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目的:了解重庆医科大学护生心理健康现状,提出针对性应对措施.方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对150名本科高职护生的心理健康进行测试.结果:护生的总均分明显高于全国青年常模,心理障碍发生率为26.5%.结论:重庆医科大学护生存在的心理障碍高于同龄人,高职护生的心理问题较本科护生为重,故应重视和加强心理卫生知识宣传... 相似文献
目的:提高神经外科临床实习教学效果.方法:从教学的角度探讨神经外科临床实习教学中的若干问题.结果通过提高科室临床教学管理水平,增强临床教师教学意识,提高临床教师素质;融洽临床实习教学中的护患关系,同时为护生创造一个良好的学习环境等措施,发现近几年神经外科临床实习教学质量明显提高,受到护生一致好评.结论:提高临床实习教学质量教师是关键;护生是主体;融洽的护患关系是保证. 相似文献
目的:提高护生心电图教学效果。方法:采用计算机辅助教育(CAI)对100名护生进行心电图示教,同时与采用传统心电图示教的102名护生学习成绩比较。结果:两类护生心电图考试成绩比较有显著性差异。结论:CAI课件进行心电图示教教学效果明显。 相似文献
据浙江省教育厅统计2008到2011年间浙江省高职高专毕业生人数先是稳步上升,2011年开始趋缓有所下降。在庞大的就业人军中,高职生占了很大比重,且就业形式不容乐观。高职生电子商务创业是解决就业的重要方式。笔者通过统计调查分析了目前高职生电子商务创业状况,并对其进行分析。 相似文献
利用网络空间开展教学是高职教育适应信息化的大势所趋。文章介绍了基于云空间教学模式的技术支撑,阐述世界大学城云空间的内涵,分析云空间教学模式的特点和优势,并指出云空间教学要防止导向、记录和监控的缺失。 相似文献
目的:了解在校护生对护理工作领域的选择意向及其影响因素。方法:使用问卷对我校622名在校护生进行问卷调查。结果:护生选择的前三位最向往职业领域分别为手术室(27.8%)、产科(19.0%)、儿科(16.6%);前三位最不向往职业领域分别为精神科(48.2%)、社区护理(14.5%)、老年护理(11.1%)。结论:在校护生在选择职业领域时,存在严重的不均衡性,对护理事业的发展有负面的影响。 相似文献
目的:利用学生信息采集系统,收集新生心理健康信息,根据数据库信息分析探讨某高职院校08、09两级新生的心理健康状况的差异及原因。方法:08年和09年11月,在新生入校两个月后,利用学生数据采集系统,分别对3322名08级新生和3646名09级新生进行SCL-90测试。结果:09级新生总分和阳性筛选人数及检出率显著低于08级新生。09级新生在除强迫、人际关系两因子以外的其他因子上的得分均显著低与08级新生。结论:09级新生心理健康状况显著高于08级新生。 相似文献
目的:了解军队医院医务人员心理健康状况。方法:应用症状自评量表(Self-report Symptom checklist 90,SCL-90)对某市三所部队医院868名医务人员进行问卷调查。结果:接受调查的868名医务人员SCL-90总分、阳性项目数、躯体化、强迫、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、偏执及精神病性因子分均显著高于全国常模(P〈0.01)。女性医务人员的总分、阳性项目数、强迫、抑郁、焦虑和敌对的因子分显著高于男性(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。30岁以下的医务人员的总分、阳性项日数及各项因子分均显著高于30岁以上组(P〈0.01)。单身离婚丧偶的医护人员SCL-90的阳性项目数、人际关系、焦虑和恐怖因子分显著高于已婚组(P〈0.05)。结论:受试军队医院医务人员的心理健康状况低于常模,受试医务人员的心理健康状况可能受性别、年龄、娇姻状况的影响。 相似文献
通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法等研究方法对我国高校大学生在网络环境下的信息交流现状进行研究,研究认为我国大学生普遍使用一些信息交流平台与同学、老师或朋友等进行交流,同时研究结果也认为由于接触网络较久而心理厌倦及担心教师掌握行踪等是影响我国大学生信息交流的主要因素。 相似文献
As use of digital devices has grown, university students (along with faculty and administrators) are considering whether academic reading should be done in print or on digital screens. Some studies have indicated that comprehension in the two media is equivalent, while other research has questioned this conclusion. Furthermore, we have little systematic knowledge about students’ own attitudes and practices regarding reading in hardcopy versus onscreen.The present investigation gathered quantitative and qualitative survey data from 429 university students in the US, Japan, Germany, Slovakia, and India. The quantitative findings revealed high levels of affirmation about advantages of reading in print. Nearly 92% said they concentrated best when reading in print, and more than four-fifths reported that if cost were the same, they would prefer print for both schoolwork and pleasure reading. Students reported they were more likely to re-read printed material than digital; they were also more likely to multitask when reading onscreen. Qualitative questions asked what students liked most and liked least about reading in hardcopy and reading digitally. Using a fine-grained coding scheme, these responses were quantified. Advantages reported for print included ease of annotation and paper’s tactile properties, while among the disadvantages were lack of convenience and expenditure of environmental or monetary resources. The biggest advantage of screen reading was convenience, while the primary disadvantages were eyestrain and distraction. 相似文献
Social networks sites have become the most popular instrument used to communicate and exchange information resulting in the addiction to this media. Previous studies suggested that personal characters play an essential role in addictive behavior and gender difference may be involved. Nevertheless, there are contradictions about the influence of gender. Some studies indicated higher addiction in men. Meanwhile, other researchers pointed out higher addiction among Spanish teenage female. Little studies in the Spanish context have analyzed the different socio-cultural and biological factors possibly related to this addiction and gender differences. With all being said, this study focused on determining the current incidence of social networks addiction in young college students, relating this social networking addiction with loneliness, prenatal testosterone (2D:4D ratio), self-esteem and personal satisfaction. A cross-sectional study focused on female and male college students aged 17–25 years (N = 278) was carried out. It was used several surveys, including the Social Network Addiction Questionnaire (SNA) and the 2D:4D ratio. The results showed difference among male and female about addiction (chi-square = 12.77, p-value = 0.002). Moreover, this addiction was linked with several factors, such as importance given to social networks by females (p-value < 0.001) and males (p-value < 0.001). Also, the findings showed that addiction to social networks might be influenced by gender, showing more importance sociopsychological factors in females and a combination of biological and social factors in the men. Moreover, Instagram has increased as the predominant social network for communication for college students (97.2% men and 93.7% women). 相似文献
Hua Pang 《Telematics and Informatics》2018,35(8):2232-2241
Despite a substantial literature suggests that computer-mediated communication impact individuals’ various psychosocial factors, relatively few studies have elucidated the underlying mechanism behind these associations. Building upon self-disclosure theory and previous studies, the principal purpose of this present research is to systematically explore the relationships among microblog utilization, online self-disclosure, friendship maintenance, and perceived life satisfaction. A web-based survey was implemented using a total of 426 university students in Northwestern China. Structural equation modeling reveals that intensity of microblog use is positively associated with these students’ friendship maintenance and life satisfaction. Additionally, online self-disclosure plays the crucial mediatory role in the relationships between microblog use, quality of relationships, and gratification with life. The results imply that as microbloggers disclosure their inner thoughts or emotional states with other users online, they could foster their friendship maintenance and obtain greater life satisfaction. However, contrary to the expectation, students’ friendship maintenance is not discovered to be a significant predictor of the sense of life satisfaction in the online environment. Overall, these obtained outcomes of the empirical work could offer new insights into the deep comprehending of the social psychological process of microblogging among younger generation in the new media context. 相似文献