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对棕榈硬脂的干法分提,通过实践分析了原料油温度、原料组成、结晶设备影响、冷却水温度控制及过滤的影响因素,给出相关的技术参数,以期为实际生产提供参考.  相似文献   

以棕榈硬脂和大豆油为研究对象,采用ΔSFC分析两者的相容性,利用单因素实验和正交实验优化调和技术参数。结果表明,在考察的温度范围内棕榈硬脂和大豆油存在共晶现象,相容性较差,而使用卵磷脂、斯潘60和分子蒸馏单甘酯作为调和剂,能达到稳定的调和效果。调和剂的种类和添加量对调和油样的稳定性有显著影响,调和剂之间存有交互作用。在斯潘60添加量0.6g/kg、调和温度60℃、时间20min条件下,按照棕榈硬脂和大豆油1∶9的比例制备的调和油,常温存储稳定性较好,离心分离率为1.3%,氧化稳定性优于大豆油。   相似文献   

李闯 《中国油脂》2020,45(11):88-93
为制得富含月桂酸的MLM型中长链脂肪酸甘油三酯(MLCT),以月桂酸酸解棕榈硬脂合成富含1,3-二月桂酸-2-棕榈酸甘油三酯(LaPLa)的MLCT。以LaPLa含量为指标,比较了固定化脂肪酶AO IM、RM IM、TL IM的催化性能,同时对反应温度、酶载量、底物摩尔比、反应时间进行优化,对合成的MLCT的理化性质进行了测定。结果表明,固定化脂肪酶AO IM具有良好的催化性能,在反应温度65 ℃、底物(棕榈硬脂与月桂酸)摩尔比1∶ 10、酶载量10%、反应时间2.5 h的条件下,LaPLa含量可达到40.59%。与棕榈硬脂相比,纯化后的MLCT酸价(KOH)(0.19 mg/g)降低,过氧化值(4.85 mmol/kg)升高,碘值(I)(37.35 g/100 g)降低,结晶起始温度(17.58 ℃)和熔融起始温度(23.97 ℃)都有所降低。该MLCT具有潜在的结构和功能优势,为开发新型MLCT提供了研究思路。  相似文献   

核桃油与棕榈硬脂复配体系在涂抹脂基料油中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对棕榈硬脂与核桃油复配体系的相容性及结晶性质变化进行探究,考察复配体系在涂抹脂基料油中的应用。结果表明,当核桃油含量达到20%以上时,复配体系的固体脂肪含量(Solid Fat Content,SFC)变化趋势符合涂抹脂的最佳SFC曲线特征,适合用作涂抹脂基料油;在温度高于33.3℃时,核桃油与棕榈硬脂在复配比例(1∶9、2∶8、3∶7、4∶6)下可以完全相容;在核桃油比例达到3∶7以上时,复配体系的屈服值符合涂抹脂的最佳屈服值范围;在温度低于30℃时,棕榈硬脂及复配体系具有较强的晶体网络结构,能在运输和贮藏过程中维持稳定的形态,在接近体温时也能快速熔化,产生涂抹脂类似的口感,复配体系中晶体以β′晶型为主。该结果为棕榈硬脂及核桃油复配体系在涂抹脂中的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

为解决分提棕榈硬脂用作蜡材时渗油的问题,对其进行了不同程度的氢化。利用差示扫描量热仪、脉冲核磁共振仪、偏振光显微镜和X-射线衍射仪等手段对其结晶行为进行研究,并比较了氢化前后化学组成的变化。结果表明:棕榈硬脂氢化的第一个阶段,部分油酸和亚油酸迅速转变为反式油酸,它促进了α型晶体的形成及其向β'型的转变,虽然45℃以下时固体脂肪含量高于原料油,但其熔点却降低;氢化的第二个阶段,大量油酸和反式油酸转变为硬脂酸,高熔点组分增加,虽然晶型仍处于β'型,但此时熔点及各温度下的固体脂肪含量均高于原料油。氢化15 min后低熔点峰基本消失,蜡烛渗油现象也消失;继续氢化至20 min后样品结晶峰狭窄、尖锐,蜡烛容易断裂。因此,适度氢化样品(氢化15~20 min)较适合用作蜡材。  相似文献   

米糠固脂是米糠油冬化或分提获得的副产物。以3种具有不同固体脂肪含量(SFC)曲线的米糠固脂(RBS1、RBS2及RBS3)、棕榈硬脂(PS)为原料,按照米糠固脂与棕榈硬脂质量比40∶60进行二元混合制备起酥油,并以市售起酥油为参考,对混合体系的SFC、晶型、脂肪酸组成、微量营养素含量进行了分析。结果表明:由不同米糠固脂组成的二元混合体系差异不大,且与市售起酥油具有相似的SFC曲线;其棕榈酸、亚油酸含量较市售起酥油高,硬脂酸含量较市售起酥油低;体系表现为β'晶型;此外,二元混合体系中含有丰富的谷维素、植物甾醇,可丰富起酥油的营养特性。  相似文献   

