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The insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) stimulate the differentiation of skeletal muscle cells. IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs), which are expressed by skeletal muscle cells, may enhance or inhibit IGF actions. To explore the role of skeletal muscle-derived IGFBPs in IGF-induced myogenesis, we compared the differentiation-inducing effects of IGF-I and des(1-3)IGF-I in rat L6E9 skeletal myoblasts. Des(1-3)IGF-I is a naturally occurring IGF-I analog with markedly reduced affinity for IGFBPs but with an affinity for the IGF-I receptor that is comparable to that for native IGF-I. We find that rat L6E9 cells produce principally IGFBP-4 and BP-6, with a minor component of IGFBP-5. Both IGFBP-4 and BP-6 accumulate during differentiation and increase further in response to IGF-I or des(1-3)IGF-I treatment. We find that an IGF-I analog with reduced affinity for IGFBPs is significantly more potent than native IGF-I in stimulating myogenesis (as assessed by myogenin messenger RNA abundance and muscle creatine kinase activity), indicating that IGFBPs expressed by skeletal muscle cells inhibit differentiation induced by IGF-I. In view of the relative abundance of IGFBP-4, its relatively high affinity for IGF-I and the low affinity of IGFBP-6 for IGF-I, it is likely that the inhibitory effect of rat skeletal muscle-derived IGFBPs on IGF-I-induced myogenesis is mediated principally by IGFBP-4.  相似文献   

Terminal Schwann cells (TSCs) cover neuromuscular junctions and are important in the repair and maintenance of these synapses. We have examined how these cells are generated at developing junctions and how their number is regulated during repair of nerve injury. At birth, approximately half of the junctions in rat soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles have one TSC soma. Somata are absent from the remainder, although Schwann cell (SC) processes arising from somata along the preterminal axon cover almost all of these synapses. By 2 months of age, junctions have gained an additional two to three TSCs. Most of this gain occurs during the first 2 postnatal weeks and largely precedes the expansion of endplate size. Although the initial addition is caused by cell migration, mitotic labeling shows extensive division of TSCs at junctions. A slower addition of TSCs occurs in adult muscles, and TSC number in the adult is correlated with endplate size. During repair of nerve injury, TSC number is regulated by a combination of signals from motor neurons and denervated tissue. As shown previously (Connor et al., 1987), denervation of adult muscles did not, in itself, cause TSC mitosis. However, TSCs became mitotic during reinnervation. Partial denervation induced division of TSCs at innervated but not denervated endplates. A disproportionate number of these mitotic cells were found at endplates contacted by TSC processes extended from nearby denervated endplates, contacts known to promote nerve sprouting. These results show an association between TSC mitotic activity and alterations in synaptic structure during development, sprouting, and reinnervation.  相似文献   

Mechanical stimulation was used to initiate Ca2+ waves in rat liver epithelial cells in order to ascertain the degree to which gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) is involved in communication of Ca2+ to adjacent cells and to assess alternative Ca2+ signaling pathways that may be present between these cells. In both WB-F344 cells, which show a high degree of GJIC, and WB-aB1 cells, which are GJIC deficient, mechanical stimulation of a single cell induced a Ca2+ wave which propagated away from the point of stimulation, across cell borders, to neighboring cells directly or indirectly in contact with the stimulated cell. In addition, the Ca2+ wave was transmitted to nearby isolated cells that exhibited no direct or indirect contact with the stimulated cell. Treatment of cells with 18beta-glycyrrhetinic acid, a compound that has been shown to block GJIC, did not significantly affect propagation of the Ca2+ wave. In contrast, treatment with suramin, a P2-purinergic receptor inhibitor, significantly reduced both the rate and the extent of Ca2+ wave propagation in WB-F344 cells and completely blocked its propagation in WB-aB1 cells. Cotreatment with suramin and glycyrrhetinic acid was found to completely block the mechanically induced Ca2+ wave in both cell lines. These studies indicate that mechanically induced cell injury in rat liver epithelial cells initiates signaling through at least two pathways, involving intercellular communication via gap junctions and extracellular communication via ATP activation of purinergic receptors.  相似文献   

