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Durum wheat glutenin fractions, composed of two low molecular weight proteins DSG-1 and DSG-2 (durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf) sulphurrich glutenin fractions) were extracted from semolina samples using a low concentration of Na tetradecanoate after extracting albumins, globulins and gliadins. DSG proteins have a high? SH plus S? S content. A highly significant correlation was found between the ? SH plus S? S content of this DSG-rich fraction and the cooking quality of pasta (0.63, P <0.01 with firmness and 0.86, P <0.001 with the state of the surface of the cooked pasta) and this seems to be a functional relationship. The use of acetic acid at various molarities showed the presence of high molecular weight glutenin fractions with differing solubility properties. In this respect, differences were found between varieties which are placed in the same group according to the classification of durum wheats based upon the composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits.  相似文献   

The proteins of 70 Canadian-grown wheat cultivars were fractionated by SDS-PAGE to determine their HMW glutenin subunit composition. On the basis of previously established relationships between individual subunits and measures of bread-making quality, Glu-1 scores were calculated for 67 cultivars. The three cuhivars Chinook, Cypress and Supreza were found to contain novel HMW glutenin subunits previously uncatalogued. The Glu-1 scores accounted for 59–69% of the variation in bread-making quality of these cultivars whereas flour ash accounted for none. The implications of these results to wheat breeding programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

The unique breadmaking properties of wheat are generally ascribed to the visco-elastic properties of its gluten proteins. While monomeric gluten proteins (gliadin) show viscous behavior, polymeric gluten proteins (glutenin) are elastic. The unique elasticity of glutenin results to a large extent from its polymeric nature. Glutenin is a highly heterogeneous mixture of polymers consisting of a number of different high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits linked by disulfide bonds. Although glutenin obviously is the major polymeric protein in wheat, other polymeric proteins occur as well. Their importance in breadmaking may be underestimated. Nevertheless, variations in both quantity and quality of glutenin strongly determine variations in breadmaking performance. Structural features of different classes of glutenin subunits are described. Variations in glutenin quality may result from variations in its (1) structure, (2) size distribution, and (3) subunit composition. Some hypotheses on glutenin structure and current insights into the role of glutenin size distribution are evaluated. Finally, different ways in which variation in glutenin composition may directly or indirectly (by affecting glutenin structure and/or size distribution) influence glutenin quality are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty durum wheat genotypes from ten countries of origin were grown in field plots for two consecutive years. Three of the genotypes were γ‐gliadin 42 types and the remainder were γ‐gliadin 45 types. Among the γ‐gliadin 45 types, six high‐molecular‐weight glutenin subunit (HMW‐GS) patterns were identified: 6 + 8, 7 + 8, 7 + 16, 14 + 15, 20 and 2*, 20. All the γ‐gliadin 42 genotypes contained low amounts of unextractable polymeric protein (UPP) and exhibited low gluten index values and weak gluten properties. The γ‐gliadin 45 genotypes exhibited a wide range of UPP, gluten index and dough strength. HMW‐GS 20 genotypes were generally weak, whereas HMW‐GS 6 + 8 and 7 + 8 genotypes were generally strong. When baked by a lean formulation, long‐fermentation straight‐dough hearth bread process, the durum wheat genotypes exhibited a wide range of baking quality. Loaf volume and bread attributes were strongly correlated with UPP and gluten index. Some of the genotypes exhibited bread attributes and loaf volume equal or slightly superior to those of a high‐quality bread wheat flour. However, even the strongest durum wheat genotypes exhibited inferior fermentation tolerance to the bread wheat flour, as seen by a requirement for lower baking absorption during dough handling and more fragile dough properties when entering the oven. Among the HMW‐GS groups, HMW‐GS 7 + 8 and 6 + 8 exhibited the best and HMW‐GS 20 the poorest baking quality. Farinograph, alveograph and small‐scale extensigraph properties demonstrated that a combination of dough elasticity and extensibility was needed for superior durum wheat baking performance. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Based on previous work, which related individual HMW glutenin subunits to bread-making quality by genetical analysis, quality scores were assigned to each of the commonly occurring subunits. The grain proteins of 84 home-grown wheat varieties were fractionated by SDS—PAGE to determine their HMW glutenin subunit composition. The quality scores of each of the subunits were summed to create a Glu-1 quality score for each variety. The results indicated that 47-60% of the variation in the independently established bread-making qualities of this set of varieties could be accounted for by variation in HMW subunits of glutenin. The presence or absence in the varieties of a translocated chromosome, which consisted of the long arm of 1B and the short arm of 1R from rye, was also established because of its known association with poor bread-making quality. A correction factor was applied to the Glu-1 quality score of those varieties that contained the 1 BLURS chromosome. The variations in the rye-adjusted Glu-1 quality scores were compared with those of the bread-making qualities of the varieties, and the proportion of variation in quality accounted for was raised to 55-67%. The Glu-1 quality score and the biscuit-making qualities of the same set of varieties were negatively related. The results are discussed in relation to future strategies recommended to wheat breeders for developing new varieties with improved bread-making quality.  相似文献   

