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A condition for adopting low-capacity nuclear power plants in regional power generation is that they be competitive with thermal power plants. However, it is much more difficult to make low-capacity plants competitive than the power-generating units of high-capacity nuclear power plants, because as the capacity of a power source decreases the specific capital investments and power generation costs increase much more rapidly. It is shown that the innovative nuclear power technology of lead-bismuth cooled fast reactors, such as SVBR, based on the experience gained in operating nuclear submarines with chemically inert lead-bismuth coolant, which does not require high pressure in the first loop, satisfies all requirements for low-capacity nuclear power plants for regional power generation.  相似文献   

面对中国电力市场实行厂 网分开和竞价上网的挑战 ,以基荷运行方式为主的现有核电站有必要寻求新运行方式。根据目前中国的天然气发电和核电站的实际情况 ,研究核 气联合循环发电的经济性。结果显示核 气联合循环发电技术在中国电力市场具有潜在的发展前景。  相似文献   

Conceptual questions concerning the development of a system of low-capacity nuclear power plants are discussed. The basic properties which the nuclear power facilities of such plants must have are formulated. Questions concerning personnel training, the control characteristics of a system of low-capacity plants, decommissioning, and the requirements for physical protection are examined. The need to develop special normative documentation for low-capacity nuclear power plants is substantiated. Questions concerning the ecological effects of low-capacity power generation are touched upon.  相似文献   

The structure of the nuclear fuel cycle, consisting of the technological stages of uranium production, refining, enrichment, fabrication of nuclear fuel, and reprocessing of the spent fuel for reuse of the fissioning materials, is examined. Supplying fuel includes supplying fuel for Russian nuclear power plants, propulsion and research reactors, export of fuel for nuclear power plants and research reactors constructed according to Russian designs, export of low-enriched uranium and fuel for nuclear power plants constructed according to foreign designs. The explored deposits of natural uranium, the estimated stores of uranium in reserve deposits, and warehoused stores will provide nuclear power with uranium up to 2030 and in more distant future with the planned rates of development. The transition of nuclear power plants to a new fuel run will save up to 20% of the natural uranium. The volume of reprocessing of spent fuel and reuse of 235U makes it possible to satisfy up to 30% of the demand for resources required for Russian nuclear power plants. The most efficient measure of the resource safety of Russian nuclear power is implementation of an interconnected strategy at each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle.  相似文献   

In 1989 Framatome and Siemens, the two most experienced European nuclear power plant suppliers, decided to join the efforts for the development of a new reactor type for the next generation in their equally owned subsidiary Nuclear Power International (NPI). In 1992 Electricité de France and the major German utilities operating nuclear power plants merged their own development programs with that of Nuclear Power International and initiated the European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) project. In order to reach the two major targets of the project, the licensability in both countries, France and Germany, and the competitiveness of nuclear energy with other alternative energy sources, the design basis which had differently developed in the two countries needed to be harmonized. In parallel, the licensing authorities of both countries extended their existing cooperation in the field of a safety survey of existing nuclear power plants to the definition of safety criteria for the next generation of nuclear power plants. Through this cooperation the licensability of EPR in France and Germany will be assured. Continuously performed cost analysis show in addition that also the second target of the project, the competitiveness with alternative primary energy sources, can be achieved. Thanks to the fruitful cooperation between all parties involved, satisfactory results have been achieved not by a simple superposition of existing design features but through a careful evaluation and combination of the best available alternatives. At the end of 1997 the basic design results were compiled in a final report. Subsequently an optimization phase was launched that further improves the competitiveness of the power generation costs.  相似文献   

One problem of energy policy is stimulation of comprehensive development of a regional power supply, including power generation by low-capacity nuclear power plants in the regions where such sources could be competitive. Variants of the power supply for the Chaun-Bilibono isolated power system are examined as an example of the validation of the choice of promising power supplies for isolated northern regions where low-capacity nuclear power plants can be used. It is shown that the disproportions in regional power supplies in the country can be reduced by building low-capacity nuclear power plants. Their role and place in providing power in different regions must be examined from the systems standpoint taking account of their combined operation as part of electric power systems as well as economic, ecological, and social criteria.  相似文献   

