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Gain-scheduling has proven to be a successful design methodology in many engineering applications. However, in the absence of a sound theoretical analysis, these designs come with no guarantees of robust stability, performance or even nominal stability of the overall gain-scheduled deign.This paper presents such an analysis for one type of nonlinear gain-scheduled control system based on the process input for nonlinear chemical processes. A methodology is also proposed for the design and optimization of the robust gain-scheduled PI controller. Conditions which guarantee robust stability and performance are formulated as a finite set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and hence, the resulting problem is numerically tractable. Issues of modeling error and input-saturation are explicitly incorporated into the analysis. A simulation study of a nonlinear continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) process indicates that this approach can produce efficient sub-optimal robust gain-scheduled controllers. 相似文献
We consider a minimax optimal control problem for uncertain stochastic systems. The uncertainty in the underlying stochastic system is formulated in terms of probability measure perturbations satisfying a relative entropy constraint. By characterizing the worst-case measure for a related stochastic minimax game, it is shown that the worst-case uncertain system can be represented in the form of a parametric perturbation of the nominal system. A numerical example is presented to illustrate theoretical results developed in this paper. 相似文献
Javad Lavaei Author Vitae 《Automatica》2010,46(1):110-115
This paper is concerned with the high-performance robust control of discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) systems with semi-algebraic uncertainty regions. It is assumed that a robustly stabilizing static controller is given whose gain depends polynomially on the uncertain variables. The problem of tuning this parameter-dependent gain with respect to a prescribed quadratic cost function is formulated as a sum-of-squares (SOS) optimization. This method leads to a near-optimal controller whose performance is better than that of the initial controller. It is shown that the results derived in the present work encompass the ones obtained in a recent paper. The efficacy of the results is elucidated by an example. 相似文献
The paper extends the robust minimax LQG control design methodology to stochastic uncertain systems with a general uncertainty structure, which includes normalized coprime factor uncertainty, passive uncertainty and sector norm-bounded uncertainty as special cases. The derivation of the result uses a special parameter-dependent Girsanov measure transformation. The efficacy of the proposed methodology is illustrated using the problem of frequency locking of an optical cavity which occurs in the area of experimental quantum optics. 相似文献
Vassilis Sakizlis Author VitaeAuthor Vitae Vivek Dua Author VitaeAuthor Vitae Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos Author Vitae 《Automatica》2004,40(2):189-201
In this paper a method is presented for deriving the explicit robust model-based optimal control law for constrained linear dynamic systems. The controller is derived off-line via parametric programming before any actual process implementation takes place. The proposed control scheme guarantees feasible operation in the presence of bounded input uncertainties by (i) explicitly incorporating in the controller design stage a set of feasibility constraints and (ii) minimizing the nominal performance, or the expectation of the performance over the uncertainty space. An extension of the method to problems involving target point tracking in the presence of persistent disturbances is also discussed. The general concept is illustrated with two examples. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the problem of comparisons among robust stability criteria for a class of uncertain linear systems, where the system state matrices considered are affinely dependent on the uncertain parameters. At first, a robust stability criterion for the class of systems to be affinely quadratically stable (AQS) is derived based on the vertex separator approach, where affine parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions are exploited to prove stability. Then comparison results between the robust stability criterion and the existing tests for AQS are given in terms of degree of conservatism. A numerical example is given to illustrate the results. 相似文献
In this paper, a fuzzy adaptive backstepping design procedure is proposed for a class of nonlinear systems with three types of uncertainties: (i) nonlinear uncertainties; (ii) unmodeled dynamics and (iii) dynamic disturbances. The fuzzy logic systems are used to approximate the nonlinear uncertainties, nonlinear damping terms are used to counteract the dynamic disturbances and fuzzy approximation errors, and a dynamic signal is introduced to dominate the unmodeled dynamics. The derived fuzzy adaptive control approach guarantees the global boundedness property for all the signals and states, and at the same time, steers the output to a small neighborhood of the origin. Simulation studies are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 相似文献
Naim Bajcinca Author Vitae 《Automatica》2006,42(11):1943-1949
Algorithms for computation of the total set of PID stabilizers based on decoupling of PID parameter space at singular frequencies are presented. Nonconvex stability regions are built up by convex polygonal slices. Two problems are thereby discriminated: (A) assertion of kP-intervals with stable polygons and (B) automatic detection of stable polygons for a fixed kP. This paper includes solutions to both problems. The methods apply also for robust PID stabilization of a multi-model uncertainty. 相似文献
PID controller structure is regarded as a standard in the control-engineering community and is supported by a vast range of automation hardware. Therefore, PID controllers are widely used in industrial practice. However, the problem of tuning the controller parameters has to be tackled by the control engineer and this is often not dealt with in an optimal way, resulting in poor control performance and even compromised safety. The paper proposes a framework, which involves using an interval model for describing the uncertain or variable dynamics of the process. The framework employs a particle swarm optimization algorithm for obtaining the best performing PID controller with regard to several possible criteria, but at the same time taking into account the complementary sensitivity function constraints, which ensure robustness within the bounds of the uncertain parameters’ intervals. Hence, the presented approach enables a simple, computationally tractable and efficient constrained optimization solution for tuning the parameters of the controller, while considering the eventual gain, pole, zero and time-delay uncertainties defined using an interval model of the controlled process. The results provide good control performance while assuring stability within the prescribed uncertainty constraints. Furthermore, the controller performance is adequate only if the relative system perturbations are considered, as proposed in the paper. The proposed approach has been tested on various examples. The results suggest that it is a useful framework for obtaining adequate controller parameters, which ensure robust stability and favorable control performance of the closed-loop, even when considerable process uncertainties are expected. 相似文献
Valery A. Ugrinovskii Ian R. Petersen 《Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)》1999,12(1):1-23
We consider a linear-quadratic problem of minimax optimal control for stochastic uncertain control systems with output measurement.
