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This paper considers the design of two-layered networks with fully interconnected backbone and access networks. The problem, a specific application of hub location to network design, is known as fully interconnected network design problem (FINDP). A novel mathematical programming formulation advantageous over an earlier formulation is presented to model the problem. Two hybrid heuristics are proposed to solve the problem, namely SAVNS and TSVNS which incorporate a variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm into the framework of simulated annealing (SA) and tabu search (TS). The proposed algorithms are able to easily obtain the optimal solutions for 24 small instances existing in the literature in addition to efficiently solve new generated medium and large instances. Results indicate that the proposed algorithms generate high quality solutions in a quite short CPU time.  相似文献   

Given a set of n interacting points in a network, the hub location problem determines location of the hubs (transfer points) and assigns spokes (origin and destination points) to hubs so as to minimize the total transportation cost. In this study, we deal with the uncapacitated single allocation planar hub location problem (PHLP). In this problem, all flow between pairs of spokes goes through hubs, capacities of hubs are infinite, they can be located anywhere on the plane and are fully connected, and each spoke must be assigned to only one hub. We propose a mathematical formulation and a genetic algorithm (PHLGA) to solve PHLP in reasonable time. We test PHLGA on simulated and real life data sets. We compare our results with optimal solution and analyze results for special cases of PHLP for which the solution behavior can be predicted. Moreover, PHLGA results for the AP and CAB data set are compared with other heuristics.  相似文献   

In telecommunication and transportation systems, the uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem (UMAHLP) arises when we must flow commodities or information between several origin–destination pairs. Instead of establishing a direct node to node connection from an origin to its destination, the flows are concentrated with others at facilities called hubs. These flows are transported on links established between hubs, being then splitted and delivered to its final destination. Systems with this sort of topology are named hub-and-spoke (HS) systems or hub-and-spoke networks. They are designed to exploit the scale economies attainable through the shared use of high capacity links between hubs. Therefore, the problem is to find the least expensive HS network, selecting hubs and assigning traffic to them, given the demands between each origin–destination pair and the respective transportation costs. In the present paper, we present efficient Benders decomposition algorithms based on a well known formulation to tackle the UMAHLP. We have been able to solve some large instances, considered ‘out of reach’ of other exact methods in reasonable time.  相似文献   

Solving the hub location problem with modular link capacities   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper deals with a capacitated hub location problem arising in the design of telecommunications networks. The problem is different from the classical hub location problem in two ways: the cost of using an edge is not linear but stepwise and the capacity of a hub restricts the amount of traffic transiting through the hub rather than the incoming traffic. In this paper both an exact and a heuristic method are presented. They are compared and combined in a heuristic concentration approach to investigate whether it is possible to improve the results within limited computational times.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a memetic algorithm (MA) for solving the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problem (USAHLP). Two efficient local search heuristics are designed and implemented in the frame of an evolutionary algorithm in order to improve both the location and allocation part of the problem. Computational experiments, conducted on standard CAB/AP hub data sets (Beasley in J Global Optim 8:429–433, 1996) and modified AP data set with reduced fixed costs (Silva and Cunha in Computer Oper Res 36:3152–3165, 2009), show that the MA approach is superior over existing heuristic approaches for the USAHLP. For several large-scale AP instances up to 200 nodes, the MA improved the best-known solutions from the literature until now. Numerical results on instances with 300 and 400 nodes introduced in Silva and Cunha (Computer Oper Res 36:3152–3165, 2009) show significant improvements in the sense of both solution quality and CPU time. The robustness of the MA was additionally tested on a challenging set of newly generated large-scale instances with 520–900 nodes. To the best of our knowledge, these are the largest USAHLP problem dimensions solved in the literature until now. In addition, in this paper, we report for the first time optimal solutions for 30 AP and modified AP instances.  相似文献   

In this paper, we deal with a traffic demand clustering problem for designing SONET-WDM rings. The objective is to minimize the total cost of optical add-drop multiplexers (OADMs) and inter-ring hub equipments, while satisfying intra-ring and inter-ring capacities. Also, the minimum number of nodes, for example three, for each ring should be satisfied. We develop an integer programming (IP) formulation for the problem and develop some valid inequalities that provide a tight lower bound for the problem. Dealing with the inherent computational complexity of the problem, we also devise an effective tabu search procedure for finding a feasible solution of good quality within reasonable computing time. Computational results are provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the lower and upper bound procedures for solving the problem.  相似文献   