Optimum selection of an energy resource is a vital issue in developed countries. Considering energy resources as alternatives (nuclear, hydroelectric, gas/oil, and solar) and factors upon which the proper decision will be taken as attributes (economics, availability, environmental impact, and proliferation), one can use the multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) to optimize the selection process.Recently, fuzzy logic is extensively applied to the MAUT as it expresses the linguistic appraisal for all attributes in wide and reliable manners.The rise in oil prices and the increased concern about environmental protection from CO2 emissions have promoted the attention to the use of nuclear power as a viable energy source for power generation.For Egypt, as a case study, the nuclear option is found to be an appropriate choice. Following the introduction of innovative designs of nuclear power plants, improvements in the proliferation resistance, environmental impacts, and economics will enhance the selection of the nuclear option.  相似文献   

A design for an innovative, passively safe 10 MWe power plant based on the proven pressurized water reactor technology has been developed. The plant incorporates an innovative design approach to achieve “walk-away” safety and includes significant simplification and elimination of systems and components when compared to the current generation commercial nuclear power plants. The plant has been designed such that the majority of the equipment will be pre-assembled as modules at off-site facilities and shipped to the site on trucks for installation. This approach will provide shorter construction schedules and improved quality control.  相似文献   

Several changes to the focus of Computational Intelligence in Nuclear Engineering have occurred in the past few years. With earlier activities focusing on the development of condition monitoring and diagnostic techniques for current nuclear power plants, recent activities have focused on the implementation of those methods and the development of methods for next generation plants and space reactors. These advanced techniques are expected to become increasingly important as current generation nuclear power plants have their licenses extended to 60 years and next generation reactors are being designed to operate for extended fuel cycles (up to 25 years), with less operator oversight, and especially for nuclear plants operating in severe environments such as space or ice-bound locations.  相似文献   

Nuclear power has an overwhelming potential to meet the demands of an energy hungry world while protecting the environment. However, the renaissance of nuclear energy will only become true when the public can be convinced that nuclear power plants are safe and that a strong safety culture exists around the globe. While the overall safety performance of the world's power plants had been steadily improved after the shock of Chernobyl, unfortunately, the overall plant availability has levelled off in the last few years. The main reason for this is found in a complacency toward nuclear safety issues which can be linked to the arrival of new CEOs in the nuclear industry who – all too often – have no nuclear background and who manage nuclear power plants in the same way they would manage any other industrial plants – being not at all aware of the necessity of a very special and very sensitive safety culture of nuclear installations.  相似文献   

把握核电可持续发展的几个重要问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出了我国核电可持续发展的几个重要问题,即核电发展要实现系列化规模化;积极消化吸收第三代核电技术;大力推进内陆核电站的建设;开发快中子增殖堆核电站,构建核燃料循环体系等。  相似文献   

为了适应三代核电机组进一步提质增效的发展需求,在确保安全性的基础上,采用更加先进的技术、同时兼顾设计及制造技术的成熟性,研究设计了一款经济性更好、技术性能更先进的高效紧凑新型蒸汽发生器(ZH-J60型SG)。ZH-J60型SG设置了轴流式预热器和泥渣收集器,并改进设计了小型双级叶片汽水分离器。计算和分析表明,ZH-J60型SG提高了SG自然循环倍率,提升了整机功率重量比、出口蒸汽品质和运行可靠性,完全满足并在部分关键参数上超过第三代压水堆核电厂SG的水平。   相似文献   

为了适应我国核电快速发展新形势下环境辐射安全监督管理要求,并更好地指导核电厂的流出物监测和辐射环境监测工作的开展,需要对现有监测标准体系进行梳理和分析,推动标准体系的完善。本文分析了目前我国核电厂流出物监测和辐射环境监测标准的技术要求,提出了我国现行标准体系需要补充和修订的标准清单及修订和完善的建议,为加强和完善我国核电厂流出物监测和辐射环境监测的监督管理提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

很多非核能工业已经广泛利用大数据和机器学习技术提升他们的生产力,而核电厂收集了大量历史、实时运转和维修数据,本论文提出核电厂"数字双胞胎"集成大数据和机器学习技术的构想,这就是数据驱动建模加上物理驱动建模的观念,这将更有效的利用核电厂历史和实时运转和维修数据,并依此开发预测维护系统和操作辅助工具,建立智能核电厂,目的是帮助核电厂的工程师和操作员更安全、更有效能地运转和维修核电厂。  相似文献   

The need and unavoidability of further growth of nuclear power in the world and promising directions for growth of nuclear power in Russia are discussed. A characteristic feature for the next few decades will be further improvement of VVÉR reactors. Fast reactors will be required. The importance of building low-capacity nuclear power plants is pointed out and the basic technical-economic requirements which such plants must satisfy are formulated.  相似文献   

