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实验室化学试剂的安全使用和管理是高校实验教学顺利开展的重要保证。化学试剂的使用和存放不当会给实验室带来很大的安全隐患,甚至造成人员伤亡事故和国家财产的损失。本文针对高校实验室化学试剂的合理购买、正确使用、存放管理等问题进行探讨。这里所提出的建议为减少与化学试剂相关的事故发生,提高化学试剂的管理效率提供科学指导,除此之外,还有助于降低实验教学成本,让实验室管理更加规范、安全、有序。  相似文献   

食品专业基础课实验室每次上实验课都会用到大量的化学试剂,经常用到高温电炉、电热套、灭菌锅等加热设备,实验室容易发生安全事故。为保障实验室安全有效地运行,给师生创造良好的实验和科研环境。本文对我院食品专业基础课实验室存在的问题、实验教学的管理、化学试剂的使用和管理等进行了探索,其结果有助于实验教学的顺利开展,提升实验课的教学质量,减少实验室安全事故的发生。  相似文献   

化学试剂作为实验教学活动正常开展的物质条件,其规范化管理,不仅有利于保障实验教学与科学研究的顺利开展,更直接关系到高校师生的安全。分析了化学试剂从采购审批、储存领用到回收处置这一完整的闭环管理中可能存在的问题,并提出了相关的管理建议,为创建规范安全的实验室提供参考。  相似文献   

化学实验室管理工作经验谈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄培东 《广东化工》2010,37(2):181-182
化学实验室是进行化学实验教学,培养技能型人才的基地。充分发挥实验室管理功能,能更好地为学校教学服务。文章就此对实验技术人员的工作要求、实验仪器管理、化学试剂管理、实验室安全管理及实验档案管理等几方面进行了相关的经验总结。  相似文献   

化学试剂安全使用和规范管理事关生命财产安全,是高校实验室管理的重中之重。由于化学试剂的特殊性,其使用和管理必须严格遵守相关规定,稍有不慎,极易引发爆炸、火灾等安全事故,造成巨大危害。本文简要分析了当前高校实验室化学试剂使用管理现状和存在不足,试从完善规章制度、树牢安全意识、合理存储、加强防护、处理"三废"等8个方面提出具体举措,以期为高校试剂安全使用和规范管理提供理论支撑和有益借鉴。  相似文献   

高校实验室化学试剂承载着实验教学和科研所需重要物资的任务,通常所储存的化学试剂具有品种多样、气味重、危险性高、使用频率大等特点。鉴于这些特点,本文针对高校实验室化学试剂的管理现状,提出了一些安全规范的管理建议,目的是为了提高高校实验室存储物资的质量、提高管理工作效率,营造一个有序、整洁、畅通的空间环境。同时达到加强安全意识,以预防为主的目的,为高校的广大师生朋友提供高水平高质量的服务。  相似文献   

高校化学实验教学中心试剂的规范化管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校化学实验教学中心对化学试剂进行科学的管理,主要包括将试剂合理的分类,危险化学品的安全保障措施,防止试剂的失效损失.以及运用信息技术的先进管理方法,有效提高实验室的管理运行效率,促进实验教学。  相似文献   

夏光辉  吕英  梅双喜 《安徽化工》2022,48(2):191-193
高校实验室是师生进行实验教学、科学研究和毕业设计的重要场所。实验室常用的化学试剂种类繁多、成分复杂,其中危险化学品安全管理为高校安全工作的重中之重。从危化品的分类、采购、标准化危化品库房建设、储存、使用、“三废”回收等方面对高校实验室危化品的安全管理进行探讨。通过对危化品规范、安全的管理,保障了实验场所人员人身安全和财产安全,消除了危化品安全隐患,为教学和科研创造有利条件。  相似文献   

刘艳霞 《广州化工》2013,41(4):214-216
实验室化学试剂的种类繁多,化学药品大多具有一定的毒性和危险性,对其加强管理无疑是实验室管理人员的首要工作。就实验室化学试剂的领取、保管、存放和安全使用的注意事项等各方面本文谈了化学试剂的管理,特别是危险性化学试剂的管理;如易燃易爆化学试剂、剧毒性化学试剂、强腐蚀性、强氧化性等化学试剂。  相似文献   

