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对晚期现代主义建筑的主要特点进行了叙述,分析了菲利普.约翰逊和理查德.迈耶两位建筑师的建筑设计思想,研究了伽登格罗芙社区教堂和千禧教堂的建筑材料,平面内部空间及整体设计手法,以使人们进一步了解宗教建筑的特色。  相似文献   

周鼎  姜玲 《中华民居》2011,(12):68-71
西什库教堂位于北京市西城区,因地处北京城北,也称"北堂"。西城区位于北京市中心城区西北部,全区东西宽5.5公里,南北长7.5公里。面积31.66平方公里。东以鼓楼外大街、人定湖北巷、旧鼓楼大街、地安门外大街、地安门内大街、景山东街、南长街、北长街、天安门广场西侧为界与东城区相连;北以南长河、西直门北大街、德胜门西大街、新街口外大街、北三  相似文献   

每个来到Brand New School的人都会大吃一惊,这就是那个为大众汽车公司及VH1音乐频道的各个商家创造出众多天马行空,  相似文献   

介绍了教堂建筑的特点,以无锡具有代表性的基督教堂个案为例,分析了基督教堂建筑本身所包含的具象的结构建筑意义与抽象的宗教内涵,并借此探讨了教堂建筑在其他领域的发展应用,为同类研究提供参考。  相似文献   

张小迪  王远涛 《山西建筑》2007,33(25):62-63
通过对郎香教堂的空间设计、形体设计和质感、细部的装饰和色彩处理以及光和影在朗香教堂中的运用的审美浅析,从而使人们更加了解朗香教堂的审美特性以及勒·柯布西耶的设计思想。  相似文献   

评析光之教堂   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
谢彦峰  张小迪 《山西建筑》2009,35(27):43-44
对光之教堂进行了简单介绍,分析了光之教堂的空间设计、形体设计、细部装饰和色彩处理,研究了光和影在光之教堂中的运用,以提高人们对光之教堂的认识。  相似文献   

吴卉 《福建建筑》2008,(9):23-24
古代建筑、近代建筑、历史建筑和文物建筑是相近并容易混淆的几个概念,它们之间相互交叉但又相互区别,具有不同的内涵、外延和价值性,对它们的正确认识对在当今城市建设和历史文化名城的开发和保护利用有重要意义。  相似文献   

Barking, in east London, has become the unlikely site for a regeneration project by muf that dissolves art, architecture, landscaping, psychogeography and instant mythology. Swedish architect and critic Claes Sörstedt highlights the ‘attractive combination of mystery and utility’ that he finds in this reinvented piazza. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以现代建筑理论为基础,应用场所精神的分析方法,分析教堂中场所氛围营造的手法。具体从教堂中对光线、声音、温度、方向感和归属感的运用角度探讨了教堂建筑场所氛围的营造。最后得到教堂中场所氛围营造对现当代建筑设计的启示。  相似文献   

张卫  王潇 《建筑与环境》2012,(6):110-112
本文分析了广西近代教堂建筑的发展历程及分布情况。从现存教堂的平面布局、立面风格、细部装饰、结构体系等几个方面入手,归纳总结出广西近代教堂建筑的三大风格形式,分别是:罗马式、哥特式和地方元素与西方样式融合的形式。从风格特征出发,系统探讨了遗留至今的广西主要近代教堂建筑实例,梳理教堂的建造背景、从多方面分析其艺术价值,肯定其在广西近代史上的历史文化价值。同时为广西教堂建筑的保护与更新提供基础性研究资料。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the influence of the Anglican Church on the rural landscape of England and its interpretation and use. We begin with a discussion of the Church's role in the formulation of attitudes towards nature, land development and community. We then focus on the relationship of its major landscape feature, the church building, with ideas of community and heritage using material from an interview survey, undertaken by the Rural Church Project, with rural clergy and parishioners.  相似文献   

Architects theorise their work through the practices of writing and drawing, but they largely ignore theorisation of, or through the architectural model. Whilst architectural drawings are often discussed in relation to ideas, architectural models are more likely to be discussed in relation to matter. The division between intellectual and material aspects of architecture can be traced back to the Italian Renaissance when architectural labour became associated with intellectual rather than manual labour. Architectural models have tended to escape theoretical consideration because they have been associated with matter, manual labour and craft, and therefore dissociated from the intellectual.

With reference to mediaeval models of divinity, the paper discusses how the mind was considered superior to matter because it permitted access to the spiritual. Whilst we live in a predominantly secular age where the spiritual dimension itself is suspect, the supremacy of the intellectual is maintained.

With reference to a levitating architectural model constructed by the author, the paper discusses how the strategy of design by making challenges the hierarchy of the intellectual over the material by adopting an embodied approach. Furthermore it examines how the division and dissociation between spiritual and material dimensions might be rethought through the notion of 'ensoulment'.  相似文献   

How could an ancient church building be preserved when it could not be left on its old site? The answer chosen in Czechoslovakia was to move the 10 000 tonnes structure more than half a mile. A research officer at the Research Institute for Building and Architecture in Prague explains how it was done.  相似文献   

素有东方小巴黎东方莫斯科之称的哈尔滨仅100多年城市史,但佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教、基督教、东正教以及已经消失了的犹太教、日本神道教等留下大量历史文物,珍贵的宗教建筑遗留下来历史的印记,保护寺观教堂是这座亚洲城市继续拥有显著欧洲城市风格的一个重要环节。本文通过对哈尔滨寺观教堂历史沿革综述、宗教建筑保护单位的调研,发现哈尔滨城市宗教建筑特色并提出具有针对性的保护策略。  相似文献   

山东济南因有“泉水”而著称,古人就曾用“三面荷花四面柳,一城山色半城湖”来描绘这座城市的娇美。其实,体现“泉城济南”特色的还有那些依然屹立在城市中央富有古色古香韵味的西洋建筑。这些古建筑不仅风格各异,能为世人呈现出中西洋建筑风格并立的城市风貌,而且也为这座古老的城市注入了神秘异域的色彩。  相似文献   

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