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The COVID-19 virus has fatal effect on lung function and due to its rapidity the early detection is necessary at the moment. The radiographic images have already been used by the researchers for the early diagnosis of COVID-19. Though several existing research exhibited very good performance with either x-ray or computer tomography (CT) images, to the best of our knowledge no such work has reported the assembled performance of both x-ray and CT images. Thus increase in accuracy with higher scalability is the main concern of the recent research. In this article, an integrated deep learning model has been developed for detection of COVID-19 at an early stage using both chest x-ray and CT images. The lack of publicly available data about COVID-19 disease motivates the authors to combine three benchmark datasets into a single dataset of large size. The proposed model has applied various transfer learning techniques for feature extraction and to find out the best suite. Finally the capsule network is used to categorize the sub-dataset into COVID positive and normal patients. The experimental results show that, the best performance exhibits by the ResNet50 with capsule network as an extractor-classifier pair with the combined dataset, which is composed of 575 numbers of x-ray images and 930 numbers of CT images. The proposed model achieves accuracy of 98.2% and 97.8% with x-ray and CT images, respectively, and an average of 98%.  相似文献   

COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus-induced disease and automatic identification of COVID-19 using computer-assisted methods can facilitate faster diagnostic efficiency. Current research typically employs a single model for COVID-19 identification, while implicit and complementary knowledge between heterogeneous networks is neglected. To address these issues, we propose a new model based on deep mutual learning with online feature alignment called DML-OFA to more effectively diagnose COVID-19. First, we use a traditional deep mutual learning (DML) framework to allow two parallel heterogeneous networks to learn from each other to form two effective feature extractors. In addition, we embed the adaptive feature fusion classifier and logits ensembling module in the proposed DML-OFA, which can simultaneously learn implicit complementary knowledge from feature maps and logits. We evaluated DML-OFA on four public datasets: Covid-chestxray-dataset, ChestXRay2017, Coronavirus-dataset and COVIDx. The results showed that our model attains 97.10 Accuracy, 97.28 Specificity, 96.21 Recall, 97.45 Precision, and 96.82 F1-score, which outperforms other previous related works.  相似文献   

目的 当前的疾病传播研究主要集中于时序数据和传染病模型,缺乏运用空间信息提升预测精度的探索和解释。在处理时空数据时需要分别提取时间特征和空间特征,再进行特征融合得到较为可靠的预测结果。本文提出一种基于图卷积神经网络(graph convolutional neural network,GCN)的时空数据学习方法,能够运用空间模型端对端地学习时空数据,代替此前由多模块单元相集成的模式。方法 依据数据可视化阶段呈现出的地理空间、高铁线路、飞机航线与感染人数之间的正相关关系,将中国各城市之间的空间分布关系和交通连接关系映射成网络图并编码成地理邻接矩阵、高铁线路直达矩阵、飞机航线直达矩阵以及飞机航线或高铁线路直达矩阵。按滑动时间窗口对疫情数据进行切片后形成张量,依次分批输入到图深度学习模型中参与卷积运算,通过信息传递、反向传播和梯度下降更新可训练参数。结果 在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情数据集上的实验结果显示,采用GCN学习这一时空数据的分布特征相较于循环神经网络模型,在训练过程中表现出了更强的拟合能力,在训练时间层面节约75%以上的运算成本,在两类损失函数下的平均测试集损失能够下降80%左右。结论 本文所采用的时空数据学习方法具有较低的运算成本和较高的预测精度,尤其在空间特征强于时间特征的时空数据中有着更好的性能,并且为流行病传播范围和感染人数的预测提供了新的方法和思路,有助于相关部门在公共卫生事件中制定应对措施和疾病防控决策。  相似文献   

Pattern Analysis and Applications - COVID-19 continues to have catastrophic effects on the lives of human beings throughout the world. To combat this disease it is necessary to screen the affected...  相似文献   

