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Extensive damage to the vegetation cover in arctic and alpine landscapes has raised the question of restoration as a possible management strategy. Restoration is a goal-oriented activity, a technological undertaking wider than its parent science of ecology. Social science and planning concepts and methods are necessary to handle the value judgements implicit in restoration. It is argued that the notion of 'desired state' is a better reference point in defining restoration goals than the notion of 'original state'. Using qualitative methods, two areas with vulnerable arctic/alpine vegetation are investigated. Based on participants' statements, four possible scenarios or desired states for future management are constructed. The main focus in the scenarios is on participants' attitudes to restoration activity, and it is shown how these are influenced by participants' attachment to the area and their view of nature.  相似文献   

马鑫 《南方建筑》2006,(11):134-135
本文通过对建筑师McDonough《设计、生态、道德和制造》一文的阅读,对站在生态角度提出的设计观念进行了分析,对后工业社会建筑师的责任进行了反思.  相似文献   

Blubber samples from 17 adult, male walruses were sampled in eastern Svalbard and analyzed for chlorinated and brominated contaminants. A wide range of contaminants were detected, including PCBs (mean 2000; 95% range 1165-4005 ng/g lipid), DDE (mean 100: 95% range 50-310) ng/g lipid), chlordanes (mean 2500; 95% range 1347-5009) ng/g lipid, toxaphenes (mean 80; 95% range 51-132 ng/g lipid) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) (mean 15 ng/g; 95% range 9-27 ng/g lipid). PCB and DDE levels were substantially lower than those of animals sampled 10 year earlier in this area, confirming a decreasing trend for these compounds in the Arctic. However, compared to other recently sampled marine mammals from Svalbard, walruses showed relatively high PCB and chlordane levels although they had lower levels of DDE, toxaphenes, and PBDEs, possibly due to species- and location-specific differences in exposure and metabolism. The range in contaminant levels found within the sample group was vast, despite the fact that the animals investigated were all adult males from the same location. The PCB pattern in highly contaminated animals was different from that in animals with low levels of contamination, with relatively more persistent PCBs in the highly contaminated group. This suggests that the more contaminated animals were feeding at higher trophic levels; possibly targeting seals in addition to mollusks as their prey. This suggestion was reinforced by the fatty acid profiles of the inner blubber layer of walruses with low versus high contaminant levels, which suggested different diets for the two groups.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the relevance and dynamics of views on nature in nature and landscape planning.In our conceptual framework we distinguish between three views on nature: a wilderness, an arcadian and a functional valuation approach to nature, each related to specific ecological, aesthetic and ethical perspectives. In our empirical studies we consider the role of the three views in a number of Dutch nature and landscape projects and in nature and landscape policy. We study the importance of different styles and levels of governmental decision-making using various methods, including computer-assisted text analyses, interviews, questionnaires and gaming experiments.Our results show that all three valuation approaches can be found. Although the wilderness approach and the functional approach are becoming more popular, the arcadian approach is most influential in the Netherlands, especially on the regional level. All stakeholders agree to a certain extent with all approaches but most with the arcadian valuation. It can be questioned whether this implies a sharing of values or a practical compromise. We found that, although a consensual style of decision-making does not lead to a common valuation, it has an important impact by creating better conditions for understanding and negotiations, and eventually for agreement.  相似文献   

The just-in-time (JIT) philosophy has been used in the manufacturing industry for some forty to fifty years. This system increased not only the productivity of the industry but also the quality of its products. Explorative studies have been completed in recent years to see how JIT can be applied into the construction industry to reap the benefits of the system. Most of these studies have concluded that it is possible to apply the techniques of JIT in the construction industry with some modifications. Taking into consideration that one of the key components of site management is concerned with waste management (i.e. bringing wastage down to the minimum), this study focuses on applying JIT for site layout to improve productivity and quality. By eliminating waste on site, controlling the movement of inventory coming into the site and within the site, and controlling the usage of mechanized plant and equipment, smooth work flow can be achieved.  相似文献   

