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Low-carbon steel samples containing a small addition of niobium singly or in combination with nitrogen have been carburized in a natural Titas gas atmosphere at 950 °C and 15 psi gas pressure for different time periods. At the end of the predetermined time period, the specimens were pre-cooled to 860 °C in the furnace and quenched in 10% brine. One set of the quenched specimens was tempered at a low temperature of 160 °C and the other set was sub-zero treated at −195 °C in liquid nitrogen, followed by tempering at the same tempering temperature. Surface hardness was measured by Rockwell hardness testing machine and optical microscopy was performed on etched samples. Using a pin-on-disc type apparatus, wear test was carried out under dry sliding condition to assess the beneficial effect of niobium and niobium with nitrogen on the wear properties of the carburized and hardened low-carbon steels in relation to the resulted surface hardness and microstructures.

It has been found that niobium with or without nitrogen improves the wear resistance under both the heat treatment conditions. Niobium with nitrogen is more effective than niobium in improving the wear resistance. Whatever was the heat treatment condition, the wear rate of the specimens increases for all the steels as the carburizing time increases. It has also been found that samples with sub-zero treatment always have higher wear resistance than that of samples without sub-zero treatment. Niobium singly or in combination with nitrogen has been found as a modifier of the wear mechanism.  相似文献   

Measurements of dry sliding wear are presented for ductile irons with composition Fe-3.56C-2.67Si-0.25Mo-0.5Cu and Ni contents of 0.8 and 1.5 in wt.% with applied loads of 50, 100 and 150 N for austempering temperatures of 270, 320, and 370 °C after austenitizing at 870 °C for 120 min. The mechanical property measurements show that the grades of the ASTM 897M: 1990 Standard can be satisfied for the selected austempering conditions. The results show that wear resistance is independent of austempering temperature with an applied load of 50 N, but there is a strong dependence at higher austempering temperatures with applied loads of 100 and 150 N. Observations indicate that wear is due to subsurface fatigue with cracks nucleated at deformed graphite nodules.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONOwingtothehighspecificelasticmodulus,highspecificstrengthandexcellentmechanicalpropertiesbothatambientandelevatedtemperatures,Al Tial loyshavefoundtheirpotentialapplicationintheareaofaerospace,aircraftandmorerecentlyenginepartsinautomobile…  相似文献   

The dry sliding wear behavior of SiCp and SiCp-graphite-reinforced aluminum alloy composites produced by liquid metallurgy is studied by means of a pin-on-disc type of wear-test rig. This study evaluates the influence of independent parameters such as sliding speed (S), applied load (L), and sliding distance (D) on dry sliding wear behavior of composites. A Taguchi design for the experiments is used to collect the data in a controlled way, and a linear regression model is developed. This article tries to model dry sliding wear with wear parameters using a statistical approach. The results obtained in this work enable the influence and significance of various parameters and their interactions to be better understood. It was found that SiCp-Gr (graphite)-reinforced composites exhibit less volume loss when compared with SiCp-reinforced composites. Sliding speed is the most significant factor affecting wear behavior followed by L and D. The effect of interactions between the S and the L is more pronounced in SiCp-Gr composites.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONSincezinc aluminumalloyshavebeenwidelyusedintheproductionofdieandbearingfortheirex cellentwearresistanceproperty ,th  相似文献   

H13模具钢在制造业有广泛的应用,大多数的工作环境比较恶劣,表面经常会出现各种失效问题,因此需要对其表面进行强化处理. 单一进行激光表面强化处理时,强化层的性能往往达不到预期需求,进而采用超声辅助的方法进行强化涂层的制备. 基于超声辅助激光熔覆的过程中,通过对H13模具钢进行熔覆强化层的制备,探究超声功率对熔覆层尺寸及微观组织的影响. 结果表明,施加超声振动后增大了熔池表面的润湿性,焊缝表面变得相对平坦,超声振动使熔覆层内的元素分布更加均匀,晶粒更加细化,施加超声振动后的熔覆强化层显微硬度比未施加超声振动提高了21%. 用激光熔覆修复模具的同时施加超声振动,可以大幅度的提高模具表面的各种力学性能,延长模具的服役时间.  相似文献   

AZ91D镁合金微弧氧化涂层的干摩擦磨损行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在硅酸钠电解质体系中,采用电流密度100 A/m2的非对称交流脉冲电源模式处理AZ91镁合金,在其表面获得均匀的陶瓷涂层.采用M2000磨损试验机研究了该涂层合金的干式滑动摩擦磨损行为.采用X射线衍射仪和扫描电镜对陶瓷涂层结构和磨损表面进行观察分析.结果表明:根据载荷大小,涂层处理后AZ91D镁合金的磨损行为明显分为3个阶段,这些阶段同陶瓷层是否磨穿密切相关;微弧氧化涂层AZ91D镁合金的磨损机理主要是磨粒磨损;受表面状况的影响,陶瓷涂层的摩擦因数在 0.20~0.45 间波动;在较高载荷下,涂层被磨穿后,涂层的摩擦因数趋于基体合金的摩擦因数,涂层合金的表面变形能力提高,该阶段质量磨损速率随载荷增加,趋势变得缓慢.  相似文献   

