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三维医学图像的体绘制技术综述   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
在分析三维医学图形体绘制技术的基础上,描述了射线投射法、足迹法、剪切-曲变法、基于硬件的3D纹理映射、频域体绘制法和基于小波的体绘制等典型算法,给出了各类算法的性能评价,展望了体绘制技术研究的发展前景。  相似文献   

适用于GPU的四面体体数据规则化与可视化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现三维不规则体数据场的高效绘制,提出一种适用于GPU的四面体体数据规则化和可视化算法.将以四面体为基本单元的稀疏体数据用一个有限深度的八叉树结构逼近,并将逼近误差表达为一个离散的完全空间哈希结构;然后将半规则的八叉树转换为规则的八叉树纹理(三维),并将完全空间哈希表转换为三维查找表,两者均可在绘制时快速随机取值,故可直接作为三维纹理在GPU中访问.通过这种双规则化的表示方法,可将四面体体数据的可视化转化为在GPU中并行地绘制2种三维纹理.实验结果表明,该算法在处理空间稀疏体数据时保证了较高的精度,同时减少了数据存储量.  相似文献   

Interactive volume rendering in its standard formulation has become an increasingly important tool in many application domains. In recent years several advanced volumetric illumination techniques to be used in interactive scenarios have been proposed. These techniques claim to have perceptual benefits as well as being capable of producing more realistic volume rendered images. Naturally, they cover a wide spectrum of illumination effects, including varying shading and scattering effects. In this survey, we review and classify the existing techniques for advanced volumetric illumination. The classification will be conducted based on their technical realization, their performance behaviour as well as their perceptual capabilities. Based on the limitations revealed in this review, we will define future challenges in the area of interactive advanced volumetric illumination.  相似文献   

黄梦成  刘芳  刘学慧  吴恩华 《软件学报》2011,22(8):1927-1933
提出一种顺序独立透明现象的单遍高效绘制算法.首先设计了一个基于计算统一设备架构(compute unified device architecture,简称CUDA)的可编程渲染器.该系统采用扫描线算法光栅化场景,为每个像素生成多个对应的片元,同时,在GPU(graphics processing unit)的全局内存上为每个像素分配一个数组,以存储其相应的片元.基于这个框架,提出了两种并发的片元收集及排序策略,以单遍高效地绘制顺序独立的透明现象.第1种策略利用CUDA的原子操作符atomicMin收集各个像素上对应的所有片元并按深度动态排序,在后处理中片元即可按序逐一融合;第2种策略采用CUDA的原子操作符atomicInc按光栅化顺序收集所有片元,然后在后处理中按深度排序后再逐一融合.实验结果表明,与基于传统图形管线的经典深度剥离方法相比,该方法可以更高效地绘制顺序独立的透明现象,同时生成正确的绘制效果.  相似文献   

Compressive rendering refers to the process of reconstructing a full image from a small subset of the rendered pixels, thereby expediting the rendering task. In this paper, we empirically investigate three image order techniques for compressive rendering that are suitable for direct volume rendering. The first technique is based on the theory of compressed sensing and leverages the sparsity of the image gradient in the Fourier domain. The latter techniques exploit smoothness properties of the rendered image; the second technique recovers the missing pixels via a total variation minimization procedure while the third technique incorporates a smoothness prior in a variational reconstruction framework employing interpolating cubic B‐splines. We compare and contrast the three techniques in terms of quality, efficiency and sensitivity to the distribution of pixels. Our results show that smoothness‐based techniques significantly outperform techniques that are based on compressed sensing and are also robust in the presence of highly incomplete information. We achieve high quality recovery with as little as 20% of the pixels distributed uniformly in screen space.  相似文献   

体绘制技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
可视化技术是继计算、实验两大科学研究方法之后的第三种研究方法,体绘制技术作为可视化技术的一个重要分支,已经取得长足发展。对常用体绘制技术进行了分类,并且指出、分析了各自特点及适用场合,为进一步应用、改进这些技术提供参考。  相似文献   

