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炉具的设计首先要考虑的问题是燃气具的热效率,而影响燃气具热效率的很大一个方面是炉具进风口的大小,通过分析灶的热交换过程,确定了燃烧热效率与炉具锅支架高度及一次空气系数的关系;确定热效率的函数关系表达式;确定了约束条件的数学表达式,并阐明在炉具的设计中使用可调式炉具进风口是非常必要的。  相似文献   

由于柴和煤的直接燃烧,致使农户厨房烟尘严重污染,极大地损害着人们的身体健康.因此,在新农村建设中迫切需要改变这种状况,一是厨房要有通风装置,二是要有高效低排放生物质炉具来替代传统柴煤炉灶.现在各级政府纷纷加大了生物质炉具的推广力度,而且广大农民群众也迫切要求使用好的生物质炉具,为使用生物质炉具产业健康发展,我谈点看法:  相似文献   

生物质炊事炉具作为传统的炊事工具,在我国有着悠久的历史和广泛的使用基础。自上世纪80年代以来,我国生物质炉具行业经历了几次技术进步和发展,同时也推动了测试方法标准的发展。生物质炊事炉具的性能和评价方法对保护环境和用户健康具有十分重要的影响,但目前还没有关于生物质清洁炊事炉具测试方法的国家标准和国际标准。文章针对国内外已有的生物质炊事炉具测试方法进行了比较分析与研究,提出了对正在制定的生物质炊事炉具测试方法国家标准的建议。  相似文献   

韦炳仁 《节能》2011,30(1):15-16
通过醇基生物燃料及其专用炉具的实际应用效果检验实例,介绍醇基生物燃料及其专用炉具的实际应用效果及其所产生的经济效益和社会效益,以促进新能源和节能炉具的开发利用。  相似文献   

2007年3月26~27日,中国农村能源行业协会在北京举办了"首届全国民用生物质炉具交流会暨产品推介会".会议旨在促进交流与合作,规范生物质炉具行业市场,扶优扶强,充分展示国内优秀的民用生物质炉具产品,全面了解我国生物质炉具技术及产品发展现状.来自农业部、壳牌基金会、壳牌中国有限公司、美国加州大学伯克利分校、中国农村能源行业协会、部分省市农村能源办公室、生物质炉具生产企业、经销商和用户代表200余人参加了此次盛会.国内10余家企业的优秀民用生物质炉具在现场作了演示,新华社、人民日报、中央电视台、中国环境报等10余家新闻媒体的记者对本次会议进行了采访.  相似文献   

为规范、促进户用生物质炉具在北京地区的应用,北京市有关部门在2006年开展了户用生物质炉具检测调研,并根据调研结果,制定了北京市户用生物质炉具技术条件,在节能、环保、安全、适用性等方面提出了定量的应用技术条件.  相似文献   

1999年我国原煤消耗约为13亿t,如此巨大的耗煤量造成烟尘、酸雨、温室效应和臭氧层破坏是有目共睹的。根据环保部门监测显示,大气排放的污染物中SO2的90%,烟尘的80%,NOx的70%,CO2的70%都来自燃煤锅炉。  作为以燃煤为主的家用采暖炉具企业,对其生产的炉具排放的污染物给大气环境造成的危害性已有了清醒的认识。研制开发减少大气排放污染物的新型炉具(也就是平常说的低排放炉具)已提到议事日程。很多企业不惜重金,投入大量的科研力量,研制开发低排放炉具,担负起社会责任,现已取得了可喜的成果。下面介绍两种我国最近研制…  相似文献   

沼气炉具使用方法的正确与否,直接影响沼气炉具的使用效果与寿命,影响沼气用户对沼气的认识与评价,从而影响沼气技术在我国农村的推广应用。从现实发生的问题出发,分析当前沼气炉具使用中常见的误区,结合实践经验提出正确的使用方法,解决了沼气炉具使用中出现的沼气浪费严重、热效率低及使用寿命短等问题。  相似文献   

生物质能源的清洁利用作为解决能源短缺的有效途径,受到了国际上越来越多的关注。目前世界各国对于生物质炉具热效率测试方法和程序不尽相同,为了研究比较不同的测试方法对生物质炉具热效率测试结果的影响,利用电炉模拟生物质炉具,采用不同的测试程序和方法测试其热性能,并对测试结果进行分析比较。分析测试结果表明,蒸发锅中的不同水量、闭盖/无盖对热效率的测试结果有一定影响,同时根据分析研究结果,针对我国目前生物质炊事炉具热效率的测试方法提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

一种自热式液体醇类燃料炉具的安全性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
醇类燃料价格便宜,来源广泛,尤其适用于国内广大乡村地区,醇类燃料的炉具是一种新型的民用产品,具有相当的实用价值。本文针对一使用醇类燃料的民用炉具的安全性进行了分析计算,提出了一些设计方面的改进和使用中的安全规范  相似文献   

