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The residual value of phosphorus from superphosphate, crandallite rock phosphate (Christmas Island C-grade ore), 500°C calcined crandallite rock phosphate (Calciphos) and apatite rock phosphate from Queensland, Australia, was measured in a 6 year field experiment sited on lateritic soil in south-western Australia. Different amounts of each fertilizer were applied at the commencement of the experiment, and either left on the soil surface or mixed through the soil by cultivating to a depth of about 10 cm. Dry matter production of subterranean clover measured in spring (August) and bicarbonate-extractable phosphorus determined from soil samples collected in summer (January–February) were used as indicators of fertilizer effectiveness.The effectiveness values calculated for each fertilizer each year were similar for the treatments that were left on the soil surface and those which were mixed through the soil. The effectiveness of both ordinary and triple superphosphate were similar each year. They were the most effective fertilizers for the duration of the experiment. Using pasture yield as an indicator, the effectiveness of the superphosphates decreased by about 50% from year 1 to year 2, and by a further 10% over the remaining 4 years. Using bicarbonate-extracted soil phosphorus the effectiveness of both superphosphates decreased in a more uniform fashion by about 60% from year 2 to year 6. The effectiveness of all the rock phosphate fertilizers was approximately constant through time. As calculated from yield and bicarbonate-soluble phosphorus values, C-grade ore, Calciphos and the Queensland apatite were respectively 5%, 20% and 7% as effective as freshly applied superphosphate.The proportion of the total phosphorus content present in the rock phosphates which was initially soluble in neutral ammonium citrate was a poor predictor of the effectiveness of the phosphorus from these fertilizers determined using herbage yield or the amount of bicarbonate — soluble phosphorus extracted from the soil.The bicarbonate soil test did not predict the same future production for superphosphate and some of the rock phosphates in years 2 and 3 of the experiment, indicating that different soil test calibration curves are needed for the different fertilizers.  相似文献   

The agronomic effectiveness of superphosphate and two rock phosphates that had been applied once only to the soil surface 8 to 12 years previously was measured in a field experiment with oats on a lateritic soil in south-western Australia. The soil was either undisturbed or cultivated with a rotary hoe before sowing. The rock phosphates were Christmas Island C-grade ore (C-ore, a calcium ironaluminium rock phosphate), and C-ore calcined (heated) at about 500°C (Calciphos).Cultivation reduced the effectiveness for all three fertilizers by 20 to 50%. The effectiveness of phosphorus (P) applied as superphosphate decreased with increasing period from time of application whereas the effectiveness of the rock phosphates increased but they were always much less effective than superphosphate.The relationship between grain yield and P concentration of plant tissue (i.e. the internal efficiency of P use curve) was similar regardless of fertilizer type, year of application of fertilizer, and whether or not the soil was cultivated. Thus differences in fertilizer residual effectiveness were solely due to the amount of P taken up by the plants.Values of bicarbonate-soluble P (i.e. soil test for P values) for superphosphate treated soil were reduced by about 20 to 25% when the fertilizer was incorporated into the soil whereas for the rock phosphate treated soils the values were little affected by cultivation. The relationship between yield and soil test for P values varied depending on cultivation treatment and fertilizer.We conclude that cultivation decreases the effectiveness of residual fertilizer P and that cultivation and fertilizer type influence the accuracy of yield prediction from soil test values.  相似文献   

The residual value of superphosphate and several rock phosphates was measured in three field experiments in Western Australia. The rock phosphates were Christmas Island C-grade ore, calcined C-grade ore (Calciphos) and apatite rock phosphates. The predictive capacity of the Colwell, Olsen and Bray 1 soil tests for phosphate were also evaluated.As measured by yields of variously wheat, oats, barley or clover, the effectiveness of an initial application of superphosphate decreased to about 50% of that of newly applied superphosphate between years 1 and 2, and further decreased to about 20% over subsequent years. At low levels of application, all the rock phosphates were between 10–20% as effective as superphosphate in the year of application for all experiments. Relative to newly applied superphosphate their effectiveness remained approximately constant in subsequent years for two experiments and doubled for the other experiment.The Colwell soil test predicted that the effectiveness of superphosphate decreased to about 45% between years 2 and 3, followed by a more gradual decrease to approximately 15%. At low levels of application, the effectiveness of the rock phosphates as predicted by the Colwell soil test values was initially very low relative to superphosphate (2–30%), and remained low in subsequent years (2–20%). For superphosphate treated soil, the proportion of the added phosphorus extracted generally increased as the level of application increased. By contrast, for rock phosphate treated soil, the proportion of added phosphorus extracted decreased as the level of application increased.For all three experiments there were highly significant positive correlations between amounts of P extracted by the three soil tests. Consequently all soil tests were equally predictive of yield but usually for each soil test separate calibrations between yield and soil test values were required for the different fertilizers and for each combination of fertilizer and plant species and for each year.  相似文献   