Landscape characterisation has become an important tool in the interpretation of the distinctive features, patterns and identity of a region for planning purposes. However, conventional assessment methods that focus upon visual character may overlook some cultural values. This study investigates how toponymy—the analysis of place names—can be undertaken as a contribution to landscape characterisation. The study focus is Otago Region, New Zealand, which has a diverse landscape and a reliable database of place names. The study reported here involves analysis of 696 place names relating to 31 types of landscape feature derived from maps. The majority of names were connected with symbolic historic and cultural associations, mainly people. Biophysical characteristics including landform and hydrological features were also prominent. Names associated with the indigenous culture, Maori, were layered with those from European colonisation. Systematic analysis of place names highlights both presence and displacements of cultural memory and offers potential for an additional rich layer of interpretation in landscape characterisation.  相似文献   

Young people have much to offer urban planning, yet are not often included in such processes. A unique partnership in Boulder, Colorado, provides a venue for young people’s participation in city planning. Boulder is in many ways a learning laboratory with progressive ideals and sustainability thinking. As the city began planning for its Comprehensive Housing Strategy, tensions about the future of density within the city emerged. Participatory planning can have significant impacts on children and can also contribute new ideas to planning processes. In this study, young people demonstrated attitudinal changes toward government, increased recognition of diverse needs within a city, and integration of social and environmental sustainability into their recommendations for neighborhood planning.  相似文献   

Public fountains are very common and everyday people appreciate the benefits a water fountain can bring. However, consumption of public fountain water in some country has decreased because of growing concerns that constituents in fountain water may have adverse effects on health. A few studies have examined the safety of public fountains, proposing only limited evidence of fountain‐related health issues in Turkey. Most of these public fountains are sourced from natural springs in Turkey. In this study, a 177 fountain water and 32 rock samples were analysed for source and quality of water. The geology of the region has the direct impact on the quality of the public fountain water. The results indicate that the level of some elements exceeded the limit values determined by WHO and US.EPA. The most striking high values were observed for iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), arsenic (As) and bromine (Br) concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the temperature regime of a light weight aggregates (LWA)-based greenroof in comparison with a modified bituminous membrane roof. The measuring period was from June 2004 to April 2005. Both seasonal and daily results showed that in Estonian climatic conditions, an extensive greenroof is sufficiently capable of protecting the roof membrane from extreme temperatures. In the summer period, the 100-mm-thick substrate layer of the greenroof significantly decreased temperature fluctuations compared with the bituminous roof surface. In autumn and spring the substrate layer protected the base roof's membrane from rapid cooling and freezing. It also provided effective thermal insulation in winter. In addition, measurements showed that the surface of the LWA media in the greenroof heats and cools more than the surface of the bituminous roof; however, its influence on temperature in the substrate layer was not considerable. Indexes to characterize greenroof's temperature effects are proposed.  相似文献   

Ashford, in East Kent, is a government‐designated growth area. Between 2001 and 2031, the town is set to grow by 31 000 homes and 28 000 jobs, almost doubling in size. This raises numerous concerns about the ability of the local water infrastructure and Kentish Stour catchment to accept this pressure in the short and long term. The Ashford integrated water management study (AIWMS) set out to address all the issues around water quality, water resources, biodiversity and flood risk to allow Ashford's growth to occur without unacceptable environmental damage. The study reviewed current problems with the water environment, established the key constraints to growth that might arise from the proposed development and identified water management strategies to accommodate Ashford's expansion. The paper reviews the integration methodology that was developed and discusses the lessons learned from the experience.  相似文献   