In the adult rat hepatocyte, gap junction proteins consist of connexin 32 (Cx32) and connexin 26 (Cx26). Previously, we reported that both Cx32 and Cx26 were markedly induced and maintained in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes. The reappearing gap junctions were accompanied by increases in both the proteins and the mRNAs, and they were well maintained together with extensive gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) for more than 4 weeks. In the present study, we examined the cellular location of the gap junction proteins and the structures in the hepatocytes cultured in our system, using confocal laser microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy of cells processed for Cx32 and Cx26 immunocytochemistry and freeze-fracture analysis. In immunoelectron microscopy, the size of Cx32-immunoreactive gap junction structures on the plasma membrane increased with time of culture, and some of them were larger than those in liver sections in vivo. Freeze-fracture analysis also showed that the size of gap junction plaques increased and that the larger gap junction plaques were composed of densely packed particles. These results suggest that in this culture system, not only the synthesis of Cx proteins but also the size of the gap junction plaques was increased markedly. In the adluminal lateral membrane of the cells, Cx32-immunoreactive lines were observed and many small gap junction plaques were closely associated with a more developed tight junction network. In the basal region of the cells, small Cx32- and Cx26-immunoreactive dots were observed in the cytoplasm and several annular structures labeled with the antibody to Cx32 were observed in the cytoplasm. These results indicated the formation and degradation of gap junctions in the cultured hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Reduced gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) has been noted in many types of neoplastic cells and may contribute to the neoplastic phenotype. This study assessed GJIC (by fluorescent dye-coupling) and gap junction protein (connexin) expression in mouse and human lung carcinoma cell lines and investigated whether reduced GJIC was involved in their neoplastic phenotype. Dye-coupling and connexin43 (Cx43) expression were much lower in most of the carcinoma lines (16 of 22) compared to nontransformed lung epithelial cells. Other connexins were not detected. A poorly communicating mouse lung carcinoma cell line (E9) was transfected with Cx43 or transduced with Cx32 and several stable clones were isolated that had 2- to 4-fold increased dye coupling. When evaluated for growth in vitro, the population doubling times were increased and the saturation densities were decreased in the clones. When assessed for tumorigenicity, the parental E9 cells formed tumors with a 100% incidence (6/6 mice), whereas the clones varied in tumorigenic response (0-88% incidence). The best communicating clone (E9-2) was not tumorigenic. The highly communicating Cx32 clone, E9/32-9, gave a tumor incidence of 88%. These results suggest that restoration of GJIC by forced connexin expression can reduce the growth and tumorigenicity of lung carcinoma cells in a connexin-specific manner.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to evaluate the indications for percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) performed in a single session under general anesthesia for treating patients with cirrhosis and large (tumors > 5 cm) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and relevant survival curves. METHODS: Between November 1991 and November 1996, 108 patients were treated (a total of 128 procedures). They fell into 3 groups: 24 patients with single, encapsulated HCC measuring from 5-8.5 cm (Group A); 63 patients with single, infiltrating HCC measuring from 5-10 cm or multiple HCC (Group B); and 21 patients with advanced disease, either hepatic (Child's Class C) or neoplastic (symptomatic HCC or with portal thrombosis) type (Group C). The mean amount of ethanol injected was 62 mL. The average hospital stay was 3.8 days. The mean follow-up time was 40 months. RESULTS: The 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year survival rates were: 72%, 65%, 57%, and 44%, respectively, for Group A; 73%, 60%, 42%, and 18%, respectively, for Group B; and 46%, 25%, and 0%, respectively, for Group C. Mortality was 0.7% (bleeding from esophageal varices in a Child's Class C patient). The rate of major complications was 4.6% (1 case of peritoneal hemorrhage, 1 case of severe liver failure, 1 case of transient renal insufficiency, 1 case of peritoneal seeding, and 2 cases of infarctions of a segment adjacent to the tumor). CONCLUSIONS: Single session PEI has been proven to be a valid alternative in patients otherwise treated surgically or with transcatheter arterial chemoembolization who present with adverse prognostic factors or risks for these therapies, and may be an option for selected patients with advanced disease previously excluded from any therapy. Risk conditions are marked portal or pulmonary hypertension or esophageal varices at risk of bleeding, superficial tumors with severe coagulation disorders, hyperfibrinolysis, chronic renal insufficiency, and obstructive jaundice.  相似文献   