The relationship between plant yield and values of soils tests for phosphorus (P) was studied in long-term field experiments in south-western Australia for soil previously fertilized with rock phosphate and superphosphate. The rock phosphates studied were: Queensland (Duchess) apatite rock phosphate; reactive apatite rock phosphate from North Carolina; and rock phosphate from Christmas Island (as either C-grade ore or Calciphos). The P fertilizers were applied once only at the start of each experiment, and in subsequent years, soil samples were collected in January-March to measure soil test values. These were compared with plant yields measured later on in that year. The Colwell alkaline bicarbonate soil test was used in all years in all experiments. Olsen, Bray, lactate and Troug tests were used in some years in some experiments. For all soil tests the relationships between yield and soil test values was generally different for rock phosphate and superphosphate. For a given source of P, none of the different soil test reagents was significantly superior for predicting plant yields. The relationship between yield and soil test value was also generally different for different plant species. At one site cultivation was included as a treatment and the relationship varied depending on the cultivation treatment of the topsoil before sowing oats (Avena sativa). The relationship between yield and soil test also differed between years.  相似文献   

A glasshouse trial with wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Gamenya) in which harvests were taken at intervals up to 24 days has shown that the effectivness of calcined Christmas Island C-grade aluminium-iron phosphate rock (C500) relative to superphosphate remained low. Relative growth rates did not change despite a decrease in the concentration of bicarbonate extractable phosphorus in soil fertilized with superphosphate. Different numerical values of relative effectiveness based on plant yield and phosphorus uptake respectively may be attributed to different internal efficiencies of phosphorus use for the two fertilizers.  相似文献   

Two long-term (11 and 12 y) field experiments in south-western Australia are described that measured the relative effectiveness of three rock phosphate fertilizers (C-grade ore, Calciphos and Queensland (Duchess) rock phosphate), single, double and triple superphosphate. The experiments were on established subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) — based pasture that had received large, yearly, applications of single superphosphate for many years before the experiments began so that in the first year the nil phosphorus (P) treatment produced 80 to 90% of the maximum yield. The experiments were conducted using a rotation of one year cereal crop (oats,Avena sativa at one site, and barley,Hordeum vulgare, at the other): 2 y pasture, a typical rotation on farms in the region. Five levels of each P fertilizer were applied every third year with the crop. Grain yield of cereals, P content of grain, pasture yield, and bicarbonate-soluble P extracted from the soil (available P) were used to estimate fertilizer effectiveness values.The three superphosphate fertilizers had identical values of fertilizer effectiveness. Superphosphate was always the most effective fertilizer for producing grain. The rock phosphate fertilizers were one-seventh to one-half as effective per kg P as superphosphate when assessed on the yield or P content (P concentration × yield) of grain within each cropping year. Bicarbonate-extractable soil P values demonstrated that superphosphate was two to fifteen times as effective as the rock phosphate fertilizers. The relationship between grain yield and P content in grain (i.e. the internal efficiency of P use curve) was similar for the different P fertilizers. Thus for all P fertilizers yield was not limited by other factors as it varied solely in response to the P content, which in turn presumably depended on the P supply from the fertilizers.The relative agronomic effectiveness of rock phosphates is greater for marginally P deficient soils than for highly P deficient soils but rock phosphate remains less effective than superphosphate. We conclude that the rock phosphates studied should not be substituted for superphosphate as maintenance fertilizers for soils in Western Australia that are marginally deficient in P. This result is consistent with the results of many field experiments on highly P deficient soils in south-western Australia. These have shown that a wide variety of rock phosphate fertilizers are much less effective than superphosphate in both the short and long term.  相似文献   

