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Following exposure to some types of antigen (superantigens), responsive T cells expand and then decline in numbers, a phenomenon that has been called 'peripheral deletion'. This process may play a role in limiting autoimmune reactions and in the maintenance of immune homeostasis. Here we describe experiments on peripheral deletion in mice carrying the lpr/lpr defect, which has been shown to be due to defective production of the CD95/Fas molecule. Young lpr/lpr mice with no apparent immunologic abnormalities display a defect in bacterial superantigen-induced peripheral deletion. Apoptotic death of the expanded T cell population associated with such peripheral deletion. Apoptotic death of the expanded T cell population associated with such peripheral deletion in normal animals is dramatically reduced in the mutant mice. Further, the levels of Fas on responding cells in normal mice increases and decreases together with increases and decreases in cell numbers, suggesting that cells with the highest levels of Fas are preferentially deleted. These observations are consistent with the known ability of CD95 to transduce a signal leading to apoptosis, and they implicate this signal transduction pathway in peripheral deletion. In contrast, bacterial superantigen-induced deletion of thymocytes appears to be fully functional in these mice, and thus Fas/APO-1 does not appear to be required for this process. Further, antibody ligation of the TCR on activated T cells from normal or young lpr/lpr mice can induce apoptosis and therefore under some circumstances this phenomenon is not dependent upon CD95/Fas. Thus, to avoid autoreactivity and ensure immune homeostasis, several different apoptotic mechanisms exist in peripheral T lymphocytes, only some of which involve Fas.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Accessory molecule interactions can be critical in determining the outcome of a T cell's encounter with antigen. Cell adhesion proteins may augment T cell responses by facilitating TCR engagement of the antigen-MHC complex, while co-stimulatory molecules may deliver distinct signals that modulate T cell responsiveness. CD43 (leukosialin, sialophorin) has been suggested to influence cell activation by steric hindrance based upon the large size and glycosylation of the protein, as well as the relative abundance of the protein on the cell surface. In this paper we examine both in vitro and in vivo T cell-dependent responses in CD43-deficient mice. We demonstrate that T cells from CD43-deficient mice are hyper-responsive following both in vivo and in vitro activation, and that this is observed in response to not only TCR-CD3-mediated stimulation, but also following receptor-independent activation. This data suggests that mechanisms other than non-specific steric hindrance are important in the regulation of T cell activation by CD43.  相似文献   

To mount a productive response to Ag, CD4+ T cells in mice must divide, differentiate, and survive at least until the Ag has been eliminated. It has been suggested that to accomplish this, T cells must receive two signals, one through their TCRs and a second through CD28. The second signal through CD28 has been thought to fulfill two roles, to stimulate T cell proliferation and to promote T cell survival. In this paper we confirm that CD28 engagement can contribute to vigorous T cell expansion in mice injected with superantigens. However, CD28 engagement does not protect T cells produced during a superantigen-specific proliferative response from undergoing subsequent deletion. Even if CD28 is bound, 4 days after superantigen exposure, the majority of T cells produced in response to superantigen exposure are eliminated in vivo. In contrast, this loss of superantigen-stimulated T cells can be prevented by the inflammatory stimuli created by injection of bacterial LPS. This protection does not require engagement of CD28 by its ligands, B7-1 and B7-2. These data suggest that productive T cell responses in mice involve a number of signals, including those initiated through TCR and CD28, which are primarily involved in the activation and expansion of T cells, and others delivered by proinflammatory cytokines that protect an activated T cell from subsequent deletion.  相似文献   

In congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, the renal collecting ducts are resistant to the antidiuretic action of arginine vasopressin or to its antidiuretic analog 1-deamino[8-D-arginine] vasopressin (dDAVP). This is a rare, but now well described entity secondary to either mutations in the AVPR2 gene that codes for the vasopressin antidiuretic (V2) receptor or to mutations in the AQP2 gene that codes for the vasopressin-dependent water channel. A majority (> 90%) of congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus patients have AVPR2 mutations: Of 115 families with congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, 105 families had AVPR2 mutations, and 10 had AQP2 mutations. When studied in vitro, most AVPR2 mutations lead to receptors that are trapped intracellularly and are unable to reach the plasma membrane. A minority of the mutant receptors reach the cell surface but are unable to bind vasopressin or to trigger an intracellular adenosine 3:5-cyclic phosphate signal properly. Most of the reported mutations are secondary to a complete loss of function of the receptor, and only a few mutations have been associated with a mild phenotype. These advances provide diagnostic tools for physicians caring for these patients because, when the disease causing mutation has been identified, carrier and perinatal testing could be done by mutation analysis.  相似文献   

