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In order to prepare engineering graduates with the written and oral communication skills needed in their professional careers a coordinated writing across the curriculum (WAC) program has developed in the chemical engineering department at the University of North Dakota. The students practice and develop their skills with writing assignments in both lecture and laboratory courses from the first-year level through the fourth-year capstone design course. The coordinated approach, especially in the four-semester laboratory sequence, allows the students to develop their skills by building on communication experiences in previous courses. The WAC program at UND including writing and public speaking assignments is described.  相似文献   

Outcomes assessment is a method for determining whether students have learned, have retained, and can apply what they have been taught. Assessment plans have three components: a statement of educational goals, multiple measures of achievement of the goals, and use of the resulting information to improve the education process. The results of outcomes assessment are part of a feedback loop in which faculty are provided with information that they can use to improve both their teaching and student learning. The experience of the Department of Chemical Engineering at West Virginia University is used as an example of how an assessment plan is developed and implemented. Examples of multiple measures of student learning outcomes and how the resulting information is used are presented. The resulting feedback loop allows for corrections to be made in specific classes if deficiencies are found, and indicates when remedial action should be taken to ensure that students do not graduate until a minimum level of competency is achieved.  相似文献   

Accreditation under Engineering Criteria 2000 (EC 2000) requires institutions 1) to define engineering unit and program missions in such a way that success of the mission goals may be measured; 2) to devise a curriculum that fulfills institutional, program, and EC 2000 goals for students and graduates; 3) to devise metrics that indicate when students meet these goals; and 4) to construct feedback mechanisms to ensure that the assessment of student outcomes metrics drive continuous improvement of the whole educational system. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) was one of the first two institutions to undergo accreditation under EC 2000 because of WPI's project-based curriculum which provided some experience with each of the four EC 2000 requirements above. This article reviews how WPI prepared for the EC 2000 visit (which occurred in November 1996), discusses what strategies for conducting an EC 2000 visit worked well, and concludes with some short- and long-term issues that all institutions must address to realize the full benefits of EC 2000.  相似文献   

Buildings collapse, vehicles crash, cranes and bridges collapse. Why? Who is responsible? Forensic engineers must analyze failures to determine causes, origins, and legal responsibilities of accidents, fires, and explosions. This is the subject of a new course offered in spring 2005 at Youngstown State University (YSU) entitled Engineering Forensics Using the Scanning Electron Microscope. The course included a lab in which undergraduate students conducted failure analysis investigations involving the use of the scanning electron microscope and the energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer. The creation of this course was a collaborative effort between the Forensic Science and the Materials Engineering Programs at YSU. This paper describes how this course was forged from a combination of the principles of forensic science with engineering failure analysis techniques.  相似文献   

Aalborg University in the north Jutland region of Denmark was chartered in 1974 and represents an innovative educational experiment with project-based teaching concepts. The University opened with approximately 900 students and currently enrolls an estimated 10,000. This paper examines how project-based teaching at Aalborg University has led to major engineering curriculum reforms. The Danish education initiatives are also compared to recent National Science Foundation efforts to integrate the teaching of design and economics in the United States.  相似文献   

U.S. manufacturing has discovered that the serial, over-the-wall approach to product development has to give way to a concurrent engineering approach. This customer-centered, multi-disciplinary team approach is being more widely used and today's graduating engineer must be prepared to understand and function in this environment. This paper describes an approach used to teach concurrent engineering at the University of Central Florida.  相似文献   

At Tufts University, we have initiated an engineering minor and concentration certificate program in Musical Instrument Engineering (MIE) as an exciting way to introduce and teach principles of mechanical engineering to undergraduate students. The goal of this program is to teach the fundamentals of engineering through the manufacture of musical instruments. As musical instruments are both familiar and complex, they provide non‐threatening and enjoyable focal points for engineering education. This interdisciplinary curriculum combines a variety of learning experiences, including lecturing, experimental analysis, and project development. In this paper we outline the minor and certificate programs, and assess the initial success of the Musical Instrument Engineering program through the response of faculty, administration, and students.  相似文献   

This paper describes the new undergraduate program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The restructuring of the program was initiated by a comprehensive review in 1992 that included surveys of alumni, students, and industrial representatives, as well as faculty assessment of current trends and future needs. The program is intended to address the changing backgrounds of incoming students, to prepare the students for new and diverse challenges in the workplace, and to provide a structure for the curriculum to evolve with changing technology. The new curriculum consists of three integrated courses in Design and Manufacturing, two Laboratory courses, and several redesigned courses in the Engineering Sciences. The redesigned program provides students with extensive hands‐on experience, a comprehensive experience in teamwork and technical communication, and the opportunity to exercise and develop their creativity.  相似文献   

A new Mechanical Engineering curriculum has been introduced at the University of Tokyo. It was developed in response to changes in Japan's industrial infrastructure, as well as to new developments in mechanical engineering. This paper summarizes these developments and presents the concept of the new mechanical engineering curriculum which allows an increased number of electives in comparison to the traditional, structured mechanical engineering degree program.  相似文献   

Currently, most of the writing that students do in engineering classes is formal writing, such as laboratory or design reports, produced at the end of the design process. Although appropriate for communicating the results of this process, formal writing tends to be less effective at helping students master the design concepts presented in the class. A potentially more beneficial form of writing is “incidental writing,” informal writing that students do throughout the course of the design process. Students enrolled in an engineering class developed under an NSF-funded program at the University of Washington kept journals throughout the class. Analysis of the journals indicated that incidental writing enables students to communicate with instructors, and improves not only the students' writing skills and comprehension of class material, but also their problem-solving abilities and ability to monitor their thinking and learning strategies.  相似文献   

