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Starch was isolated from four new waxy barleys and compared with normal and high‐amylose barley starch. The waxy barley samples were selected lines from crosses of Swedish hulled and naked barley cultivars with the cultivar Azhul as donor of the waxy gene. The starches from the waxy barley samples were found to contain 0.7–2.6% amylose when determined iodimetrically by amperometric titration and 0.0–0.9% when determined by size exclusion chromatography after debranching. However, Sepharose CL‐2B elution profiles of the starches detected by iodine staining showed that all four waxy samples were free from detectable amounts of amylose. The amylopectin starches were found to contain a small polysaccharide fraction with molecular size smaller than amylopectin, with an iodine staining λmax range of 550–600 nm. The water extractable and acid extractable β‐glucan contents in the waxy barley cultivars were generally found to be higher than those in normal barley.  相似文献   

Malt extract yield (EXT) and barley protein content (BPROT) data from 346 EBC trials located across all the EBC countries, and composed of many different varieties, from the years 1980, 1982 to 1990, inclusive, and 1993 to 1995, thus covering 13 seasons, were used to detect regional trends affecting the negative correlation between these two variables. Quadratic curves were fitted to data from each European region (North, Central, West and South), all of which showed very high coefficients of determination (r2). A common trend in all regions, and also in the overall European analysis, was of EXT decreasing when BPROT increased, although the extent of decrease varied among the regions. Two different geographical patterns of variation in EXT with changes in BPROT have been observed, on the one hand those of the Iberian Peninsula and West region, and on the other, those of the North and Central regions. In the first case, the rate of decrease in EXT was almost constant across the full range of variation of BPROT, whereas, in the second case, the decrease in EXT grew progressively with increases in BPROT. Therefore, although “Bishop's law” on EXT decrease with BPROT increase holds true as a general statement, it would be necessary to take climatic differences into account when estimating EXT values from BPROT data.  相似文献   

Nitrogen analyses of the grains of samples of commercial malts indicate that β‐glucan breakdown and the uniformity of malt modification are influenced by uniformity of distribution of grain protein. It is proposed that for normal malting barley, variations in malt modification are related to the different percentages of grains which contain high levels and different types of proteins which resist enzymic modification during malting. This kind of inhomogeneity of malt modification can cause brewhouse problems but cannot be detected with precision by standard malt analyses.  相似文献   

Similar basal levels of β-D-glucans were released into worts produced at 45°C from enzymically active or inactivated flours of milled malts. In contrast, significantly higher levels of β-D-glucans were found in worts derived from either enzymically active or inactivated malt flours mashed at 65°C. In general, mashing temperature may play a more important role in releasing β-D-glucans during mashing than enzymes described as β-glucan-releasing. In this context, the physical release of β-D-glucan during mashing should be separated from the enzymic release and degradation of β-D-glucan which occur during malting.  相似文献   

This paper describes initial experiments carried out in a collaborative study with Perten Instruments, Sweden, using Near‐Infrared spectroscopy to assess β‐glucan content in single grains of barley and malt. In general, the method needs further development, but this study shows that it has potential as a valuable tool for assessing endosperm modification of malt. The method is fast and non‐destructive and therefore allows other parameters related to endosperm modification to be analysed using the same grains.  相似文献   

Analysis according to the EBC protocol, immunological determination of a α-amylase and estimation of malt β-glucan using the Calcofluor-FIA method, were used to screen 327 barley breeding lines for malting quality. The results obtained with the α-amylase and β-glucan methods are highly correlated to the important malt quality paramters: extract yield and β-glucan content in the wort. It is recommended that either of the two methods, which are simple to perform are used as prescreening tools in breeding programmes for malting barley.  相似文献   

A population of barley lines, derived by mutation in the hull‐less variety, Penthouse, was included in a replicated trial, along with Penthouse and the hulled malting cultivar, Optic. Samples were assessed for a range of grain quality traits, then malted, with germination for either 4 or 5 days, prior to kilning. Most lines had grain β‐glucan contents lower than that of Penthouse, but there was no significant correlation between grain and malt β‐glucan content. Malt β‐glucan levels were indicative of differences in cell wall breakdown between 4 and 5 days germination, but negative associations with distilling parameters Extract and Alcohol Yield, were not statistically significant. It was concluded that the lines differed in the rate and extent of cell wall breakdown and that grain shape may influence modification in distal parts of the grain. However, a malting regime, optimised to suit Optic may be less suited to discriminating between hull‐less lines of reasonable quality.  相似文献   