We propose a new hub location model defined by the minimization of costs. The main contribution of this work is to permit the analysis of a hub-and-spoke network operated under “decentralized management”. In this type of network, various transport companies act independently, and each makes its route choices according to its own criteria, which can include cost, time, frequency, security and other factors, including subjective ones. Therefore, due to the diversity of the various companies’ criteria, one can expect that between each origin–destination pair, a fraction of the flow will be carried through hubs and a fraction will be carried by the direct route. to resolve this problem, it becomes necessary to determine the probability that any network user will choose the hub route for each trip to be made (or for each load to be carried). We present an integer programming formulation, subject the new model to experiments with an intermodal general cargo network in Brazil and address questions regarding the solution of the problem in practice.  相似文献   

A tabu search heuristic procedure is developed to solve the uncapacitated facility location problem. Tabu search is used to guide the solution process when evolving from one solution to another. A move is defined to be the opening or closing of a facility. The net cost change resulting from a candidate move is used to measure the attractiveness of the move. After a move is made, the net cost change of a candidate move is updated from its old value. Updating, rather than re-computing, the net cost changes substantially reduces computation time needed to solve a problem when the problem is not excessively large. Searching only a small subset of the feasible solutions that contains the optimal solution, the procedure is computationally very efficient. A computational experiment is conducted to test the performance of the procedure and computational results are reported. The procedure can easily find optimal or near optimal solutions for benchmark test problems from the literature. For randomly generated test problems, this tabu search procedure not only obtained solutions completely dominating those obtained with other heuristic methods recently published in the literature but also used substantially less computation time. Therefore, this tabu search procedure has advantage over other heuristic methods in both solution quality and computation speed.  相似文献   

In this paper a discrete variant of Unconscious search (US) for solving uncapacitated facility location problem (UFLP) is proposed. Unconscious search mimics the process of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in which the psychoanalyst tries to access the unconscious of a mental patient to find the root cause his/her problem, which is encapsulated in unconsciousness. Unconscious search is a multi-start metaheuristic which has three main stages, namely construction, construction review and local search. In construction phase a new solution is generated. In construction review the generated solution in construction phase is used to produce more starting points for using in the local search phase. The results of applying US to UFLP shows that this metaheuristic can determine high quality solutions in short processing time comparing to other heuristics.  相似文献   

A different approach to the capacitated single allocation hub location problem is presented. Instead of using capacity constraints to limit the amount of flow that can be received by the hubs, we introduce a second objective function to the model (besides the traditional cost minimizing function), that tries to minimize the time to process the flow entering the hubs. Two bi-criteria single allocation hub location problems are presented: in a first model, total time is considered as the second criteria and, in a second model, the maximum service time for the hubs is minimized. To generate non-dominated solutions an interactive decision-aid approach developed for bi-criteria integer linear programming problems is used. Both bi-criteria models are tested on a set of instances, analyzing the corresponding non-dominated solutions set and studying the reasonableness of the hubs flow charge for these non-dominated solutions. The increased information provided by the non-dominated solutions of the bi-criteria model when compared to the unique solution given by the capacitated hub location model is highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper considers the design of two-layered fully interconnected networks. A two-layered network consists of clusters of nodes, each defining an access network and a backbone network. We consider the integrated problem of determining the access networks and the backbone network simultaneously. A mathematical formulation is presented, but as the linear programming relaxation of the mathematical formulation is weak, a formulation based on the set partitioning model and column generation approach is also developed. The column generation subproblems are solved by solving a series of quadratic knapsack problems. We obtain superior bounds using the column generation approach than with the linear programming relaxation. The column generation method is therefore developed into an exact approach using the branch-and-price framework. With this approach we are able to solve problems consisting of up to 25 nodes in reasonable time. Given the difficulty of the problem, the results are encouraging.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a discrete location problem, which we call the Single Source Modular Capacitated Location Problem (SS-MCLP). The problem consists of finding the location and capacity of the facilities, to serve a set of customers at a minimum total cost. The demand of each customer must be satisfied by one facility only and the capacities of the open facilities must be chosen from a finite and discrete set of allowable capacities. Because the SS-MCLP is a difficult problem, a lagrangean heuristic, enhanced by tabu search or local search was developed in order to obtain good feasible solutions. When needed, the lower bounds are used in order to evaluate the quality of the feasible solutions. Our method was tested computationally on randomly generated test problems some of which are with large dimensions considering the literature related to this type of problem. The computational results obtained were compared with those provided by the commercial software Cplex.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem (UMApHMP). An electromagnetism-like (EM) method is proposed for solving this NP-hard problem. Our new scaling technique, combined with the movement based on the attraction–repulsion mechanism, directs the EM towards promising search regions. Numerical results on a battery of benchmark instances known from the literature are reported. They show that the EM reaches all previously known optimal solutions, and gives excellent results on large-scale instances. The present approach is also extended to solve the capacitated version of the problem. As it was the case in the uncapacitated version, EM also reached all previously known optimal solutions.  相似文献   