Progenitor cells undergo T cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangements during their intrathymic differentiation to become T cells. Rearrangements of the variable (V), diversity (D), and joining (J) segments of the TCR genes result in deletion of the intervening chromosomal DNA and the formation of circular episomes as a byproduct. Detection of these extrachromosomal excision circles in T cells located in the peripheral lymphoid tissues has been viewed as evidence for the existence of extrathymic T cell generation. Because all of the T cells in chickens apparently are generated in the thymus, we have employed this avian model to determine the fate of the V(D)J deletion circles. In normal animals we identified TCR Vgamma-Jgamma and Vbeta-Dbeta deletion circles in the blood, spleen, and intestines, as well as in the thymus. Thymectomy resulted in the gradual loss of these DNA deletion circles in all of the peripheral lymphoid tissues. A quantitative PCR analysis of Vgamma1-Jgamma1 and Vbeta1-Dbeta deletion circles in splenic gamma delta and Vbeta1(+) alphabeta T cells indicated that their numbers progressively decline after thymectomy with a half-life of approximately 2 weeks. Although TCR deletion circles therefore cannot be regarded as reliable indicators of in situ V(D)J rearrangement, measuring their levels in peripheral T cell samples can provide a valuable index of newly generated T cells entering the T cell pool.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the simultaneous determination of cholesterol and its oxidation products as well as alpha-to-copherol and tocopherolquinone in brain subcellular fractions is described. The samples are saponified and extracted with hexane. It is not necessary to remove cholesterol in the sample before analyzing for oxysterols. The hexane extract can be used for the assay of cholesterol compounds by capillary gas chromatography and tocopherol compounds by liquid chromatography using a procedure reported previously. Oxidation of synaptosomes by a mixture of Fe2+ plus ascorbate resulted in the production of 7-keto-, 7 alpha-hydroxy-, 7 beta-hydroxy-, and 5 alpha, 6 alpha-epoxycholesterols. The identities of these products were confirmed with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Cholesterol oxidase treatment did not result in the formation of any of the above compounds. Thus the types and amounts of the products of oxidation of cholesterol were dependent upon the oxidizing agent. Extraction of the oxysterols under milder conditions without saponification using sodium dodecyl sulfate cannot be used since such treatment results in low recovery of oxysterols. Oxidation of synaptosomes by low concentrations of ferrous iron and ascorbate resulted in (i) low levels of oxidation of cholesterol which could be followed by estimating the production of oxysterols and (ii) oxidation of a substantial percentage of alpha-tocopherol. The proposed procedure will be useful in monitoring the oxidation of small quantities of membrane cholesterol in vitro.  相似文献   

T cell receptor (TCR) vaccination in rats prevents the development of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of multiple sclerosis. The mechanism of this potential immunotherapy was examined by vaccinating mice with an immunogenic peptide fragment of the variable region of the TCR V beta 8.2 gene. Another immunogen that usually induces an immune response mediated by V beta 8.2+ T cells was subsequently inhibited because specific clonal unresponsiveness (anergy) had been induced. Depletion of CD8+ cells before TCR peptide vaccination blocked such inhibition. Thus, the clonal anergy was dependent on CD8+ T cells, and such immunoregulatory T cells may participate in the normal course of EAE.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether dl-sotalol can prevent ventricular tachyarrhythmia inducibility that can be predicted from electrophysiologic parameters. The effects of dl-sotalol in 16 patients (ventricular tachycardia (VT) in 11 and fibrillation (VF) in 5) were determined in electrophysiologic studies before and after dl-sotalol (320 mg/day). In 9 of 16 patients (56%) after dl-sotalol, ventricular tachyarrhythmia could not be induced by the entire stimulation protocol (responders). There were significant differences in QT interval (462 +/- 52 vs. 415 +/- 34 msec; p < 0.05) and ventricular effective refractory period (VERP) at 600, 400 and 300 msec (302 +/- 28 vs. 262 +/- 20 msec; p < 0.001, 280 +/- 23 vs. 240 +/- 21 msec; p < 0.001, 256 +/- 24 vs. 222 +/- 12 msec; p < 0.005, respectively) between responders and non-responders. The percentile increases in VERP (% VERP) at 600, 400, and 300 msec in responders were 25%, 26%, and 27%, whereas those in non-responders was 9%, 7%, and 7%, respectively. Isoproterenol administered to responders did not fully reverse the dl-sotalol-induced prolongation of VERP (delta VERP) at 600, 400, and 300 msec, which remained significantly prolonged compared to the baseline (281 +/- 18 vs. 241 +/- 16 msec; p < 0.01, 258 +/- 20 vs. 223 +/- 21 msec; p < 0.01, 247 +/- 22 vs. 202 +/- 16 msec; p < 0.01, respectively). % VERP did not exhibit significant differences at 600 (16%), 400 (15%), and 300 (20%) msec, indicating the lack of a reverse use-dependency. The results suggest that delta VERP in responders did not show reverse use-dependency, and that the phenomenon may account for the efficacy of dl-sotalol.  相似文献   

