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通过对比分析:出口车用柴油与进口生物燃料油有9个相同的检验项目,有7个检验项目的检验结果相同或相近;进口生物燃料油有3个检验项目检验结果优于出口车用柴油的检验结果,特别是硫含量,进口生物燃料油中的硫质量分数仅为0.000 23%和0.000 71%,而出口车用柴油中的硫质量分数则为0.010%和0.015%;出口车用柴油采用国标和石化行业标准的试验方法,进口生物燃料油采用ASTM和欧盟标准的试验方法;进口生物燃料油除含有质量分数为4.02%和4.60%的脂肪酸甲酯外,其他检验结果均符合车用柴油质量指标要求。  相似文献   

The State Council, China's cabinet, will grant crude oil import quotas to "qualified" refineries, which experts say is a step forward in trimming large State-owned refiners' import monopoly. The No. 83 Document from the cabinet, issued on July 27 this year, mainly focuses on promoting imports and exports. The document said the central government may grant oil import rights to more refineries beyond the dominant companies, taking into account standards for environmental protection, security and energy consumption during the refining process.  相似文献   

The oil price has been soaring continuously while the oil consumption in China has been increasingly rising, China is expanding the import of marine petroleum exploitation equipment greatly to produce more oil from oceans. According to the statistics from Tianjin Port, one of the largest international trade ports in China, 39 generating electricity sets for offshore oil exploitation have been imported and passed through the custom formalities in the fi rst 7 months this year. The total value…  相似文献   

Countermeasures for more oil and gas imports China's imports of oil and gas may both take the lead in the worldA rapid increase of petroleum consumption in China is almost inevitable and any attempt to slow the pace would sure face difficulties.According to BP's Statistical Review of World Energy,the crude import of the US,China and Japan were 445 million tons,253 million tons and 177 million tons in 2011,accounting for 23.5%,13.3% and 9.4% of the world's total import.China is already the world's second largest importer of crude.Chinese government also confirmed that by 2020,China's energy consumption will be 5 billion tons of standard coal equivalent.  相似文献   

<正>China has quickly risen to the top ranks in global energy demand over the past few years.China is the world’s second-largest oil consumer behind the United States and became the largest global energy consumer in2010.In 2015,China introduced new regulations to pave the way for smaller refining firms to import crude oil,as it looks to encourage private investment in a sector dominated by big state-owned firms.Under the rules  相似文献   

Although China’s petroleum and chemical industry maintained sound growth in the first half of 2011, with output value up 34.4 percent to reach a record high of 5.32 trillion yuan (US$825.84 billion), China’s foreign crude oil dependency ratio recorded 55.2 percent, the first time  相似文献   

对我国和世界未来原油供需状况以及我国未来需进口原油数量进行了预测.从未来世界原油供需格局变化分析我国原油进口趋势油源多元化;运输方式多样化;进口原油硫含量提高;国际合作会进一步加强;从国外分得的份额油将大幅提高.  相似文献   

Sinopec and CNOOC, two of China's big-three oil companies, have set up a joint venture to import crude oil.The joint venture makes CNOOC the fifth largest crude oil importer in China. Following the move, CNOOC is also likely to gain government approval to build a large refinery and market oil products this year, company executives said.  相似文献   

阐述了当前世界石油贸易格局,利用回归分析方法对我国石油供需缺口进行了预测,结果显示,我国2010年石油供需缺口为2.33×10^8t,对外依存度达54%;在充分借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,从地缘政治格局、市场垄断性、进口集中度、油价波动和进口运输安全5个方面对我国石油进口安全性进行了分析,认为我国石油进口安全不容乐观;选取石油储量、产量、出口量和出口中国量4个指标变量,对19个石油资源国合作潜力进行聚类分析,确定今后我国获取海外石油的重点合作对象;提出了保障石油进口安全的相关政策建议,如健全石油储备机制,采取多种方式参与国际合作,实现进口来源多元化。  相似文献   

Fuel oil is one of the varieties in the oil products highly marketed in China. The price of fuel oil has been entirely deregulated on the basis of marketing since China's Planning Commission released the new oil prizing methods on October 15, 2001, basically linking the domestic price to the international market.  相似文献   

李海燕 《齐鲁石油化工》2005,33(1):59-61,67
随着国际贸易的发展,信用证以其流通性、独立性、银行担保等特点受到企业的欢迎。论述了外贸企业如何利用信用证自身特点融通资金,降低资金成本,提高经济效益;同时论述了信用证的具体操作步骤及如何防范信用证风险,使信用证更好地为企业服务  相似文献   