研究了以猪油和棕榈硬脂为原料经酶法酯交换制备的零反式脂肪酸起酥油的性质。相同质量的猪油和棕榈硬脂在反应温度60℃、固定化酶用量8%(以底物质量计)、反应时间1 h的条件下进行酯交换反应。通过对混合油酯交换前后的晶体形态、熔化性质、甘油三酯组成、脂肪酸组成分析发现:经酯交换后混合油结晶更加均匀细腻;混合油甘油三酯组成发生显著变化,不对称甘油三酯含量显著增加;混合油脂肪酸组成基本无变化,无反式脂肪酸生成;酪化性显著变好。  相似文献   

通过分析评价本次参试实验室比对能力验证试验结果,了解参试实验室的检测能力,检测人员的操作技术水平和仪器设备的运行状态,以提高实验室检测和质量管理水平。参试实验室同时对发放的相似棕榈硬脂样品进行相同项目的比对试验,用Z比分数进行统计分析。结果:本次比对活动共收集到19份比对测试结果,94个检测值,其中检测值的满意数为82个,有问题数6个,不满意数6个,总满意率为87.2%。结论:参加本次能力验证活动的实验室,多数质量保证水平稳定可靠,具有相应项目的检验能力,部分实验室技术质量水平有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

为了得到富含棕榈酸的卵磷脂,研究了正己烷溶剂体系下Lipozyme RM IM催化大豆卵磷脂与棕榈硬脂的酯交换反应。通过单因素实验,探讨了大豆卵磷脂质量浓度、底物摩尔比、加水量、加酶量和温度等对酯交换过程中酯交换量和卵磷脂回收率的影响,并采用响应面法对该酯交换反应的条件进行了优化。得到的最佳工艺条件为大豆卵磷脂质量浓度0.3 g/m L(大豆卵磷脂在加入的正己烷中的质量浓度),加酶量25%(以底物总质量计),加水量4%(以大豆卵磷脂质量计),底物摩尔比1∶2(大豆卵磷脂中脂肪酰基与棕榈硬脂中脂肪酰基摩尔比),温度46.7℃,时间27.4 h;在最佳工艺条件下,酯交换量可达19.8%,卵磷脂回收率为50.6%。  相似文献   

将棕榈油和棉籽油硬脂分别进行32 h 的连续深度煎炸,检测过程中的质量指标,评价其煎炸特性。结果表明,在32 h 连续深度煎炸过程中,随着煎炸时间的延长,棕榈油颜色加深更明显,其极性组分含量和酸价增加更多,碘值更低,两种油的过氧化值变化均不明显,但所有指标均在国标规定范围内。两种煎炸油的饱和脂肪酸(saturated fatty acid,SFA)的含量均增加,单不饱和脂肪酸(monounsaturated fatty acid,MUFA)和多不饱和脂肪酸(polyunsaturated fatty acid,PUFA)的含量减少,棉籽油硬脂的SFA 增加更多。两种煎炸油的反式脂肪酸(trans fatty acid,TFA)含量均随煎炸时间的延长而增加,其中棕榈油的TFA 含量增加更多。棉籽油硬脂作为煎炸油煎炸后的食品酸价、极性组分含量、TFA 含量更低,颜色透亮,煎炸寿命长,稳定性好,食用安全,更符合现代消费者的消费观。  相似文献   

Non-dairy creams made from hydrogenated palm kernel oil (HPKO) are generally more stable than dairy creams. However, in summer the emulsion tends to separate. This paper outlines some steps that were taken to modify the HPKO with the intention of increasing the stability without affecting whipping performance. This was achieved by blending HPKO with palm stearin (POs). Interesterification was employed to eliminate the increase in solid fat content at 37°C and 40°C. Results of the experiment showed that an interesterified HPKO: POs 66:34 blend proved to have satisfactory whipping performance when compared to creams made with HPKO alone.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the possibility of commercial use as a cocoa butter equivalent (CBE). The CBE was prepared by blending fractionated palm stearin and shea stearin in a weight ratio of 40:60 and contained 81.9% total symmetric monounsaturated triacyl-glycerols. The CBE was blended with cocoa butter in weight ratios (CBE:cocoa butter) of 5:95, 10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and 90:10. The blends were evaluated for their fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions, thermal melting/crystallization behaviors, and solid fat content. The 5:95, 10:90, 20:80, and 30:70 blends showed similar melting/crystallization temperature ranges and enthalpies to those of cocoa butter. Furthermore, they showed similar changes in solid fat content to those of cocoa butter as a function of temperature. These results indicate that the CBE can be blended with cocoa butter at 30% for the manufacture of chocolate products without significantly altering their physical properties.  相似文献   

将棕榈油硬脂(ST)与大豆油(SBO)按不同比例混合再进行酯交换反应可以得到不同固脂特征的油脂。实验发现,其中的酯交换油脂IE(70%ST 30%SBO)最适合于加工成通用型起酥油。对这种酯交换油脂的打发性、软硬度及氧化稳定性进行了分析,并与目前市场上常见的全棕榈油基起酥油进行了比较,发现酯交换油脂的柔软度和打发性能均优于后者,但其氧化稳定性不及全棕榈油基起酥油。  相似文献   

