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基于数字高程模型的河道分级与节点编码   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 数字河网自动提取是流域水系网络结构研究、分布式流域水文模拟中的重要内容。它不仅可以帮助我们迅速计算流域水系结构特征指数,而且作为分布式流域水文模型的输入信息,为分布式河道汇流演算提供了依据。详细研究了一种由brecht和Martz提出的比较系统的数字河道网络提取和结构特征描述方法。采用该方法来从汉江流域上游的旬河流域的数字高程模型中进行数字河网提取、河道分级和河段节点编码。结果表明,所提取的数字河网和实际情况相符,而且河段节点编码非常科学,在此基础上所建立的河道网络拓扑关系结构非常有助于分布式汇流计算。  相似文献   

快速有效地获取河网水系特征信息对于流域水文分析具有重要的意义。为此,选取辽宁省六股河流域作为研究对象,以30 m空间分辨率的数字高程模型(DEM)作为基础数据,采用美国ESRI公司开发的地理信息系统软件ArcGIS,对该流域的水流方向、累积汇流栅格、河网水系等基础信息进行了提取研究。将河网提取结果与国家基础信息中心提供的1∶4 000 000河流水系基础资料进行对比,提取结果的干流河网段与实际水系形态特征较为吻合,提取的流域面积与实际流域面积相差1.99%,表明空间信息技术应用于六股河流域水文基础信息提取是可行的,可为流域水文模拟、数字流域建设等研究提供基础数据支持。  相似文献   

该系统是正在开展的太湖流域水资源综合规划的专题项目之一,其研制的主要目的是模拟流域平原河网地区水流运动情况,对河湖水量、水质进行联合计算,研究水资源配置方案等。系统主要包括河网水量、废污水负荷、河网水质、太湖湖流和太湖湖区水质等5大模型以及与流域产汇流模型进行的系统整合计算等。系统基础资料库和模型库建立前台一体化操作平台,采用空间地理信息和数据信息相结合、方案生成和方案结果数据库管理等多种最新信息处理技术,提供强大的集成管理和分析功能,并充分考虑了系统先进性、实用性、可靠性、开放性、灵活性和扩展性的要求。  相似文献   

对于复杂河网水系来说,水系连通方案的选择决定了河道是否有效连通以及各种功能能否得以保障。为了优选最佳水系连通方案,本文以清潩河许昌段为研究对象,借助图论法构建了城市水系河网图模型;考虑多闸联合调度以及各节点水量平衡关系,并利用图模型的邻接矩阵和加权邻接矩阵来描述河网水系对水量的分配作用,进而计算整个河网水系各河段和节点的流量值;以水生态景观面积最大为优选目标,结合河网水量分配关系和水力约束建立了多闸联合调度下的水系连通方案优选模型,优选得到在不同工况下的清潩河许昌段最佳水系连通方案。结果显示,在多数连通方案下河网流量可能会超出流量限值,而优选方案下的河网流量不仅可以满足流量约束、保障河网功能需求,还可有效提高水生态景观面积。  相似文献   

数字高程模型(DEM)是提取流域河网水系的重要基础数据,DEM分辨率直接影响河网水系的空间拓扑关系和数字流域水文特征。选取美国俄亥俄州印第安纳河流域为研究对象,基于不同分辨率的DEM提取河网,引入野外勘测河源信息,建立可靠度、灵敏度评价指标,探讨不同DEM分辨率所提取数字河网的适用性。结果表明:(1)与野外勘测河源相比,基于高分辨率DEM提取的河网与实际河网更为接近,但会生成伪支流;(2)研究流域地形破碎化程度高,局部地形坡度大,河网发育主要受上游集水面积控制;(3)DEM分辨率为5 m时,研究流域河网提取结果的可靠度和灵敏度较为理想,过高或过低的分辨率均不适用于该流域的河网提取。  相似文献   

强人类活动平原地区河网提取中的流路强化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国北方强人类活动平原地区的水资源问题越来越严峻,基于分布式水文模型的水循环模拟是流域水资源研究的基础,其中基于DEM的河网水系提取是基础环节。平原地区由于沟谷发育不明显,且人工河道和沟渠众多,流域汇流结构支离破碎,常用的河网提取模型往往很难得到正确的结果。本文借助已有的主要干流数字化河网水系,提出了流路强化处理方法,用于对平原地区的DEM进行预处理,经过处理后的DEM输入河网提取模型,可以得到流路正确、且河网密度更精细的河网水系拓扑结构,为分布式水文模型的高精度水文单元划分奠定基础。该方法在强人类活动干扰的典型流域——海河流域进行了应用,对比了流路强化处理前后的河网提取结果,表明该方法是一种方便、快捷、高效的处理方法。  相似文献   