在应用变频调速技术控制输油泵运行的集输系统中,变频器高频运行时往往对机械设备造成很大的冲击。针对现场变频器的实际运行情况,通过日产液量确定平均频率点;通过来液量瞬时变化最大量和最小量确定变频器运行的频率范围;通过来液量的变化速度确定积分时间;通过分析三相异步电动机损耗确定最佳运行电压;通过泵类变频器的转矩特性确定变频器运行最佳频率点。结合以上分析过程对变频器的运行参数进行优化,把点位控制改为区间控制,加大变频器频率变化的反应时间,延长变频器在最佳频率点的运行时间。变频器参数优化后,外输油流量计瞬时流量最大值降低明显,流量计、泵机械设备的维修周期延长2倍;变频器的工作特性有了很好的改变,外输单耗降低,变频器运行噪声和发热都有不同程度的下降。  相似文献   

代齐加  肖宇 《海洋石油》2021,41(1):44-48
A油田中心平台负责处理和外输8个油田、19个平台、350余口油井的产出原油,高峰期原油外输量超过原油外输系统的设计处理能力.同时,原油外输量的日益增加对于原油外输系统的安全稳定性以及异常工况下的应急处理能力也提出了更高的要求.通过评估校核外输能力、优化应急置换泵流程、增加应急置换泵供电模式、细化三级关断逻辑等措施,有效...  相似文献   

<正>China is opening up its crude-import market to private companies quicker than expected as the government looks to ease an economic slowdown,according to the general manager of oil trader China Zhenhua Oil Co.Allowing more private companies to import crude will help independent refiners increase output and boost revenue,China Zhenhua’s Yuan Jun said in an interview.The government’s next move will be to allow more exports of oil products,he said.The crude oil market is  相似文献   

Oil equipment industry is directly concerned with the development of oil and gas resources development and the national energy stability.  相似文献   

President of CNPC Chen Geng met visiting Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jesus Armaldo Perez at Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing on September 7. Chen briefed the guest about CNPC's business and overseas oil and gas operation and expressed the willingness to step up the bilateral cooperation in the oil industrial field. In return,Perez also made briefings about the present situation and development trend of the Venezuelan oil industry.  相似文献   

以曾两次因冲刷悬空而发生事故的平湖油气田岱山近岸段KP2.6为例,通过比较挖沟、传统抛石、砂袋支撑、水泥压块以及仿生草技术等悬空处理与冲刷控制措施,提出了“砂袋悬空回填与仿生草永久性冲刷防治”方案,系统地探讨将仿生草技术用于东海海底管线的防护,对东海乃至全国海底管线悬空处理与冲刷防治都有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

中国进口液化天然气面临发展机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
到2020年,我国天然气年产量将由2004年的407×108m3增加到1 200×108m3,但需求量将增加到2 000×108m3,缺口800×108m3。这部分缺口将主要由进口液化天然气(LNG)来弥补。叙述了我国将在长江三角洲、环渤海地区、泛珠三角地区建设10个左右LNG接收站的进展情况。  相似文献   

原油库外输用过滤器的结构以及操作运行条件会对过滤器的速度分布和压力分布产生不同的影响,从而影响过滤器的压力损失,延长过滤时间,增加人工清洗滤芯的成本。为了保证过滤器安全高效运行,采用多孔介质跳跃模型模拟滤网边界,对过滤器进行三维数值模拟,对影响过滤器压力损失的结构以及操作运行条件进行分析研究,得到如下结论:出口管设置在最低位置时,过滤器处理能力最强,过滤器壳体底部流速最大,可避免污泥颗粒沉积在滤芯外的壳体底部而堵塞过滤器;随进口流量的增加,原油通过滤芯的流速增大;随滤芯目数增大,原油通过滤芯的能力下降;随原油黏度的增加,原油通过滤芯的压力损失增大。研究结果可为原油库外输用过滤器运行操作及结构改进研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The Chinese government plans to introduce new measures on June 10 to regulate imports of natural gas in order to protect its three major gas importers from intense domestic competition. The Ministry of Commerce said late-May that the move would end the chaotic competition between China's big-three oil and gas companies - China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec) and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) - in the purchase of gas.[第一段]  相似文献   

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