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正1专案背景:旧日筑迹、本土情感、城乡共融、人文探索当代中国,发展急促,城邦之间,只争朝夕,不让彼此。城市过于快速发展,公路网络不断向乡村扩张,路权更多地服务于机动车的行驶,农村生活和民风不断遭到侵蚀。本项目通过政府和建筑师的合作努力,希望打破这种中国式发展的浮躁与乏味,重新寻找旧日的村落文化与建筑痕迹,设计也力图反  相似文献   

可持续的城市生长后工业城市的新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今城市发展正从基于石化燃料的旧模式向基于可再生能源的新模式转变。本文介绍了新近的有关"绿色城市化"的研究以及城市更新与邻里社区的发展模式;探讨了横跨建筑、风景园林和城市设计等领域的问题,以及如何最大限度地将能源系统、交通系统、垃圾及水处理、被动与主动策略、自然通风措施等整合到当今"生态城市"的设计之中,以期提升城市的环境质量;反思了关于建筑本身及城市区域可持续性的现实途径,并提供讨论城市中心可持续更新模式的平台,研究生态模式如何影响城市化;最后,以澳大利亚纽卡斯尔市的"城市大学"和"滨水城市"两种城市发展模式为例,阐释了可持续城市设计原则的应用。研究表明,在现有的城市中心区以内实现城市的增长,较之占用、蚕食城市周边未建成区进行建设开发,能更好的维护环境生态。  相似文献   

为经济社会发展服务是地方高校生存发展的客观必然性。地方高校基层二级学院是学校办学的主体。本文分析了地方高校二级学院服务地方区域经济社会建设过程中存在的主要问题,从而提出转变观念,统一思想,找准切入点,树立服务理念;制定政策,科学规划,建立有效的服务地方激励机制;牢抓科研,整合资源,搭建平台,有效提升服务水平;明确职责,团结协作,形成良好的服务工作机制等发展对策。  相似文献   

The importance of improving the local business environment is an issue of central concern for municipal authorities in South Africa. This article explores debates around territorial competition through the application of local investment incentives. The paper analyses unfolding South African debates concerning the possible introduction of local investment incentives through the policy experience of two South African cities, namely Durban and Cape Town. It is concluded that South African cities must be aware of the key lessons from international experience and formulate carefully crafted or ‘smart’ investment incentive policies. In particular, the introduction of investment incentives should not be a substitute for dealing with other fundamental aspects of the local business environment which impact upon investment decision-making.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the changing nature of urban space and urban technologies, using various conceptions of engagement in social politics to illuminate contemporary understandings of cultural change and social exclusion and the role of housing within this. The progressive reorganisation of urban space, which is at least partly a result of global economic changes, is producing complex forms of social politics organised around newly emerging varieties and scales of engagement and disengagement. These are cross-cut by a number of cultural themes that play out differently in different spaces. Thus ‘fear’ is universally significant, but perceived ‘differentially’ according to space, culture and socio-economic status. ‘Excitement’ is also an important theme, though more for some groups than others. The capacity to use resources—material, cultural, technological—and particularly the reflexive utilisation of these resources, also affects the nature of social politics and the specific nature of proactive and defensive (dis)engagement. The paper argues that the social scientific analysis of housing would do well to take cognisance of these debates if it is to continue to produce nuanced analyses able to take account of the socio-spatial, cultural and political realities of informational capitalism.  相似文献   

中共十九大关于新时代中国特色社会主义思想和未来的发展方略为中国社会保障事业描绘了一幅美好的蓝图。本文认为我们应该坚持辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义世界观,认清中国社会保障的历史方位和发展方向,在理论上充分认识社会公平的内涵和社会保险的性质,在理论和实践上厘清政府、社会和个人责任边界,只有人人参与、人人尽力、人人享有,才有可能在21世纪中叶建成与社会主义现代化强国相匹配的、覆盖全民、城乡统筹、权责清晰、保障适度、可持续的多层次社会保障制度。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Contemporary regime analysis has increasingly taken on a comparative dimension. Bristol, England, illustrates the politics of regime building and, in a traditionally conservative and affluent city, the attenuated processes of interest coalescence. The discussion illustrates the susceptibility of an emergent English regime to external forces: a changing economic environment, the weakening of traditional authority, the oppressive nature of central/local relations, and the imposition of formalized competition for resources. Regime formation in England has taken place within the context of the transfer of power from local democratic government to less accountable forms of local governance. The presence of a “new magistracy” in urban governance (analogous to the local notables of traditional community power), together with the institutionalization of interurban competition, gives a distinct English flavor to the growing literature on European regime formation and offers an explanation for the belated emergence of a new urban regime in Bristol.  相似文献   

