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图形化编程语言LabVIEW环境及其开放性   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
图形化编程语言LavBIEW是著名的虚拟仪器开发平台,介绍其特点,程序设计结构,运算方主开放性等内容。  相似文献   

A Forthinspired debug language, Fifth, provides an environment in which testing and debugging time is signifcantly reduced.  相似文献   

机器人图形化编程与三维仿真环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一种采用JAVA开发、基于RTLinux平台的适合多机器人多任务的图形化编程与三维仿真环境.采用图标和连线方式快速建立具备流程图特点的控制程序.运行管理内核实现程序图结构的信息流向跟踪,对程序运行采用边解释边执行机制.机器人运动学指令由底层RTLab执行,结果返回上层;由Java3D实现的三维仿真环境可动态显示机器人的运动过程.该环境支持离线编程和在线调试.目前支持日本安川公司研制的Motoman UPJ和SmartPal类人轮式移动服务机器人.  相似文献   

This paper describes an incremental programming environment (IPE) based on compilation technology, but providing facilities traditionally found only in interpretive systems. IPE provides a comfortable environment for a single programmer working on a single program.  相似文献   

We present Lyra, an interactive environment for designing customized visualizations without writing code. Using drag‐and‐drop interactions, designers can bind data to the properties of graphical marks to author expressive visualization designs. Marks can be moved, rotated and resized using handles; relatively positioned using connectors; and parameterized by data fields using property drop zones. Lyra also provides a data pipeline interface for iterative, visual specification of data transformations and layout algorithms. Visualizations created with Lyra are represented as specifications in Vega, a declarative visualization grammar that enables sharing and reuse. We evaluate Lyra's expressivity and accessibility through diverse examples and studies with journalists and visualization designers. We find that Lyra enables users to rapidly develop customized visualizations, covering a design space comparable to existing programming‐based tools.  相似文献   

We have developed a unique computational environment for use in teaching introductory mathematics. Our system, calledNewton, runs on Macintosh computers and consists of a user-friendly interface to the symbolic mathematics package Maple, supplemented by an extensive library of our own Maple code. Formulas are easily constructed and modified, appearing like those in textbooks; multiple windows allow users to see and work with several formulas at once. Formulas, graphs, and text can be intermixed in collapsible sections on worksheets. Users do not interact with Maple directly and need know nothing of Maple's syntax and command structure. Mathematical operations are selected from menus, with the added bonus that this makes it possible to document solutions. Originally designed for use in conjunction with the two semester introductory calculus sequence, the system has been extended for multivariate and vector calculus, linear algebra, numerical analysis, and differential equations.  相似文献   

An Integrated Graphics Programming Environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The facilities of the PS-algol programming language are described in this paper to show how they may be used to provide an integrated graphics programming environment. The persistent store mechanism and the secure transaction facilities of the language provide the basic environment in which an integrated system may be implemented. This is augmented by data types and operations to support line drawings and raster graphics. The combination of these mechanisms may be used to provide the integrated graphics programming environment.  相似文献   

鲍贤捷  陈卫东  曹其新 《机器人》2006,28(6):617-622
为解决传统机器人文本编程不易于学习和使用的问题,设计了面向机器人的图标化简便编程环境.重点研究了图标化机器人程序语言的设计及其解释执行技术.通过图标化编程环境在工业机器人上的实现和应用,说明图标化编程技术相对于传统文本式编程技术的易用性和高效性.  相似文献   

刘建伟 《微机发展》1995,5(6):27-29
提高程序设计和编译效率是计算机科学的一个普遍性问题,本文介绍了将C语言的词法单位-标识定义为扩展键盘宏的方法,并讨论了交互式宏编辑技术在编程和编译方面的显著优点。  相似文献   

多指标动态规划的人机交互式满意权衡法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1984年,Nakayama和Sawaragi提出了一种求解静态多目标决策问题的人机交互式满意权衡方法.本文结合动态规划的结构特点,进一步发展了Nakayama方法的基本思想,表明该方法可以推广到用来求解多指标动态规划问题,而且通过对原方法的改进,消除了其存在的一些不足之处.本文所提方法,在较弱的限制条件下,针对一类普遍使用的多指标动态规划模型,可以获得决策者充分满意的解.  相似文献   

