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稀疏编码中字典的选择无论对图像重建还是模式分类都有重要影响,为此提出Gabor特征集结合判别式字典学习的稀疏表示图像识别算法.考虑到Gabor局部特征对光照、表情和姿态等变化的鲁棒性,首先提取图像对应不同方向、不同尺度的多个Gabor特征;然后将降维的增广Gabor特征矩阵作为初始特征字典,通过对该字典的学习得到字典原子对应类别标签的新结构化字典,新字典中特定类的子字典对相关的类具有好的表示能力,同时应用Fisher判别约束编码系数,使它们具有小的类内散度和大的类间散度;最后同时用具有判别性的重构误差和编码系数来进行模式分类.基于3个数据库的实验结果表明本文方法具有可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

目的 现实中采集到的人脸图像通常受到光照、遮挡等环境因素的影响,使得同一类的人脸图像具有不同程度的差异性,不同类的人脸图像又具有不同程度的相似性,这极大地影响了人脸识别的准确性。为了解决上述问题对人脸识别造成的影响,在低秩矩阵恢复理论的基础上提出了具有识别力的结构化低秩字典学习的人脸识别算法。方法 该算法基于训练样本的标签信息将低秩正则化以及结构化稀疏同时引入到学习的具有识别力的字典上。在字典学习过程中,首先利用样本的重建误差约束样本与字典之间的关系;其次将Fisher准则应用到稀疏编码过程中,使其编码系数具有识别能力;由于训练样本中的噪声信息会影响字典的识别力,所以在低秩矩阵恢复理论的基础上将低秩正则化应用到字典学习过程中;接着,在字典学习过程中加入了结构化稀疏使其不丢失结构信息以保证对样本进行最优分类;最后再利用误差重构法对测试样本进行分类识别。结果 本文算法在AR以及ORL人脸数据库上分别进行了实验仿真。在AR人脸数据库中,为了分析样本不同维数对实验结果造成的影响,选取了第一时期拍摄的每人6幅图像,包括1幅围巾遮挡,2幅墨镜遮挡以及3幅脸部表情变化以及光照变化(未被遮挡)的图像作为训练样本,同时选取相同组合的样本图像作为测试样本,无论哪种方法,图像的维度越高识别率越高。对比SRC (sparse representation based on classification)算法与DKSVD (discriminative K-means singular value decomposition)算法的识别率可知,DKSVD算法通过字典学习减缓了训练样本中的不确定因素对识别结果的影响;对比DLRD_SR (discriminative low-rank dictionary learning for sparse representation)算法与FDDL (Fisher discriminative dictionary learning)算法的识别率可知,当图像有遮挡等噪声信息存在时,字典低秩化可以提高至少5.8%的识别率;对比本文算法与DLRD_SR算法可知,在字典学习的过程中加入Fisher准则后识别率显著提高,同时理想稀疏值能保证对样本进行最优的分类。当样本图像的维度达到500维时人脸图像在有围巾、墨镜遮挡的情况下识别率可达到85.2%;其中墨镜和围巾的遮挡程度分别可以看成是人脸图像的20%和40%,为了验证本文算法在不同脸部表情变化、光照改变以及遮挡情况下的有效性,根据训练样本的具体图像组合情况进行实验。无论哪种样本图像组合,本文算法在有遮挡存在的样本识别中具有显著优势。在训练样本只包含脸部表情变化、光照变化以及墨镜遮挡图像的情况下,本文算法的识别率高于其他算法至少2.7%,在训练样本只包含脸部表情变化、光照变化以及围巾遮挡图像的情况下,本文算法的识别率高于其他算法至少3.6%,在训练样本包含脸部表情变化、光照变化、围巾遮挡以及墨镜遮挡图像的情况下,其识别率高于其他算法至少1.9%。在ORL人脸数据库中,人脸图像在无遮挡的情况下识别率达到95.2%,稍低于FDDL算法的识别率;在随机块遮挡程度达到20%时,相比较于SRC算法、DKSVD算法、FDDL算法以及DLRD_SR算法,本文算法的识别率最高;当随机块遮挡程度达到50%时,以上算法的识别率均不高,但本文算法的其识别率仍然最高。结论 本文算法在人脸图像受到遮挡等因素的影响时具有一定的鲁棒性,实验结果表明该算法在人脸识别方面具有可行性。  相似文献   