Seismic isolation system (SIS) of building structures can lead to reduction of the structural response to earthquake ground motion and improvement of structural safety. This paper introduces a sliding seismic isolator with mass energy regulator springs (SSIM) as a SIS type, and presents the application procedure of the SSIM to an existing building structure considering the probability that the SIS application leads to cost–benefit, the seismic performance evaluation of the building structure and the efficient SIS inspection after earthquakes. Based on a decision tree considering the probability of earthquake occurrence during the service of a building structure and functionality of the SIS against earthquakes, cost–benefit from installing a SIS is formulated, and, probability that the SIS application leads to cost–benefit is estimated. In the seismic performance evaluation, the fundamental period and structural response acceleration to the horizontal ground motion of the building with the SSIM are assessed. Furthermore, the efficient SIS inspection plan after earthquakes is investigated based on the acceptance sampling. The existing building structure, information and communications technology center of Syiah Kuala University located in Banda Aceh, Indonesia is applied for the case study.  相似文献   

Ancient semi-natural deciduous woodland is a rare and threatened habitat cited by the European Union's Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). Current protection of this endangered habitat in the UK takes the form of site-specific reserve designations but, if the habitat is to be conserved and enhanced, a landscape-scale selective targeting system is required. In the absence of suitable species data, physical attributes of habitat patches are used as surrogate indicators of biodiversity. Using a land-use database held on a geographical information system, values of four abiotic criteria (patch area, patch shape, nearest-neighbour distance and surrounding land use) of 48 ancient semi-natural woodland patches in part of the Chiltern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty were calculated. In order to validate the findings, three lists of floral and faunal species, indicative of ancient semi-natural woodland, were compiled, and the patches ranked according to their alpha diversity using each list. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients were calculated for patch alpha diversity and patch area (0.322 to 0.482), patch shape (0.275 to 0.465) and nearest-neighbour distance ( - 0.092 to - 0.223). Multiple regression indicated that between 15 and 22% of the variation in alpha patch diversity was explained by the abiotic factors. It is suggested that spatial targeting at the landscape scale is a valuable approach to habitat conservation.  相似文献   

Emerging remediation technologies such as chemical amendment of dairy cattle slurry have the potential to reduce phosphorus (P) solubility and consequently reduce P losses arising from land application of dairy cattle slurry. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of chemical amendment of slurry to reduce incidental losses of P and suspended sediment (SS) from grassland following application of dairy cattle slurry and to examine the effect of amendments on metal concentrations in runoff water. Intact grassed-soil samples were placed in two laboratory runoff boxes, each 200-cm-long by 22.5-cm-wide by 5-cm-deep, before being amended with dairy cattle slurry (the study control) and slurry amended with either: (i) alum, comprising 8% aluminium oxide (Al2O3) (1.11:1 aluminium (Al):total phosphorus (TP) of slurry) (ii) poly-aluminium chloride hydroxide (PAC) comprising 10% Al2O3 (0.93:1 Al:TP) (iii) analytical grade ferric chloride (FeCl2) (2:1 Fe:TP), (iv) and lime (Ca(OH)2) (10:1 Ca:TP). When compared with the study control, PAC was the most effective amendment, reducing dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) by up to 86% while alum was most effective in reducing SS (88%), TP (94%), particulate phosphorus (PP) (95%), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) (81%), and dissolved unreactive phosphorus (DUP) (86%). Chemical amendment of slurry did not appear to significantly increase losses of Al and Fe compared to the study control, while all amendments increased Ca loss compared to control and grass-only treatment. While chemical amendments were effective, the reductions in incidental P losses observed in this study were similar to those observed in other studies where the time from slurry application to the first rainfall event was increased. Timing of slurry application may therefore be a much more feasible way to reduce incidental P losses. Future work must examine the long-term effects of amendments on P loss to runoff and not only incidental losses.  相似文献   

