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管道系统泄漏检测神经网络与模式识别方法 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
提出了以管道系统泄漏后形成多相湍射流所引发的应力波信号时域和频域特征指标构造神经网络输入矩阵,建立对管道运行状况进行分类的神经网络模型以检测管道泄漏故障的发生。并提出以波峰、波谷、水平线、主导峰、支配强度、从属度等模式基元抽取负压波形特征,采用上下文无关文法对管道负压波进行描述,进而建立了管道负压波形结构模式分类系统,用于区别管道正常状态和泄漏状态。实验研究了这些新理论的有效性。 相似文献
为探究压水堆核电厂小破口失水事故中管道小破口蒸汽临界流泄漏特性,开展了管道小破口泄漏实验,以探索饱和/过热蒸汽临界流泄漏特性。基于压力管道疲劳贯穿裂纹(微通道),开展了流体压力3~12 MPa、流体温度240℃~320℃范围内的蒸汽临界流泄漏实验。实验结果表明,蒸汽临界质量流速与初始流体压力呈正相关关系,与初始流体过热度呈负相关关系。与过冷水临界流泄漏相比,蒸汽临界质量流速受入口压力损失、摩擦效应与加速效应的影响相对较弱。利用一维等熵模型预测了蒸汽临界质量流速,预测值与实验值平均相对偏差为14.17%,表明一维等熵模型具有良好的蒸汽临界质量流速预测精度。 相似文献
稳压器电加热元件包壳破损吸湿肿胀引起的开裂事故在国内外均有发生,这种事故均与电加热元件包壳存在泄漏有关。国内某核电项目热试期间发现部分电加热元件绝缘性能不符合设计要求,通过检测,发现与密封性相关的焊缝存在泄漏缺陷。为避免严重的由于泄漏引起的电加热元件肿胀开裂事故,对出现绝缘降质的电加热元件进行了详细的检查和分析。分析表明单纯进行表面检测是有风险的。为了保证电加热元件的密封性能,除了对包壳管材料进行氦检漏,端塞-包壳焊缝也需要进行氦检漏。结合电加热元件的结构和制造工艺特点,设计了专用的检测系统,并设计了一套完整检测方案。至此,稳压器电加热元件的密封完整性得到了全面的检测,排除了泄漏隐患。 相似文献
导热反问题实测数据的一致逼近平滑方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
导热反问题中实测输入数据的误差直接以求解的结果,本文根据求解不适定问题的正则化方法原理,对输入数据进行正则化平滑处理,以便使数据函数及其导数基本上实现一致逼近,模拟计算结果与应用实例都表明,经平滑后反问题解的精度与稳定性得到显著提高。 相似文献
针对两类与水锤控制密切相关的水锤反问题,构造了一种判别函数,在原问题有唯一稳定解的条件下,用此判别函数可以确定出反问题解的范围,并给出了具体解法。以水锤反问题为理论基础,建立了压水堆一回路水锤控制的方法。理论分析和数值计算表明,用求解反问题来对压水堆进行水锤控制是一种准确可靠而又简便易行的方法。 相似文献
本文利用顺序函数法(SFSM)对二维圆管内近壁面流体温度和对流换热系数进行快速反演。通过数值实验验证了导热反问题程序的精确性,探讨了测量噪声对反演结果的影响。结果表明:该方法能精确反演得到圆管近壁面流体温度和对流换热系数;当存在测量噪声时,反演值在真实值之间来回波动,波幅随测量噪声的增大而略有增大。在有或无测量误差条件下,近壁面流体温度的反演平均相对误差均在1%左右,而对流换热系数的反演精度略差一些,其平均相对误差均小于20%,说明该反演程序具有一定的抗噪性。 相似文献
The sequential function specification method (SFSM) was used to quickly invert the near-wall fluid temperature and heat transfer coefficient of two-dimensional pipe. The accuracy of the inverse heat conduction problem was verified by numerical experiment. Meanwhile, the influence of measurement noises on inversion results was discussed. The inversion results show that SFSM can accurately obtain the fluid temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient near the inner wall of pipe. When the measurement noises exist, the inversion value fluctuates in the real value and the amplitude slightly increases with the noises. The average relative error of the estimated fluid temperature near the wall is about 1% with or without measurement noises, while the inversion accuracy of the convective heat transfer coefficient is slightly worse, but the average relative error is less than 20%. It means that the inversion program has a certain anti-noise performance. 相似文献
针对动态范围较大的单次快脉冲信号测试,提出了一种基于固态射频开关的分段测试思想,文中主要介绍了系统结构及电路调试时主要解决的技术问题。该系统可应用于高能物理实验快脉冲辐射测试中。 相似文献
根据在清华大学液态金属实验室实验钠回路上得到的实验数据,采用基于小波变换的奇异性检测理论进行快堆蒸汽发生器水/水蒸气泄漏的故障诊断研究。结果表明:此方法使得声学泄漏探测系统的灵敏度得到了提高,且对泄漏发生时间的定位十分准确,是快堆蒸汽发生器水/水蒸气泄漏检测的有效方法。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(6):892-901
The cladding failure analyses on various beam transients of Lead-Bismuth-cooled Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) were performed with ADSE code and the cladding failure analysis program. First, the cladding failure analysis program was developed. This program is intended for creep ruptures analysis using ADSE code and employs the method of Cumulative creep Damage Fraction (CDF) calculation. Beam diameter expansion, beam flattening, beam hollowing, and beam incident position change were analyzed for the ADS model proposed by JAEA. As a result, beam diameter expansion, beam flattening, and beam hollowing would not lead to cladding failures but beam incident position change was revealed to have a high risk for the cladding failures. Some core designs were proposed for the prevention of failure. The changes of sizes such as plenum length were not effective for CDF reductions. The application of SUS316FR steel cladding instead of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel showed good performance but the application of SUS316FR steel needs some provisions for erosions and corrosions. The fuel composition change was very effective for CDF control and this measure would be the best modification for the prevention of cladding failures. 相似文献