By incorporating writing in engineering courses, we can move toward several important educational goals. Writing allows students to develop and use critical thinking skills. It enhances active learning and addresses the needs of students with different learning styles. It is a uniquely powerful tool for assessing student understanding. Writing becomes particularly useful in engineering education when demonstrated as a process. Similarities between the writing and design processes can be used to highlight the fact that there is often no single “correct” solution in either and that feedback and revision are often crucial to both. Finally, the status of our profession is enhanced when engineering graduates can communicate effectively. This paper provides specific examples of how we have employed writing in our courses over the last three years and how it has served to enhance outcomes in these courses.  相似文献   

A new engineering ethics video, Incident at Morales, was assessed with two different instruments: the standard Defining Issues Test and a short ad hoc survey. According to pre‐tests and post‐tests with the Defining Issues Test, viewers of the video increased the sophistication of their moral reasoning skills. According to the survey, viewers changed their opinions about the most important responsibilities of engineers and about meeting environmental regulations when working overseas. From these results, it appears that the video is an effective approach to teach engineering ethics.  相似文献   

Building Community: A New Future for Architectural Education and Practice by Ernest L. Boyer and Lee D. Mitgang of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1996, was intended to be a “comprehensive study of education and practice for the 21st century.” It was commissioned by the five national architectural organizations that joined together with a common goal of seeing the need for an independent study of professional education and practice: the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), the American Institute of Architects Students (AIAS), the National Council of Architectural Registration Board (NCARB), and the National Architectural Accrediting Board, Inc. (NAAB). The Boyer report identified problems, opportunities, and challenges not only for the primary audience of architecture educators and practitioners but also others in higher education. Boyer and Mitgang challenged architects and educators to “a new vision.” This vision would connect architecture schools and the profession more effectively to the changing social context. The academy was challenged with providing A Connected Curriculum. Practicing architects were challenged with providing A Unified Profession. The Boyer report, “urged schools to prepare future architects for lives of civic engagement, of Service to the Nation” [1]. The authors of Building Community were optimistic that the challenges could be met and we have taken on this challenge.  相似文献   

Engineering students often have difficulty learning how to write laboratory reports in their field. To assist students with this learning process and teach them writing strategies that will prove helpful in the workplace, a writing center was established in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at the University of South Carolina. There, consultants trained in technical writing work closely with ECE faculty members and teaching assistants to create a supportive network for students as they draft reports, including discussions during recitation periods, team consultations, and individual consultations. This paper presents a theoretical framework for the writing center program, as well as specific writing strategies that have proven helpful. Assessment methods and feedback from faculty and students about the success of the program are presented as well.  相似文献   

Universities play a key role in developing future engineers who understand the full scope of the product realization process, and are well equipped to produce effective, creative solutions to open-ended problems. A key step toward instilling the problem-solving mind-set in students is to lay the proper foundation early. Thus, a new cornerstone course, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design, has been developed in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University to bridge the gap between the freshman science and mathematics courses, and the more traditional mechanical engineering core courses such as thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and machine design. This paper presents the goals of the new sophomore course, some details of its implementation, and results of the first three offerings. The primary goal of the course is to teach the students effective strategies for solving problems that have many acceptable solutions. This goal is met by a mixture of design theory presentations and design practice in a carefully guided semester-long project. Distinction is made throughout the course between effective problem-solving strategies for single-solution problems, common in math, physics, and chemistry courses for example, and multiple-solution problem-solving strategies. Results from the first three offerings of this course indicate that it is changing the way students approach problems in their later courses. Plans for future revisions of the course are also included.  相似文献   

This study explores the use of writing as a tool for metacognition in the engineering classroom. We used the “explain‐a‐problem” type of assignment in the Engineering Statics course for four terms. The objectives associated with the assignments were grouped under student self‐assessment, student communication, and administration. Performance on each of four grading criteria for each assignment was tracked throughout the terms. The data indicate that explain‐a‐problem does help students achieve the self‐assessment and communication objectives, although the impact on overall course performance was not as significant as hoped. The assignment evolved to the point that the administrative objectives were also met.  相似文献   

Carnegie Mellon University offers a first-year course titled Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering to introduce undergraduate students to the discipline of mechanical engineering. The goals of the course are to excite students about the field of mechanical engineering early in their careers, introduce basic mechanical engineering concepts in an integrated way, provide a link to the basic physics and mathematics courses, and present design and problem-solving skills as central engineering activities. These goals are met through a combination of real-world engineering examples, classroom demonstrations, and hands-on experience in assignments and laboratories. Over the eleven semesters that this course has been taught, teams of first-year students have designed and assembled energy conversion mechanisms using miniature steam engines and Meccano sets to drive a mobile vehicle or to generate electricity for lighting a bulb. This paper describes the systematic process used to design this course and emphasizes this process of carefully integrating lectures with classroom demonstrations, laboratory experiments and hands-on projects to encourage students' active learning.  相似文献   

Group writing is an important and integral part of the engineering workplace which is rarely addressed in most undergraduate engineering curricula. Virtually every engineering student takes courses in composition and writing; however, these courses inevitably emphasize the development of individual writing skills. Engineering students need to be exposed to different group writing styles and learn to be effective group writers. The key elements to effective group writing include group dynamics and leadership and group members attitudes towards revision and criticism. By discussing with the students the key points to successful group writing, engineering students will turn in better assignments to their instructors and will be better prepared for the engineering workplace.  相似文献   

This article, written by three technical communication professors and one chemical engineering professor representing three different universities, presents four proven strategies for including effective writing assignments in engineering classes. The strategies include using writing assignments to analyze job-related Web searches and engineering job preparation, using peer editing to revise assignments, using journals to learn to write and write to learn, and using paper airplanes to teach how to write instructions.  相似文献   

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