In three, long-term field experiments on different lateritic soils in south-western Australia, the effectiveness of superphosphate and rock phosphate fertilizers applied 10 years (one experiment) or 4 years previously was measured relative to the effectiveness of freshly-applied superphosphate (relative effectiveness or RE) using several different plant species. For the species comparisons, RE values were estimated using the initial slope of the relationship between yield and the level of P applied. In addition, RE values were also determined for different levels of application to test whether RE values for previously-applied fertilizer changed with increasing level of application. Soil samples were collected 3–5 months before sowing for a soil test for phosphate (P) and the soil test values were related to plant yields measured later that year. At each site, the RE value of previously-appliedrock phosphate was calculated using initial slopes and was mostly consistently low and was similar (0.04–0.18) for all plant species. The exceptions were that the RE value about doubled for barley in one experiment and for another experiment the effectiveness of calcined (heated) C-grade ore (Calciphos) was about 2–3 times that of the untreated (i.e. unheated) fertilizer. In most cases, the RE value of previously appliedsuperphosphate at each site was similar (0.23–0.34) regardless of plant species. The exceptions were that the RE value was about double for barley in one experiment and about half for triticale in another. Rock phosphates applied 4 or 10 years previously were between about one twentieth to one quarter as effective as freshly applied superphosphate. Superphosphate applied 4 or 10 years previously was between about a quarter to one third as effective as freshly-applied superphosphate. At each site, the yield of each species was closely related to the P content of plant tissue and the relationship was independent of the fertilizer type or when the fertilizer was applied. At each site and for each plant species, the RE value of the previously-applied rock phosphate was estimated for different levels of application and generally decreased with increasing level of application, whereas the RE value for previously-applied superphosphate mostly remained approximately constant. At each site, the relationship between yield and soil test values (i.e. soil test for P calibrations) differed depending on the fertilizer type and the plant species.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of large single applications of North Carolina reactive rock phosphate, Queensland non-reactive rock phosphate, and Calciphos, were compared to the effectiveness of superphosphate in field experiments in south-western Australia for up to 11 years after application. As measured using plant yield, superphosphate was the most effective fertilizer in the year of application, and relative to freshly-applied superphosphate, the effectiveness of the superphosphate residues declined to be about 15 to 65% as effective in the year after application, and 5 to 20% as effective 9 to 10 years after application. Relative to freshly-applied superphosphate, all the rock phosphates were 10 to 30% as effective in the year of application, and the residues remained 2 to 20% as effective in the 10 years after application. The bicarbonate soil test reagent predicted a more gradual decrease in effectiveness of superphosphate of up to 70% 10 years after application. For rock phosphate, the reagent predicted effectiveness to be always lower than for superphosphate, being initially 2 to 11% as effective in the year after application, and from 10% to equally as effective 10 years later. Therefore rock phosphates are unlikely to be economic alternatives to superphosphate in the short or long term on most lateritic soils in south-western Australia.  相似文献   

North Carolina rock phosphate (NCRP) (highly carbonate—substituted apatite) was ground to produce three samples with different particle size distributions. The effectiveness of these fertilizers was compared with the effectiveness of superphosphate in a field experiment and three glasshouse experiments using lateritic soils from south-western Australia. Non-reactive Queensland rock phosphate (low carbonate-substituted apatite from the Duchess deposit) was also used in the pot experiments. Bicarbonate-soluble phosphorus extracted from the soil is widely used in Western Australia to predict plant yields from previously-applied fertilizer dressings. For both field and pot experiments bicarbonate-extractable phosphorus (soil test value) was measured and related to subsequent plant yields.As calculated from the initial slope of the relationship between yield and the level of P applied, finely powdered NCRP was about 5–32% as effective as freshly-applied superphosphate in the year of application and also for two years after application in the field experiment, and for two successive crops in the three pot experiments. For both field and pot experiments, finely powdered NCRP, was at best, 1.5–2.0 times as effective as granular NCRP. Relative to freshly-applied superphosphate, the effectiveness of rock phosphates usually decreased with increasing level of application.For each of the crops in the field experiment, the relationships between yield and phosphorus content of plants (i.e. internal efficiency curves) were similar for all fertilizers. Thus the low effectiveness of the rock phosphates relative to superphosphate was solely due to much less phosphorus being taken up by plants. By contrast, in the pot experiments internal efficiency curves differed for different fertilizers. This is attributed to differences in the rate of phosphorus uptake by plant roots during the early stages of plant growth.For both field and pot experiments, soil test calibrations (the relationship between yield and soil test value) differed for rock phosphates and superphosphate. For superphosphate, soil test calibrations also differed for the three different years after the initial application of this fertilizer in the field experiment. For the second crop in the pot experiment, soil test calibrations differed for superphosphate applied at different times (before the first and the second crop). These results point out the difficulty of applying soil testing procedures to soils that have experienced different histories of fertilizer application.  相似文献   