实验室化学试剂的安全管理工作是高职院校安全工作中的重点部分,化学试剂由于其本身理化性质的特殊性容易带来较大的安全隐患。通过分析目前高职院校实验室中化学试剂管理现状及存在的问题,探讨了提高化学试剂管理效率和效果的方法,分别是重视化学试剂管理者安全责任意识与管理水平的提升、逐步构建完善的管理制度和信息化的管理平台以及推进绿色实验室建设、贯彻环保理念。为创建平安校园、助力教学科研提供保障。  相似文献   

王彦  左宁  姜媛媛  陈芳媛 《化工进展》2020,39(4):1539-1549
污泥生物炭中氮硫元素含量高,其氮硫行为和环境效应对全球气候变化的影响不容忽视。以往的研究中,研究者往往以富碳生物炭作为主要研究对象,关注碳对全球气候变化的行为和功效,而对氮硫元素的作用关注不够。本文从原始污泥基本性质到其热解过程,再到生物炭的老化,逐步对污泥生物炭整个生命周期内氮硫的行为及其环境效应研究进行综述,并对未来应注重开展的研究方向进行展望,为生物炭中氮硫元素固定、释放及与之关联的环境效应和温室气体排放控制研究提供理论基础。分析表明,污泥中氮元素含量普遍高于硫元素,且热解过程中氮比硫更容易转移至气相产物。氮硫元素随热解温度的增加,在三相产物中的分配都是炭中持续减少,油中先增后减,气中一直增加。高温(>800℃)条件下,气相中的氮含量高于固相,而硫元素则仍然主要存在于固相中。污泥生物炭老化及其环境效应研究表明,污泥生物炭氮硫元素与土壤的相互作用及其温室效应问题在今后的研究中应引起重视。  相似文献   

The relationship of lacunocanalicular network structure and mechanoresponse has not been well studied. The lacunocanalicular structures differed in the compression and tension sides, in the regions, and in genders in wild-type femoral cortical bone. The overexpression of Sp7 in osteoblasts resulted in thin and porous cortical bone with increased osteoclasts and apoptotic osteocytes, and the number of canaliculi was half of that in the wild-type mice, leading to a markedly impaired lacunocanalicular network. To investigate the response to unloading, we performed tail suspension. Unloading reduced trabecular and cortical bone in the Sp7 transgenic mice due to reduced bone formation. Sost-positive osteocytes increased by unloading on the compression side, but not on the tension side of cortical bone in the wild-type femurs. However, these differential responses were lost in the Sp7 transgenic femurs. Serum Sost increased in the Sp7 transgenic mice, but not in the wild-type mice. Unloading reduced the Col1a1 and Bglap/Bglap2 expression in the Sp7 transgenic mice but not the wild-type mice. Thus, Sp7 transgenic mice with the impaired lacunocanalicular network induced Sost expression by unloading but lost the differential regulation in the compression and tension sides, and the mice failed to restore bone formation during unloading, implicating the relationship of lacunocanalicular network structure and the regulation of bone formation in mechanoresponse.  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus (DG), an important part of the hippocampus, plays a significant role in learning, memory, and emotional behavior. Factors potentially influencing normal development of neurons and glial cells in the DG during its maturation can exert long-lasting effects on brain functions. Early life stress may modify maturation of the DG and induce lifelong alterations in its structure and functioning, underlying brain pathologies in adults. In this paper, maturation of neurons and glial cells (microglia and astrocytes) and the effects of early life events on maturation processes in the DG have been comprehensively reviewed. Early postnatal interventions affecting the DG eventually result in an altered number of granule neurons in the DG, ectopic location of neurons and changes in adult neurogenesis. Adverse events in early life provoke proinflammatory changes in hippocampal glia at cellular and molecular levels immediately after stress exposure. Later, the cellular changes may disappear, though alterations in gene expression pattern persist. Additional stressful events later in life contribute to manifestation of glial changes and behavioral deficits. Alterations in the maturation of neuronal and glial cells induced by early life stress are interdependent and influence the development of neural nets, thus predisposing the brain to the development of cognitive and psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Crystal-bearing cells or idioblasts, which deposit calcium oxalate, are located in various tissues and organs of many plant species. The functional significance of their formation is currently unclear. Idioblasts in the leaf parenchyma and the development of crystal-bearing cells in the anther tissues of transgenic tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicon L.), expressing the heterologous FeSOD gene and which showed a decrease in fertility, were studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The amount of calcium oxalate crystals was found to increase significantly in the transgenic plants compared to the wild type (WT) ones in idioblasts and crystal-bearing cells of the upper part of the anther. At the same time, changes in the size and shape of the crystals and their location in anther organs were noted. It seems that the interruption in the break of the anther stomium in transgenic plants was associated with the formation and cell death regulation of a specialized group of crystal-bearing cells. This disturbance caused an increase in the pool of these cells and their localization in the upper part of the anther, where rupture is initiated. Perturbations were also noted in the lower part of the anther in transgenic plants, where the amount of calcium oxalate crystals in crystal-bearing cells was reduced that was accompanied by disturbances in the morphology of pollen grains. Thus, the induction of the formation of crystal-bearing cells and calcium oxalate crystals can have multidirectional effects, contributing to the regulation of oxalate metabolism in the generative and vegetative organs and preventing fertility when the ROS balance changes, in particular, during oxidative stresses accompanying most abiotic and biotic environmental factors.  相似文献   