基于迁移学习的并行卷积神经网络牦牛脸识别算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈争涛  黄灿  杨波  赵立  廖勇 《计算机应用》2021,41(5):1332-1336
为了在牦牛养殖过程中对牦牛实现精确管理,需要对牦牛的身份进行识别,而牦牛脸识别是一种可行的牦牛身份识别方式.然而已有的基于神经网络的牦牛脸识别算法中存在牦牛脸数据集特征多、神经网络训练时间长的问题,因此,借鉴迁移学习的方法并结合视觉几何组网络(VGG)和卷积神经网络(CNN),提出了一种并行CNN(Parallel-C...  相似文献   

Lung nodule classification is one of the main topics related to computer-aided detection systems. Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been demonstrated to perform well on many tasks, there are few explorations of their use for classifying lung nodules in chest X-ray (CXR) images. In this work, we proposed and analyzed a pipeline for detecting lung nodules in CXR images that includes lung area segmentation, potential nodule localization, and nodule candidate classification. We presented a method for classifying nodule candidates with a CNN trained from the scratch. The effectiveness of our method relies on the selection of data augmentation parameters, the design of a specialized CNN architecture, the use of dropout regularization on the network, inclusive in convolutional layers, and addressing the lack of nodule samples compared to background samples balancing mini-batches on each stochastic gradient descent iteration. All model selection decisions were taken using a CXR subset of the Lung Image Database Consortium and Image Database Resource Initiative dataset separately. Thus, we used all images with nodules in the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology dataset for evaluation. Our experiments showed that CNNs were capable of achieving competitive results when compared to state-of-the-art methods. Our proposal obtained an area under the free-response receiver operating characteristic curve of 7.76 considering 10 false positives per image (FPPI), and sensitivity values of 73.1% and 79.6% with 2 and 5 FPPI, respectively.  相似文献   

Recently, transforming windows files into images and its analysis using machine learning and deep learning have been considered as a state-of-the art works for malware detection and classification. This is mainly due to the fact that image-based malware detection and classification is platform independent, and the recent surge of success of deep learning model performance in image classification. Literature survey shows that convolutional neural network (CNN) deep learning methods are successfully employed for image-based windows malware classification. However, the malwares were embedded in a tiny portion in the overall image representation. Identifying and locating these affected tiny portions is important to achieve a good malware classification accuracy. In this work, a multi-headed attention based approach is integrated to a CNN to locate and identify the tiny infected regions in the overall image. A detailed investigation and analysis of the proposed method was done on a malware image dataset. The performance of the proposed multi-headed attention-based CNN approach was compared with various non-attention-CNN-based approaches on various data splits of training and testing malware image benchmark dataset. In all the data-splits, the attention-based CNN method outperformed non-attention-based CNN methods while ensuring computational efficiency. Most importantly, most of the methods show consistent performance on all the data splits of training and testing and that illuminates multi-headed attention with CNN model's generalizability to perform on the diverse datasets. With less number of trainable parameters, the proposed method has achieved an accuracy of 99% to classify the 25 malware families and performed better than the existing non-attention based methods. The proposed method can be applied on any operating system and it has the capability to detect packed malware, metamorphic malware, obfuscated malware, malware family variants, and polymorphic malware. In addition, the proposed method is malware file agnostic and avoids usual methods such as disassembly, de-compiling, de-obfuscation, or execution of the malware binary in a virtual environment in detecting malware and classifying malware into their malware family.  相似文献   

为解决训练样本不足的问题,提出一种基于卷积神经网络和迁移学习的X光胸片肺结节检测方法。基于Keras深度学习框架,对比分析3种预训练卷积神经网络模型的分类性能,在此基础上进一步探究迁移学习的有效性。在公开的JSRT数据集上进行验证,提出方法获得了93.75%的准确度、94.36%的敏感度、92.74%的特异度以及98.20%的AUC值。与已有的其它研究进行对比,实现了最高的敏感度和较低的假阳性率,验证了迁移学习的有效性和所提算法的可行性。  相似文献   

