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At the early stage of interface design, the designer requires models and notations that can assist with reasoning and the exploration of ideas, and which are unconstrained by implementation issues. The review focuses on graphical notations for specifying the underlying behaviour of direct manipulation interfaces. Parallels are drawn with the requirements of notations employed in the more general areas of system requirements specifications. A number of existing graphical notations are compared and contrasted through a common example drawn from the Macintosh interface, and the required scope of an ideal notation for describing the behaviour of direct manipulation interfaces is defined.  相似文献   

One of the main methods used to compare direct manipulation and command-based interfaces is to examine user preferences. User preferences are extended in our research to examine which mental model, direct manipulation or command-based, subjects prefer to use in transfer situations. One group of subjects was provided with both a command-line and direct manipulation interface during a training phase. After training, several transfer experiments were conducted to determine the preferred mental model. The developed mental models were investigated by "running" the models and extending the models to new situations. They were evaluated by determining the operators specified by the subjects. By comparing the class of operators to subjects trained on only one of the interfaces, direct manipulation or command-based, the preferred model could be determined. The preferred mental model for "running" the model was the direct manipulation. For extensions that had a concrete or graphical basis in the interface, the direct manipulation was preferred. For extensions that were abstract, one model was not preferred over the other. Some ability to use multiple mental models, based upon the task, was also observed.  相似文献   

If judiciously applied, the techniques of cartoon animation can enhance the illusion of direct manipulation that many human computer interfaces strive to present. In particular, animation can convey a feeling of substance in the objects that a user manipulates, strengthening the sense that real work is being done. This paper describes algorithms and implementation issues to support cartoon style graphical object distortion effects for direct manipulation user interfaces. Our approach is based on suggesting a range of animation effects by distorting the view of the manipulated object. To explore the idea, we added a warping transformation capability to the InterViews user interface toolkit.  相似文献   

The paper describes an executable semi-formal graphical notation, Lean Cuisine+, for describing the underlying behaviour of event-based direct manipulation interfaces, and outlines a methodology for constructing Lean Cuisine+ specifications. Lean Cuisine+ is a multilayered notation, and is a development of the meneme model of Lean Cuisine. A motivation of the research stems from the need for tools and techniques to facilitate high-level interface design. The research supports and brings together a number of views concerning the requirements of notations at this level. These are that a notation should be semi-formal, graphical, executable, and object-based, and that to be most effective it should be targeted at a specific category of interaction. The Lean Cuisine+ notation meets all these criteria, the underlying meneme model matching closely with the selection-based nature of direct manipulation interfaces.  相似文献   

It is assumed that the usability of direct manipulation user interfaces is influenced by a number of design aspects. In this experimental study, the order of command specification and the type of function activation were manipulated in a 2 × 2 factorial design, in order to test hypotheses H1, that object-function specification contributes more to usability than function-object specification; and H2. that the type of function activation (clicking vs. dragging) will influence the usability of direct manipulation user interfaces. Sixty-four subjects, balanced by sex, without computer experience, were assigned randomly to the four experimental conditions. The dependent variables include performance data such as time, efficiency and error rates (logfile-recording), and subjective user rating of the user interface (questionnaire). Whereas HI had to be rejected in this general form, a more elaborated analysis showed significant differences between the factor levels in terms of performance time and syntactically correct actions. Furthermore, the results of the study demonstrated evidence for H2.  相似文献   

This paper identifies a new form of Internet intermediaries called smart marketplaces. Beyond other online marketplaces and strategic alliances, a smart marketplace provides an infrastructure and various core service components to facilitate the real-time integration of Web services. The structure of smart marketplaces and potential players are discussed. We analyze the business value of service integration offered by a smart marketplace, and further investigate the competition within and between smart marketplaces. Research supported in part by Intel.  相似文献   

Botnets, overlay networks built by cyber criminals from numerous compromised network-accessible devices, have become a pressing security concern in the Internet world. Availability of accurate mathematical models of population size evolution enables security experts to plan ahead and deploy adequate resources when responding to a growing threat of an emerging botnet. In this paper, we introduce the Susceptible-Infected-Connected (SIC) botnet model. Prior botnet models are largely the same as the models for the spread of malware among computers and disease among humans. The SIC model possesses some key improvements over earlier models: (1) keeping track of only key node stages (Infected and Connected), hence being applicable to a larger set of botnets; and (2) being a Continuous-Time Markov Chain-based model, it takes into account the stochastic nature of population size evolution. The SIC model helps the security experts with the following two key analyses: (1) estimation of the global botnet size during its initial appearance based on local measurements; and (2) comparison of botnet mitigation strategies such as disinfection of nodes and attacks on botnet’s Command and Control (C&C) structure. The analysis of the mitigation strategies has been strengthened by the development of an analytical link between the SIC model and the P2P botnet mitigation strategies. Specifically, one can analyze how a random sybil attack on a botnet can be fine-tuned based on the insight drawn from the use of the SIC model. We also show that derived results may be used to model the sudden growth and size fluctuations of real-world botnets.  相似文献   