基于协同表示的分类(CRC)以其卓越的协同能力成为人脸分类领域的一个突破。然而在实际应用中,通常只提供很少甚至是单个人脸图像来进行人脸识别,这导致了CRC无法很好地处理光照、表情、姿态和遮挡等问题。针对该问题,提出一种判别性双向协同表示的图像识别算法(DB-CRC)。首先通过引入判别式字典学习(FDDL)模型学习得到一个结构化字典,使得每个特定类的子字典对相关类的样本具有良好的表示能力,由此,较大的类间离散度和较小的类内离散度使得重构误差和编码系数都具有判别性;然后将学习得到的稀疏编码系数作为测试样本数据进行双向表达,建立快速逆向表示模型,利用双向表示策略估计每个测试样本与结构化字典之间的双向重构残差信息;最后利用竞争融合方法对来自双向表示模型的重构残差进行加权排名,实现最终的人脸分类。在AR、PIE、LFW等通用人脸数据库上的实验结果验证了该算法的有效性,特别是对小样本问题的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Dictionary learning plays a crucial role in sparse representation based image classification. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to learn a discriminative dictionary with low-rank regularization on the dictionary. Specifically, we apply Fisher discriminant function to the coding coefficients to make the dictionary more discerning, that is, a small ratio of the within-class scatter to between-class scatter. In practice, noisy information in the training samples will undermine the discriminative ability of the dictionary. Inspired by the recent advances in low-rank matrix recovery theory, we apply low-rank regularization on the dictionary to tackle this problem. The iterative projection method (IPM) and inexact augmented Lagrange multiplier (ALM) algorithm are adopted to solve our objective function. The proposed discriminative dictionary learning with low-rank regularization (D2L2R2) approach is evaluated on four face and digit image datasets in comparison with existing representative dictionary learning and classification algorithms. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach.  相似文献   

李争名  杨南粤  岑健 《计算机应用》2017,37(6):1716-1721
为了提高字典的判别性能,提出基于原子Fisher判别准则约束的字典学习算法AFDDL。首先,利用特定类字典学习算法为每个原子分配一个类标,计算同类原子和不同类原子间的散度矩阵。然后,利用类内散度矩阵和类间散度矩阵的迹的差作为判别式约束项,促使不同类原子间的差异最大化,并在最小化同类原子间差异的同时减少原子间的自相关性,使得同类原子尽可能地重构某一类样本,提高字典的判别性能。在AR、FERET和LFW三个人脸数据库和USPS手写字体数据库中进行实验,实验结果表明,在四个图像数据库中,所提算法在识别率和训练时间方面均优于类标一致的K奇异值分解(LC-KSVD)算法、局部特征和类标嵌入约束的字典学习(LCLE-DL)算法、支持矢量指导的字典学习(SVGDL)算法和Fisher判别字典学习算法;且在四个数据库中,该算法也比稀疏表示分类(SRC)和协同表示分类(CRC)取得更高的识别率。  相似文献   

针对当前面向组织病理图像特征提取的字典学习方法中存在着学习的无病字典与有病字典相似程度高,判别性弱的问题,本文提出一种新的面向判别性特征字典学习方法(Discriminative feature-oriented dictionary learning based on Fisher criterion,FCDFDL).该方法基于Fisher准则构造目标函数的惩罚项,最小化学习字典的类内距离与最大化学习字典的类间距离,大大降低无病字典与有病字典间的相似性.同时,优化学习字典对同类样本的重构性能,并约束学习字典对非同类样本的重构性能.然后,利用本文学习的无病与有病字典对测试样本进行稀疏表示,采用重构误差向量的统计量构造分类器.最后,分别在ADL数据集与BreaKHis数据集上验证了本文方法的有效性.实验结果表明,本文学习字典的判别性更强,获得了更优的分类性能.  相似文献   

