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Whitehurst Grover J.; Arnold David S.; Epstein Jeffery N.; Angell Andrea L.; Smith Meagan; Fischel Janet E. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,30(5):679
The effects of an interactive book reading program were assessed with children from low-income families who attended subsidized day-care centers in New York. The children entered the program with language development in standard English vocabulary and expression that was about 10 mo behind chronological age on standardized tests. Children were pretested and assigned randomly within classrooms to 1 of 3 conditions: (1) a school plus home condition in which the children were read to by their teachers and their parents, (2) a school condition in which children were read to only by teachers, and (3) a control condition in which children engaged in play activities under the supervision of their teachers. Training of adult readers was based on a self-instructional video. The intervention lasted for 6 wks, at which point children were posttested on several standardized measures of language ability that had been used as pretests. These assessments were repeated at a 6 mo follow-up. Educationally and statistically significant effects of the reading intervention were obtained at posttest and follow-up on measures of expressive vocabulary. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Evaluated the outcomes of 130 indicated preventive interventions (secondary prevention) mental health programs for children and adolescents that seek to identify early signs of maladjustment and to intervene before full-blown disorders develop. Results indicate such programs significantly reduce problems and significantly increase competencies. In particular, behavioral and cognitive-behavior programs for children with subclinical disorders (mean ESs in the 0.50s) appear as effective as psychotherapy for children with established problems and more effective than attempts to prevent adolescent smoking alcohol use, and delinquency. In practical terms, the average participant receiving behavioral or cognitive-behavior intervention surpasses the performance of approximately 70% of those in a control group. Of particular interest was the high mean effect (0.72) achieved by programs targeting incipient externalizing problems which are customarily the least amenable to change via traditional psychotherapeutic efforts when they reach clinical levels. Priorities for future research include greater specification of intervention procedures, assessment of treatment implementation, more follow-up studies, and identifying how different participants respond to early intervention. 相似文献
Powell John L.; Hunter Heather L.; Beasley Lana O.; Vernberg Eric M. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,4(2):138
Over several decades, researchers have debated whether a clinician's training and experience are associated with treatment outcome. Recent studies have suggested that fine-grained variables representing training or experience are better predictors of clinical effectiveness than broader measures, such as level of education. The present study addressed whether a therapist's number of direct client contact hours, days in doctoral training, and number of settings in which services were delivered were positively associated with meeting treatment goals in a university-based training clinic serving children and families. Results suggested each of these variables significantly predicted successful treatment completion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
ME Coenen 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,36(2):73-85
In the last decade large amounts of intravenous immunoglobulin (i.v.Ig) have been used worldwide. Doubts exist as to whether this increased use is paralleled by a comparable growth of reliable data on the therapeutic effectiveness of i.v.Ig. We performed a literature search using MEDLINE from January 1981 to January 1997 and analysed articles on the use of i.v.Ig in hematological disorders and searched for published guidelines. For most hematological disorders, evidence to use i.v.Ig as first line therapy is not very strong. For many disorders no controlled trials have been performed. In published guidelines, i.v.Ig is only recommended, with a few exceptions, when other treatments have failed or are contraindicated. Therefore the increase of consumption of i.v.Ig can not be explained by an increase in established indications in hematology. 相似文献
Ockene Judith K.; Kristeller Jean; Pbert Lori; Hebert James R.; Luippold Rose; Goldberg Robert J.; Landon Joan; Kalan Kathryn 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,13(3):278
Patterns of smoking cessation using 6- and 12-mo follow-up data are reported for 1,261 primary care patients randomized to 3 physician-delivered smoking interventions: advice only (AO), counseling (CI), and counseling plus availability of nicotine-containing gum (CI?+?NCG). One-week point-prevalence cessation rates at 12 mo did not differ among the interventions: AO (15.2%), CI (12.9%) and CI?+?NCG (16.7%). However, maintained cessation rates (abstinent at both 6 and 12 mo) increased with intervention intensity: AO (6.0%), CI (7.8%), and CI?+?NCG (10.0%): Test of trend χ–2?=?5.06, p?=?.02. CI?+?NCG was significantly higher than AO (p?=?.02). The findings support the following conclusions: Brief physician delivered intervention with availability of nicotine-containing gum can have a beneficial long-term effect on smoking cessation, and cohort data as well as point-prevalence rates are important when assessing the long-term impact of lifestyle interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Security of attachment between mothers and fathers and their 2 children was examined in 41 maritally intact families. Strange Situation assessments of attachment security for the younger children (mean age?