We study the hub location and routing problem where we decide on the location of hubs, the allocation of nodes to hubs, and the routing among the nodes allocated to the same hubs, with the aim of minimizing the total transportation cost. Each hub has one vehicle that visits all the nodes assigned to it on a cycle. We propose a mixed integer programming formulation for this problem and strengthen it with valid inequalities. We devise separation routines for these inequalities and develop a branch-and-cut algorithm which is tested on CAB and AP instances from the literature. The results show that the formulation is strong and the branch-and-cut algorithm is able to solve instances with up to 50 nodes.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a hybrid optimization method, consisting of an evolutionary algorithm (EA) and a branch-and-bound method (BnB) for solving the capacitated single allocation hub location problem (CSAHLP). The EA is designed to explore the solution space and to select promising configurations of hubs (the location part of the problem). Hub configurations produced by the EA are further passed to the BnB search, which works with fixed hubs and allocates the non-hub nodes to located hubs (the allocation part of the problem). The BnB method is implemented using parallelization techniques, which results in short running times. The proposed hybrid algorithm, named EA-BnB, has been tested on the standard Australia Post (AP) hub data sets with up to 300 nodes. The results demonstrate the superiority of our hybrid approach over existing heuristic approaches from the existing literature. The EA-BnB method has reached all the known optimal solutions for AP hub data set and found new, significantly better, solutions on three AP instances with 100 and 200 nodes. Furthermore, the extreme efficiency of the implementation of this hybrid algorithm resulted in short running times, even for the largest AP test instances.  相似文献   

In the mobile facility location problem (MFLP), one seeks to relocate (or move) a set of existing facilities and assign clients to these facilities so that the sum of facility movement costs and the client travel costs (each to its assigned facility) is minimized. This paper studies formulations and develops local search heuristics for the MFLP. First, we develop an integer programming (IP) formulation for the MFLP by observing that for a given set of facility destinations the problem may be decomposed into two polynomially solvable subproblems. This IP formulation is quite compact in terms of the number of nonzero coefficients in the constraint matrix and the number of integer variables; and allows for the solution of large-scale MFLP instances. Using the decomposition observation, we propose two local search neighborhoods for the MFLP. We report on extensive computational tests of the new IP formulation and local search heuristics on a large range of instances. These tests demonstrate that the proposed formulation and local search heuristics significantly outperform the existing formulation and a previously developed local search heuristic for the problem.  相似文献   

The dynamic space allocation problem (DSAP) presented in this paper considers the task of assigning items (resources) to locations during a multi-period planning horizon such that the cost of rearranging the items is minimized. Three tabu search heuristics are presented for this problem. The first heuristic is a simple basic tabu search heuristic. The second heuristic adds diversification and intensification strategies to the first, and the third heuristic is a probabilistic tabu search heuristic. To test the performances of the heuristics, a set of test problems from the literature is used in the analysis. The results show that the tabu search heuristics are efficient techniques for solving the DSAP. More importantly, the proposed tabu search heuristic with diversification/intensification strategies found new best solutions using less computation time for one-half of all the test problems.  相似文献   

We consider the multiple allocation hub maximal covering problem (MAHMCP): Considering a serviced O–D flow was required to reach the destination optionally passing through one or two hubs in a limited time, cost or distance, what is the optimal way to locate p hubs to maximize the serviced flows? By designing a new model for the MAHMCP, we provide an evolutionary approach based on path relinking. The Computational experience of an AP data set was presented. And a special application on hub airports location of Chinese aerial freight flows between 82 cities in 2002 was introduced.  相似文献   

In disaster management, the logistics for disaster relief must deal with uncontrolled variables, including transportation difficulties, limited resources, and demand variations. In this work, an optimization model based on the capacitated single-allocation hub location problem is proposed to determine an optimal location of flood relief facilities with the advantage of economies of scale to transport commodities during a disaster. The objective is to minimize the total transportation cost, which depends on the flood severity. The travel time is bounded to ensure that survival packages will be delivered to victims in a reasonable time. Owing to complexity of the problem, a hybrid algorithm is developed based on a variable neighborhood search and tabu search (VNS-TS). The computational results show that the VNS found the optimal solutions within a 2% gap, while the proposed VNS-TS found the optimal solution with a 0% gap. A case study of severe flooding in Thailand is presented with consideration of related parameters such as water level, hub capacity, and discount factors. Sensitivity analyses on the number of flows, discount factors, capacity, and bound length are provided. The results indicated that demand variation has an impact on the transportation cost, number of hubs, and route patterns.  相似文献   

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