针对人脸识别中的图像存在噪声等情况,提出基于鉴别性低秩表示及字典学习的算法。使用鉴别性低秩子空间恢复算法(discriminative low-rank representation, DLRR)获得类别间尽可能独立且干净的训练样本,然后通过引入基于Fisher准则的字典学习(Fisher Discrimination Dictionary Learning, FDDL)方法得到结构化字典,其子字典对对应的类有较好的表示能力,约束编码系数具有较小类内散列度和较大类间散列度。最后对测试样本稀疏线性表示时正确类别的样本贡献更大。在标准人脸数据库上的实验结果表明该算法有较好性能。  相似文献   

为了增强编码系数的判别性能,提出编码系数矩阵行向量(Profiles)的Fisher判别字典(Profiles of fisher discriminative dictionary learning,PFDDL)学习算法。首先,根据Profiles能反映原子在字典学习中的使用情况,提出一种自适应的原子类标构造方法。然后,利用Profiles与原子间的一一对应关系,设计Profiles的Fisher判别准则作为判别式项,使得同类原子对应Profiles的类内散度尽可能小,不同类原子对应Profiles的类间散度尽可能大,促使字典中的同类原子尽量表示同类训练样本,提高编码系数的判别性能。在3个人脸和1个手写字体数据库上的实验结果表明,提出的算法比其他稀疏编码和字典学习算法能取得更高的分类性能。  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition》2014,47(2):899-913
Dictionary learning is a critical issue for achieving discriminative image representation in many computer vision tasks such as object detection and image classification. In this paper, a new algorithm is developed for learning discriminative group-based dictionaries, where the inter-concept (category) visual correlations are leveraged to enhance both the reconstruction quality and the discrimination power of the group-based discriminative dictionaries. A visual concept network is first constructed for determining the groups of visually similar object classes and image concepts automatically. For each group of such visually similar object classes and image concepts, a group-based dictionary is learned for achieving discriminative image representation. A structural learning approach is developed to take advantage of our group-based discriminative dictionaries for classifier training and image classification. The effectiveness and the discrimination power of our group-based discriminative dictionaries have been evaluated on multiple popular visual benchmarks.  相似文献   

提出一种基于稀疏表示的入侵检测算法。将稀疏性约束引入过完备词典学习和编码过程中,使学习得到的稀疏系数可以保持较好的重构性,同时增强判别力。利用判别式K-SVD算法优化过完备词典和线性判别函数,将提取的稀疏特征作为线性分类器的输入,实现入侵检测。实验结果表明,该算法可以获得较低的误报率和较高的检测率,分类性能较好。  相似文献   

研究表明,端学习机和判别性字典学习算法在图像分类领域极具有高效和准确的优势。然而,这两种方法也具有各自的缺点,极端学习机对噪声的鲁棒性较差,判别性字典学习算法在分类过程中耗时较长。为统一这种互补性以提高分类性能,文中提出了一种融合极端学习机的判别性分析字典学习模型。该模型利用迭代优化算法学习最优的判别性分析字典和极端学习机分类器。为验证所提算法的有效性,利用人脸数据集进行分类。实验结果表明,与目前较为流行的字典学习算法和极端学习机相比,所提算法在分类过程中具有更好的效果。  相似文献   

Wang  Qianyu  Guo  Yanqing  Guo  Jun  Kong  Xiangwei 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2018,77(13):17023-17041

In the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition, dictionary learning techniques have been widely applied. In classification tasks, synthesis dictionary learning is usually time-consuming during the classification stage because of the sparse reconstruction procedure. Analysis dictionary learning, which is another research line, is more favorable due to its flexible representative ability and low classification complexity. In this paper, we propose a novel discriminative analysis dictionary learning method to enhance classification performance. Particularly, we incorporate a linear classifier and the supervised information into the traditional analysis dictionary learning framework by adding a discrimination error term. A synthesis K-SVD based algorithm which can effectively constrain the sparsity is presented to solve the proposed model. Extensive comparison experiments on benchmark databases validate the satisfactory performance of our method.