Cellular death of activated lymphocytes down-regulates immune responses and is involved in maintaining self tolerance. Signals associated with ligation of the membrane molecule Fas lead to lymphocyte apoptosis, but additional, Fas-independent mechanisms have been postulated. Here, we show a marked expansion and prolonged persistence of functional activated cytotoxic T cells in mice lacking the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor p55. In the absence of this receptor, peripheral lymphocyte apoptosis was significantly reduced in vivo. The prolonged thymocyte survival was associated with functional anergy, since the T cells no longer proliferated in vitro when stimulated with peptide antigen. However, specific cytotoxic effector function was easily detected in vitro. We conclude that the TNF receptor p55 is involved in peripheral T cell deletion in vivo.  相似文献   

We have developed peptide analogs to analyze precise human CD4 substructures involved in MHC class II binding. Forms of the complementarity determining-like regions (CDRs) of the D1 domain of human CD4 were reproduced as synthetic aromatically modified exocyclic (AME) analogs and tested for their ability to block CD4-MHC II interactions and T cell activation. The exocyclic derived from CDR3 (residues 82-89) of human CD4, which specifically associated with CD4 on the T cell surface to create a heteromeric CD4 complex, blocked IL-2 production and antagonized the normal function of the CD4 receptor. The approach of creating novel synthetic antagonistic receptor complexes may represent a new receptor specific pharmaceutical approach to modulate biological function.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cells require perforin to mediate immunity against some, but not all, intracellular pathogens. Previous studies with H-2b MHC perforin gene knockout (PO) mice revealed both perforin-dependent and perforin-independent pathways of CD8+ T cell-mediated immunity to Listeria monocytogenes (LM). In this study, we address two previously unresolved issues regarding the requirement for perforin in antilisterial immunity: 1) Is CD8+ T cell-mediated, perforin-independent immunity specific for a single Ag or generalizable to multiple Ags? 2) Is there a deficiency in the priming of the CD8+ T cell compartment of PO mice following an immunizing challenge with LM? We used H-2d MHC PO mice to generate CD8+ T cell lines individually specific for three known Ags expressed by a recombinant strain of virulent LM. Adoptive transfer experiments into BALB/c host mice revealed that immunity can be mediated by PO CD8+ T cells specific for all Ags examined, indicating that perforin-independent immunity is not limited to CD8+ T cells that recognize listeriolysin O. Analysis of epitope-specific CD8+ T cell expansion by MHC class I tetramer staining and ELISPOT revealed no deficiency in either the primary or secondary response to LM infection in PO mice. These results demonstrate that the perforin-independent pathway of antilisterial resistance mediated by CD8+ T cells is generalizable to multiple epitopes. Furthermore, the results show that reduced antilisterial resistance observed with polyclonal PO CD8+ T cells is a consequence of a deficiency in effector function and not a result of suboptimal CD8+ T cell priming.  相似文献   

Criteria for detection of chromosome aberrations by Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) are not standardized and improvement of this part of the analysis is of paramount importance to the applicability of the technique. The aim of this work was to suggest CGH detection criteria that increase the specificity and sensitivity and at the same time include chromosome regions previously excluded from CGH analysis. We analyzed 33 hybridizations with normal DNA and modified our CGH software in order to use a selection of these normal analyses as a model for interpretation of analyses of unknown samples. This approach was successfully tested on 14 samples with known aberrations.  相似文献   