构建SWAT模型基础空间数据库是流域水文循环模拟的基础与关键,SWAT模型的空间数据库主要包括DEM、土壤类型图及土地利用图。以达溪河流域为研究对象,在ArcGIS 10.1环境下运用Hydrology工具集提取了流域的水流流向、汇流栅格、河网水系、流域边界等信息,建立了达溪河流域DEM,与实际流域总面积相比,相对误差满足要求;利用GIS技术对原始资料进行预处理,快捷地建立了符合模型要求的流域土壤类型图及土地利用图。同时指出,选择合理阈值提取符合实际的河网水系、准确提取洼地、平坦区域水流流向的处理、如何利用RS和GIS技术建立研究区的基础空间数据库并高效获取模型运行参数,以及人类活动影响下的径流模拟,将是今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

随着水利信息化建设的不断深入,迫切需要解决对散布在全国各级水利管理部门、涉水机构、科研院所的水利信息资源实行统一管理和高效共享的问题。信息资源目录服务体系被普遍认为是实现分布式信息资源统一管理和高效共享的基础。就水利信息资源目录体系构建的关键问题进行了探讨,并围绕核心元数据定义、信息分类、主题词获取和目录服务系统建设等提出可行方案。该研究是推进水利信息化进程的有益探索。  相似文献   

随着水利信息化建设的不断深入,迫切需要解决对散布在全国各级水利管理部门、涉水机构、科研院所的水利信息资源实行统一管理和高效共享的问题.信息资源目录服务体系被普遍认为是实现分布式信息资源统一管理和高效共享的基础.就水利信息资源目录体系构建的关键问题进行了探讨,并围绕核心元数据定义、信息分类、主题词获取和目录服务系统建设等提出可行方案.该研究是推进水利信息化进程的有益探索.  相似文献   

总结了城镇水系生态景观规划的内涵及理论依据,归纳出一般方法,依据城镇水系现状功能、景观空间结构、城镇内部区位因素,进行河网水系诊断分析,规划有针对性的满足现代城镇生态景观需求的管治方案,并将该方案应用于平原河网区吴江同里镇。结果表明:基于空间分析的城镇水系生态景观规划方法框架适用于中小尺度区域河网水系治理,有利于城镇生态文明建设,提升城镇环境品质。  相似文献   

GEF海河流域水资源与水环境综合管理知识管理系统是GEF海河项目的核心内容之一,是海河流域水资源和水环境管理信息的存储、管理和共享交换中心;利用先进的3S(GIS/RS/GPS)和IT技术,建设流域水资源与水环境知识共享平台,实现海河流域水利与环保部门之间的信息交流与共享;以遥感监测ET为管理措施、水功能区为管理单元、水权为管理核心、模型为支撑工具、取水许可与排污许可为控制手段,构建海河流域水资源与水环境综合业务管理系统;该系统的建设为加强海河流域水资源与水环境综合管理,促进各级水行政管理部门间的协调合作,改善海河流域水资源与水环境状况提供了重要的技术手段和成功经验。  相似文献   


Water is an important factor in conflicts among stakeholders at the local, regional, and even international level. Water conflicts have taken many forms, but they almost always arise from the fact that the freshwater resources of the world are not partitioned to match the political borders, nor are they evenly distributed in space and time. Two or more countries share the watersheds of 261 major rivers and nearly half of the land area of the world is in international river basins. Water has been used as a military and political goal. Water has been a weapon of war, and water systems have been targets during the war. A systemic approach has been taken in this research to approach resolution of conflicts over water. By helping stakeholders to explore and resolve the underlying structural causes of conflict our approach offers a significant opportunity for its resolution. We define the five main functional activities for assisting the conflict resolution process as: (i) communication; (ii) problem formulation; (iii) data gathering and information generation; (iv) information sharing; and (v) evaluation of consequences. A computerized technical support is developed in the form of the Conflict Resolution Support System (CRSS) for implementation of a systemic approach to water conflicts. Its principal components include an artificial intelligence-based communication system, a database management system, and a model base management system. At this stage of the development, the model base management system consists of tools for multipurpose reservoir operation, river flow routing, multi-criteria decision-making, spatial data analysis, and other general utilities. A hypothetical river basin with potential conflict between stakeholders with respect to water sharing and flood control is used to demonstrate the utility of the new approach and the computer system developed for its implementation.  相似文献   

黄琨  陆平  邓岩  詹昊 《水利水电技术》2017,48(10):52-55
为了形成系统、规模性风险图的成果体系,有效地管理和利用洪水风险图编制的成果,开展了洪水风险图成果集成分类、制图表达、成果更新等关键技术研究。通过收集大量试验数据,对试验数据进行分类研究,确定集成内容与集成方法。采用GIS和洪水演进模型等先进技术手段,针对不同管理层面、不同用户提出了图件成果集成的方法。对洪水风险的组成因素进行研究,确定了要素的更新周期及更新方法。通过研究形成了系统的、规范性的洪水风险图的成果体系,从而实现全国、各流域、各省洪水风险图成果资源的有效共享,充分发挥洪水风险图的使用价值。  相似文献   