In project management research, it is acknowledged that two perspectives on project performance must be considered: project efficiency (delivering efficient outputs) and project success (delivering beneficial outcomes). The first perspective is embedded in a deterministic paradigm of project management, while the second appears more naturally connected to the emerging non-deterministic paradigm. Complexity and uncertainty are key constructs frequently associated with the non-deterministic paradigm. This conceptual paper suggests that these two concepts could very well explain and define particularities of both paradigms, and seeks to articulate both perspectives in a contingent model.First, the constructs of complexity and uncertainty are clarified. Second, the role of project managers' mental models in managerial decision-making is considered. In the third part of this article, we propose a theoretical model suggesting that project managers should consider contingent variables to differentiate managerial conditions of regulation from managerial conditions of emergence.  相似文献   

GIS-based landslide hazard zonation has been carried out for a tectonically active region of the Himalayas, which is under pressure for rapid economic development. Thematic layers of slope, fault, geology, land use, flow accumulation, drainage and roads were prepared based on topographic maps, satellite imagery, published geological maps and ground truth. Five classes of landslide hazard were identified; 24% of the total area falls into the Very high or High hazard zones where 54% of the observed landslides were recorded.   相似文献   

A dearth in infrastructure and operations significantly reduces the expected benefits of safe drinking water provision. Intermittent water supplies are characterized by inefficient demand and supply management owing to operational inadequacies eventually causing physical deterioration of infrastructure and inconvenience to consumers, resulting in consumer dissatisfaction. Conversion from intermittent to continuous water supply was undertaken in a demonstration zone of Nagpur, India, with a population of about 150,000 people. Data related to the infrastructural, operational, managerial and financial capabilities were used to determine service level benchmarks (SLBs) — pre- and post-intervention — to quantify the improvement due to continuous water supply interventions. The post-intervention data analysis clearly indicated substantial improvement in post-intervention SLBs, consequently paving the way for the conversion of the water supply of the entire city to continuous mode.  相似文献   

Conservation of ancient buildings is a major issue for modern societies, both from economical and cultural viewpoints. Information about the ancient built heritage is vital to plan adequate remedial measures. Taking a historic centre in Portugal as a case study, this paper presents an extensive survey of building typology and materials, damage in the building envelope, indoor survey of damage, and measurements in indoor air temperature and relative humidity. Water-related problems can be confirmed as the single most important defect combined with inadequate sun exposure, ventilation and heating, and excessive moisture indoor production. Extremely low temperatures, high humidity and presence of mould therefore, compromise the indoor quality of life of the inhabitants; and make urgent repair at many levels necessary.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Landslides are common occurrences along Chinese rail routes. Accordingly, the accurate determination of sliding-surface locations and the...  相似文献   

The correct management of livestock manure represents one of the major challenge for the agricultural sector development, as it may ensure environmental and economic sustainability of livestock farming. In this work, a new treatment process called N-Free®, was monitored on two plants treating digested cattle manure (DCM) and digested swine manure (DSM). The process is characterized by sequential integration of solid/liquid separations, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and cold ammonia stripping. Solid and liquid streams were characterized regarding TS, TKN, N–NH4+, P and K content allowing to draw a complete mass balance. The main results were a substantial reduction of initial digestate volume (38 and 51% in DCM and DSM respectively) as clean water and a high N–NH4+ removal percentage (47 and 71% in DCM and DSM respectively), through cold ammonia stripping, allowing the production of up to 1.8 m3 concentrated ammonium sulfate, every 100 m3 of treated digestate. The concentrated streams, rich in either organic or mineral N, P and K, can be efficiently used for land application. The N-Free® technology demonstrated to be a valuable candidate for the path toward nutrient and water recycle, in a new sustainable agriculture and farming concept.  相似文献   

残余有机质含量用于高成熟或过成熟烃源岩评价或油气资源量预测时可能会导致错误的结论,因此,恢复其原始有机质至关重要.静水缺氧沉积环境中的原始有机质含量与Mo/A1比值具有很好的相关性,据此提出的Mo-TOC相关性估算法是一种新的原始有机碳丰度恢复方法,简便易行,适合大量样品分析.该文以滇东会泽地区下寒武统筇竹寺组黑色岩系...  相似文献   

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