随着能源的紧张,住宅的节能性日益引起各方面的重视,文章通过总结和分析合肥市近几年发展节能住宅工作的进展,进而提出合肥市节能型住宅的发展前景。  相似文献   

英国的城市规划体系在长期的发展完善过程中,逐步摸索建立了一套成熟的城市规划动态监测机制,其工作方法、技术路线、监督软件系统以及对于监管工作重点和难点的把握和处理经验,为我国建设城市规划动态监测机制系统提供了宝贵经验.本文对英国城市规划体系的新变化作了简要介绍,重点对地方发展框架的监测机制进行了分析研究,总结了英国的经验对我国正在建设的城市规划动态监测系统的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

英国的城市规划体系在长期的发展完善过程中,逐步摸索建立了一套成熟的城市规划动态监测机制,其工作方法、技术路线、监督软件系统以及对于监管工作重点和难点的把握和处理经验,为我国建设城市规划动态监测机制系统提供了宝贵经验。本文对英国城市规划体系的新变化作了简要介绍,重点对地方发展框架的监测机制进行了分析研究,总结了英国的经验对我国正在建设的城市规划动态监测系统的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

近年来,我国城市效应日益严重,因此园林建筑在城市中起到了至关重要的作用。园林建筑在城市中不仅能够美化环境,还可以净化空气,提高人们的生活质量。本文就针对园林建筑在城市中的作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

常粉霞  刘亚斐 《城市建筑》2014,(21):290-290
近年来,我国城市效应日益严重,因此园林建筑在城市中起到了至关重要的作用。园林建筑在城市中不仅能够美化环境,还可以净化空气,提高人们的生活质量。本文就针对园林建筑在城市中的作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Faith Lawrence 《Urban Forum》2013,24(4):523-541
Local economic development agencies (LEDAs) have been initiated to support the goals of local economic development (LED) in several developed and developing countries. In South Africa, LEDAs have become established as part of the LED landscape in the country. This article analyses the establishment, existing state and challenges that confront LEDAs in South Africa. It is argued that the development agency model potentially has a pivotal role to play in managing, directing and coordinating economic development activities in certain local spaces. The success of LEDAs is challenged, however, by several factors including local economic potential, capacity and resource challenges and the institutional readiness of both the agency and parent municipality to manage local development outcomes.  相似文献   

State-level growth management legislation involves a complex constellation of political support and opposition. This article uses narrative policy analysis techniques to examine the politics behind Iowa's late-1990s effort at such legislation, identifying a model of factors participants use in determining political support for a bill. While much of the debate in Iowa focused explicitly on the technical issues, at heart the issue was the redistribution of power the proposed policy entailed, along with its fit to a largely rural state culture. Passing growth management legislation will require greater attention by planners to both of these topics.  相似文献   

从目前城市发展建设中的种种误区入手展开讨论,探讨了在实践过程中规划师角色的偏离以及导致这种偏离的原因,并提出了新的时代背景下新型规划伦理的基本框架.  相似文献   

The aim in this article is to examine the example of LED planning in Zambia, a country which post-2000 has been experiencing a modest expansion of decentralization. More specifically, the paper draws from a range of primary sources of information to discuss the development of planning for LED in Lusaka, Zambia’s capital city. It is argued that whilst there has occurred a growth of planning around LED in Lusaka, implementation has been limited due to a number of factors, including capacity constraints and finance.
Godfrey HampwayeEmail:

Cities are largely designed for adults and cars, not children. Auckland City's new ‘children first’ approach signals a shift in policy focus to consider the needs of children. The authors' ‘Kids in the City’ research is helping inform this approach by providing policy-relevant information about children's use and experiences of nine Auckland neighbourhoods, suburban and inner-city, using trip diaries, child-led walk-along interviews and discussion groups. The children were neighbourhood key informants and co-producers of knowledge who reported on their environments, discussed what they liked and disliked, their safety concerns and their limited mobility, and made suggestions for more ‘child-friendly’ neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

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