在体绘制过程中,为了给物质表面加入材质(光照和纹理)来提高结果的可读性,提出一种带材质的体绘制算法.通过引入2D球面光照贴图,用纹理映射替代了GPU中复杂的光照模型计算;利用物质表面单位法向量索引球面光照贴图中对应点的颜色信息,从而给物体表面赋予各种材质属性;并结合基于3D纹理的GPU光线投射算法完成绘制.实验结果表明,该算法简单易行,在增强可视化效果的同时使得绘制的效率也得到提升.  相似文献   

加速体绘制技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据体绘制成像的各个操作环节,对体绘制的加速技术进行了较全面且系统的介绍,包括色彩合成、光线与数据的求交、插值计算、排序及视见变换、对体绘制的基于硬件及系统方面的加速技术(如并行体绘制和漫游体绘制)也进行了一些讨论,在实际应用中,只有将各种加速技术进行有机地结合才能充分发挥体绘制的可视化作用。  相似文献   

Gradient-domain rendering can highly improve the convergence of light transport simulation using the smoothness in image space. These methods generate image gradients and solve an image reconstruction problem with rendered image and the gradient images. Recently, a previous work proposed a gradient-domain volumetric photon density estimation for homogeneous participating media. However, the image reconstruction relies on traditional L1 reconstruction, which leads to obvious artifacts when only a few rendering passes are performed. Deep learning based reconstruction methods have been exploited for surface rendering, but they are not suitable for volume density estimation. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised neural network for image reconstruction of gradient-domain volumetric photon density estimation, more specifically for volumetric photon mapping, using a variant of GradNet with an encoded shift connection and a separated auxiliary feature branch, which includes volume based auxiliary features such as transmittance and photon density. Our network smooths the images on global scale and preserves the high frequency details on a small scale. We demonstrate that our network produces a higher quality result, compared to previous work. Although we only considered volumetric photon mapping, it's straightforward to extend our method for other forms, like beam radiance estimation.  相似文献   

Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a powerful visualization technique which allows users to effectively explore and study volumetric datasets.Different transparency settings can be flexibly assigned to different structures such that some valuable information can be revealed in direct volume rendered images (DVRIs).However,end-users often feel that some risks are always associated with DVR because they do not know whether any important information is missing from the transparent regions of DVRIs.In this paper,we investigate how to semi-automatically generate a set of DVRIs and also an animation which can reveal information missed in the original DVRIs and meanwhile satisfy some image quality criteria such as coherence.A complete framework is developed to tackle various problems related to the generation and quality evaluation of visibility-aware DVRIs and animations.Our technique can reduce the risk of using direct volume rendering and thus boost the confidence of users in volume rendering systems.  相似文献   

Efficient physically accurate modeling and rendering of woven cloth at a yarn level is an inherently complicated task due to the underlying geometrical and optical complexity. In this paper, a novel and general approach to physically accurate cloth rendering is presented. By using a statistical volumetric model approximating the distribution of yarn fibers, a prohibitively costly explicit geometrical representation is avoided. As a result, accurate rendering of even large pieces of fabrics containing orders of magnitudes more fibers becomes practical without sacrifying much generality compared to fiber‐based techniques. By employing the concept of local visibility and introducing the effective fiber density, limitations of existing volumetric approaches regarding self‐shadowing and fiber density estimation are greatly reduced.  相似文献   

This new algorithm, based on GPUs, can compute ambient occlusion to inexpensively approximate global-illumination effects in real-time systems and games. The first step in deriving this algorithm is to examine how ambient occlusion relates to the physically founded rendering equation. The correspondence stems from a fuzzy membership function that defines what constitutes nearby occlusions. The next step is to develop a method to calculate ambient occlusion in real time without precomputation. The algorithm is based on a novel interpretation of ambient occlusion that measures the relative volume of the visible part of the surface's tangent sphere. The new formula's integrand has low variation and thus can be estimated accurately with a few samples.  相似文献   