小麦及其面粉品质对馒头品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
综合分析了小麦与面粉的蛋白质品质、淀粉品质、酶、脂类物质等对馒头品质的影响。  相似文献   

研究了小麦胚芽粉加入量对馒头品质的影响。测定不同小麦胚芽粉加入量下制得的馒头的比容、白度、硬度以及感官评分等并观察其变化,结果显示,随着小麦胚芽粉含量的增加,馒头的白度和比容均呈下降趋势,而硬度呈现先平缓后上升的趋势,馒头的感官评分则是先增大后减小,在加入量为6%时所制得的馒头的感官评分最高。  相似文献   

谷蛋白大聚体在小麦加工中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谷蛋白大聚体(GMP)是小麦籽粒中最重要的蛋白质聚合体,不溶于1.5%SDS溶液,且分子质量较大,以颗粒形式存在,粒径范围为1~300μm;其含量和分子结构与食品加工品质密切相关,在面制食品加工中的作用远大于可溶性谷蛋白聚合体和单体蛋白。谷蛋白大聚体含量高的小麦品种,其面筋、面团的强度和弹性较大,面包烘烤品质较好,面条拉伸特性较好。谷蛋白大聚体在面团和面过程中会发生解聚,其含量、粒径和分子质量均降低;而在面团醒发过程中又会发生重聚。面条面坯形成过程中,谷蛋白大聚体含量的降低程度远低于传统面团,而凝胶强度的变化趋势则与传统面团相反。  相似文献   

It has already been suggested that when glutenin chains are synthesised, two cysteine residues on each chain preferentially form interchain disulphide bonds (SS) resulting in linear arrays of polypeptide chains. Presumably steric factors stop the growth of a molecule eventually, leaving each terminal chain with a free SH group. It is now postulated that the free SH groups later react with low molecular weight (mol. wt) thiols and SS compounds, which also break some interchain bonds by SS interchange so reducing the average mol. wt of the glutenin. Terminal SH groups and the halves of each broken SS become blocked by low mol. wt compounds. Therefore, if the quantity of glutenin-bound low mol. wt thiols (end-blockers) bound to glutenin could be measured it would enable the number of glutenin molecules to be calculated and hence a number-average mol. wt. When six wheats spanning the normal range of baking quality were tested, glutenin-bound half-cystine and glutathione residues were eventually found, but no SH groups could be detected. The number-average number of chains per glutenin molecule (proportional to mol. wt) was correlated with intrinsic viscosity of glutenin and with loaf volume per gram of loaf protein, thus supporting the hypothesis. It is suggested that the main aim of reducing the native thiol content of flour with improvers is to limit degradation of glutenin molecules. If the hypothesis should be confirmed it may be advantageous to breed wheats with low contents of thiols and active disulphides in the grain, since their quantities may largely account for glutenin mol. wt and, in turn, protein quality.  相似文献   