Data from 194 published pot and field experiments were used to calculate the fertilizer effectiveness of two commercially available calcined iron-aluminium rock phosphate fertilizers— Calciphos and Phospal. A very wide range of effectiveness values (RE) relative to superphosphate have been reported for freshly applied fertilizers ( < 0.1 to 3.0). These differences are primarily not due to differences in citrate soluble P, soil pH, plant species and mean annual rainfall. For both fertilizers most of the variation in published values is due to the use of poorly responsive soils and to incorrect methods of fertilizer assessment. Lower RE values (< 0.1 to 0.5) were derived for experiments on highly P responsive soils and when several levels of P were applied to provide complete response curves. For these experiments high RE values (about 1.0) for Calciphos only occurred for sandy soils in which water-soluble P was rapidly leached. The residual value of Calciphos and Phospal remained low relative to freshly applied superphosphate.  相似文献   

A pot experiment with two lateritic soils measured the relative residual effectiveness (RRE) of superphosphate and three rock phosphate (RP) fertilizers applied six years previously in the field. Three plant species (lettuce, wheat and maize) having very different external P requirements were grown as indicators of P availability. Superphosphate had the maximum RRE (1.0) and low reactive Queensland RP had the minimum RRE (0.04–0.45) for all plant species. For one soil the RRE of reactive North Carolina RP was similar to that of superphosphate (0.87–1.04), but ranged from 0.07 to 0.30 for the other soil. The RRE of Calciphos (one soil only) ranged from 0.60 to 0.98 for all plant species.The RRE of rock phosphate decreased for the three crops in sequence maize> wheat> lettuce for a 30 days growth period. This ranking follows the increasing external P requirement of the three plant species. Very high rates of application of RP may have induced micronutrient deficiencies.  相似文献   

A glasshouse trial with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has shown that the effectiveness relative to superphosphate of calcined Christmas Island C-grade rock phosphate applied singly and in mixtures with superphosphate was not dependent on rate of application. There was no evidence of any interaction between the two P fertilizers when they were applied together. The exponential character of the fitted response curves allowed a relative effectiveness value of 0.18 ± 0.03 to be determined from the ratio ofb 3 andb 4 (curvature coefficients) confirming the poor performance of this rock phosphate fertilizer.  相似文献   