The dry sliding wear behavior of Al 2219 alloy and Al 2219/SiCp/Gr hybrid composites are investigated under similar conditions. The composites are fabricated using the liquid metallurgy technique. The dry sliding wear test is carried out for sliding speeds up to 6 m/s and for normal loads up to 60 N using a pin on disc apparatus. It is found that the addition of SiCp and graphite reinforcements increases the wear resistance of the composites. The wear rate decreases with the increase in SiCp reinforcement content. As speed increases, the wear rate decreases initially and then increases. The wear rate increases with the increase in load. Scanning electron microscopy micrographs of the worn surface are used to predict the nature of the wear mechanism. Abrasion is the principle wear mechanism for the composites at low sliding speeds and loads. At higher loads, the wear mechanism changes to delamination.  相似文献   

Nickel aluminides coatings have been produced by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis using concentrated solar energy, with nickel composition of coatings ranging from 45 to 75 at.%. The dry sliding wear behaviour of coatings has been performed in a pin-on-disk tribometer. NiAl coatings (50 at.% Ni) have been tested against Al2O3 and WC–Co balls, while other coatings have been tested against Al2O3 balls. In all the coatings a three-body abrasion is produced by the particles detached from the coating surface and then oxidized, which remain between the ball and the coating. NiAl coatings exhibit the lowest wear coefficient while coatings with the highest Ni content have the highest wear coefficients. Wear coefficients show that NiAl coatings or coatings composed mainly of NiAl have a high wear resistance.  相似文献   

Dry sliding wear of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in air and vacuum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 INTRODUCTIONTitaniumanditsalloysareidealmaterialsforaerospaceandspaceindustriesbecauseoftheirhighspecificstrengthandexcellentcorrosionresistance[1] .Thevacuumenvironmentmustbeconsideredinspaceapplicationswherewearresistanceisrequired .Theabsorption ,stainsandoxidesmaybetotallyorpar tiallyremovedfromthesolidsurfaceinvacuum[2 ] .Thus ,arelativelyclearsurfacecanbeformed ,whichmightresultinanadhesionorevencoldweldingduetothestrongattractiveforcesbetweenmoleculesofthecontactingsurfaces[3] .…  相似文献   

以AA6061为基体、AlN颗粒为增强体,采用搅拌铸造工艺得到AA6061-T6/AlNp复合材料,研究了AA6061-T6/AlNp复合材料的干滑动磨损行为。开发回归模型来预测复合材料的磨损率。采用四因素、五水平的正交实验进行优化。实验因素包括滑动速度、滑动距离、荷载、增强体AlN颗粒的质量分数。采用SYSTAT 12软件和统计工具,如方差分析(方差分析)和t实验,验证回归模型。结果表明,开发的回归模型可以有效预测复合材料的磨损率,置信度达95%。采用回归模型,并依据磨损表面形貌分析,预测实验因素对AA6061-T6/AlNp复合材料磨损率的影响。回归模型预测结果表明,复合材料的磨损率随着增强体AlN质量分数的增加而降低,随着滑动速度、滑动距离、荷载的增加而增加。  相似文献   

Dry sliding wear tests were performed for 7075 Al alloy under a load of 25-250 N at 25-200℃.The wear behaviors and mechanisms under various testing conditions w...  相似文献   

Ceramic-metal composite (CMC) coatings were deposited on the surface of Fe-0.14–0.22 wt.% C steel by plasma spraying of self-reacting Fe2O3−Al composite powders. The dry sliding friction and wear character of the CMC coatings are investigated in this paper. The wear resistance of the CMC coatings was significantly better than that of Al2O3 coatings under the same sliding wear conditions. The tough metal, which is dispersed in the ceramic matrix, obviously improved the toughness of the CMC coatings. Wear mechanisms of the CMC coatings were identified as a combination of abrasive and adhesive wear.  相似文献   

通过往铝熔体中添加K2ZrF6和KBF4制备AA6061/ZrB2原位复合材料,并对该复合材料的干滑动磨损形为进行研究。构建了一数学模型来预测该复合材料的磨损速率。采用4因素5水平的中心复合旋转设计方法来减少实验工作量。考察滑动速度、滑动距离、载荷和ZrB2质量分数这4个因素对制备的复合材料的磨损速率的影响,通过观察磨损表面形貌分析这些因素的影响。结果表明,原位生成的ZrB2颗粒改善了复合材料的磨损性能。该复合材料的磨损速率随着滑动速度、滑动距离和载荷的增加而增加。  相似文献   

