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Bei Streusalzsilos handelt es sich um "Bauten" (iSd § 1 BauPolG). Die Errichtung eines Streusalzsilos ist baubewilligungspflichtig. Bei Streusalzsilos handelt es sich auch dann um baubewilligungspflichtige Bauten, wenn sie auf einem Bundesstra?engrundstück errichtet werden sollen.  相似文献   

Grundwasser - In dieser Studie wurde die Interaktion zwischen Grund- und Seewasser am Steißlinger See, einem 11 ha großen See nordwestlich des Bodensees, untersucht. Die...  相似文献   

In order to account for complex interactions between humans climate and the water cycle, the research consortium GLOWA-Danube (www.glowa-danube.de) has developed the simulation system DANUBIA which consists of 17 coupled models. DANUBIA was applied to investigate various impacts of global-change between 2011 and 2060 in the Upper Danube Catchment. This article represents part 1 of an article series and describes groundwater and natural aspects of the investigations, while part 2 describes socio-economic aspects (Barthel et al. in Grundwaser 16(4), doi:10.1007/s00767-011-0180-y, 2011). Here we describe concepts of GLOWA-Danube and DANUBIA as well as groundwater-related model components. This leads to selected simulation results for water balance, groundwater quantity and quality. The chosen scenarios show decreasing precipitation, increasing temperatures, and changes in the annual distribution that lead to significant decreases in groundwater recharge. Regional predictions of groundwater quality were difficult to achieve because of complex soil and groundwater processes. However, climatic change will probably have little impact.  相似文献   

Structural Elements combining Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) and Concrete: An innovative solution for rehabilitation and modification of existing concrete structures Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC) are ideal materials for rehabilitation and modification of existing concrete structures due to their outstanding material properties. Experimental, analytical and numerical studies show that resistance and stiffness are significantly improved in composite “UHPFRC-concrete” elements. No localized cracks are formed due to internal UHPFRC deformations and under service conditions leading to a significant extension of durability. Reinforcement bars in the UHPFRC layer increase significantly the resistance and delay the formation of localized cracks. The structural response under bending can be determined with an analytical cross-sectional model. Three typical configurations are proposed for composite “UHPFRC-concrete” elements for rehabilitation projects.  相似文献   

DIN 1052:2004 – New basics for design, calculation and dimensioning of timber structures, Part 3: Ultimate limit states design method of Timber elements. This Article describes the verification of load bearing safety for timber elements, which are stressed from tension, compression and bending according to the ultimate limit state design method.  相似文献   

Klotzsch  Stephan  Hamann  Frieder  Händel  Falk 《Grundwasser》2020,25(4):301-311
Grundwasser - Die in der Geotechnik zur Bestimmung der hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit gebräuchlichen Standardverfahren Sieblinienanalyse und Pumpversuch sind hinsichtlich ihrer Eigenschaften...  相似文献   

Karst aquifers may on one hand improve the efficiency of geothermal systems due to increased permeabilities, but on the other hand, high groundwater velocities can reduce the efficiency of the underground heat storage capacity. The marble karst aquifer of the Hochstegen formation was explored and developed for the first time as an intermediate-depth geothermal energy storage system at Finkenberg, Tux valley (Tyrol, Austria).Geological field studies and a spring monitoring program for the project revealed characteristic hydro-chemical signatures related to the catchments in specific tectonic units depending on their lithology. Observations showed that the catchment area of the Hochstegen formation karst aquifer extends up to 2650 m a.s.l. southwest of Finkenberg. In the boreholes, karstification was detected to 400 m below surface (Sass et al., 2016). A monitoring program involving seven springs downgradient of the boreholes has shown that the geothermal project has had no long-term impact on groundwater quality.  相似文献   

Es wird angenommen, dass sich noch ca 15.000 Fliegerbomben-Blindg?nger aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in ?sterreichischem Boden befinden. Von ihnen k?nnen nicht unerhebliche Gefahren für Menschen und Eigentum (zB von benachbarten Grund- und Hauseigentümern) ausgehen. Die vorliegende, in vier Teile gegliederte Gesamtarbeit versucht damit einhergehende Rechtsfragen aus raumordnungs- und baurechtlicher (Teil 1 – bbl 2007, 129), gewerberechtlicher (Teil 2 – bbl 2007, 138) sowie zivilrechtlicher Sicht (Teil 3 – bbl 2007, 176) darzustellen. Abschlie?end soll im folgenden Beitrag der Frage nach der Kostentragung für Sicherstellung und Entsorgung sprengkr?ftiger Kriegsrelikte sowie für Sondierung und Freilegung sog "Fliegerbomben-Verdachtsfl?chen" nachgegangen werden.  相似文献   