The uncertainty in the system satisfies a stochastic integral quadratic constraint. To convert the constrained optimization
problem into an unconstrained one, a special S-procedure is applied. The resulting unconstrained game-type optimization problem is then converted into a risk-sensitive
stochastic control problem with an exponential-of-integral cost functional. This is achieved via a certain duality relation
between stochastic dynamic games and risk-sensitive stochastic control. The solution of the risk-sensitive stochastic control
problem in terms of a pair of differential matrix Riccati equations is then used to establish a minimax optimal control law
for the original uncertain system with uncertainty subject to the stochastic integral quadratic constraint.
Date received: May 13, 1997. Date revised: March 18, 1998. 相似文献
We consider robust adaptive control designs for relative degree one, minimum phase linear systems of known high frequency gain. The designs are based on the dead-zone and projection modifications, and we compare their performance w.r.t. a worst case transient cost functional with a penalty on the
∞ norm of the output, control and control derivative. We establish two qualitative results. If a bound on the
∞ norm of the disturbance is known and the known a priori bound on the uncertainty level is sufficiently conservative, then it is shown that a dead-zone controller outperforms a projection controller. The complementary result shows that the projection controller is superior to the dead-zone controller when the a priori information on the disturbance level is sufficiently conservative. 相似文献
New PI-fuzzy controllers comprising Takagi-Sugeno and Mamdani fuzzy systems to control a class of integral plants specific to servo systems are proposed in this paper. Linear PI controllers are designed in the first phase. They are tuned using the Extended Symmetrical Optimum method to ensure the desired overshoot and settling time with respect to step setpoint modifications and three types of load disturbance inputs. This type of PI controller design guarantees robust stability of the closed-loop system in response to parametric variations in a controlled plant. Following this, based on the results from the linear case and the modal equivalence principle, an original development method for PI-fuzzy controllers is proposed. Some experimental results are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the design process. 相似文献
T. E. Djaferis 《Systems & Control Letters》1991,16(5)
Consider a family of single input single output plants described by transfer functions that involve real parameter uncertainty. Parameter values are known to lie in a hypercube. Assume that a class of available controllers has been prescribed, along with a bound for the sensitivity transfer function to ensure tracking. It is of interest to determine whether a controller from the given class exists that guarantees robust stability and robust asymptotic tracking. In this paper we present a problem formulation and then provide a solution based on it. Not only do we address the existence question but also give representation of controllers from the class that meet the robustness requirements. 相似文献
Douglas P. Looze 《Automatica》1983,19(3):299-302
This paper considers the problem of choosing a single constant linear state feedback control law which produces satisfactory performance for each of several operating points of a system. The model for each operating point is assumed to be linear and the criterion for satisfactory performance is taken to be an infinite horizon quadratic cost functional. This problem is reformulated as a finite dimensional optimization over the linear feedback gains which can be readily solved using standard nonlinear optimization techniques provided a stabilizing initial value of the gains can be found. Although the direct solution of this problem will be discussed briefly, the major portion of the paper will be devoted to solution techniques when an initial stabilizing guess is not available. 相似文献
This paper deals with the problem of observer-based stabilization for linear systems with parameter inequality. A new design methodology is proposed thanks to a judicious use of the famous Young relation. This latter leads to a less restrictive synthesis condition, expressed in term of Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI), than those available in the literature. Numerical comparisons are provided in order to show the validity and superiority of the proposed method. 相似文献
Xiang LiThomas E. Marlin 《Journal of Process Control》2011,21(3):415-435
This paper presents a new model predictive control (MPC) method that provides robust feasibility with tractable, real-time computation. The method optimizes the closed-loop system dynamics, which involves models of the process (with parametric uncertainty) and controller at each step in the prediction horizon. Such problems are often formulated as a multi-stage stochastic program that suffers from the curse of dimensionality. This paper presents an alternative formulation that yields a bilevel stochastic optimization problem that is transformed by a series of reformulation steps into a tractable problem such that it can be solved through a limited number of second order cone programming sub-problems. The method addresses robust feasibility, manipulated saturation, state and output soft constraints, exogenous and endogenous uncertainty, and uncertainty in the state estimation in an integrated manner. Case study results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed robust MPC over nominal MPC and several other robust MPC formulations. 相似文献