采用往复式摩擦磨损试验机对铸态和T6态Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn合金进行干摩擦磨损试验,研究载荷(3~15N)、磨擦速度(0.03~0.24m/s)、摩擦温度(25~200 °C)对合金磨损率的影响,并通过扫描电镜观察合金磨损表面形貌和磨屑。结果表明:随着载荷的增加,合金的磨损率几乎呈线性增加;随着摩擦速率的增加,合金的磨损率降低;铸态合金的磨损率高于T6态合金的。Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn合金中的Mg12Y1Zn1相、表面氧化相和残留的磨屑影响合金的磨损率。在本试验条件下,磨损机制主要是粘着磨损和塑性变形。  相似文献   

用脉冲宽度为70~80 ns,束流密度为200 A/cm2,辐照次数为1、5和10次的强流脉冲离子束(HIPIB)辐照AZ31镁合金,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、光学显微镜(OM)以及干滑动磨损试验对辐照后试样进行表征和干滑动磨损行为研究。结果表明,HIPIB辐照试样获得了显著优于未辐照试样的耐磨性能,且随着辐照次数的增加改善作用增强。具有最高硬度的10次辐照试样的磨损率较未辐照试样减小约一个数量级,磨粒磨损倾向大大降低,HIPIB辐照使得镁合金的磨损机制从单一的磨粒磨损转变为磨粒磨损和氧化磨损的混合磨损,这主要归结于辐照表面改性层晶粒的细化而导致镁合金表面硬度的提高。  相似文献   

激光喷丸强化对调质40Cr钢组织及耐磨性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用短脉冲强激光对40Cr调质钢表面进行了激光喷丸强化处理。激光冲击强化参数为激光波长1.054μm,脉冲时间为23 ns,光斑直径为8 mm,功率为20~24 J。选用水为约束层,墨漆为吸收激光能量的涂层。通过测试研究了喷丸强化后材料的微观组织、显微硬度和摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,激光喷丸能够细化表层的微观组织;材料强化后表面显微硬度值能提高30%,并沿深度方向逐渐减小;经过滑动磨损后,未强化处理的试样的累计磨损失重是冲击处理试样1.4倍,强化层磨损机理以磨粒磨损和粘结磨损为主。  相似文献   

Reliable information about tool temperature distribution is of central importance in metal cutting. Application of dedicated charge-coupled device (CCD) sensor based near infrared (0.85–1.1 μm) imaging technique to the orthogonal turning of quenched and tempered steel is presented. Special attention was paid to the role of calibration on the interpretation of isotherms. Experimental results from systematic studies devoted to the role of heat source width, cutting parameters, edge micro-geometry and coating indicate the flexibility and reliability of this approach. Results compare favourably with those from other techniques capable of indicating tool isotherms as well as with numerical models based on FEM.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the processing of thick cold work tool steel coating using high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying process. A full factorial experimental design was established to identify the influencing process parameters on the formation of dense coating with low oxidation. Microstructural analysis of the coating was carried out using optical, SEM and XRD techniques. Cold work tool steel coatings with a thickness up to 2 mm were developed on bond coated low carbon steel substrates for wear resistance evaluation. A pin on disc test was performed to examine the wear resistance of thick cold work tool steel coatings on different types and sizes of abrasive papers. The wear results were compared with the wear resistance of a standard high speed steel pin. The abrasive wear resistance of cold work tool steel coated pins was found to be superior against soft and fine abrasive papers than the standard high speed steel. Besides, the performance of the coated pins against hard and coarser abrasive papers was found to be similar to standard high speed steel. The study showed the potential of HVOF spraying on the development of thick cold work tool steel coatings for wear resistance applications.  相似文献   

A359-Zr(CO3)2体系反应合成复合材料的干滑动磨损性能   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
研究了新型反应体系A359-Zr(CO3)2熔体反应法制备的(Al3Zr Al2O3)p/A359复合材料干滑动磨损性能.结果表明:复合材料的磨损量随着载荷的增大和时间的延长均远小于基体磨损量,由于颗粒的支撑和减磨作用,使得同一条件下复合材料的磨损量随颗粒体积分数的增加而减少;当载荷为98 N时,12%(Al3Zr Al2O3)p/A359复合材料的磨损量为20.2 mg,而基体材料的磨损量为54.5 mg,复合材料比基体材料耐磨性提高了2.5倍;由磨损表面SEM观察表明,基体A359合金存在严重粘着和变形,表现为粘着磨损和剥层磨损,复合材料的磨损类型表现为磨粒磨损.  相似文献   

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