The repair of slowly repairing potentially lethal damage (PLD) in radiosensitive cells from the severe combined immunodeficient (scid) mouse was compared with that in Balb/c 3T3 cells with "wild-type" radiosensitivity and that in RD13B2 cells derived from scid cells whose sensitivity is normal because of the presence of fragments of human chromosome 8. Treatment with 0.23 M NaCl was used for fixation of slowly repairing PLD. The scid cells repaired PLD sensitive to 0.23 M NaCl to a great extent whin 3-4 h, similarly to Balb/c 3T3 and RD13B2 cells. This indicates that the scid mutation hardly affects the repair of PLD sensitive to 0.23 M NaCl. On the other hand, as reported previously, the rapidly repairing PLD that is sensitive to 0.5 M NaCl was repaired only slowly (3-4 h) in scid cells, in contrast to the rapid repair (within 1 h) seen with Balb/c 3T3 and RD13B2. This suggests that scid mutation is responsible for this repair at reduced rate. To confirm the independence of repair of 0.23 M NaCl-sensitive PLD from that of 0.5 M NaCl-sensitive PLD, both treatments with 0.23 M NaCl and 0.5 M NaCl were combined in each line. It is found that the repair of either PLD was not affected by the other treatment. The scid mutation impaired only the repair of 0.5 M NaCl-sensitive PLD.  相似文献   

CD40 is an important signaling and activation Ag found on certain bone marrow-derived cells. Recently, CD40 also has been shown to be expressed by mesenchymal cells, including human fibroblasts. Little is known about the role of CD40 in fibroblasts. The current study investigates the hypothesis that CD40 expressed on lung fibroblasts is an activation structure and mechanism for interaction with hemopoietic cells. Communication between resident tissue fibroblasts and T cells is necessary for normal wound healing, and can be pathologic, resulting in tissue fibrosis. Signaling through CD40 with soluble CD40 ligand stimulated fibroblast activation, as evidenced by mobilization of nuclear factor-kappaB and by induction of the proinflammatory and chemoattractant cytokines IL-6 and IL-8. IFN-gamma-primed lung fibroblasts costimulate T lymphocyte proliferation utilizing CD40, but not the well-studied costimulatory molecules B7-1 and B7-2. Data reported herein support the hypothesis that cognate interactions between tissue fibroblasts and infiltrating T lymphocytes, via the CD40/CD40L pathway, augment inflammation and may promote fibrogenesis by activating both cell types.  相似文献   

CD40, a TNF receptor family member, plays a central role in T cell-mediated B cell activation. We have recently demonstrated that CD27, another TNF receptor family member, was also involved in B cell regulation and enhanced Ig production. In this report we compare CD27 and CD40 signals in B cell function. We selectively mimicked the effect of T cell help by addition to peripheral blood B cells activated with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I strain and IL-2 of irradiated 300-19 cells transfected with either the CD70 (CD27 ligand) gene or the CD154 (CD40 ligand) gene, the vector alone, or both CD70 and CD154 genes. CD27 ligation induced only a slight increase in B cell proliferation compared with the dramatic enhancement induced by CD40 ligation; double ligation proved to be less efficient than CD40 ligation alone. In contrast, IgG production was increased only by CD27 ligation alone. Moreover, the CD27 signal was more efficient when it was given on day 2 of the culture rather than on day 0. Phenotypic analysis of the activated cells showed that CD27 ligation increased the percentage of cells showing a plasma cell profile (CD19-, CD38+), whereas upon CD40 ligation most of the cells still had a germinal center-like phenotype (CD19+, CD38+). Our results suggest that the CD27 and CD40 signals are not synergistic but, rather, are complementary and involve distinct steps of T cell-dependent B cell activation. CD27 may be more important in the induction of plasma cell differentiation at a time when the expansion phase has already occurred.  相似文献   

The high capacity of the T cell hybridoma BW-19 to metastasize to the spleen, despite its high and moderate sensitivity to lysis by macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells, respectively, appears to be linked to its capacity to suppress local resident NK cell and macrophage activity. Such suppression of splenic NK cell and macrophage activity is accompanied by an increased production of the p40 subunit of interleukin-12 (IL-12) by spleen cells. Closer examination revealed that most of the p40 subunit is present under the form of the homodimer (p40)2, whereas the heterodimeric form of IL-12 is present only in small amounts. Since (p40)2 is known to be a strong antagonist of IL-12-mediated effects, i.e., NK cell activation and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) secretion, the increased production of (p40)2 after BW-19 cell inoculation may contribute to the suppression of NK cell and macrophage activity. In addition, we found that the high production of (p40)2 in our tumor model was accompanied by a drastic decrease in IL-2 and IFN-gamma production by spleen cells, further favoring the possibility that (p40)2 plays a role in the suppression of NK cell and macrophage cytotoxicity. Our results show that normal spleen cells can produce (p40)2 in response to cancer cell growth in vivo and are highly suggestive of a role for (p40)2 in the suppression of natural immunity.  相似文献   

