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固体氧化物燃料电池(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, SOFC)工作温度高,阳极可发生燃料内重整反应,具有较高的燃料灵活性,同时可与燃气轮机(Gas Turbine, GT)构成固体氧化物燃料电池/燃气轮机(SOFC/GT)混合动力系统进一步提高系统效率。SOFC/GT混合动力系统一般分为底层和顶层循环2种,考虑到SOFC/GT示范性工程有限且建造成本高,一般采用数学建模仿真方法开展SOFC/GT研究。与单独SOFC或GT模型不同,常采用热力学建模仿真对SOFC/GT系统性能进行分析优化。介绍了SOFC/GT混合动力系统常用热力学模型,并对目前SOFC/GT混合动力系统常见稳态和动态热力学建模工作展开综述,考虑到现阶段SOFC/GT混合动力系统多采用商业化软件(Aspen Plus、COMSOL、gPROMs等)建模,建模功能有限、不易拓展,后续工作可基于Matlab、Python等软件进行开源代码的编程;现阶段主要围绕系统级集总模型开展分析,无法准确描述燃料电池的局部特性,后续工作可在SOFC/GT建模中引入一维甚至更高维度的SOFC模型进一步提高建模精度。 相似文献
采用柠檬酸-硝酸盐燃烧合成了纳米级CeO2基阳极支撑平板式固体氧化物燃料电池(solid oxide fuel cell,SOFC)的电解质与电极材料。研究了SOFC三极板[NiO-Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9(CGO),阳极;CGO电解质;La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ(LSCF)-CGO阴极]的制备工艺,对制膜过程、烧结工艺等做了探讨。指出了较佳的制备条件。结果表明:物理混合得到的阳极优于共燃烧得到的阳极;球磨分散得到的阳极致密,乳化分散得到的阳极中NiO与CGO的分散较为均匀。 相似文献
固体氧化物燃料电池是21世纪最有希望作为分布式电源和大型电站的清洁高效的发电技术之一。针对1MW固体氧化物燃料电池发电系统,建立了描述SOFC电池堆电化学过程和特性的模型,并在此基础上建立了基于Aspen Plus软件平台的SOFC发电系统模型,对其系统参数进行了灵敏度分析和优化。 相似文献
固体氧化物燃料电池电解质材料的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)被誉为21世纪最具有发展潜力的能源材料之一,它的热效率高、燃料的适应性强,能很好地满足区域供电、供热的需要,具有重要的经济和社会意义。本文综述了SOFC电解质的研究进展,指出在诸多的电解质材料中,尽管氧化铋系电解质拥有最高的电导率,但由于其化学稳定性很差,难以获得广泛的应用;氧化钇全稳定的氧化锆(YSZ)由于其中低温的电导率较低,只适用于高温SOFC;稀土掺杂的氧化铈和LaGaO3钙钛矿材料拥有较高的中低温电导率,性质较为稳定,是适用于中低温SOFC的电解质材料。 相似文献
A novel plasma-matrix reformer (PMR) was suggested for methane conversion into hydrogen-rich fuel. To demonstrate the possibility of reforming performance, characteristics of product gas and CH4 conversion were identified according to O2/C ratio, water vapor supply, reformed gas recirculation, and water feed in the recirculation gas affecting energy conversion and hydrogen production. When the reformed gas recirculation and water feed to the recirculation pipe were performed at the same time, hydrogen production and energy conversion efficiency were superior compared to the conventional reforming method. The optimal operating conditions of the PMR were determined. The obtained high energy conversion efficiency and hydrogen selectivity indicated the applicability to solid oxide fuel cell stacks for residential power generation. 相似文献
固体氧化物燃料电池是一种典型的电化学装置,可以把燃料气和空气(或氧气)的化学能直接转化为电能。电池的整个反应过程可以根据还原剂和氧化剂反应自由焓来进行热力学计算。对于最简单的氢气和氧气的反应来说,可以根据可逆反应平衡方程式计算电池的可逆功,而且SOFC系统和外部环境的热交换也是可逆的。SOFC作为一种伴生热能的发电装置,对热力学的理解必不可少。所以本文将首先介绍一下SOFC的热力学基础,而作为一种电化学发电装置,需要系统了解SOFC的电化学基础,其中重点介绍SOFC的电化学分析曲线——i-V曲线。 相似文献
Yeong-shyung Chou Jeffry W. Stevenson Lawrence A. Chick 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2003,86(6):1003-1007
A novel hybrid compressive mica seal was developed that showed an exceptionally low leak rate of ∼8.9 × 10−4 sccm/cm (standard cubic centimeters per minute per unit leak length of seal) at 800°C and a compressive stress of 100 psi, about 740 times lower than that of the conventional compressive mica seals (6.6 × 10−1 sccm/cm), at a pressure gradient of 2 psi. The hybrid compressive mica seals were composed of two compliant metallic layers and a mica layer. Three commercially available micas were tested in this study. All showed substantial