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The normal-incidence efficiencies of two 4800-grooves/mm ruled replica gratings, one with a dual-bandpass molybdenum/silicon multilayer coating and the other with a gold coating, were measured by use of synchrotron radiation in the 125-325-A wavelength region. The peak reflectance of the multilayer coating was 22% in the first Bragg order near 235 A and 28% in the second Bragg order near 126 A. The peak efficiency of the multilayer grating was 2.6% in the first diffraction order near 225 A and 0.3% in the second diffraction order near 125 A. The efficiencies of the multilayer grating were much higher than the corresponding efficiencies of the gold grating. The characterization of the surfaces of the gratings by atomic force microscopy indicated rms microroughness values in the 5-18-mum(-1) frequency range of 12-20 A for the multilayer grating and 22-32 A for the gold grating. Both gratings had bumpy surface features larger than the nominal groove height. The rather large surface roughness and groove irregularities had a detrimental effect on the grating efficiencies.  相似文献   

The far-UV reflectance of thin unoxidized aluminum films prepared and maintained in ultra-highvacuum conditions was measured versus the angle of incidence, and the complex refractive index was obtained from those measurements on several wavelengths from 82.6 to 113.5 nm. Measurements were made on two perpendicular planes of incidence to deal with the unknown of the polarization state of the radiation beam. The surface roughness was characterized by atomic force microscopy. The refractive index is obtained for the first time, to our knowledge, from direct optical measurements in this spectral range. Current results match well the former values in the literature that were calculated through the Kramers-Kronig analysis by using in the above interval reflectances estimated from electron-energy-loss spectra and from optical measurements on surfaces of unstated roughness.  相似文献   

Thin films of C(60) were investigated as protective coatings of Al films to preserve their far-UV (FUV) reflectance by inhibition or retardation of their oxidation. Two methods were used for the overcoating of Al films with approximately one monolayer of C(60): (1) deposition of a multilayer film followed by temperature desorption of all but one monolayer and (2) direct deposition of approximately one-monolayer film. We exposed both types of sample to controlled doses of molecular oxygen and water vapor and measured their FUV reflectance before and after exposure to evaluate the achieved protection on the Al films. The whole process of sample preparation, reflectance measurement, sample heating, and oxidation was made without breaking vacuum. Results show that a C(60) monolayer protected Al from oxidation to some extent, although FUV reflectance of unprotected Al films was never exceeded. FUV optical constants of C(60) films and the FUV reflectance of the C(60) film as deposited and as a function of exposure to O(2) were also measured.  相似文献   

CHELSI is a CsI-based portable spectrometer being developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory for use in high-energy neutron fields. Based on the inherent pulse shape discrimination properties of CsI(Tl), the instrument flags charged particle events produced via neutron-induced spallation events. Scintillation events are processed in real time using digital signal processing and a conservative estimate of neutron dose rate is made based on the charged particle energy distribution. A more accurate dose estimate can be made by unfolding the 2D charged particle versus pulse height distribution to reveal the incident neutron spectrum from which dose is readily obtained. A prototype probe has been assembled and data collected in quasi-monoenergetic fields at The Svedberg Laboratory (TSL) in Uppsala as well as at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE). Preliminary efforts at deconvoluting the shape/energy data using empirical response functions derived from time-of-flight measurements are described.  相似文献   

C/Si multilayer mirrors for the 25-30-nm wavelength region   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report a new material combination, C/Si, for normal-incidence multilayer mirrors in the wavelength region 25-30 nm. The multilayers, fabricated by ion-beam-sputtering deposition, were characterized by near-normal-incidence reflectance measurements by using a discharge source and a grazing-incidence monochromator. The highest measured near-normal-incidence reflectance was R = 23% (25.6 nm), R = 20% (28.3 nm), R = 25% (30.4 nm) at incident angles of 10 degrees , 12 degrees , and 4 degrees , respectively. The multilayers were also characterized by transmission electron microscopy, which revealed sharp layer interfaces and low interfacial roughness.  相似文献   