进行了固定化脂肪酶Lipozyme TL IM催化棕榈油硬脂和大豆油酶法酯交换的研究,考察了酶法酯交换分批操作的反应动力学曲线,发现5%的加酶量、70℃下反应,反应3 h内达到平衡,反应温度在70~90℃对反应速度无明显影响。采用填充床式反应器进行连续反应,结果表明通过装有10 g脂肪酶柱子的最佳流速为30 g/h。对化学酯交换和酶法酯交换产品性质的比较发现,二者SFC无明显差异。采用填充床式反应器对40∶60和30∶70的棕榈油硬脂和大豆油的混合物进行酶法酯交换反应,测定了反应产物的SFC曲线,为将来的应用开发提供参考数据。  相似文献   

Palm stearin (PS) is an extensively used trans-free hardstock. Depending on process parameters, fractions with unique compositions, hardness, and solid fat content can be tailored toward specific applications. In this work, the composition and crystallization of PS fractionated with acetone at 30°C, 35°C, or 40°C into various liquid (LF) and solid (SF) fractions were investigated. After fractionation, iodine value (IV) of PS changed from 37 to values ranging from 24 to 51. The IV of the LF increased with a decrease in fractionation temperature whereas that of the SF (~24) was unaffected. The main fatty acids of all PS fractions were palmitic and oleic acids, with the LF having a lower palmitic acid but higher oleic acid content than the SF. LF and SF obtained at higher fractionation temperatures showed more rapid crystallization rates. Under the microscope, the LF fractionated at 30°C and 35°C consisted of spherulites whereas those fractionated at 40°C exhibited dendritic crystals. All SF consisted of spherulites comprised of large rod-like crystals. All samples existed as mixtures of β’ and β crystals. This study serves as the basis for the development of baking margarines and pastry shortenings using fractionated PS.  相似文献   

Hard fractions of palm oil and coconut oil, blended in the ratios of 90:10, 85:15, 80:20 and 75:25, were interesterified for 8 h using Lipozyme TL IM. Major fatty acids in the blends were palmitic acid (41.7–48.4%) and oleic acid (26.2–30.8%). Medium‐chain fatty acids accounted for 4.5–13.1% of the blends. After interesterification (IE), slip melting point was found to decrease from 44.8–46.8 °C to 28.5–34.0 °C owing to reduction in solids content at all temperatures. At 37.5 °C, the blends containing 25% coconut stearins had 17.4–19% solids, which reduced to 0.4–1.5% on IE, and the slip melting point (28.6 and 28.8 °C) indicated their suitability as margarine base. The reduction in solid fat index of the interesterified fats is attributed to the decrease in high‐melting triacylglycerols in palm oil (GS3 and GS2U type) and increase in triolein (GU3) content from 1 to 9.2%. Retention of tocopherols and β‐carotene during IE was 76 and 60.1%, respectively, in 75:25 palm stearin and coconut stearin blend.  相似文献   

The kinetics of isothermal crystallisation of palm stearin, palm kernel olein and their blends (20–80 g/100 g palm stearin with 20 g/100 g increment) were determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The mechanism of crystallisation (n) was calculated by applying the Avrami equation using the crystallisation curves obtained at 10, 15 and 20 °C. The DSC isothermal crystallisation data at 10, 15 and 20 °C fitted well into the Avrami equation over the entire fractional crystallisation with correlation coefficient always greater than 0.98. Based on the Avrami exponent obtained, the palm stearin and palm kernel olein have different nucleation and growth mechanisms. The suggested mechanism for palm kernel olein was high nucleation rate at the beginning of crystallisation, which decreased with time, and plate-like growth (n = 2). On the other hand, the mechanism for palm stearin was instantaneous heterogeneous nucleation followed by spherulitic growth (n = 3). For blends of palm stearin and palm kernel olein, the mechanisms of crystallisation were 2 and 3 depending on the composition of the blends and crystallisation temperatures.  相似文献   

宗蕾 《中国油脂》2020,45(6):82-87
1,3-二油酸-2-棕榈酸甘油三酯(OPO)是人乳脂中重要组成部分,能促进婴儿对脂肪酸的吸收利用。以高油酸花生油脂肪酸乙酯(以下简称油酸乙酯)和棕榈硬脂为原料,在Novozym40086脂肪酶的催化作用下酯交换合成OPO。在单因素实验的基础上采用响应面法对酶法合成OPO的工艺条件进行优化。结果表明:酶法合成OPO的最佳反应条件为油酸乙酯与棕榈硬脂摩尔比6∶1、反应时间1 h、反应温度60℃、加酶量8%(以底物总质量计),在该条件下合成的产物甘三酯中OPO含量、2位棕榈酸占所有棕榈酸含量以及PPP含量分别为(46. 30±0. 03)%、(60. 70±0. 23)%、(5. 67±0. 30)%。产品指标均满足GB 30604—2015的规定。  相似文献   

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