目前,卷积神经网络(CNN)开始应用在肺炎分类领域。针对层数较浅、结构较为简单的卷积网络对肺炎识别的准确率难以提高的情况,采用深度学习方法,并针对采用深度学习方法时常常需要消耗大量的系统资源,导致卷积网络难以在用户端部署的问题,提出一种使用优化的卷积神经网络的分类方法。首先,根据肺炎图像的特征,选择具有良好图像分类性能的AlexNet与InceptionV3模型;然后,利用医学影像特点对层次更深、结构更加复杂的InceptionV3模型进行预训练;最后,通过知识蒸馏的方法,将训练好的"知识"(有效信息)提取到AlexNet模型中,从而实现在减少系统资源占用的同时,提高准确率的效果。实验数据表明,使用知识蒸馏后,AlexNet模型的准确率、特异性与灵敏度分别提高了4.1、7.45、1.97个百分点,且对图像处理器(GPU)占用相比InceptionV3模型减小了51个百分点。  相似文献   

蒋晨  胡玉鹏  司凯  旷文鑫 《计算机应用》2018,38(10):2929-2933
在大数据环境下,针对传统恶意文件检测方法对经过代码变种和混淆后的恶意文件检测准确率低以及对跨平台恶意文件检测通用性弱等问题,提出一种基于图像纹理和卷积神经网络的恶意文件检测方法。首先,使用灰度图像生成算法将Android和Windows平台下可执行文件,即.dex和.exe文件,转换成相应的灰度图像;然后,通过卷积神经网络(CNN)算法自动提取这些灰度图像的纹理特征并加以学习训练,从而构建出一个恶意文件检测模型;最后,使用大量未知待检测的文件去验证模型检测准确率的高低。通过对大量的恶意样本进行实验,在Android和Windows平台下,模型检测最高准确率分别达到79.6%和97.6%,平均准确率分别约为79.3%和96.8%;与基于纹理指纹的恶意代码变种检测方法相比,基于图像纹理和卷积神经网络的恶意文件检测方法准确率提高了约20%。实验结果表明,所提方法能够有效避免人工筛选特征带来的问题,大幅提高检测的准确率和效率,成功解决跨平台检测问题,实现了一种端到端的恶意文件检测模型。  相似文献   

目的 针对高分辨率遥感影像舰船检测受云雾、海浪以及海岛等复杂因素干扰,存在虚警率高、漏检率高、目标检测和识别困难等问题,提出一种联合视觉显著性特征与卷积神经网络的海面舰船目标检测方法。方法 基于频率域相位谱显著性检测能够有效抑制高分辨率遥感影像上云层、海面杂波干扰的特点,计算影像多尺度显著图并进行加权融合。采用对数变换对融合后的图像进行空间域灰度增强以提高目标与背景的区分度,利用灰度形态学闭运算填充舰船目标孔洞,采用大津分割法来提取疑似舰船目标作为兴趣区域。最后构建舰船样本库,利用迁移学习的思想训练卷积神经网络模型,对所有兴趣区域切片进行分类判断和识别,得到最终检测结果。结果 利用多幅不同背景下的高分辨率遥感影像,分别从视觉显著性检测、舰船粗检测与船只类型识别3个方面进行实验验证,选取检测率、虚警率、识别率3个指标进行定量评价。结果表明,本文方法相比于其他方法能有效排除云雾、海岛等多种因素的干扰,检测率、虚警率、识别率分别为93.63%、3.01%、90.09%,明显优于其他算法,能够实现大范围影像上多种类型舰船的快速准确检测和识别。结论 本文将图像视觉显著性检测快速获取图像显著目标的特点与卷积神经网络在图像分类的优势相结合,应用于遥感影像的海域舰船目标检测,能够实现对复杂背景下舰船目标的检测和船只类型的精细化识别。  相似文献   