improvements in reducing the leak rates by using the hybrid design. The best results were obtained using muscovite single-crystal mica and 125 μm silver layers. Using the paper form of muscovite and phlogopite mica, the leak rates were still far superior (∼1 × 10−1 sccm/cm) compared with mica without the compliant silver layer (about 6–9 sccm/cm). The microstructure of the mica was examined before and after the 800°C leak tests. These results are compared with results for hybrid seals using glass interlayers. In addition, an explanation for the substantial reduction of the leak rates is proposed, and the application of the hybrid compressive mica seals in planar SOFC stacks is briefly addressed. 相似文献
以大面积电池和千瓦级电堆为对象,研究了温度、燃料成分、流量等对阳极支撑型电堆性能的影响。结果表明:温度的影响最大,复数阻抗谱中高频弧对应的活化能最高;欧姆阻抗的活化能较低,表明其不全是离子电导的电阻,还包括双极板的表面电阻和可能的接触电阻。利用干氢气燃料测试时,在开路电压附近表现出较大的活化极化,且其活化能很小,表明该活化极化的速率控制步骤并非是电荷转移过程,而是对应某种表面扩散过程。模拟重整气燃料测试过程中活化极化不明显,但开路电压较低,性能比氢气燃料差。随着电堆工作电流的增加,燃料尾气的温度增加,表现出明显的热效应。 相似文献
Adding Ni-coated graphite particulates to a tape casting colloidal suspension is capable of creating a sintered solid oxide fuel cell anode with a critical percolation threshold for conductivity significantly lower than conventional anode materials. For example, conductivity at 800°C reached over 1200 Ω−1 ·cm−1 in these anodes at a Ni volume below the percolation threshold reported for conventional anode materials. This behavior was explained based on an "effective" Ni content, V Nieff , which includes the graphite portion of the particle. In the green tape, V Nieff controls the creation of a percolating network of Ni. However, when the graphite burns away, it leaves a percolated Ni network at a much lower volume fraction than would otherwise be required. 相似文献
主要对SOFC阳极材料的最新研究进展进行综述。首先介绍了SOFC对阳极材料的基本要求,而后对目前各种阳极材料在性能方面的优势和不足进行了比较,其中较为详细地介绍了传统的金属陶瓷阳极和新型的钙钛矿型阳极的研究进展情况,最后对阳极材料的未来发展方向进行了展望。 相似文献
以大面积电池和千瓦级电堆为研究对象,在确定的燃料成分、流量、和工作温度下,系统研究了电流阶梯变化、电流脉冲变化、电堆热启停以及冷热循环(冷启停)等工况下电堆的输出性能。结果表明:在小电流区域,电堆的电压和功率能够快速跟踪电流变化;在大电流区域,电池的电压出现波动和弛豫,电堆的功率也出现弛豫。热启停实验结果表明,SOFC电堆对电流的on-off变化具有足够的耐受性,一定数量的热启停不会导致电堆性能的明显衰减。而冷热循环会导致应力释放,引起接触电阻变化,从而使电堆性能衰减,5次以上热循环可使应力释放趋于缓和。 相似文献
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) have several advantages over other types of fuels cells such as high-energy efficiency and
excellent fuel flexibility. To be economically competitive, however, new materials with extraordinary transport and catalytic
properties must be developed to dramatically improve the performance while reducing the cost. This article reviews recent
advancements in understanding oxygen reduction on various cathode materials using phenomenological and quantum chemical approaches
in order to develop novel cathode materials with high catalytic activity toward oxygen reduction. We summarize a variety of
results relevant to understanding the interactions between O2 and cathode materials at the molecular level as predicted using quantum-chemical calculations and probed using in situ surface
vibrational spectroscopy. It is hoped that this in-depth understanding may provide useful insights into the design of novel
cathode materials for a new generation of SOFCs. 相似文献