Wheat protein composition is important for understanding the biochemical basis of wheat quality. The objective of this study was to design a simple protein fractionation protocol with low cross‐contamination and to show that these protein fractions were associated with wheat quality. The protocol consists of three sequential extractions from 100 mg of flour with 7.5% propan‐1‐ol and 0.3 M sodium iodide (monomeric‐rich protein), 50% propan‐1‐ol (soluble glutenin‐rich protein) and 40% propan‐1‐ol and 0.2% dithiothreitol (insoluble glutenin‐rich protein). Nitrogen content of protein solubility groups was determined from dry residues using an automated combustion nitrogen analyser. About 90% of the total protein in the flour was solubilised. Cross‐contamination of protein fractions was evaluated by SDS‐PAGE, SE‐HPLC and RP‐HPLC. Variation in nitrogen content of the protein solubility fractions was lowest for monomeric‐rich protein (<2%) and insoluble glutenin‐rich protein (<4%). Three wheats with similar high‐molecular‐weight (HMW) glutenin subunit composition, Alpha 16, Glenlea and Roblin, varied significantly (P ≤ 0.05) in the proportion of monomeric‐rich and insoluble glutenin‐rich protein in the flour. Dough rheological properties were directly related to the proportion of insoluble glutenin‐rich protein and inversely related to the proportion of monomeric‐rich protein. The protocol was validated using an expanded set of 11 wheats which also showed that inter‐cultivar differences in the proportion of monomeric‐rich, insoluble glutenin‐rich protein and glutenin‐to‐gliadin ratio in the flour governed dough rheological properties such as mixograph, farinograph and microextension tests. The protocol has merit for quality screening in wheat‐breeding programmes when the sample size is too small or when time constraints limit the ability to perform traditional rheological tests. For the Department of Agriculture and Agri‐Food, Government of Canada, Copyright © Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2003. Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analytical and rheological parameters were established for flours from nine selected wheat cultivars, each covering a range of protein contents. Arabic and pan breads were baked from these flours and baking quality was determined. Wheat cultivars were found to differ in their suitability for Arabic bread production. Within cultivars the relationship between protein content and Arabic bread score was best described by a quadratic equation. Traditional flour quality tests do not adequately describe the flour quality requirements for Arabic bread as clearly as for pan bread. Ranges and optimum values for a number of parameters can be set to describe flours most likely to be suited to the production of Arabic bread. However, for reliable evaluation of baking quality for Arabic bread, flours fitting the prescribed range must be test baked.  相似文献   

The high molecular weight glutenin (HMWg) subunit genotypes and amounts of the individual subunits of 38 Dutch wheat varieties were determined. In winter wheat varieties, HMWg subunit alleles that, in general, have been shown to be related to a poor bread-making quality predominated. In spring wheat varieties, ‘high-quality’ alleles were most frequent. When examining the published HMWg subunit genotypes of British and German varieties a similar difference was found in HMWg subunit genotype between spring and winter wheats. Because bread-making quality of spring wheat varieties is, in general, superior to that of winter wheats, probably also because of the lower protein content of the latter, the two groups should be taken separately when studying the relation between HMWg subunit genotype and bread-making quality. There was a considerable variation in relative amounts of allelic HMWg subunits and of subunits encoded by different genes (at the same or homeologous loci). Between varieties with the same HMWg subunit genotype, relative amounts of identical subunits differed only slightly. Some of these differences may reflect differences in gene expression, but it is not known to what extent differences in genetic background or differences in gene promoter are involved. There were differences in relative amounts of HMWg subunits encoded by alleles at the Glu-Bl locus. Here, an increase in relative amounts coincided with an increase in contribution to bread-making quality of an allele.  相似文献   