=?1 year 10 months), Attachment Q-sort ratings of the older children (mean age?=?4 years 8 months), and ratings of parental caregiving behavior of both children were obtained. Younger and older children developed concordant attachments to both parents. Parents were consistent in their caregiving behavior toward their 2 children. However, parents were not congruent in their attachment to their 2 children. Associations were found between maternal caregiving and attachment only in the younger group. The results support the idea that parental caregiving behavior accounts for only modest portions of the variance in attachment security; evolving attachments integrate developmental inputs from the children and the caregivers in the network of early family relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Isolation by distance in Switzerland was detected comparing the surname distributions between Cantons. The decay of isonymy with geographic distance between Cantons was consistent with Malecot's exponential decay of kinship. Lasker's distance was defined as the negative value of the logarithm of isonymy between localities, and it was found that it is linearly and significantly correlated with the log of geographic distance, both within and between languages. The peculiar geographic and linguistic structure of the Confederation, where mountain barriers exist at short distances separating different languages, might explain the rapid changes in surname similarity. It was predicted that the frequency of markers linked to the Y chromosome would show a similar association with distance in Switzerland. 相似文献
《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,75(1):160
The study reports social-cognitive outcomes of interventions in a cluster-randomized school-based aggression prevention trial in low and moderate resource urban communities. Targeted social cognitions were aggressive responses, aggressive/prosocial fantasy, and normative beliefs supporting aggression. Participants were 1,484 early elementary school-age children selected for aggression above school medians. Schools received no treatment, curriculum plus teacher consultation (Level A), or Level A plus small-group training (Level B) over 2 years. The Level A condition changed the social cognitions supporting aggression in the desired direction but only in the moderate resource communities. The small-group component did not appear to add to the effect of the Level A condition. Findings suggest that early prevention can modify children's social cognitions in moderate resource communities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Webster-Stratton Carolyn; Hollinsworth Terri; Kolpacoff Mary 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1989,57(4):550
We evaluated the long-term effectiveness of three cost-effective parent training programs for conduct-problem children. One year posttreatment, 93.1% of families (94 mothers and 60 fathers) were assessed on the basis of teacher and parent reports and home observations. Results indicated that all the significant improvements reported immediately posttreatment were maintained one year later. Moreover, approximately two thirds of the entire sample showed ""clinically significant" improvements. There were very few differences between the three treatment conditions except for the ""consumer satisfaction" measure indicating that the treatment combining group discussion and videotape modeling was superior to treatments without both components. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The school-based Children's Support Group procedure teaches skills to cope with divorce-related events and provides strategies for mastering disrupted developmental tasks. Ss were 103 3rd–5th grade children of separated or divorced parents who were assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups: (1) support, (2) support and skill building, or (3) support, skill building, transfer, and parent training procedures. 26 children from intact homes served as non-stressed controls. The 2 skill-building conditions yielded durable improvements in adjustive behaviors in the home. Transfer components yielded additional improvements in affect, but the absence of substantial increments in benefits suggests the need for a closer look at the format and expectations of the transfer vehicle. The benefits of the support-alone condition were experienced most by children who entered the intervention with significant problems, with the greatest reductions in clinical symptomatology at follow-up being found in this group. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The "Early Intervention Programme" (EIP) in Sydney, Australia, is a home-based service for distressed families with children 0-3 years of age. It is funded as a child abuse prevention unit. The concept is based on the work of Selma Fraiberg (1980), who developed the first infant mental health program in Michigan, USA. The goal of the EIP is to strengthen the relationship between parents and child through developmental guidance, psychotherapy and/or provision of active help. The child is seen as an important partner in the intervention process. 相似文献
Cloning and characterization of a Choristoneura fumiferana ultraspiracle (Cfusp) cDNA are described. First, a PCR fragment and then a cDNA clone (4.4 kb) were isolated from spruce budworm cDNA libraries. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of this cDNA with the sequences in Genbank showed that this sequence had high homology with the ultraspiracle cDNAs cloned from Drosophila melanogaster (Dmusp), Bombyx mori (Bmusp), Manduca sexta (Msusp), and Aedes aegypti (Aausp). The Cfusp cDNA contained all the regions that are typical for a steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily member. The DNA binding domain or C region was the most conserved sequence among all the usps. The A/B, D, and E regions also showed high amino acid identity with the amino acid sequences of Dmusp, Msusp, Bmusp, and Aausp. The Cfusp 4.5-kb mRNA was present in the embryos, in all larval stages, and in the pupae. The Cfusp mRNA levels in the midgut increased during the sixth-instar larval development and reached peak levels during the ecdysteroid raises for the pupal molt. However, Cfusp mRNA levels remained unchanged in the midgut of fifth-instar larvae, and in the epidermis and fat body of sixth-instar larvae indicating both a tissue- and stage-specific regulation of Cfusp mRNA expression. 相似文献
