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设计了一种6MHz、3dB铁氧体定向耦合器,并用于制作加速器高频系统的控制单元。此种定向耦合器是用紧密绞合的双股漆包线绕在射频铁氧体磁环或磁芯上做成,具有尺寸小、结构简单和频带宽等优点,工作范围一般在几个MHz到几十个MHz。在此基础上设计制作了鉴相器、反设式电调移相器、电调衰减器和ALC等线路,使加速器高频谐振腔实现了自动调谐。  相似文献   

可编程延时芯片及其在系统时序控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了美国模拟器件公司(ADI)的高精度数字可编程延时芯片AD9500的结构和功能,讨论了它在合肥国家同步辐射实验室高频剔除系统中的应用和所遇到的问题及解决的方法。  相似文献   

叙述了一种利用共基极放大电路构成的高频阻抗变换器。将这个电路应用到纳秒级门控积分器中,能有效地减低门控积分器前端的电荷泄漏,从而显著提高了门控积分器的测量精度。  相似文献   

为了对核反应堆功率进行实时控制,以适应电网负荷的变化需求,基于T-S模糊模型设计了核反应堆功率模糊鲁棒控制器。首先使用状态反馈设计了局部控制器,然后应用并行补偿方法设计全局控制器。线性矩阵不等式的求解证明所设计的控制器是稳定的。仿真结果表明,对于3种典型工况变化,所设计的控制器对反应堆的功率变化能进行很好的控制。  相似文献   

大约有400台磁铁电源分布在BEPCⅡ储存环和输运线上,全部采用美国散裂中子源电源控制器及接口PSC/PSI进行控制.为了保证较高的控制精度,必须对PSI电流输出控制单元DAC与被控电源的传感器DCCT进行校准.因此,本文介绍了电源远控给定电流的标定原理和采用的线性拟合方法以及标定结果.  相似文献   

介绍了实时处理在钛白粉生产中应用情况,使钛白粉生产的自动化水平提高了一步。  相似文献   

模糊逻辑控制(FLC)在核动力系统中的应用研究表明、FLC对核动力系统的智能化和全自动化控制而言,是一种有效而可行的先进控制方法。本文对此方面的研究成果进行了全面回顾和总结,并探讨了FLC应用研究和实践中需要重点解决的问题。  相似文献   

陈智  廖龙涛  刘立新  李伟 《核动力工程》2012,33(4):20-23,33
针对直流蒸汽发生器(OTSG)二次侧水容积小、蓄热能力低,且在功率变化过程中,其给水流量和反应堆的功率应迅速匹配以保证OTSG二次侧蒸汽品质的问题,将T-S型神经模糊控制原理引入到OTSG的给水控制系统中,设计一种基于数值仿真输入输出数据的T-S型神经模糊控制器,并对其控制结果进行仿真验证。结果表明,该控制方式可以取得更好的控制效果,且满足各工况下的控制需求。  相似文献   

分析电阻炉温度控制的数学模型,采用Fuzzy-smith预估控制算法进行控制系统设计,给出了电阻炉温控制系统结构图,并进行计算机仿真实验,证明该控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

本研究提出了一个在安全性和速度上取得平衡的混沌密码编码方法,这是一种实用的密码算法,并研制了混沌密码机,在计算机网络上实现了在专用和公共电话网上保密通信的应用研究.主要研究成果如下。  相似文献   

离子源是中性束注入器(Neutral Beam Injector,NBI)的关键子系统之一,根据射频离子源的实验和运行需求,本文设计了一套基于物理实验与工业控制系统(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System,EPICS)架构的控制程序,实现对射频离子源实验和调试过程的远程监控功能。NBI射频离子源控制程序通过集成开发平台(Control System Studio,CSS)的交互界面开发模块(Best OPI Yet,BOY)实现友好的人机交互界面,使用Jython实现界面逻辑,支持服务器/客户端和EPICS两种通信架构。程序已经上线近半年,实验表明,射频离子源控制程序具备了放电模式设置、时序幅值设置、设备状态实时监控、采集数据实时波形显示等功能,满足了射频离子源实验的远程控制和数据可视化的需求。  相似文献   

紧凑型自聚束微波电子枪的实验装置需要相应的控制体系。为此,研制了一套独立于原有大装置(200MeV LINAC)的监测控制系统。该系统基于一般控制系统的三层构架原理,由核心控制电路、光信号发射与接收电路和开关量读写电路组成,实现了时序控制、设备状态监控、联锁控制等功能,并利用上位机与现场处理器通信,达到远程操作的目的。经测试,该系统的性能参数满足并优于实际需求,试运行期间工作稳定可靠,满足实验平台的控制需求。该系统也能直接用于其他小型加速器的控制操作。  相似文献   