一种非规则数据场的体绘制算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非规则数据场的体绘制是可视化的一个热点和难点。常用直接体绘制算法有光线投射法、单元投影法、快速体绘制算法。本文吸取了上述三种算法的优点,采用体元面投影的方法来确定光线路径;同时考虑到非规则数据场的一些特性,采取三个有效的措施大大加快了投影和求交速度;在采样中用分段积分法代替等距采样,从而进一步提高了图象质量。  相似文献   

由于一般的共享存储并行机缺乏图形硬件,其上产生的3维科学计算数据,无法采用硬件加速的并行体绘制来就地进行数据可视化。为此基于本地并行机和分布式图形工作站,给出了一种混合并行绘制模型。该模型的工作原理是先将源数据存留在并行机,然后通过并行机的多处理器发布远程绘制命令流,进而通过操控工作站的图形硬件完成绘制;后期图像合成在并行机上执行,以发挥共享存储通信优势。通过负载平衡优化,并行绘制流水线有效实现了绘制、合成与显示的重叠。实验结果显示,该方法能以1024×1024图像分辨率,交互绘制并行机上的大规模数据场。  相似文献   

Volume Rendering on Non-regular Grids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article we present the principle methods for volumerendering of non-regular grids as used in the Finite Element Method or the Method of Control Volumes. Besides linear element types, the methods discussed here also cover the handling of commonly used non-linear element types but little considered in the Computer Graphics community. The very basic operation in the whole rendering process, namely the interpolation of the geometry and function values is fully based on the element type specific shape functions, ensuring a consistent mathematical treatment of the object in the sense of the underlying numerical simulation. We discuss the implications of this approach and propose optimizations justified by general assumptions on the qualify of the simulation model.  相似文献   

Volume rendering is a key technique in scientific visualization that lends itself to significant exploitable parallelism. The high computational demands of real-time volume rendering and continued technological advances in the area of VLSl give impetus to the development of special-purpose volume rendering architectures. This paper presents and characterizes three recently developed volume rendering engines which are based on the ray-casting method. A taxonomy of the algorithmic variants of ray-casting and details of each ray-casting architecture are discussed. The paper then compares the machinefeatures and provides an outlook onfuture developments in the area of volume rendering hardware.  相似文献   

体绘制的任意曲面切割方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了在体绘制的过程中,响应用户的实时交互以及对体数据进行切割。论文提出了一种预计算外部轮廓,基于ConstructiveSolidGeometry(CSG)的方法来进行切割的方法。预先计算的外部轮廓在整个体绘制过程中完成界定体元绘制的边界和进行切割交互的功能,因此提高了体元绘制和切割的效率。引入外部轮廓几何体之后,采用基于CSG的方法来进行交互式切割,保证了原有外部轮廓和切割体各自内部的拓扑关系。最后,通过对纹理坐标的实时计算,实现3D纹理的映射。论文借助于现有可编程图形流水线的功能实现该方法,完成了高效率的实时交互和绘制。  相似文献   

为解决医学图象三维可视化中三维体数据显示的问题,在综合了体绘制源-衰减模型和兰伯特漫反射余弦定律的基础上,提出了体绘制源和反射-衰减光照模型,新的模型假定三维标量数据场中的每一点都既是点光源,又能够反射外部入射光,并且反射光的分布遵循兰伯特漫反射余弦定律,由以上假定推导出体绘制的基本运算公式。实验结果表明,体绘制源和反射-衰减模型是一种性能优良的体光照模型,其用于医学断层图象三维可视化能够生成逼真  相似文献   

针对三维体对象抠取的相关工作中存在的尚多不足,提出一种体对象抠取算法.首先计算出与用户勾画结果相关的三维数据点,然后基于K-means聚类方法标记出高置信度的属于目标对象和无关对象的三维数据点,并以此作为种子点,借助基于能量优化的图割算法最终得到正确的体对象抠取结果.用户只需直接在体绘制的二维颜色叠加结果上通过简单的勾画指定目标对象和无关对象,即可抠取出感兴趣的体结构.最后通过实验说明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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