基于数据手套的人机交互环境设计   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
在对于手结构和手关节运动深入分析的基础上,建立了基于约束的,以关节为节点的“父,子物体”链接的虚拟手模型,绘制了虚拟手。通过对数据手套及接口的分析与设计,根据手运动类型的约束条件及图形变换原理,实现了基于数据手套的手势合成,碰撞检测和碰撞处理的三维交互操作环境,在该虚拟环境中,虚拟手可以进行飞行,抓骤,释放物体等各类运动与操作。  相似文献   

EXPRESS并行编程环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细介绍了基于消息传送的并行程序开发环境EXPRESS 的系统结构和主要功能,指出了它存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

赵蔚  吴沧浦 《自动化学报》1994,20(6):694-701
提出了一种新的求解多指标动态规划问题的算法,它是由多目标静态规划的交互式满意置换率法[1]推广得到的.通过增加附加状态变量进行数学模型转换,将单指标动态规划问题转化为静态规划问题,再进行迭代.这样既减少了计算量,又使各指标间的置换关系易于求得.所提方法在人机交互过程中对决策者的要求不高,对于一类常见的多指标动态规划问题,可以迅速获得满意的解.  相似文献   

Each time the idea of designing software with graphical tools becomes popular, a transition to a new, more powerful programming paradigm makes these tools obsolete. If this observation is correct, the Unified Modeling Language's current popularity indicates we're approaching the next major paradigm shift.  相似文献   

Traditional programming languages are algorithmic: they are best suited to writing programs that acquire all their inputs before executing and only produce a result on termination. By contrast most applications are interactive: they maintain ongoing interactions with their environments. Modern systems address this incompatibility by manually extending the execution model of the host language to support interaction, usually by embedding an event-driven state management scheme which executes fragments of imperative code in response to interactions, the job of each executed fragment being to restore the internal consistency of the computation. The downside of this approach to interaction is that it relies heavily on mutable stores and side-effects and mixes application logic in with behaviour which is more properly the responsibility of an execution model. I describe a programming model called declarative interaction which supports interaction directly. The distinguishing feature of the model is its modal construal of state and interaction.  相似文献   

QOCA: A Constraint Solving Toolkit for Interactive Graphical Applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe an object-oriented constraint solving toolkit, QOCA, designed for interactive graphical applications. It has a simple yet powerful interface based on the metric space model for constraint manipulation. In this model interaction with the constraint solver can occur in three ways: a constraint may be added, a constraint may be deleted, or values for designated edit variables may be suggested. Currently, QOCA supports linear arithmetic constraints and two different metrics: the square of the Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance. It provides three solvers, all of which rely on keeping the constraints in solved form and relies on novel algorithms for efficient resolving of constraints during direct manipulation. We provide a thorough evaluation of QOCA, both of the interface design and the speed of constraint solving.  相似文献   

P-GRADE provides a high-level graphical environment to develop parallel applications transparently both for parallel systems and the Grid. P-GRADE supports the interactive execution of parallel programs as well as the creation of a Condor, Condor-G or Globus job to execute parallel programs in the Grid. In P-GRADE, the user can generate either PVM or MPI code according to the underlying Grid where the parallel application should be executed. PVM applications generated by P-GRADE can migrate between different Grid sites and as a result P-GRADE guarantees reliable, fault-tolerant parallel program execution in the Grid. The GRM/PROVE performance monitoring and visualisation toolset has been extended towards the Grid and connected to a general Grid monitor (Mercury) developed in the EU GridLab project. Using the Mercury/GRM/PROVE Grid application monitoring infrastructure any parallel application launched by P-GRADE can be remotely monitored and analysed at run time even if the application migrates among Grid sites. P-GRADE supports workflow definition and co-ordinated multi-job execution for the Grid. Such workflow management can provide parallel execution at both inter-job and intra-job level. Automatic checkpoint mechanism for parallel programs supports the migration of parallel jobs inside the workflow providing a fault-tolerant workflow execution mechanism. The paper describes all of these features of P-GRADE and their implementation concepts.  相似文献   

基于VRML-JAVA的网络交互式虚拟装配环境构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
虚拟现实建模语言(VRML)作为构建网络虚拟现实的国际标准,其应用得到了越来越多的关注。该文讨论了VRML虚拟场景与外界交互的手段和方法,着重研究了通过VRML外部编程接口EAI利用Java Applet来实现交互式网络虚拟装配环境的方法和实现过程,并给出了运行实例,通过该平台可以实现异地设计信息交流。  相似文献   

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