The effects of variety and germination time on β‐glucan components – total β‐glucan (TBG), water insoluble β‐glucan (WIBG) and water soluble β‐glucan (WSBG) and β‐glucanase (BG) levels – before and after malting in improved sorghum varieties SK5912, KSV8 and ICSV400 and their relationships to wort specific viscosity (SV) were studied. This study was part of efforts to aid local malting and brewing industries in the application of sorghum varieties that are abundantly available to reduce costs. At the fifth day of germination, variety ICSV400 had the lowest TBG, WIBG and WSBG levels in its raw and malt samples. Variety SK5912 had the highest TBG, WIBG and WSBG levels in its raw samples, while variety KSV8 had the highest levels of TBG, WIBG and WSBG in its malt samples. Similarly, variety ICSV400 malts developed the highest BG levels, while the KSV8 malts gave the lowest level. The effect of variety, germination time and variety × germination time interaction was significant (p < 0.05) on the TBG, WIBG and BG levels and was not significant on the WSBG levels. Weak and significant correlation of TBG levels with SV (0.25, p < 0.05 for SK5912; 0.24, p < 0.05 for KSV8; and 0.31, p < 0.05 for ICSV400) was observed in all the samples, suggesting that the low β‐glucan levels may not be primarily and solely responsible for any viscosity impediments associated with sorghum worts during run‐off. With improvement in the effective utilization of sorghum, ICSV400 appeared the most suitable variety for malting and brewing in Nigeria.Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The finding of new isolates of non‐Saccharomyces yeasts, showing beneficial enzymes (such as β‐glucosidase and β‐xylosidase), can contribute to the production of quality wines. In a selection and characterization program, we have studied 114 isolates of non‐Saccharomyces yeasts. Four isolates were selected because of their both high β‐glucosidase and β‐xylosidase activities. The ribosomal D1/D2 regions were sequenced to identify them as Pichia membranifaciens Pm7, Hanseniaspora vineae Hv3, H. uvarum Hu8, and Wickerhamomyces anomalus Wa1. The induction process was optimized to be carried on YNB‐medium supplemented with 4% xylan, inoculated with 106 cfu/mL and incubated 48 h at 28 °C without agitation. Most of the strains had a pH optimum of 5.0 to 6.0 for both the β‐glucosidase and β‐xylosidase activities. The effect of sugars was different for each isolate and activity. Each isolate showed a characteristic set of inhibition, enhancement or null effect for β‐glucosidase and β‐xylosidase. The volatile compounds liberated from wine incubated with each of the 4 yeasts were also studied, showing an overall terpene increase (1.1 to 1.3‐folds) when wines were treated with non‐Saccharomyces isolates. In detail, terpineol, 4‐vinyl‐phenol and 2‐methoxy‐4‐vinylphenol increased after the addition of Hanseniaspora isolates. Wines treated with Hanseniaspora, Wickerhamomyces, or Pichia produced more 2‐phenyl ethanol than those inoculated with other yeasts.  相似文献   

To gain further technological knowledge of mashing, pilot scale mashing trials were carried out varying mashing programme (upward/isothermal mashing), milling procedure, grist:liquor ratio, time of mash stands, and grist modification level (well and poorly modified malt). During mashing β‐glucan, free amino nitrogen (FAN) and extract contents were analysed as key indicators for cytolysis, proteolysis, and amylolysis, respectively. The malt modification was of major impact for the β‐glucan release in contrast to a variation of milling procedure and of grist:liquor ratio. Extended stands lead to increased final values only for poorly modified malt. Similarly, FAN release was predetermined by malt modification while variation of milling and of grist:liquor ratio was not relevant in contrast to stand extension. None of the variations applied influenced extract yield as long as gelatinization temperature was reached. Greatest gains occurred around 57°C. In conclusion, wort quality is critically determined by malt modification. Mashing with well modified malt in combination with short stands should result in a mash of low β‐glucan and sufficient FAN level without losing extract yield. However, for poorly modified malt the variation of mashing parameters has an impact on the key indicators in which cytolysis plays the dominating role.  相似文献   

A dynamic model was developed that describes the formation of β‐glucanase and the degradation of β‐glucans at different temperatures and grain moistures during the germination of malting barley. The process was analysed by simulations and by solving an optimal control problem for maximising the β‐glucanase activity. The results demonstrate the effects of controlling dynamically the germination process and improve the understanding of cytolysis in germination.  相似文献   

