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去年7月就得到Juniper公司任命于肇烈为大中华区副总裁的消息,深感Juniper设置这个新职位彰显了对大中华市场的承诺,现在大半年已过,于肇烈对大中华市场的看法又是怎样的?最近,本刊记者带着诸多疑问采访了于肇烈先生。  相似文献   

龚宪  闫俊平 《世界电信》2007,20(6):36-41
Juniper,这个只有11年历史的公司,如今已是和思科比肩的网络巨人,在如今的IP路由领域,恐怕已经没有人不知道Juniper,不仅仅因为其产品的优秀、也不仅仅因为其产品高额的价格,更重要的它是一个散发着无限潜力的企业,成长快、产品优、路线独特、规划清晰,这些都成为Juniper成长中的诸多亮点。而今走到一个高峰的Juniper,又将怎样创建另一个新的高峰,Juniper迅速成长的关键是什么,又将向哪个方向继续拓展,在中国市场又是如何规划的?他的成长带给我们哪些启示?去年刚刚上任的Juniper网络公司中国区总经理张小琳和我们讲述着Juniper不断成长的故事。  相似文献   

Juniper网络公司日前宣布,任命刘江涛先生为Juniper网络公司大中国区渠道总监,主要负责合作伙伴的推广和管理工作。他将常驻北京,直接向Juniper网络公司大中国区企业及渠道总经理竺宏先生汇报工作。[第一段]  相似文献   

美国康普国际控股有限公司(CommScope)是全球最大的用于HFC的宽带同轴电缆的生产商,同时也是全球领先的高性能光纤及双绞线缆的供应商。康普2004年通过收购AVAYA网联解决方案业务部门.使其产品和业务如虎添翼。以SYSTIMAX品牌名称为标记,它的产品包括一系列高性能的有线和无线网联解决方案,广泛用于企业网络的语音、数据、视频以及楼宇管理应用。  相似文献   

萧萧 《通信技术》2005,(6):50-50
E818是CECT继T586、T800之后的第三款滑盖手机,它结合了前两款机型的优点,以最完美的姿态展现给大家。  相似文献   

惠燕  潘煜 《电子设计工程》2011,19(11):112-114
骑士游历问题是一个经典的数学问题。其思想在电路图的设计及图像加密等方面都有帮助,如果能将骑士游历问题算法通过计算机语言程序化将对其在其他领域中的应用有极大帮助。通过研究骑士游历的规则对问题进行数学模型抽象,通过研究骑士游历的方向与可到达情况,将骑士的空间移动抽象成数学表达式,进而映射到程序中所需对应的数据结构形式,最后通过利用JAVA语言得以实现骑士游历问题中骑士游历过程的动态图形演示。  相似文献   

The channel routing problem is a special case of the wire routing problem when interconnections have to be performed within a rectangular strip having no obstructions, between terminals located on opposite sides of the rectangle.We present here a new channel routing algorithm, based on reduction of the problem to the case of a (2 × n) grid and on consistent utilization of a ‘divide-and-conquer’ approach. For the current implementation of the algorithm, the running time is proportional to N 1 n log(m) where N is the number of nets, n the length of the channel (number of columns) and m the width of the channel (number of tracks).Traditional technological restrictions are assumed, i.e., net terminals are located on vertical grid lines, two wiring layers are available for interconnections — one layer is used exclusively for vertical segments, another for horizontal and vias are introduced for each layer change.This algorithm consistently outperforms several known routers in quality of wiring. We tested the algorithm on several benchmark problems. One of them — Deutsch's ‘difficult example’ — was routed with only 19 horizontal wiring tracks (the absolute minimum for this case), whereas all other known routers required 20 or more tracks.  相似文献   

An asynchronous router for quality-of-service Networks on Chip (QNoC) is presented. It combines multiple service levels (SL) with multiple equal-priority virtual channels (VC) within each SL. VCs are assigned dynamically per packet in each router. The router employs fast arbitration schemes to minimize latency. Analytical expressions for a generic NoC router performance, area and power are derived, showing linear dependence on the number of buffers and flit width. The analytical results agree with QNoC router simulation results. The QNoC router architecture and specific asynchronous circuits are presented. When simulated on a 0.18 μm process, the router throughput ranges from 1.8 to 20 Gbps for flits 8-128 bits wide.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2010,47(1):28-28
Israeli roboticist Amir Shapiro takes his engineering cues from members of the animal kingdom, though his choices might seem unexpected: snakes and snails. Oh, and cats, too.  相似文献   

The greedy channel router of Rivest and Fiduccia is extended into an efficient switch-box router. The algorithm is based on two simple operations called join-split-nets and jog-to-right-target derived from the channel router. Terminals are on the boundary of a rectangular region, and the router uses two orthogonal layers of wires to generate the solution. The router always succeeds in finding a solution by inserting sufficient horizontal and vertical tracks in case of insufficient routing area. The result is generated through a single column-wise scan across the routing region. The expected running time is proportional to M(N + Nnet), where M, N and Nnet are respectively the number of columns, rows and nets in the region. The scan direction is crucial to the algorithm and we have proposed good heuristic which is based on the augmented channel density distribution in finding it. Results from a number of examples are evaluated. The implemented router is designed for assembling custom VLSI designs, it works in parallel with other tools such as a layout editor via a simple interface. The router output is in CIF.  相似文献   

A radical new router   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Spectrum, IEEE》2009,46(7):34-39
The Internet is broken. I should know: I designed it. In 1967, I wrote the first plan for the ancestor of today's Internet, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, or ARPANET, and then led the team that designed and built it. The main idea was to share the available network infrastructure by sending data as small, independent packets, which, though they might arrive at different times, would still generally make it to their destinations. The small computers that directed the data traffic-I called them Interface Message Processors, or IMPs-evolved into today?s routers, and for a long time they've kept up with the Net's phenomenal growth. Until now.  相似文献   

随着无卤素及高Tg板材的应用,以及各装配厂家对尺寸及外观要求越来越高,PCB冲切工艺应用减少,均要求采用铣加工成型,虽然PCB行业所用原材料均有相应的标准,通过对应的检测方法,以达到检查原材料是否满足要求的目的;但因各个厂家加工条件及板材的不同,必须有一套适合自己公司的检测体系;为此,特对弊司铣刀性能及寿命测试过程中的要点进行总结,以达到后序测试过程程序化、规范化得目的。  相似文献   

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