Digital twins for medium span bridges – pilot project bridge Schwindegg – part 2: Asset Administration Shell The term ′digital twin′ is becoming increasingly popular in German-speaking countries for the digital management and condition monitoring of bridges. Although standardised developments for the use of digital twins have already been initiated in industry and medicine, the first prototypes are currently being implemented in the construction industry. The digital images are typically operated in online environments that are proprietary to the project and have limited reusability. The article investigates the integration of scaling into Building Information Modelling models, which is reaching its limits due to the real-time capability. It places existing definitions of the digital twin of the industry in the context of the construction industry. The implementation of the Isenbridge in Schwindegg as an Industry 4.0 Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is presented, building on Part 1 of this contribution. We show that an industrial, data-driven digital twin can also be implemented technically and semantically for engineering structures. The article also presents the future challenges for evaluation and control mechanisms still to be developed for the structure. We also show a possible visualisation. The goal is to develop a syntax for the AAS’ communication.  相似文献   

A new investigation method for the integral assessment of the contaminant mass flux downstream of a waste site was presented in the first paper ( Teutsch et al. 2000). This second paper presents the first practical application of the new investigationmethod at an abandoned landfill site. The focus was on the extended, differential measuring approach, which yields, besides the total contaminant mass fluxes and mean concentrations, also the contaminant concentration distibution over a control plane perpendicular to the groundwater flow. In addition to testing of the technical and interpretation approaches it was an aim to demonstrage that the new investigation method is applicable also at low levels of contamination. Furthermore the maximum spatial resolution of the concentration distribution was to be determined.  相似文献   

Prefabricated superstructures for bridges made of high-strength concrete – faster, slimmer and more sustainable In order to speed up the urgent modernization of bridges in the German road and rail network, it is also necessary to modernize the construction technology for bridges. The new bridges should be able to be built as quickly as possible and be beautiful, sustainable and robust. It turns out that prefabricated construction methods can be particularly advantageous for this requirement profile. The opportunities offered by this construction method should therefore be used more intensively in the future. The new option of using prefabricated parts with high-strength concrete has proven to be a particularly powerful innovation. This means that the area of application for bridge superstructures made of prefabricated concrete parts can be significantly expanded and adapted to the requirements of bridge modernization. The existing long-term experience with bridges with high-strength concrete also suggests that these structures will be of excellent durability and sustainability.  相似文献   

Im ersten Beitrag zu diesem Thema ( Teutsch et al. 2000) wurde ein neues Erkundungsverfahren zur Quantifiziuerng der Schadstoffbelastung in Grundwasser an Deponien und Altlasten vorgestellt, das eine Bestimmung der Schadstoffbelastung im natürlichen Str?mungsfeld mit einer hohen Erkundungssicherheit erm?glicht. In diesem zweiten Beitrag wird der erstmalige praktische Einsatz des Verfahrens an einem Feldstandort vorgestellt. Dabei stand die erweiterte, differentielle Immissionsmessung im Vordergrund, die zus?tzlich zur Bestimmung von Gesamt-Schadstofffrachten und mittleren Konzentrationen auch Angaben zur r?umlichen Konzentrationsverteilung entlang definierter Kontrollquerschnitte senkrecht zur Str?mungsrichtung erm?glicht. Neben der allgemeinen Erprobung der Mess- und Auswerteans?tze sollte mit den Messungen insbesondere gezeigt werden, dass das neue Verfahren auch bei geringen Grundwasserschadstoffkonzentrationen einsetzbar ist. Ferner sollte die erreichbare r?umliche Aufl?sung der Konzentrationsverteilung im Abstrom demonstriert werden.  相似文献   

Wisotzky  Frank 《Grundwasser》2019,24(2):101-108
Grundwasser - Die Grundwasserchemie der balneologisch genutzten Wässer in Deutschland wird ausgewertet. Mithilfe des Programmes PHREEQC wurden die Sättigungsindizes und der...  相似文献   

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