Ovine whey proteins were fractionated and studied by using different analytical techniques. Anion‐exchange chromatography and reversed‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) showed the presence of two fractions of β‐lactoglobulin but only one of α‐lactalbumin. Gel permeation and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis allowed the calculation of the apparent molecular mass of each component, while HPLC coupled to electrospray ionisation‐mass spectrometry (ESI‐MS) technique, giving the exact molecular masses, demonstrated the presence of two variants A and B of ovine β‐lactoglobulin. Amino acid compositions of the two variants of β‐lactoglobulin differed only in their His and Tyr contents. Circular dichroism spectroscopy profiles showed pH conformation changes of each component. The thermograms of the different whey protein components showed a higher heat resistance of β‐lactoglobulin A compared to β‐lactoglobulin B at pH 2, and indicated high instability of ovine α‐lactalbumin at this pH.  相似文献   

A collective report on the extraction and isolation of β‐glucan from grain sources, namely, oat, barley, and wheat is presented. An analysis on the effect of medium, pH, and temperature on the purity and yield of the β‐glucan derived under acidic/alkaline/aqueous/enzymatic conditions is also made. Water extraction and alkali extraction processes are preferred as the yield and recovery of extracted β‐glucan were good. Cost‐effective development of the process for deriving high molecular weight β‐glucan is the current requirement for its wide applications in food and pharmaceutical industries.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the variation between varieties in some properties of barley and malt and how this variation relates to malt hot water extract (HWE). The development of enzyme activity along the grain during germination was investigated. In this first paper we have examined β-glucan-related characters and found significant varietal variation in maximum enzyme activities and in the activities in different sections of grain during germination. Varietal variation was greater than environmental variation for each character. The fraction of β-glucan soluble in acid was the character most highly correlated with HWE.  相似文献   

Eighteen barley genotypes used in Brazilian malting barley breeding programs were characterized in relation to (1–3, 1–4)‐β‐glucanase activity in green and kilned malt. They were tested to determine the loss of enzyme activity during kilning in the malting process and the environmental effects on enzyme activity were measured. The genotypes analyzed showed great variation regarding the enzyme activity in both kinds of malt, in a range from 531.94 to 934.31 U/kg in green malt, and from 187.02 to 518.40 U/kg in dry malt. The mean enzyme activity loss during kilning was close to 60%, very similar to the results obtained in other studies. The loss among genotypes varied from 8.04% to 71.54%. The enzyme activity varied significantly under the different environments tested, showing existence of environmental effects on the genotypes analyzed. Embrapa 127 was the genotype that exhibited the highest enzyme activity in finished malt although it had shown a low activity in green malt, reflecting a negligible loss of activity during kilning. The data indicate promising results to malting barley breeding due to the wide variability exhibited by genotypes as to enzyme activity and levels of isoenzyme with high thermostability.  相似文献   

The aim was to identify the mechanism(s) responsible for the release of bound β‐amylase in soluble forms in vitro and during the germination of barley. Preparations of bound β‐amylase, from barley, were treated with different agents including papain, thiols, starchy endosperm extract and reagents with amphipathic characteristics. The time courses of the release of the bound enzyme were compared using the different releasing agents. All the reagents tested caused some release of bound β‐amylase. Probably a very complex combination of mechanisms is involved in the release of bound β‐amylase as barley germinates. Initial release may be by cleavage of disulphide bonds which bind β‐amylase to insoluble protein. Material having amphipathic characteristics may break hydrophobic associations between β‐amylase and insoluble protein(s). The larger molecular weight isoforms are proteolysed to form the lower molecular weight materials present in malt. Limited proteolysis may also occur before the release of bound enzyme. Whether or not proteolysis is directly responsible for the release of bound enzyme remains uncertain.  相似文献   

The effects of malting on β‐glucan and phytate were investigated in one naked and one covered barley by a full factorial experiment with three factors (steeping temperature, moisture content and germination temperature) each with two levels. Analysis of total content of β‐glucan in the malted samples showed small changes after steeping at the high temperature (48 °C), while steeping at the lower temperature (15 °C) gave a significantly lower content. This trend was even stronger for β‐glucan unextractable at 38 °C. Analysis of the activity of β‐glucanase for the samples steeped at 15 °C showed a strong increase over the time of germination, while those steeped at 48 °C had a much slower development. The other two factors influenced the outcome to a small extent, mainly because the steeping temperature was the most important factor overall where any changes in β‐glucan and β‐glucanase were observed. When β‐glucan was extracted at 100 °C, a larger yield was obtained, and this was influenced by the steeping temperature in a much stronger way than for β‐glucan extracted at 38 °C. Determination of average molecular weight for β‐glucan extracted at 100 °C gave a lower value for samples steeped at 15 than at 48 °C. The design did not have any large effects on phytate degradation and phytase activity. However, it indicated that selective control of the enzymes might be possible, since phytase activity was barely affected by the parameters studied, while β‐glucanase was heavily affected. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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