Under most circumstances, allelic exclusion at the T cell receptor (TCR)beta locus is tightly regulated. Here, we describe a system in which TCRbeta allelic exclusion is overcome as a result of V(D)J recombination in peripheral CD4+ T cells. In TCRbeta chain transgenic mice, tolerogen-mediated chronic peripheral selection against cells expressing the transgene leads to surface expression of endogenous TCRbeta chains. Peripheral CD4+ T cells reexpress the recombination activating genes, RAG1 and RAG2, and contain signal end intermediates indicative of ongoing V(D)J recombination. The rescue from deletion of mature T cells expressing newly generated TCRbeta chains suggests that receptor revision plays a role in the maintenance of peripheral T cell tolerance.  相似文献   

The interaction of CD40 on B cells with the CD40 ligand (CD40L) on preactivated CD4 T cells is critical for the initiation of T-dependent Ab responses. It is believed that signals via CD40 synergize with cytokines (e.g., IL-4 and IL-5) to drive B cell activation. However, primary T cells preactivated via CD3 alone cannot induce B cell proliferation; we have shown previously that costimulation of T cells via CD3 and CD28 stabilizes the expression of the CD40L, which we propose contributes to their capacity to act as competent helper-effector cells. Here we show that an additional, critical reason why CD3-stimulated CD40L-bearing T cells are incompetent helper cells is because they secrete insufficient IL-2. In contrast, CD28/CD3-activated T cells induce B cells to become IL-2 responsive via a combination of CD40L and IL-2-mediated signals, and these two stimuli subsequently drive B cell proliferation and IgM secretion. We therefore propose that T cells must first encounter Ag in conjunction with CD80/86 on APCs. This leads to the stable expression of CD40L and maximal secretion of IL-2, which together render primary T cells competent to activate B cells in an IL-2-dependent fashion.  相似文献   

CD28 and CTLA-4 are related receptors that differentially regulate T cell activation. Despite the fact that they bind the same ligands, CD28 is a classical costimulator enhancing proliferation whereas CTLA-4 appears to perform negative regulatory functions. In this study, we have utilized the natural ligand for CD28 and CTLA-4 (CD80) to determine under what circumstances positive and negative effects are operative. We show here that the stimulation of purified human T cells with phorbol ester and ionomycin is inhibited in the presence of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing CD80. This inhibition is reversed by blocking with both anti-CD80 or Fab fragments of anti-CTLA-4 but also requires CD28 engagement. Furthermore, we show that the inhibitory function of CD80 requires elevated intracellular calcium since inhibition was observed only in the presence of ionomycin. In the absence of intracellular calcium elevation, CTLA-4 was not expressed at the cell surface, and CD80 acted positively as a costimulator of T cells, via CD28. These results demonstrate that the natural ligand CD80 can either costimulate or inhibit T cell responses depending on the conditions of T cell stimulation.  相似文献   

Studies were performed on the central antidiuretic actions via the tachykinin NK-3 receptor in the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). Microinjections of the selective tachykinin NK-3 receptor agonist senktide (2-200 pmol) into the PVN resulted in prolonged inhibition of urine output in water-loaded rats, its effect being dose-dependent. The antidiuretic action of senktide was blocked by pretreatment with the vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist OPC-31260 (1 mg/kg, i.v.), but not by microinjection of the angiotensin II AT-1 receptor antagonist losartan (1 nmol) into the PVN. NK-3 receptor mRNA was strongly detected in the magnocellular part of the PVN and the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the hypothalamus as detected by in situ hybridization histochemistry. Moreover, [3H]senktide binding sites were also detected in the PVN and the SON by receptor autoradiography. These findings suggest that NK-3 receptors in the PVN may be involved in water regulation by stimulation of vasopressin secretion from the posterior pituitary gland, and that vasopressin caused water reabsorbtion via the kidney V2 receptor.  相似文献   

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