We examined the affective environment in 102 families studied longitudinally when children were 7, 15, 25, 38, 52, and 67 months of age. At each assessment, every mother–child and father–child dyad was observed in typical daily contexts. Each person's emotions of affection, joy, and anger were coded. Both parents rated marital satisfaction when children were 15, 52, and 67 months. Growth curve analyses, using Actor-Partner Interdependence Modeling, examined (a) developmental changes in emotions, (b) within-relationship influences of the partner's emotions, (c) across-relationship influences of emotions in other parent's interactions with the child, and (d) associations between marital quality and emotions over time. Parents' emotional expressiveness was highest early in the child's development, and declined thereafter. Children's anger was highest at 15 months of age, and declined thereafter, and their positive emotions, particularly with mothers, increased over time. Generally, one's positive emotions and better marital quality were associated with greater positive emotion within- and across-relationships, whereas one's anger was associated with greater anger within- and across-relationships. However, any emotion expression elicited greater affection in the interaction partner. Parents' neuroticism did not account for the convergence of emotions across relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
This study provided a randomized, experimental test of the efficacy of a parent training intervention on coercive discipline, positive parenting practices, and child noncompliance in a sample of 238 divorcing mothers and their sons in Grades 1–3. Intervention effects were evaluated 5 times from baseline to 30 months. The intervention produced enduring benefits to coercive discipline, positive parenting, and boys' noncompliance. These benefits followed a classic prevention effect: Mothers and sons in the experimental group maintained stable outcome trajectories, whereas those in the control group deteriorated. The intervention's impact on boys' noncompliance was mediated independently by its impact on coercive discipline and positive parenting. Change in positive parenting was more strongly associated with change in noncompliance than was change in coercive discipline, although each explained unique variance in change in noncompliance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Webster-Stratton Carolyn; Kolpacoff Mary; Hollinsworth Terri 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1988,56(4):558
Parents of 114 conduct-problem children, aged 3–8 years, were randomly assigned to one of four groups: an individually administered videotape modeling treatment (IVM), a group discussion videotape modeling treatment (GDVM), a group discussion treatment (GD), and a waiting-list control group. Compared with the control group, all three treatment groups of mothers reported significantly fewer child behavior problems, more prosocial behaviors, and less spanking. Fathers in the GDVM and IVM conditions and teachers of children whose parents were in the GDVM and GD conditions also reported significant reductions in behavior problems compared with control subjects. Home visit data indicated that all treatment groups of mothers, fathers, and children exhibited significant behavioral changes. There were relatively few differences between treatment groups on most outcome measures, although the differences found consistently favored the GDVM treatment. However, cost effectiveness was the major advantage of the IVM treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
M Mazariegos C Pithan A Meyer I Mendoza P Fürst NW Solomons 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,49(5-6):611-614
This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and reliability of bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy in young children suffering of acute hydrational disorders. Whole body and segmental measurements were carried out in a group of 42 of children aged 4 to 147 months, using a BIS analyzer (Xitron 4000B). This phase of the study involved several hundred of BIS measurement, which showed the feasibility of using this technique in young children. Using the sweep mode and the modeling software provided for the manufacturer of the instrument, the resistance of the extracellular (RECW) and intracellular (RICW) compartment was calculated. Correlation coefficient (r) and technical error of measurement (TEM) were obtained from paired BIS measurements. RECW showed to be highly reproducible (r = 0.99), with a relatively low TEM (from 1 to 3.5%), across all segments. The reliability was markedly lower respect to RICW, which shows the potential application of BIS technique even in critically ill young child populations. 相似文献
We describe a modified method for antegrade placement of periurethral collagen in incontinent men. In this technique, a flexible cystoscope is used to guide the placement of a specially designed needle into the bladder neck and external sphincter region via an antegrade transvesical approach. The 19-gauge, 28-cm long needle is passed suprapubically without a sheath. The procedure may be performed with local anesthesia and intravenous sedation only and takes less than 30 minutes. 相似文献