Time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy can be used to assess nondestructively the bulk (rather than the superficial) optical properties of highly diffusive media. A fully automated system for time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy was used to evaluate the absorption and the transport scattering spectra of fruits in the red and the near-infrared regions. In particular, data were collected in the range 650-1000 nm from three varieties of apples and from peaches, kiwifruits, and tomatoes. The absorption spectra were usually dominated by the water peak near 970 nm, whereas chlorophyll was detected at 675 nm. For all species the scattering decreased progressively with increasing wavelength. A best fit to water and chlorophyll absorption line shapes and to Mie theory permitted the estimation of water and chlorophyll content and the average size of scattering centers in the bulk of intact fruits.  相似文献   

We analyze the performance of a multispectral system that works in the near- infrared (NIR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum (NIR: 800-1000 nm). The system, which uses a CCD camera as a sensor with five acquisition channels, is capable of reconstructing the NIR spectral reflectance curves for a wide range of samples with a high degree of accuracy. We carried out a study of the sources of error in the experimental system, developed a luminance adaptation model to remove the dependence of the captured images on the exposure time of the camera and the f-number of the objective lens, and performed reconstructions of the spectral reflectances of a set of 80 samples. We achieved the best results by using a 12-bit camera, considering a different luminance adaptation transform for each channel, and by using the pseudoinverse reconstruction method. Under these conditions, the system provided mean percentages of reconstruction higher than 99.8% and root-mean-square-error values lower than 0.17, and is therefore suitable for use as a spectrophotometric instrument.  相似文献   

Measurements of the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) reflectance of unoxidized aluminum films versus the angle of incidence in the interval of 82-77 nm, just below the aluminum plasma wavelength (83 nm), are presented. The continuum of helium was used as a radiation source for the first time in EUV reflectometry, to our knowledge. The surface roughness of substrates and samples was characterized by atomic force microscopy. The complex refractive index of unoxidized aluminum was obtained from reflectance measurements at each wavelength for the first time in this spectral range. Data on the refractive index, the dielectric constant, and the energy loss function in the above interval are shown together with our previous data obtained in an interval of 82.6-113.5 nm. Current results on the refractive index show a good match with the data in the literature calculated through the Kramers-Kronig analysis, the largest differences being in the imaginary part of the refractive index at the shortest wavelengths.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of a new algorithm for cloud detection over a sea surface has been assessed on the basis of extensive simulations of clear and cloudy radiance spectra, including water and ice and low- and high-altitude clouds. The new algorithm makes use of autocorrelation and cross correlation between an observed spectrum and either a synthetic or a laboratory spectrum and can be used to determine quantitatively the degree of homogeneity of two spectra in the 800-900-cm(-1) region (11.11-12.5 microm). The scheme is intended for high-spectral-resolution observations and could form the basis for an operational stand-alone cloud-detection algorithm for next-generation sounding spectrometers. Application of the scheme to real observations is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We applied a Mo/B4C multilayer coating to a laminar holographic grating with 2400 grooves/mm and a 1-m radius of curvature. By use of synchrotron soft x rays the multilayer-coated grating was evaluated to have diffraction efficiencies of 3.1% and 0.017% for s- and p-polarized radiation, respectively, at a 6.7-nm wavelength at a 45.35 degrees grazing angle of incidence in the +1 (inside) grating order. Thus the polarizance was estimated to be 98.9% at least. The zero-order peak was suppressed by the destructive interference caused by the groove profile.  相似文献   