Global research programs related to river basin water resources have at least two things in common: (1) they assess and model hydrological process dynamics on a macro scale and (2) research partners jointly working on such research issues are internationally distributed in different institutions. These prerequisites require a sophisticated and scale bridging data assessment and information management comprising geo-referenced distributed data components, measured or simulated time series, and socio-economic information. Networking such international research structures by means of the internet pose new challenges to Geoinformatics in respect to the design of a Web based distributed database system, metadata and GIS-information management, geo-referenced data query and visualization. Such data management must include powerful and efficient data exchanging software tools and information sharing policies to ensure that decision making can jointly be done on the base of the best information available. Geoinformation includes raster and vector GIS coverages, measured process time series data and associated metadata. Furthermore there are needs to integrate multidisciplinary information and research knowledge related to IWRM comprising information obtained by remote sensing, GIS analysis, modeling, and socio-economic assessments for vulnerability and mitigation. Addressing these challenges and to cope with such data organization and management tasks the Adaptive Integrated Data Information System (AIDIS) has been developed by the DGHM at the FSU-Jena. It is based on open source software (OSS) and a multi tier class hierarchy structure. AIDIS has implemented the full ISO 19115 metadata model, and enhances its structure if required e.g. for time series or documents. A first prototype was developed for the Challenge Program ‘Water and Food’ (CPWF) of the CGIAR and has been improved and refined for the Tisza River basin within the ‘Tisza River’ EU-project comprising at present about one hundred GIS maps and more than 5000 measured and simulated time series.  相似文献   

松辽水利委员会(以下简称松辽委)信息化工作在"十一五"期间,取得了一定成绩。特别是随着松辽委国家防汛抗旱指挥系统一期工程、松辽委电子政务(一期)工程项目、嫩江右侧水情自动测报系统、亚行贷款项目松花江洪水管理系统等方面建设的完成,在水利信息采集、收集、传输、存储、决策等方面,实现信息资源管理自动化和共享,提高了工作质量和效率,为各级领导提供决策支持,为松辽委行使流域水资源统一管理职能提供现代化的技术支撑,促进了流域管理现代化,使流域水行政管理水平产生质的飞跃。详细阐述了松辽委信息化的建设进展和已经实现的信息资源整合,并对松辽委下一步的信息化工作进行展望。  相似文献   

洪水风险图可以综合直观反映某一区域洪灾发生时的淹没特征信息、区域的地理特征信息和社会经济,其已成为洪水风险管理的重要科学依据。为加强南澧河区域的安全建设规划,利用MIKE软件建立了南澧河河道及两岸保护区的一维和二维耦合水动力学模型,采用海河流域“96·8”历史洪水资料进行了模型的验证。利用该模型模拟了南澧河发生100 a一遇的洪水演进过程。通过对比验证,此模型可以作为南澧河洪水风险分析的依据,为南澧河周边的安全建设提供重要依据。  相似文献   

The water quality management tool RIONET for river basins has been developed with regard to the EU Water Framework Directive. The management tool can simulate the water quality in catchment basins not only in the dimension of a single river but in whole river networks. A submodel of the IWA River Water Quality Model No. 1 is used in RIONET. The river model is based on the assumption that self purification processes in the river takes place both in the benthic biofilm and the bulk water phase. Laboratory experiments with sediment cores underline the major role of the benthic biofilm. The input parameters of the management tool such as volumetric flow rates from waste water treatment plants and flow velocities and discharge in the main river and its tributaries can be loaded directly from geographic information systems (GIS). The subcatchment basin of the river Bode in Saxon Anhalt was used for test runs of RIONET.  相似文献   

One of the key elements in achieving sustainable water resources and environmental management is forecasting the future condition of the surface water resources. In this study, the performance of a river flow forecasting model is improved when different input combinations and signal processing techniques are applied on multi‐layer backpropagation neural networks. Haar, Coiflet and Daubechies wavelet analysis are coupled with backpropagation neural networks model to develop hybrid wavelet neural networks models. Different models with different input selections and structures are developed for daily, weekly and monthly river flow forecasting in Ellen Brook River, Western Australia. Comparison of the performance of the hybrid approach with that of the original neural networks indicates that the hybrid models produce significantly better results. The improvement is more substantial for peak values and longer‐term forecasting, in which the Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency for monthly river flow forecasting is improved from 0.63 to 0.89 in this study. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对城市河网连通性欠佳、水环境质量下降及河网调控难度大等问题,提出基于活水循环耦合高效净化的城市河网水环境改善新模式,并提出河网整治过程中待解决的关键问题,即城市河网全局补水调控技术、定量化整装净化技术、精细化水环境模拟与信息互馈机制、信息集中与全局处理。在此基础上,阐述了新发展形式下城市河网连通活水循环净化系统的内涵与总体需求,提出了涵盖河网整治、河网水体净化、河网水流-水质模拟评价、水质在线监测等4个方面的系统架构,明确了城市河网水体动态连通调控-定量整装成套净化耦合技术、河网水体动态监测-精细化模拟耦合技术、城市河网水环境全局信息管理与全面互联等关键技术问题,给出了城市河网未来的规划治理方向。  相似文献   

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