Recent research of sparse signal representation has aimed at learning discriminative sparse models instead of purely reconstructive ones for classification tasks, such as sparse representation based classification (SRC) which obtains state-of-the-art results in face recognition. In this paper, a new method is proposed in that direction. With the assumption of locally linear embedding, the proposed method achieves the classification goal via sparse neighbor representation, combining the reconstruction property, sparsity and discrimination power. The experiments on several data sets are performed and results show that the proposed method is acceptable for nonlinear data sets. Further, it is argued that the proposed method is well suited for the classification of low dimensional data dimensionally reduced by dimensionality reduction methods, especially the methods obtaining the low dimensional and neighborhood preserving embeddings, and it costs less time.  相似文献   

陈思宝  赵令  罗斌 《自动化学报》2014,40(10):2295-2305
为了利用核技巧提高分类性能, 在局部保持的稀疏表示 字典学习的基础上, 提出了两种核化的稀疏表示字典学习方法. 首先, 原始训练数据被投影到高维核空间, 进行基于局部保持的核稀疏表示字典学习; 其次, 在稀疏系数上强加核局部保持约束, 进行基于核局部保持的核稀疏表示字典学习. 实验结果表明, 该方法的分类识别结果优于其他方法.  相似文献   

针对传统稀疏表示不能有效区分目标和背景的缺点,提出一种判别稀疏表示算法,这种算法在传统稀疏表示目标函数中加入一个判别函数,大大降低干扰因素对目标跟踪的影响。基于判别稀疏表示和[?1]约束,提出一种在线字典学习算法升级目标模板,有效降低背景信息对目标模板的影响。提取目标梯度方向的直方图(HOG)特征,利用其对光照和形变等复杂环境具有较强鲁棒性的优点,实现对目标更稳定的跟踪。实验结果表明,与现有跟踪方法相比,该算法的跟踪效果更好。  相似文献   

针对支持向量引导的字典学习(support vector guided dictionary learning,SVGDL)的鉴别约束项只体现了大间隔原理,而没有很好地利用数据空间内在结构信息的问题,提出了一种新颖的鉴别性字典学习方法——基于局部类内结构的鉴别性字典学习方法。该方法结合了大间隔原理和局部Fisher线性鉴别分析作为鉴别约束条件来指导指点学习。通过建立一个局部类内散度矩阵来编码数据空间的分布结构,增强了挖掘同类数据空间局部结构的能力并进一步地表示了编码向量在数据空间中的局部相似性。为了评价提出方法在图像识别上的表现,在几个常见图像数据集上进行了实验。结果表明,提出方法与大间隔方法相比,在平均识别率上有着明显的提高。  相似文献   

卷积神经网络(CNN)在半监督学习中取得了良好的成绩,其在训练阶段既利用有标记样本,也利用无标记样本帮助规范化学习模型。为进一步加强半监督模型的特征学习能力,提高其在图像分类时的性能表现,本文提出一种联合深度半监督卷积神经网络和字典学习的端到端半监督学习方法,称为Semi-supervised Learning based on Sparse Coding and Convolution(SSSConv);该算法框架旨在学习到鉴别性更强的图像特征表示。SSSConv首先利用CNN提取特征,并对所提取特征进行正交投影变换,下一步通过学习其稀疏编码的低维嵌入以得到图像的特征表示,最后据此进行分类。整个模型框架可进行端到端的半监督学习训练,CNN提取特征部分和稀疏编码字典学习部分具有统一的损失函数,目标一致。本文利用共轭梯度下降算法、链式法则和反向传播等算法对目标函数的参数进行优化,将稀疏编码的相关参数约束于流形上,CNN参数既可定义在欧氏空间,也可以进一步定义在正交空间中。基于半监督分类任务的实验结果验证了所提出SSSConv框架的有效性,与现有方法相比具有较强的竞争力。  相似文献   