Interface agents are computer programmes that provide assistance to users dealing with computer-based applications. The introduction of agents to user interfaces caused the exploration of new metaphors to enhance user ability to directly manipulate interfaces. In this regard, mixed-initiative interaction refers to a flexible interaction strategy in which agents contribute with users by providing suitable information at the most appropriate time. Mixed-initiative approaches promise to dramatically enhance human–computer interaction by allowing agents to resemble human assistants. In this paper, we report a study on how the interaction metaphor can affect the user perception of agent capabilities and, in turn, the final success of agents.  相似文献   

In this paper we present some results from our research on representation methods an architectural model of UIMS,suitable for accommodating various interactive styles.By roughly describing an experimental system of BD-UIMS,we lay emphasis on how to support irect manipulation and semanticfeedback,Particular attention is given to a simple conceptual model of user interface as well.Based on this model,the designing process of user interface is rather easy.Although current work is under DOS environment,the approach of transplanting it to UNIX is being developed.  相似文献   


The earliest interactive computer systems were based on a conversational mode of interaction in which user and computer communicated through the exchange of linguistic utterances. Since the advent of ‘direct manipulation’ technology there has been a tendency to develop and promote an alternative mode of interaction, based on the user's manipulation of computer-displayed objects. This paper reviews recent developments in the implementation and understanding of direct manipulation interfaces. These point to various limitations in manipulative interaction which might be overcome through the selective reintroduction of conversational interaction. A new philosophy of graceful interaction is suggested to accommodate these developments in which directness is said to be a property of both action and language based systems. A number of practical guidelines are offered to reduce the incidence of clumsy manipulation.  相似文献   

The earliest interactive computer systems were based on a conversational mode of interaction in which user and computer communicated through the exchange of linguistic utterances. Since the advent of 'direct manipulation' technology there has been a tendency to develop and promote an alternative mode of interaction, based on the user's manipulation of computer-displayed objects. This paper reviews recent developments in the implementation and understanding of direct manipulation interfaces. These point to various limitations in manipulative interaction which might be overcome through the selective reintroduction of conversational interaction. A new philosophy of graceful interaction is suggested to accommodate these developments in which directness is said to be a property of both action and language based systems. A number of practical guidelines are offered to reduce the incidence of clumsy manipulation.  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) constitutes a very powerful three-dimensional user interface for many “hands-on” application scenarios. To fully exploit the AR paradigm, the computer must not only augment the real world, but also accept feedback from it. In this paper, we present an optical approach for collecting such feedback by analyzing video sequences to track users and the objects they work with. Our system can be set up in any room after quickly placing a few known optical targets in the scene. We present two demonstration scenarios to illustrate the overall concept and potential of our approach and then discuss the research issues involved.  相似文献   

Biosignals offer potential for direct interfaces and health monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine efforts to harness biosignals to enable enhanced computer interfaces. In particular, biosignals can serve for passive health monitoring for the elderly who want to remain at home but need some level of support as they age. Such devices can directly manipulate computer interfaces to give people with limited peripheral mobility some control over their environment. In contrast to the biosignal interfaces based on voluntary peripheral nerve signals, we also discuss about the brain-to-computer interfaces (BCI).  相似文献   

In situations when a group of people has to make a decision based on the set of individual preferences, they use a certain aggregation method, in particular, voting. One of the main problems for any non-dictatorial social choice rule is the possibility for the voters to achieve a more preferable outcome of the voting by misrepresenting their preferences. Such actions on behalf of the voters are called manipulation, or strategic voting. One approach used to compare social choice rules in terms of how hard they are to manipulate is to find the complexity classes of manipulation problems for a given aggregation method. In this work, we present a survey of the studies of complexity classes of manipulation problems under various model assumptions and constraints.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a conceptual model of an interaction system for future human-computer interaction. It is suggested that an integrated system is the most promising solution for diverse users and tasks. A ' hybrid interaction system' is considered, which tries to efficiently direct manipulation, menu selection, and natural language. The mechanism of the natural language interface module is described in more detail. Finally, the allocation of functionalities for generalized tasks on the conceptual model is considered from the taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

This paper suggests three motivations for the strong interest in human factors' aspects of user interfaces and reviews five design issues: command language versus menu selection, response time and display rates, wording of system messages, on-line tutorials, explanations and help messages and hardware devices. Five methods and tools for system development are considered: participatory design, specification methods, software implementation tools, pilot studies and acceptance tests and evolutionary refinement based on user feedback.

The final portion of the paper presents direct manipulation, an approach which promises to become widely used in interactive systems. Direct manipulation involves representation of the object of interest, rapid incremental reversible actions and physical action instead of complex syntax.  相似文献   


This paper describes the development of a conceptual model of an interaction system for future human-computer interaction. It is suggested that an integrated system is the most promising solution for diverse users and tasks. A ‘ hybrid interaction system’ is considered, which tries to efficiently direct manipulation, menu selection, and natural language. The mechanism of the natural language interface module is described in more detail. Finally, the allocation of functionalities for generalized tasks on the conceptual model is considered from the taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

This article outlines an approach to teaching database design principles via a simple case study. Databases can be powerful management tools providing they are correctly designed, however, this is commonly viewed as a difficult technical task. This article provides a simple step by step approach to the problem which has been adopted with second year undergraduate students who have come from both arts and science backgrounds. It describes the implementation of the approach and briefly considers the results.  相似文献   

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