Protein is an important component of grain which affects the technological properties of durum wheat. It is known that the amount and composition of protein can influence dough rheology and pasta quality but the influence of the major classes of protein is not well documented. The influence of the various gluten components on dough and pasta properties was investigated. The protein composition of durum semolina was altered by either adding gluten fractions to a base semolina or preparing reconstituted flours with varying protein composition. The effects on semolina dough rheology and spaghetti texture were measured. Published methods to isolate relatively pure quantities (gram amounts) of glutenin, gliadin, high molecular and low molecular weight glutenin subunits were evaluated and modified procedures were adopted. Reconstituted flours with additional glutenin increased dough strength while additional gliadin and LMW‐GS decreased strength. These changes did not impact on spaghetti texture. Results from using the addition of protein fractions to a base semolina showed that gluten and glutenin addition increased the dough strength of a weak base semolina while gliadin addition weakened the base dough further. Addition of HMW‐GS greatly increased dough strength of the base while addition of LMW‐GS greatly reduced dough strength. Again, these affects were not translated into firmer pasta. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Durum breeders use a range of techniques in the development of new cultivars. An important selection criterion is the rheological properties of semolina dough and durum wheat breeders use this criterion in the development of new cultivars using a range of techniques. Because of the need to process large numbers of genotypes encountered in breeding programs, methods that are inexpensive, rapid, require small amounts of sample and that correlate with semolina quality are desirable. Using breeding material, this study investigated the relationship between the glutenin subunit composition and two traditional tests of gluten strength, gluten index (GI) and mixograph. Two sample sets of durum wheat breeding lines and cultivars, one grown in Canada (n = 229) and the other grown in Australia (n = 139) were analysed for GI, mixograph and both high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) glutenin subunits by SDS‐PAGE. Nine different HMW and 14 different LMW allelic combinations were found. In the Canadian set, the most frequent LMW alleles were aaa, bba, caa and cfa while in the Australian set, caa was predominant. For the HMW subunits, the most common allelic groups were Glu‐A1c/Glu‐B1d (null, 6 + 8) and Glu‐A1c/Glu‐B1b (null, 7 + 8) with fewer numbers of Glu‐A1c/Glu‐B1e (null, 20) in both sample sets. LMW subunits were more important contributors to gluten strength than HMW subunits with the rank for higher GI according to the LMW allele (Canadian set) being caa = aaa > bba and aaa > cfa while HMW subunits 6 + 8 = 7 + 8 > 20. Similarly, using the mixograph, strength ranking for the LMW alleles was aaa > cfa = bba and HMW subunit 20 gave poorer rheological properties. For some samples with a good LMW allelic group a low GI was observed and vice versa. Further characterisation of the protein composition in these samples showed the GI results could be explained by polymeric/monomeric (P/M), glutenin/gliadin (Glu/Gli) and HMW/LMW ratios or the proportion of unextractable polymeric protein. © Crown in the right of the State of New South Wales, Australia; and for the Department of Agriculture and Agri‐Food, Government of Canada, © Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2005. Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the types and amounts of individual HMW glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) is important for predicting technological quality. In this study, 228 wheat doubled haploids were compared in respect of HMW-GS composition, seed protein content, flour yield, rheological properties of dough, and loaf properties. The quantitative and qualitative composition of particular HMW-GS was determined by CE. The relative amounts of x-type and y-type subunits encoded by individual Glu-1 loci were considered. RESULTS: The results show that the amounts of some pairs x + y of HMW-GS are correlated with technological properties. The importance of quantities of particular pairs of HMW-GS for technological values depends on allele compositions in all the Glu-1 loci. Positive correlation was found between the amount of subunits Ax1, Ax2*, Bx7 + By8 or Dx5 + Dy10 and loaf volume (r = 0.215–0.618, P < 0.05). The influence of an increasing amount of Ax1 was positively correlated with dough softening (r = 0.451, P < 0.01) and negatively with dough development time (r = − 0.209, P < 0.05) and stability (r = − 0.351, P < 0.01), whereas for subunit Ax2* these associations were opposite. CONCLUSION: The results confirm the occurrence of epistatic interactions between alleles of Glu-1 loci. The effects of amounts of HMW subunits on bread-making quality should be considered only within glutenin subunit compositions. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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