Aging is a complex process that involves the accumulation of deleterious changes resulting in overall decline in several vital functions, leading to the progressive deterioration in physiological condition of the organism and eventually causing disease and death. The immune system is the most important host-defense mechanism in humans and is also highly conserved in insects. Extensive research in vertebrates has concluded that aging of the immune function results in increased susceptibility to infectious disease and chronic inflammation. Over the years, interest has grown in studying the molecular interaction between aging and the immune response to pathogenic infections. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is an excellent model system for dissecting the genetic and genomic basis of important biological processes, such as aging and the innate immune system, and deciphering parallel mechanisms in vertebrate animals. Here, we review the recent advances in the identification of key players modulating the relationship between molecular aging networks and immune signal transduction pathways in the fly. Understanding the details of the molecular events involved in aging and immune system regulation will potentially lead to the development of strategies for decreasing the impact of age-related diseases, thus improving human health and life span.  相似文献   

Stress and strain state of concrete during freezing and thawing cycles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The objective of this work is to calculate the pressures, stresses, and strains induced into moist concrete during freezing and thawing. The applied theory is based on thermodynamics and the linear theory of elasticity. If no additional salts are dissolved in the pore water the inputs needed in the theory are relative humidity and temperature measured in the sample chamber and inside concrete and evaporable water amount in the pore structure. Theoretical results were compared with the test results made with two concretes cured under water or at 96% relative humidity. One of the concretes was air entrained and in the comparison concrete no air-entraining agents were used. In the test cylinders cured under water the largest tensional stresses in freezing occurred on the surface of the test cylinders both in the axial and tangential direction. The largest tensional stress was 2.2 MPa, both in air-entrained and in non air-entrained concretes. The largest tensional stresses in the warming phase took place at the end of the thawing period when the chamber temperature was around +5 °C. Then the maximum tension occurred in the middle of the concrete cylinder in the axial direction of the cylinder. This maximum tensional stress was over 2.5 MPa in the air-entrained concrete cured in the relative humidity of 96%. The thermodynamic pumping effect at the end of the thawing phase in every cycle can increase the pore water amount remarkably if free water or moisture is available on the surface of the structure or in the environment vapor. The thermodynamic pumping effect seems to be remarkably greater and more dangerous in air-entrained concretes.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) is an important neurotransmitter of the central and peripheral nervous systems, predominantly secreted in the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the gut. 5-HT is a crucial enteric signaling molecule and is well known for playing a key role in sensory-motor and secretory functions in the gut. Gastroenteropathy is one of the most clinical problems in diabetic patients with frequent episodes of hyperglycemia. Changes in 5-HT expression may mediate gastrointestinal tract disturbances seen in diabetes, such as nausea and diarrhea. Based on the double immunohistochemical staining, this study determined the variability in the population of 5-HT-positive neurons in the porcine small intestinal enteric neurons in the course of streptozotocin-induced diabetes. The results show changes in the number of 5-HT-positive neurons in the examined intestinal sections. The greatest changes were observed in the jejunum, particularly within the myenteric plexus. In the ileum, both de novo 5-HT synthesis in the inner submucosal plexus neurons and an increase in the number of neurons in the outer submucosal plexus were noted. The changes observed in the duodenum were also increasing in nature. The results of the current study confirm the previous observations concerning the involvement of 5-HT in inflammatory processes, and an increase in the number of 5-HT -positive neurons may also be a result of increased concentration of the 5-HT in the gastrointestinal tract wall and affects the motor and secretory processes, which are particularly intense in the small intestines.  相似文献   

Sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sALS) is a fatal progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting upper and lower motor neurons. Biomarkers are useful to facilitate the diagnosis and/or prognosis of patients and to reveal possible mechanistic clues about the disease. This study aimed to identify and validate selected putative biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of sALS patients at early disease stages compared with age-matched controls and with other neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer disease (AD), spinal muscular atrophy type III (SMA), frontotemporal dementia behavioral variant (FTD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). SWATH acquisition on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) for protein quantitation, and ELISA for validation, were used in CSF samples of sALS cases at early stages of the disease. Analysis of mRNA and protein expression was carried out in the anterior horn of the lumbar spinal cord in post-mortem tissue of sALS cases (terminal stage) and controls using RTq-PCR, and Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry, respectively. SWATH acquisition on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) revealed 51 differentially expressed proteins in the CSF in sALS. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves showed CXCL12 to be the most valuable candidate biomarker. We validated the values of CXCL12 in CSF with ELISA in two different cohorts. Besides sALS, increased CXCL12 levels were found in MS but were not altered in AD, SMA, and FTD. Therefore, increased CXCL12 levels in the CSF can be useful in the diagnoses of MS and sALS in the context of the clinical settings. CXCL12 immunoreactivity was localized in motor neurons in control and sALS, and in a few glial cells in sALS at the terminal stage; CXCR4 was in a subset of oligodendroglial-like cells and axonal ballooning of motor neurons in sALS; and CXCR7 in motor neurons in control and sALS, and reactive astrocytes in the pyramidal tracts in terminal sALS. CXCL12/CXCR4/CXCR7 axis in the spinal cord probably plays a complex role in inflammation, oligodendroglial and astrocyte signaling, and neuronal and axonal preservation in sALS.  相似文献   

廖玮婷  解新安  李璐  李雁  樊荻  孙娇  王鑫 《化工进展》2019,38(5):2205-2211
通过研究木质素分别在超临界甲醇和乙醇溶剂中的液化过程,分析反应温度(260~340℃)及反应时间(0~120min)对木质素在两种溶剂中的转化率、生物油收率及其组分差异的影响。实验表明,木质素在超临界乙醇中的转化率及产物收率均高于甲醇。当反应温度340℃,反应时间60min,木质素在超临界乙醇中的转化率和生物油收率比在甲醇中分别提高了16.23%和11.54%,残渣收率降低了16.23%。通过GC-MS和FTIR对生物油和残渣分析,发现生物油组分中芳香族化合物相对含量较高,在甲醇和乙醇溶剂中分别达到66.13%和58.84%;随着反应时间的延长,甲醇溶剂中残渣的醚键官能团逐渐增强,而在乙醇溶剂中则先增强后减弱。分析认为在木质素降解过程中,超临界乙醇和甲醇均可产生氢自由基作为供氢体,攻击木质素及其大分子片段中的官能团,同时使液化产物中的活性片段减活,减弱重聚合反应,从而更利于芳烃产物的生成。而甲醇在液化过程中容易与木质素断键产生的苯酚中间体发生脱氢缩合反应,通过醚键聚合产生长链芳香族化合物,形成残渣,降低生物油收率。  相似文献   

Soil pH and Eh play an important role in reducing heavy metal solubility in paddy soils. To assess the effects of flooding and organic matter application on changes in Eh, pH and solubility of Cd, Ni and Zn in contaminated soils, a growth chamber experiment with rice plants(Oryza sativa L.) was conducted. Eh values decreased with flooding time in all three soils. The changes of Eh values were more negative in the tannery and alum shale contaminated soils and stabilized after 30 days of submergence. The Eh changes were not so large in the city sewage contaminated soil as in the other two soils. Soil pH increased with flooding time. During the 65 days of submergence, pH increase was about 2, 1 and 0.6units in the tannery, city sewage and alum shale soils, respectively. In all three soils, organic matter treated soil showed lower Eh and higher pH values compared to untreated soil. Concentration of Cd, Ni and Zn in soil solution decreased with flooding time. The solution concentration of Cd and Zn in the city sewage soil and of Ni in the tannery soil was higher than in the alum shale soil. The soluble metal concentration in all three soils was lower inorganic matter treated soils. Reduced solubility of metals in the organic matter treated soils was related to larger changes of Eh and pH values in these soils. Correlation coefficient calculations also showed that metal solubility decreased with decreased Eh and increased pH in the soil solution. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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