A 16 kV/20 A power supply was developed for the extraction grid of prototype radio frequency (RF) ion source of neutral beam injector.To acquire the state signals of extraction grid power supply (EGPS) and control the operation of the EGPS,a data acquisition and control system has been developed.This system mainly consists of interlock protection circuit board,photoelectric conversion circuit,optical fibers,industrial compact peripheral component interconnect (CPCI) computer and host computer.The human machine interface of host computer delivers commands and data to program of the CPCI computer,as well as offers a convenient client for setting parameters and displaying EGPS status.The CPCI computer acquires the status of the power supply.The system can turn-off the EGPS quickly when the faults of EGPS occur.The system has been applied to the EGPS of prototype RF ion source.Test results show that the data acquisition and control system for the EGPS can meet the requirements of the operation of prototype RF ion source.  相似文献   

合肥光源储存环新高频控制系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
合肥光源储存环新高频控制系统是一基于EPICS(ExperimentPhysicsandIndustrialControlSystem)的分布式控制系统。本文描述了其硬件结构、软件设计及测试结果。一年多的运行表明,该控制系统能很好地满足与高频系统相关的机器研究和运行的需要。  相似文献   

The 500 MHz 5-cell superconducting RF(SRF) cavity was designed aiming to be a candidate cavity for high current accelerators. A copper prototype cavity and a niobium cavity were fabricated at SINAP in 2012. In order to ensure these cavities get the desired frequency and a good field flatness higher than 98%, frequency control was implemented in the manufacturing process and pre-tuning has been done using a simple pre-tuning frame based on the bead-pull pre-tuning method. Then, TM010-π mode frequency within 5 kHz from the target frequency was achieved and the field flatness reached 98.9% on the copper prototype cavity. Finally, the same procedure was applied to the niobium cavity to obtain a field flatness better than 98% which benefited the cavity performance in the vertical testing.  相似文献   

A voltage breakdown in an ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) system is usually detected as an abrupt change in the module of the reflection coefficient |Γin| at the power source output. The same effect can be due to a large load variation. This paper presents the study of some new concept for detecting voltage breakdowns in ICRH Resonant Double Loop (RDL) systems, to be used in conjunction with the one identifying an arc by the detection of an excessive standing wave ratio (SWR), either at the operating frequency or within the band below the operating frequency. The method should be able to help discriminating fast load variations from voltage breakdowns in any of the in-vessel components under the torus vacuum, and therefore selecting the proper corrective action.  相似文献   

With the development of computer-based control rooms including a computer-based procedure (CBP), shift supervisors (SSs) can directly access plant information through a CBP or personal displays instead of depending on other board operators (BOs) to obtain plant information. In relation to this change, we examined the characteristics of SS inquiry patterns in the computer-based control rooms of nuclear power plants during emergency situations. Operator behaviors and speech patterns were observed and analyzed through several experiments on simulated accident scenarios in a full-scope simulator for an advanced computer-based main control room. We found that the SS inquiry in the advanced control room had less dependency on the BOs, and that the inquiry patterns varied according to the operators and operating dates. From these findings, the necessity to establish communication standards under computer-based control rooms was discussed with some recommendations. Another requirement to reduce the cognitive workload of SSs was also discussed.  相似文献   

为对CYCIAE-100回旋加速器射频系统进行远程监测与控制,实现与CYCIAE-100回旋加速器主控制系统的联锁,研制了一种基于ARM9系列处理器的嵌入式IOC。该嵌入式IOC运行Linux操作系统,使用EPICS建立了IOC作为控制软件。通过软、硬件协同设计,扩展了ARM9系列处理器的SPI从设备数量,开发了ADC和DAC设备的Linux驱动程序和EPICS设备驱动程序。使用Python语言开发了EPICS串口设备支持程序。经过长期运行考验,该嵌入式IOC稳定可靠,满足远程监测和控制的需求。  相似文献   

考虑了重离子冷却储存环中粒子纵向相振荡的运动特性及电子冷却的作用,模拟兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)主环中的射频堆积过程,给出了高频参数在射频堆积过程中随时间的变化曲线,为高频腔的设计及机器运行时的参数预置了理论依据。  相似文献   

正在建设中的兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)主环用于束流的加速。在加速过程中,为了保证束流的谐振加速,须准备2个束流反馈环(相位反馈环和束流径向位置反馈环)来保证主导磁场与高频频率的同步。本文基于Laplace变换及数值计算结果,分析了束流反馈环对同步加速器中束流动力学行为的影响。  相似文献   

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