The Pi soil test for phosphorus (P), which uses an iron oxide impregnated paper, was evaluated in three field experiment on lateritic soils in south-western Australia fertilised with triple superphosphate, North Carolina rock phosphate, Queensland rock phosphate, and in one experiment, Calciphos. Soil samples were collected February to March from 1985 to 1988. The Pi, Colwell, Bray 1, calcium acetate lactate (CAL) and Truog soil P tests were used. Soil test P values were related to yields of triticale (×Triticosecale) or oats (Avena sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare) or dry herbage yields of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum). The Colwell soil test, which is commonly used in Australia, and the Pi soil test were almost equally predictive, but showed considerable error in prediction of yield. For each soil test and plant species the relationship between yield and soil test P differed with fertilizer type and year. For combined data for all sites, fertilizers and years, the CAL soil test was the most predictive and the Truog soil test was least predictive of plant yield.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of coastal superphosphate and two rock phosphate fertilizers was compared with the effectiveness of single superphosphate for pasture production on deep, humic, sandy podzols in high rainfall (> 800 mm annual average) areas of south-western Australia. The pastures were subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) or mixed subterraneum clover and serradella (Ornithopus compressus). Coastal superphosphate was made by adding rock phosphate and elemental sulphur to superphosphate during manufacture, as it came out of the den before granulation. One rock phosphate was a 50% mixture of apatite rock phosphate from Nauru and Christmas Islands, and which was also used to make the single and coastal superphosphate used in this study, and superphosphate made in Western Australia at the time these experiments started. The other rock phosphate was Calciphos, the fertilizer produced by heating (calcining), at about 500 °C, Christmas Island C-grade ore, a calcium iron aluminium rock phosphate. There were two types of experiments. In the three Type 1 experiments, levels of each fertilizer were applied annually. In the two Type 2 experiments, levels of fertilizer were applied once only to new plots in different years. Coastal superphosphate was the most effective fertilizer in the Type 1 experiments, with both rock phosphates and single superphosphate being equally effective. All fertilizers were equally effective in the Type 2 experiments. There were large variations in fertiliser effectiveness values between yield measurements in the same or different years. It is known that P leaches from freshly-applied superphosphate in these soils. The extent of this leaching probably varies between yield measurements affecting effectiveness values determined for all fertilizers because the effectiveness values were calculated relative to the effectiveness of single superphosphate. The humic, sandy podzols remain wet during the growing season, are acidic, and are known from laboratory studies to possess adequate hydrogen ions to cause extensive dissolution of North Carolina rock phosphate so that rock phosphates are equally or more effective than single superphosphate in these soils. When elemental sulphur in coastal superphosphate is oxidized to SO4 hydrogen ions are produced which in previous studies has been shown to enhance dissolution of rock phosphate in biosuper, a mixture of rock phosphate and elemental sulphur.  相似文献   

The agronomic effectiveness of two partially acidulated rock phosphate (PARP) fertilizers, made from either North Carolina or Moroccan apatite rock phosphate, and a fused calcium-magnesium phosphate (thermal phosphate or TP), was compared with the effectiveness of superphosphate in two glasshouse experiments. A different lateritic soil from Western Australia was used for each experiment. Oats (Avena sativa) were grown in one experiment and triticale (×Triticosecale) in the other. Fertilizer effectiveness was measured using (i) yield of dried tops, (ii) P content (P concentration in tissue multiplied by yield) of dried tops, and (iii) bicarbonate-extractable soil P (soil test value).The following relationships differed for the different fertilizers: (i) yield of dried tops and P content in the dried tops; (ii) yield and soil test values. Consequently the fertilizer effectiveness values calculated using yield data differed from those calculated using P content or soil test data. Freshly-applied superphosphate was always the most effective fertilizer regardless of the method used to calculate fertilizer effectiveness values. For one of the soils, as calculated using yield data, relative to freshly-applied superphosphate, the PARP and TP fertilizers were 15 to 30% as effective for the first crop, and 20 to 50% as effective for the second crop. The second soil was more acidic, and for the first crop the PARP and TP fertilizers were 80 to 90% as effective as freshly-applied superphosphate, but all fertilizers were only 5 to 15% as effective for the second crop. For each soil, the two PARP fertilizers had similar fertilizer effectiveness values. Generally the TP fertilizer was more effective than the PARP fertilizers.  相似文献   

The residual value of superphosphate was measured in three glasshouse pot experiments using three different lateritic soils (pH CaCl2: 4.8–5.3) from south-western Australia. The residual value was estimated relative to levels of freshly-applied superphosphate using yield of dried tops and bicarbonatesoluble P extracted from the soil (soil test values). Up to five successive crops were grown. In each experiment, four different pasture legume species fertilized with mineral nitrogen were grown in rotation with a cereal species. The legume species includedMedicago polymorpha, M. murex, Trifolium subterraneum, Ornithopus compressus, O. perpusillus andO. pinnatus. The cereal species includedTriticum aestivum, ×Triticosecale, andHordeum vulgare. The comparative phosphorus (P) requirement of the different pasture legumes was estimated from the amount of P required to produce 50 or 90% of the maximum yield measured for each species at each harvest. Soil samples for the soil test were collected just before sowing each crop, and were related to the plant yields of that crop.Relative to freshly-applied superphosphate, the residual value of superphosphate measured using plant yield was similar for all pasture legume species, and decreased markedly, by about 50 to 80% between the first and second crop, and by a further 5 to 30% for subsequent crops. The decrease in residual value estimated using soil test values was less marked. For freshly-applied superphosphate, and for the same plant species, the relationship between yield and the level of P applied differed for different crops.There was no consistent, systematic trend for the comparative P requirement of the different legume species within and between crops of the three experiments and soils.For all crops, the relationship between yield of dried tops and P concentration in dried tissue generally differed for the different legume species, indicating the different species usually have different internal efficiency of P use curves. However, for each experiment, when the same cereal species was grown in all the pots, the relationship between yield and P concentration in tissue was similar for previously- and freshly-applied superphosphate, regardless of the pasture legume species grown in previous crops.The relationship between yield and soil test values usually differed, within each crop, for different plant species and for previously- and freshly-applied superphosphate. For the same plant species, the relationship also differed between different crops.  相似文献   