Gap junctions are clusters of intercellular channels between adjacent cells. The channels are formed by the direct apposition of oligomeric transmembrane proteins, permitting the direct exchange of ions and small molecules (< 1 kDa) between cells without involvement of the extracellular space. Vertebrate gap junction channels are composed of oligomers of connexins, an enlarging family of proteins consisting of perhaps > 20 members. This article reviews recent advances in understanding the structure of intercellular channels and describes the diverse functions attributable to gap junctions as a result of insights gained from targeted gene disruptions in mice and genetic disease in humans.  相似文献   

Polysialylation of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) converts it into an anti-adhesive molecule, attenuating intercellular adhesion and repelling apposed membranes. Previous studies have demonstrated that interaxonal repulsion, or defasciculation, induced by polysialylated NCAM (PSA-NCAM) expressed along outgrowing chick motor axons promotes intramuscular branching and facilitates differential guidance of segregating axonal populations. In the present study, we have examined the expression of PSA-NCAM in a developing mammalian motor system during axonal outgrowth, separation of distinct axonal populations, and intramuscular branching. Furthermore, we provide the first clear demonstration of the spatiotemporal modulation of PSA-NCAM expression on myotubes during each stage of myogenesis. Immunohistochemical labelling was used to compare the spatiotemporal pattern of PSA-NCAM expression with those of total-NCAM, the cell adhesion molecule L1, and growth associated protein (GAP-43) during development of the phrenic nerve and diaphragm of fetal rats (embryonic days, E11-E19). During segregation of phrenic and brachial axonal populations at the brachial plexus (E12.5-E13), PSA-NCAM expression was restricted to phrenics, being absent from brachial motoneurons. Both populations labelled equivalently for NCAM, L1, and GAP-43. We postulate that PSA-NCAM may be a component of the molecular machinery that specifically guides phrenic motoneuron growth at the brachial plexus. During diaphragmatic morphogenesis, PSA-NCAM expression: (i) remained high within the phrenic nerve throughout intramuscular branching; (ii) was transiently up-regulated on myotubes during myotube separation associated with primary and secondary myogenesis; (iii) was restricted to those regions of primary and secondary myotube membranes, which were juxtaposed and about to separate. These data suggest a role for PSA-NCAM in the guidance of specific subsets of mammalian motoneurons and in intramuscular branching, and demonstrate an intimate correlation between PSA-NCAM expression and myotube separation.  相似文献   

Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is an autosomal dominant neuromuscular disorder characterized by a great variability in its clinical manifestations. The mutational basis underlying DM consists of an unstable (CTG)n trinucleotide repeat in the 3' untranslated region of the myotonic dystrophy protein kinase gene (DMPK). Conflicting results on DMPK gene expression in congenitally affected infants (CDM) have been published. Moreover, the prominence of satellite cells seen in muscle of CDM infants supports the notion that the congenital form is associated with an arrest in muscle development and suggests a role for the DMPK gene during differentiation and maturation of muscle. In order to clarify these findings, a comparative study of DMPK and myogenic factor mRNA levels was performed in developing mouse muscle tissues and cultured muscle cells at different developmental stages. Results show that DMPK gene expression is upregulated at a late stage of muscular development. This upregulation does not seem to depend on a given muscle specific bHLH factor.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Within the corneal stroma, keratocytes communicate through gap junctions. These plasma membrane channels, which connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cells, are composed of connexins. In a cell culture model, an investigation was conducted to determine whether connexin-based gap junction intercellular communication is present in fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, both of which replace keratocytes after wounding. METHODS: Fibroblasts and myofibroblasts were grown according to preestablished methods. Phenotype was determined by immunocytochemistry. A gap junction-permeant dye, Lucifer yellow or Cascade blue, and nonpermeant 10-kDa Texas red-dextran were used. Tracer fluorescent dyes were introduced by scrape-loading or by microinjection, and their diffusion into adjacent cells was recorded photographically. Inhibition of gap junction dye transfer was elicited by treatment with 18-alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid (AGA). RESULTS: In confluent fibroblast or myofibroblast cultures, the scrape-loaded dextran probe remained within wounded cells, whereas the Lucifer yellow or Cascade blue dye diffused into adjacent intact cells. Similarly, in nonconfluent fibroblast and myofibroblast cultures, microinjected Lucifer yellow rapidly diffused from the microinjected cell to adjacent cells. Treatment with 2 microM AGA, an uncoupling agent, blocked the spread of Lucifer yellow in fibroblast and myofibroblast cultures. CONCLUSIONS: Cultured fibroblasts and myofibroblasts have functional gap junctions as has previously been demonstrated for keratocytes in vivo. Thus, fibroblasts and myofibroblasts have the ability to establish and maintain intercellular communication with themselves and with nonactivated keratocytes. This property may be critical in the wound-healing process, especially in the avascular corneal environment.  相似文献   