Video semantic analysis (VSA) has received significant attention in the area of Machine Learning for some time now, particularly video surveillance applications with sparse representation and dictionary learning. Studies have shown that the duo has significantly impacted on the classification performance of video detection analysis. In VSA, the locality structure of video semantic data containing more discriminative information is very essential for classification. However, there has been modest feat by the current SR-based approaches to fully utilize the discriminative information for high performance. Furthermore, similar coding outcomes are missing from current video features with the same video category. To handle these issues, we first propose an improved deep learning algorithm—locality deep convolutional neural network algorithm (LDCNN) to better extract salient features and obtain local information from semantic video. Second, we propose a novel DL method, called deep locality-sensitive discriminative dictionary learning (DLSDDL) for VSA. In the proposed DLSDDL, a discriminant loss function for the video category based on sparse coding of sparse coefficients is introduced into the structure of the locality-sensitive dictionary learning (LSDL) method. After solving the optimized dictionary, the sparse coefficients for the testing video feature samples are obtained, and then the classification result for video semantic is realized by reducing the error existing between the original and recreated samples. The experiment results show that the proposed DLSDDL technique considerably increases the efficiency of video semantic detection as against competing methods used in our experiment.  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition》2014,47(2):885-898
Empirically, we find that despite the most exclusively discriminative features owned by one specific object category, the various classes of objects usually share some common patterns, which do not contribute to the discrimination of them. Concentrating on this observation and motivated by the success of dictionary learning (DL) framework, in this paper, we propose to explicitly learn a class-specific dictionary (called particularity) for each category that captures the most discriminative features of this category, and simultaneously learn a common pattern pool (called commonality), whose atoms are shared by all the categories and only contribute to representation of the data rather than discrimination. In this way, the particularity differentiates the categories while the commonality provides the essential reconstruction for the objects. Thus, we can simply adopt a reconstruction-based scheme for classification. By reviewing the existing DL-based classification methods, we can see that our approach simultaneously learns a classification-oriented dictionary and drives the sparse coefficients as discriminative as possible. In this way, the proposed method will achieve better classification performance. To evaluate our method, we extensively conduct experiments both on synthetic data and real-world benchmarks in comparison with the existing DL-based classification algorithms, and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

Sparse representation is a mathematical model for data representation that has proved to be a powerful tool for solving problems in various fields such as pattern recognition, machine learning, and computer vision. As one of the building blocks of the sparse representation method, dictionary learning plays an important role in the minimization of the reconstruction error between the original signal and its sparse representation in the space of the learned dictionary. Although using training samples directly as dictionary bases can achieve good performance, the main drawback of this method is that it may result in a very large and inefficient dictionary due to noisy training instances. To obtain a smaller and more representative dictionary, in this paper, we propose an approach called Laplacian sparse dictionary (LSD) learning. Our method is based on manifold learning and double sparsity. We incorporate the Laplacian weighted graph in the sparse representation model and impose the l1-norm sparsity on the dictionary. An LSD is a sparse overcomplete dictionary that can preserve the intrinsic structure of the data and learn a smaller dictionary for each class. The learned LSD can be easily integrated into a classification framework based on sparse representation. We compare the proposed method with other methods using three benchmark-controlled face image databases, Extended Yale B, ORL, and AR, and one uncontrolled person image dataset, i-LIDS-MA. Results show the advantages of the proposed LSD algorithm over state-of-the-art sparse representation based classification methods.  相似文献   

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