The initial and residual agronomic effectiveness of six apatite rock phosphates from India, one from the USA (North Carolina) and one from Australia (Queensland) were evaluated in a pot trial with wheat on a lateritic soil. All of the Indian rock phosphates were very poor sources of phosphorus. Values of initial effectiveness relative to monocalcium phosphate ranged from < 0.0001 to 0.02 and from < 0.0001 to 0.008 for measurements based on yield and phosphorus uptake respectively. The residual effectiveness relative to freshly applied monocalcium phosphate was determined by growing a second crop on the fertilized soils. The effectiveness of the Indian rock phosphates remained very low ranging from < 0.0001 to 0.002 and from < 0.0001 to 0.0004 for yield and phosphorus uptake respectively. Queensland and North Carolina rock phosphates were much superior to the Indian sources with initial effectiveness values in terms of yield of 0.08 and 0.37 and residual effectiveness values of 0.02 and 0.15 respectively. For each crop there was a single relationship between yield and phosphorus uptake (i.e. internal efficiency) for all phosphorus sources showing that variations in yield response were due solely to differences in phosphorus availability. Sodium bicarbonate extractable phosphorus values for fertilized soils sampled shortly after fertilization were not predictive of yield unless different calibration curves were used for the different phosphorus fertilizers.  相似文献   

Pot experiments, and field trials with temperate pastures, were used to compare pelleted Citraphos (ground calcined Christmas Island C rock phosphate) with soluble phosphates. The relative effectiveness of Citraphos increased markedly with time during a growing season. This increase occurred with residual Citraphos, topdressed twelve months previously and more, as well as with freshly applied Citraphos. It was not observed when Citraphos was compared with residual superphosphate.The apparent improvement of Citraphos thus derived very largely from the seasonal pattern of phosphorus uptake associated with soluble phosphate sources. As the availability of the latter decreased progressively after the early part of the season, the effectiveness of the more constant Citraphos improved by comparison. There is considerable arbitrariness in values of relative effectiveness assigned to slow acting phosphate fertilizers on the basis of single measurements. Direct assessments of the residual values of phosphatic fertilizers, by comparison with freshly applied soluble phosphates, appear to suffer similar limitations.The sharply decreasing availability of soluble phosphates has implications for the production of improved, long lasting phosphatic fertilizers.  相似文献   

Ecophos is a possible alternative phosphorus (P) fertilizer to single and coastal superphosphate for clover pasture (Trifolium subterraneum) on P leaching, sandy, humic podzols in the > 800 mm annual average rainfall areas of south-western Australia. Ecophos and coastal superphosphate are partially acidulated rock phosphates (PARP) fertilizers. Ecophos is made from calcium iron aluminium (crandallite millisite) rock phosphate. Coastal superphosphate is made from apatite. The sandy humic podzols are known to promote extensive dissolution of rock phosphates, including the untreated rock phosphate present in PARP fertilizers. In this field study (early April 1992 to end of October 1994), the effectiveness of the PARP fertilizers was calculated relative to the effectiveness of single superphosphate (relative effectiveness or RE), using yield and P content of dry clover herbage. The RE of the PARP fertilizers varied markedly between assessments, both within and between years, from being much less effective than single superphosphate, to equally or much more efective. This great diversity in RE is attributed to the different extents P can be leached in the soil, depending on seasonal conditions. It is concluded that Ecophos is a suitable alternative P fertilizer for the soil and environment studied.  相似文献   

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