensing without a force sensor or an impedance controller. The system supports bimanual exercises in different training modes with one limb providing a proper force for the contralateral limb. The above characteristics and the capability of master–slave motion tracking with a kind of energy recycling were verified with preliminary experiments.  相似文献   

Drugs with antiepileptic activity constitute a group of heterogeneous compounds and therefore their determination cannot follow a universal procedure. Among them, vigabatrin, pregabalin, and gabapentin are of similar nature, due to their zwitterionic structure. This structure enables similar approaches for their determination, including derivatization protocols. This article presents a thorough survey on published methods for the determination of this subgroup of antiepileptic compounds in bulk and pharmaceutical preparations. Spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric methods, with or without derivatization reagents, as thin-layer chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography with various detectors, gas chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, infrared, and potentiometric methods, have been extensively applied for these compounds, providing reliable results. Additionally, the number of citations and purpose for each method were discussed with critical commentary.  相似文献   

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