当热风炉运行的热风温度和设计值不一致时,会造成热风炉热力参数的变化。本文以4.2 MW热风炉为例,研究了热风炉结构、冷风温度、煤种不变,仅热风温度变化时,热风炉热力参数的变化规律。计算表明,对于设计热风温度为80℃的热风炉,只要适当调整再循环系数,减小风量,热风炉可以提高热风温度至150℃,但热风炉运行的经济性会降低。  相似文献   

家用秸秆气化炉的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了家用秸秆气化炉的类型,分析了上吸式和下吸式两种机型的各自特点。着重介绍上吸式秸秆气化炉的工作原理,分析了由于正压而引发的密封问题和对原料水分的要求,并提出了解决措施。采用氧化铁法对秸秆气进行脱硫,不仅提高能源的利用率,而且减少了污染。  相似文献   

A detailed thermal analysis of the “Rohini”, a new damperless, three-pot, L-shaped improved cooking stove, developed by the authors, is reported. The stove was designed for an optimum power output at a wood-burning rate of 1.0 kg/h, which is the average rating of the stove used in rural areas. The performance of this stove has been evaluated at different power outputs. The study shows that the thermal efficiency of the stove is not unduly affected by operation at burning rates lower than the design value but shows a fall at the higher burning rate of 1.5 kg/h. The rate of heat gained by the individual pots and the various heat losses, such as convection, radiation and flue gas losses, at different burning rates, are also discussed. This study shows that widespread use of this stove in India could save nearly 150 MT wood/yr.  相似文献   

In this study, an attempt has been made to use waste vegetable oil as a fuel for a cooking stove. Suitable modifications have been made in the kerosene stove for use with vegetable oil as fuel. The efficiency of the stove using vegetable oil as fuel is observed to be as high as 48.9% as compared to 34.9% with that of a conventional stove when a flat copper bottom vessel is used. Corresponding efficiency increase is also observed with other vessels.  相似文献   

The sawdust stove, classically known for several decades, is considered here in a scientific study. The poor ignition characteristics and smoky start up are related to improper geometric dimensions. Based on a parametric study, the startup procedure and the dimensions of the stove were modified to achieve a smooth start up. Also, the range of acceptable fuels was enlarged to include tiny unprocessed dry twigs, weeds and wood sticks o the extent of about 50%, with the rest being sawdust-like material. The efficiency of the stove was measured to be 30–40%, depending on the relative size and shape of the vessel and the power level of the stove. A simple procedure for designing this class of stove for various power levels, as well as burning times, is presented. A new concept of multiport design is also discussed.  相似文献   

热风炉设计计算方法分析与程序化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了热风炉的设计计算方法,在此基础上,实现了热风炉设计计算程序化.通过与实际手工算例比较,该软件具有计算准确及快捷的特点,有助提高企业设计效率和市场响应能力.  相似文献   

Matured biogas production technology has led to the development of a number of biogas appliances for lighting, power generation, and cooking. The most promising among them is the biogas stove, to meet the energy requirement for cooking application at domestic as well as at the community level. In this paper, an attempt has been made to design and develop a community biogas stove for baking chapatti (bread) or other food items on a hotplate for canteen or community purposes. The performance of the stove was evaluated by using a 25 m3 floating type biogas plant at Asha Dham Asharm, Udaipur, India. The gas consumption rating of the developed stove was 1 m3 (19 MJ/h) and the cooking efficiency of the stove was recorded to be about 43.96%.  相似文献   

The adoption and sustained use of improved cookstoves are critical performance parameters of the cooking system that must be monitored just like the rest of the stove technical requirements to ensure the sustainability of their benefits. No stove program can achieve its goals unless people initially accept the stoves and continue using them on a long-term basis. When a new stove is brought into a household, commonly a stacking of stoves and fuels takes place with each device being used for the cooking practices where it fits best. Therefore, to better understand the adoption process and assess the impacts of introducing a new stove it is necessary to examine the relative advantages of each device in terms of each of the main cooking practices and available fuels. An emerging generation of sensor-based tools is making possible continuous and objective monitoring of the stove adoption process (from acceptance to sustained use or disadoption), and has enabled its scalability. Such monitoring is also needed for transparent verification in carbon projects and for improved dissemination by strategically targeting the users with the highest adoption potential and the substitution of cooking practices with the highest indoor air pollution or greenhouse gas contributions.  相似文献   

GTR型中频感应加热炉主要用作钢材锻造穿透加热用,同时也可以根据要求设计成热处理淬火等其它快速感应加热用炉。  相似文献   

提出了向小型化,高效化改造热风炉的方案。建立了新型旋流式热风炉填充球蓄热室温度分布的混合扩散数学模型,通过模型的数值解讨论了影响蓄热室热效率和温度效率的主要因素,并通过实验检测验证了新型旋流式热风炉蓄热室能更好的满足数学模型的假设条件。  相似文献   

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