Changes in cell-to-cell contact and distribution of cytoskeletal components were investigated during in vitro culture of cattle oocyte cumulus complexes (OCC). Freeze-fracture analysis (FF), microinjections of the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow (LY), immunofluorescence, and ultrastructural immunocytochemistry were used. The cumulus cells (CC) remained in close contact via gap junctions (GJ) constituted of connexin43 (Cx43) during the entire culture time. Whereas the GJ decreased in diameter after 24 h of culture, their number was still substantially great at that time. The Cx43-positive GJ, localized between corona radiata cell projections and oolemma, disappeared after 6 h of culture. Concomitantly, the OCC lost the ability to transfer LY from cumulus to oocyte, and connexin32 (Cx32) became detectable in the oocytes. Both the changes in corona-oocyte coupling and cumulus expansion were preceded by the redistribution of F-actin in cytoplasm of CC. These data indicate that functional GJ linked the CC until the second meiotic arrest. However, the removal of Cx43-positive GJ interconnecting cytoplasmic projections of corona radiata cells with the oocyte was temporally correlated with germinal vesicle breakdown. The present results suggest the pivotal role of the cytoskeleton (F-actin) in cumulus expansion.  相似文献   

The P19 embryonal carcinoma cell line represents a pluripotential stem cell that can differentiate along the neural or muscle cell lineage when exposed to different environments. Exposure to retinoic acid induces P19 cells to differentiate into neurons and astrocytes that express similar developmental markers as their embryonic counterparts. We examined the expression of gap junction genes during differentiation of these stem cells into neurons and astrocytes. Untreated P19 cells express at least two gap junction proteins, connexins 26 and 43. Connexin32 could not be detected in these cells. Treatment for 96 hr with 0.3 mM retinoic acid induced the P19 cells to differentiate first into neurons followed by astrocytes. Retinoic acid produced a decrease in connexin43 mRNA, protein, and functional gap junctions. Connexin26 message was not affected by retinoic acid treatment. The neurons that developed consisted of small round cell bodies extending two to three neurites and expressed MAP2. Connexin26 was detected at sites of cell-cell and cell-neurite contact within 3 days following differentiation with retinoic acid. The astrocytes were examined for production of their intermediate filament marker, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). GFAP was first detected at 8 days by Western blotting. In culture, astrocytes co-expressed GFAP and connexin43 similar to primary cultures of mouse brain astrocytes. These results suggest that differentiation of neurons and glial cells involves specific connexin expression in each cell type. The P19 cell line will provide a valuable model with which to examine the role gap junctions play during differentiation events of developing neurons and astrocytes.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the new 5-HT2A receptor antagonist, sarpogrelate, on DNA synthesis in renal mesangial cells stimulated with 5-HT in the presence and absence of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB. Both 5-HT and PDGF-BB demonstrated a mitogenic effect on these cells. When mesangial cells were incubated in the absence of PDGF-BB, sarpogrelate inhibited DNA synthesis in these cells in a dose-dependent manner. In the presence of PDGF-BB, sarpogrelate had a weaker anti-mitogenic effect in mesangial cells stimulated with 5-HT. Sarpogrelate was cytotoxic at concentrations over 10(-5) M according to the results of LDH release assays, and it reduced the S1 phase in mesangial cells stimulated with 5-HT by a flow cytometry. These findings suggest that sarpogrelate may be effective in the treatment of some glomerulonephritis associated with mesangial cell proliferation.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of nitroprusside on gap junctions of tracheal smooth muscle cells, we ionophoretically injected sodium nitroprusside into single tracheal smooth muscle cells excised from rats. The input resistance of the tracheal smooth muscle cells increased after the injection of nitroprusside. This results suggests that nitroprusside blocks gap junctions of tracheal smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In skeletal muscle, metabolic acidosis stimulates protein degradation and oxidation of branched-chain amino acids. This could occur to compensate for impairment of glucose utilization induced by acid. METHODS: To test this hypothesis, glycolysis and protein degradation (release of [14C]-phenylalanine) were measured in L6 skeletal muscle cells cultured in Eagle's minimum essential medium at pH 7.1 or 7.5 for up to 3 days. RESULTS: No marked changes in total DNA or in cell viability were detected, nor was there any significant effect on intracellular pH or the water content of the cells (which is thought to be a key regulator of protein turnover, especially in liver). In spite of this, acid stimulated protein degradation, induced net protein loss from the cultures, inhibited glucose uptake and glycolysis (lactate output) and was associated with increased [1-14C]-leucine oxidation. Effects on protein degradation and glycolysis were gradual, reaching a maximum after 20-30 h. To investigate whether glycolytic flux itself can influence protein degradation, increased glycolysis was simulated by adding glucose (20 mmol L-1) or pyruvate (1 mmol L-1) to the medium. At pH 7.1, neither addition had any effect on protein degradation. CONCLUSION: Although acid-induced protein wasting is associated with impaired glycolysis, no obligatory coupling exists between glycolytic flux and protein degradation.  相似文献   