The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared a worldwide pandemic, and a key method for diagnosing COVID-19 is chest X-ray imaging. The application of convolutional neural network with medical imaging helps to diagnose the disease accurately, where the label quality plays an important role in the classification problem of COVID-19 chest X-rays. However, most of the existing classification methods ignore the problem that the labels are hardly completely true and effective, and noisy labels lead to a significant degradation in the performance of image classification frameworks. In addition, due to the wide distribution of lesions and the large number of local features of COVID-19 chest X-ray images, existing label recovery algorithms have to face the bottleneck problem of the difficult reuse of noisy samples. Therefore, this paper introduces a general classification framework for COVID-19 chest X-ray images with noisy labels and proposes a noisy label recovery algorithm based on subset label iterative propagation and replacement (SLIPR). Specifically, the proposed algorithm first obtains random subsets of the samples multiple times. Then, it integrates several techniques such as principal component analysis, low-rank representation, neighborhood graph regularization, and k-nearest neighbor for feature extraction and image classification. Finally, multi-level weight distribution and replacement are performed on the labels to cleanse the noise. In addition, for the label-recovered dataset, high confidence samples are further selected as the training set to improve the stability and accuracy of the classification framework without affecting its inherent performance. In this paper, three typical datasets are chosen to conduct extensive experiments and comparisons of existing algorithms under different metrics. Experimental results on three publicly available COVID-19 chest X-ray image datasets show that the proposed algorithm can effectively recover noisy labels and improve the accuracy of the image classification framework by 18.9% on the Tawsifur dataset, 19.92% on the Skytells dataset, and 16.72% on the CXRs dataset. Compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms, the gain of classification accuracy of SLIPR on the three datasets can reach 8.67%-19.38%, and the proposed algorithm also has certain scalability while ensuring data integrity.  相似文献   

目的 为了解决基于卷积神经网络的算法对高光谱图像小样本分类精度较低、模型结构复杂和计算量大的问题,提出了一种变维卷积神经网络。方法 变维卷积神经网络对高光谱分类过程可根据内部特征图维度的变化分为空—谱信息融合、降维、混合特征提取与空—谱联合分类的过程。这种变维结构通过改变特征映射的维度,简化了网络结构并减少了计算量,并通过对空—谱信息的充分提取提高了卷积神经网络对小样本高光谱图像分类的精度。结果 实验分为变维卷积神经网络的性能分析实验与分类性能对比实验,所用的数据集为Indian Pines和Pavia University Scene数据集。通过实验可知,变维卷积神经网络对高光谱小样本可取得较高的分类精度,在Indian Pines和Pavia University Scene数据集上的总体分类精度分别为87.87%和98.18%,与其他分类算法对比有较明显的性能优势。结论 实验结果表明,合理的参数优化可有效提高变维卷积神经网络的分类精度,这种变维模型可较大程度提高对高光谱图像中小样本数据的分类性能,并可进一步推广到其他与高光谱图像相关的深度学习分类模型中。  相似文献   

Disease detection from smartphone data represents an open research challenge in mobile health (m-health) systems. COVID-19 and its respiratory symptoms are an important case study in this area and their early detection is a potential real instrument to counteract the pandemic situation. The efficacy of this solution mainly depends on the performances of AI algorithms applied to the collected data and their possible implementation directly on the users’ mobile devices. Considering these issues, and the limited amount of available data, in this paper we present the experimental evaluation of 3 different deep learning models, compared also with hand-crafted features, and of two main approaches of transfer learning in the considered scenario: both feature extraction and fine-tuning. Specifically, we considered VGGish, YAMNET, and L3-Net (including 12 different configurations) evaluated through user-independent experiments on 4 different datasets (13,447 samples in total). Results clearly show the advantages of L3-Net in all the experimental settings as it overcomes the other solutions by 12.3% in terms of Precision–Recall AUC as features extractor, and by 10% when the model is fine-tuned. Moreover, we note that to fine-tune only the fully-connected layers of the pre-trained models generally leads to worse performances, with an average drop of 6.6% with respect to feature extraction. Finally, we evaluate the memory footprints of the different models for their possible applications on commercial mobile devices.  相似文献   