目前我国在运核电厂和其他所有堆型(CPR1000、EPR和AP1000)的在建核电厂均缺少一套统一的放射性固体废物管理系统,缺乏对放射性固体废物从产生到最终处置的全周期跟踪管理。根据核电厂的放射性废物管理需求,研制了一套适合于各核电机型的核电厂放射性固体废物管理系统,对废物源项、处理、暂存、运输、处置全过程进行跟踪,使放射性废物管理安全、可控;研发了废物管理跟踪单和数据库,分析了废物管理工艺流程的逻辑关系,根据废树脂、浓缩液、废滤芯、检修废物等处理工艺分别设计了核素计算模型,可推算指定时刻的放射性水平,实现放射性废物数据的深度分析、应用以及对放射性废物安全管理的全过程追踪。研究成果已经在国内部分核电厂使用,有助于提高核电厂的放射性废物管理水平,具有较大的安全和社会意义。同时,该系统记录的数据有助于核电厂实现辐射防护优化设计和放射性废物最小化管理。  相似文献   

The article is a review of various aspects of nuclear power economics based on materials made available at the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy at Geneva, 1958.Currently, discussions are under way in various countries on the economic aspects of the use of atomic energy for the production of electric power, and the scheduling of the erection of atomic-fueled electric power plants. This article provides a rundown of the various major questions related to the structure of the initial capital outlay, an analysis of plant-operation factors, and their effects on the economics of atomic electric power plants.Problems of the economics of atomic electric power plants using fast reactors are dealt with in brief. Data are cited indicating that the prequisities exist for the economically justified use of the heat power of thermal reactors in power utility installations.In conclusion, it should be noted that a more extended experience in the operation of existing large-scale nuclear electric power generating power plants and the commissioning of new large-scale stations will make it possible to provide a definitive answer to questions arising in the economics of nuclear power engineering.  相似文献   

Nuclear power will be needed for future energy demands, which are expected to grow at different rates around the world. The opportunities for building new nuclear power plants around the world will be depend on need, energy demand growth, and issues related to global warming and climate change. However, four major barriers exist for the expansion of nuclear power: economics, proliferation, safety, and wate. These issues must be addressed in the ongoing research and development of nuclear energy technology and applications. The evolution of nuclear power plant technology is presented as four distinct design generations: (1) prototypes, (2) current operating plants, (3) advanced light water reactor technology, and (4) revolutionary design concepts (i.e., Generation IV) that are now under development. The U.S. DOE Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (NERI) program is focused on the research and development of Generation IV designs that are safe, economic, proliferation-resistant, and will address current waste issues. NERI provides grants for independently peer-reviewed proposals from universities, national laboratories and industry for advanced nuclear research and development. Several NERI projects awarded in 1999 are described in terms of how they remove barriers to nuclear power plant expansion. Another DOE effort, the Accelerator Transmutation of Waste program, will seek to reduce and ameliorate civilian reactor waste. The Accelerator Transmutation of Waste program will involve a six-year science-based research plan to define key technical issues. Finally, the need for international collaboration is stressed for fourth-generation nuclear power technology development.  相似文献   

After five decades of nuclear power generation in Germany, the government decided to phase out nuclear power plants until 2022 as a consequence of the Fukushima disaster in 2011. Electricity generation is accompanied by human and technical errors, which questions if the nuclear phase-out has an influence on reactor safety. Past errors, available as so-called reportable events of nuclear power plants, can be approximated with experience measured in cumulated electricity generation by applying the Duffey–Saull method with a high coefficient of determination (R² = 0.84). Errors are declining with growing experience, which means the reportable events per TWh are declining over time. Today, approximately 0.9 reportable events per generated TWh occur and, given unchanging operational conditions, it is expected to remain at this magnitude in the near future. Moreover, knowledge induced by public Research and Development expenditures may supplement experience in reducing reportable events. Thus, the cumulative fission knowledge stock of Germany was added to the Duffey–Saull method for the first time. By adjusting the knowledge depreciation rate within this extended method, the prediction of reportable events is more accurate. Best results were obtained with 10.8% depreciation rate, which is also in line with the literature.  相似文献   

从现有水冷反应堆核电厂存在堆芯熔化危险这一安全问题的焦点出发,分析了改进型反应堆AP-600、SIR、非能动安全反应堆PIUS和具有固有安全的模块高温气冷堆MHTGR等的安全特性.按照下一代水冷反应堆的设计要求和用户要求,提出了解决水堆核电厂安全问题的新概念——自安全铀氢锆反应堆,该堆型可能成为世界水堆核电发展的一个方问。中国核动力研究设计院正在探讨这种堆型。  相似文献   

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