Virulence markers to distinguish high from low virulence bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 2 isolates have not been previously reported. The objective of this study was to identify virulence markers by evaluating the primary and secondary structures of the 5'-untranslated region of low and high virulence bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 2 isolates. The nucleotide sequences of the entire 5'-untranslated region mRNA of eight bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 2 isolates, four of high virulence and four of low virulence, and two genotype 1 reference isolates were determined using a polymerase chain reaction and a 5' Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends System. Two nucleotide substitutions were identified in the internal ribosomal entry site that distinguished the high virulence from the low virulence genotype 2 isolates. The low virulence isolates had a cytosine at position 219, whereas the high virulence isolates had a uracil. At position 278, a uracil or cytosine was found in the low and high virulence groups, respectively. The substituted bases are virulence markers that were used to identify bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 2 isolates of high virulence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Farquhar (1957) initially described the folliculo-stellate cells in the rat anterior pituitary gland and found them to be located in groups around follicles throughout the anterior lobe. Soji and his co-workers have published a series of reports concerning cell-to-cell communication in the male rat hypophysis involving folliculo-stellate cells as mediated through a gap junctional network and recorded a reduction in junctional number following castration that was reversed by the administration of testosterone (Soji and Herbert, 1990, Anat. Rec., 226:342-346; Soji et al., 1990, Anat. Rec., 226:337-341). METHODS: Animals were ovariectomized at 10 days of age and separated into three groups: (1) intact control, (2) ovariectomized controls, (3) ovariectomized and given either estradiol, testosterone, or progesterone. On days 10, 20, 30, 40, and 45, the pituitary gland from animals in each group was removed and processed for ultrastructural examination. RESULTS: Gap junctions in the intact control female rats initially appeared between adjacent folliculo-stellate cells on day 20. Their numbers linearly increased until the animals reached the age of 45 days. In contrast, there was a suppression in the number of gap junctions present in the ovariectomized groups and a marked enhancement of the junctions in each of the three steroid-treated groups. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the observations made in the male rat in which it was found that the development of gap junctions in the anterior pituitary gland of the rat is dependent in part on the presence of sex steroid hormones.  相似文献   

To our knowledge, prograde access to the left ventricle to perform a left-sided AV node (AVN) ablation has not been reported. We present the case of a patient with Noonan's syndrome and supravalve aortic stenosis who required aortic valve replacement with a mechanical valve. Due to chronic atrial fibrillation, a transvenous pacing system was implanted and transcatheter radiofrequency ablation of the AVN was performed. Attempts at right-sided AVN ablation were unsuccessful. Due to the presence of the mechanical aortic valve, a left-sided AVN ablation was performed successfully using the transseptal approach. The patient died suddenly 6 months after the procedure, and the histologic study of the heart is reported.  相似文献   

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