针对传统目标检测算法应用在无人机航拍图像上第三方施工目标检测和违章占压建筑检测的数据集少、检测率低等问题,提出基于Aerial-YOLOv2和迁移学习的航拍图像目标检测算法。首先,利用结合数据增强的迁移学习策略训练的网络来扩大数据集规模,并利用K均值聚类分析得到符合所提数据集特点的锚点框数量和尺寸;其次,通过自适应对比度增强的方法对图像进行预处理;最后,提出改进卷积模块替代YOLOv2中的卷积块并结合特征融合的多尺度预测方式进行目标检测。用不同的算法和训练策略在无人机航拍图像上进行对比实验,实验结果表明,Aerial-YOLOv2算法结合多种训练策略后,其准确率、召回率分别能达到95%、91%,每张图像检测时间为14 ms。由此可知,该算法适用于无人机航拍图像第三方施工目标及违章占压建筑的智能检测。  相似文献   

目的 心血管内超声(IVUS)图像内膜和中—外膜(MA)轮廓勾画是冠脉粥样硬化和易损斑块定量评估的必要过程。由于存在斑点噪声、图像伪影和各类斑块,重要组织边界的自动分割是一个非常困难的任务。为此,提出一种用于检测20 MHz心电门控IVUS图像内膜和MA边界方法。方法 首先利用深度全卷积网络(DFCN)学习原始IVUS图像与所对应手动分割图像之间映射,预测出目标或者背景的概率图,实现医学图像语义分割。然后在此基础上,结合心血管先验形状信息,采用数学形态学闭、开操作,平滑内膜和MA边界,降低分割过程中错误分类像素或区域的影响。结果 针对来自10位病人的IVUS图像及其标注信息所组成的435幅国际标准公开数据集,从线性回归、Bland-Altman分析和面积交并比(JM)、面积差异百分比(PAD)、Hausdorff距离(HD)、平均距离(AD)等性能指标上,评价本文方法。实验结果表明,算法检测结果与手动勾画结果的相关性可达到0.94,其超过94.71%的结果落在95%置信区域内,具有良好一致性。内膜和MA边界的AD指标分别为:0.07 mm和0.08 mm;HD指标分别为:0.21 mm和0.30 mm。JM指标分别为0.92和0.93;PAD指标分别为5%和4%。此外,对临床所采集的100幅IVUS图像进行了测试,证明本文学习的模型在跨数据集上具有较好的泛化能力。结论 与现有的国际算法比较,本文方法提高了各类斑块、声影区域和血管分支等因素的识别能力,不受超声斑点的影响,能准确地、可重复地检测出IVUS图像中的关键目标边界。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)具有高传染性和高致病性,严重威胁人民群众的生命安全和身体健康,快速准确地检测和诊断COVID-19对于疫情控制至关重要.目前COVID-19检测诊断方法主要包括核酸检测和基于医学影像的人工诊断,但是核酸检测耗时较长并且需要专用的测试盒,而基于医学影像的人工诊断过于依赖专业知识,分析耗...  相似文献   

Transfer learning (TL) in deep neural networks is gaining importance because, in most of the applications, the labeling of data is costly and time consuming. Additionally, TL also provides an effective weight initialization strategy for deep neural networks. This paper introduces the idea of adaptive TL in deep neural networks (ATL‐DNN) for wind power prediction. Specifically, we show in case of wind power prediction that adaptive TL of the deep neural networks system can be adaptively modified as regards training on a different wind farm is concerned. The proposed ATL‐DNN technique is tested for short‐term wind power prediction, where continuously arriving information has to be exploited. Adaptive TL not only helps in providing good weight initialization, but also in utilizing the incoming data for effective learning. Additionally, the proposed ATL‐DNN technique is shown to transfer knowledge between different task domains (wind power to wind speed prediction) and from one region to another region. The simulation results show that the proposed ATL‐DNN technique achieves average values of 0.0637, 0.0986, and 0.0984 for the mean absolute error, root mean squared error, and standard deviation error, respectively.  相似文献   

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