Seely JF  Goray LI  Hunter WR  Rife JC 《Applied optics》1999,38(7):1251-1258
Thin-film interference effects were observed in the normal-incidence efficiency of a 2400-groove/mm replica grating. The efficiency was measured in the 100-350-A wavelength range and had an oscillatory behavior that resulted from the presence of a thin SiO(2) coating. The thicknesses of the SiO(2) and the underlying oxidized aluminum layers were inferred from computer modeling of the zero-order efficiency. The efficiencies in the diffracted orders were calculated with the modified integral approach and accounting for the multilayer coating and the groove profile derived from atomic force microscopy. The calculated and measured efficiencies were in good agreement.  相似文献   

The excess conductivity due to the thermodynamic fluctuations in aluminum films is experimentally investigated. The excess conductivity is described by the sum of the Aslamazov-Larkin and the Maki-Thompson terms. An empirical formula is found on the relation between the pair-breaking parameter (0) in the absence of the magnetic field and the normal-state film resistanceR N sq as (0)=6×10–4 R N sq . This formula might be explained in terms of the localized moments and the proximity effect in films. The result of the magnetic field dependence of the pair-breaking parameter revealed that (0) cannot be described by an effective magnetic field. The temperature dependence of the excess conductivity at higher temperatures systematically deviates from the theoretical values due to the breakdown of the mean-field theory.  相似文献   

基于实际使用中的需求,使用磁控溅射的方法,在50 G窄带光学膜的基础上,通过使用挡板遮挡,在玻璃上镀制不同厚度的膜层,在不同物理位置实现中心波长渐变的50 G窄带光学膜。  相似文献   

Richter R  Müller A 《Applied optics》2003,42(6):1082-1090
Reflectance measurement with spectroradiometers in the solar wavelength region (0.4-2.5 microm) are frequently conducted in the laboratory or in the field to characterize surface materials of artificial and natural targets. The spectral surface reflectance is calculated as the ratio of the signals obtained over the target surface and a reference panel, yielding a relative reflectance value. If the reflectance of the reference panel is known, the absolute target reflectance can be computed. This standard measurement technique assumes that the signal at the radiometer is due completely to reflected target and reference radiation. However, for field measurements in the 2.4-2.5-microm region with the Sun as the illumination source, the emitted thermal radiation is not a negligible part of the signal even at ambient temperatures, because the atmospheric transmittance, and thus the solar illumination level, is small in the atmospheric absorption regions. A new method is proposed that calculates reflectance values in the 2.4-2.5-microm region while it accounts for the reference panel reflectance and the emitted radiation. This technique needs instruments with noise-equivalent radiances of 2 orders of magnitude below currently commercially available instruments and requires measurement of the surface temperatures of target and reference. If the reference panel reflectance and temperature effects are neglected, the standard method yields reflectance errors up to 0.08 and 0.15 units for 7- and 2-nm bandwidth instruments, respectively. For the new method the corresponding errors can be reduced to approximately 0.01 units for the surface temperature range of 20-35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Haga T  Kinoshita H 《Applied optics》1995,34(28):6527-6532
We describe a direct x-ray imaging system that uses an amplified metal-oxide-semiconductor imager to detect soft x rays directly for real-time imaging. From the absolute sensitivity of this system as measured through the use of a monochromatic synchrotron radiation beam and a GaAsP Schottky-type photodiode, the minimum sensitivity at a wavelength of 13 nm was estimated to be greater than 10(8)photons mm(-2). This is sufficient to detect soft x rays directly for real-time imaging. Onion cell observations at wavelengths of 4.3 and 4.6 nm indicate that x-ray absorption by the carbon in the cells was detected. This is a promising imaging system for the soft x-ray region in which conventional CCD's are difficult to use.  相似文献   

The vortex flow and the resistive transition of granular Al films have been measured as a function of the magnetic field perpendicular to the film surface. The effects of fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter on the vortex flow resistanceR f are discussed and compared with the theory of Maki and Takayama. The depression ofR f belowH c2 has been observed together with an electric field dependence ofR f. The depression ofR f is shown to agree qualitatively with the theoretical prediction. The field dependence ofR f appears to be related to that of the excess conductivity aboveH c2.  相似文献   

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