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A model describing neutron irradiation-induced grain boundary segregation at a given temperature is established for dilute alloys based on a complex diffusion mechanism and combined with Mc-Lean’s equilibrium segregation model. In the model, irradiation-enhanced solute diffusion is taken into consideration. The diffusion equations are more rigorously solved than in earlier models, so that an accurate definition of the grain boundary solute concentration is given as a function of time. The effect of the temperature dependence of dislocation density is accommodated and the estimation method for complex diffusion is reappraised. Theoretical predictions are made for segregation of phosphorus in neutron-irradiatedα-Fe. There exists a transition temperature below which combined irradiation-induced nonequilibrium and irradiation-enhanced equilibrium segregation is dominant and above which thermal equilibrium segregation is dominant. The peaks in the temperature dependence of segregation shift to lower temperatures with decreasing neutron dose rate and/or increasing neutron dose. The combined radiation-induced nonequilibrium and radiation-enhanced equilibrium peak segregation temperature is about 150 °C forP grain boundary segregation in neutron-irradiatedα-Fe at dose rate=10−6 dpa/s and dose=1 dpa. The thermal equilibrium segregation peak is around 550 °C for the same conditions. Comparison of some experimental and predicted results shows that the predictions are generally consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing carburization in multielement alloy systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previously, a finite difference model was set up describing the diffusion of carbon in high-temperature model alloys and its chemical reaction with one of the alloy components. The model described the formation of up to three different chromium carbides, two of which could coexist. This paper describes the further development of the model for application to commercial alloys. The model was extended to enable treatment of an arbitrary number of (a) metallic carbide-forming components in the alloys, (b) carbides which may form, (c) components out of which each carbide may be composed, and (d) carbides which may coexist. With this model, carbon concentration profiles and distribution profiles of precipitated carbides occurring during carburization of binary, ternary, and quaternary Ni-based alloys were calculated. Kinetic and thermodynamic data needed for the calculations were obtained by combining literacture data with experimental results and by fitting measured with calculated concentration profiles. The resulting calculated carbon profiles and carbide distributions were in good agreement with the experimental results. R. Supchulten, formerly with Kernforschungsanlage Jülich  相似文献   

Presents a model that is based on the use of the diagonal method of factoring to describe a simplex process and that explains differences between cross-lagged correlations. When the model is applied to the data of R. Atkin et al (see record 1978-21951-001), which showed that Listening tapped most directly the causes of later intellectual development, quite good fits are obtained for both 2- and 4-yr lags; 4 groups were studied on 4 occasions, at Grades 5, 7, 9, and 11. The best fit, however, is based on an estimate of the effects of a 3-yr lag between changes in the rank order of individual differences on the Listening test and the same changes on the intellectual composite. It is shown that accurate knowledge of reliabilities and specificities of the measures is necessary for interpreting cross-lagged differences but that stationarity per se is not an essential assumption. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A stochastic carcinogenesis model is proposed to describe a sequence of component mutational changes that constitute the G:C-->A:T base substitution. This paper provides the biological basis and mathematical formulation underlying the proposed model. In addition, the paper elaborates on a numerical approach for studying the cumulant functions, survival functions, and hazard functions of the model. Several numerical examples are given of potential applications of the model.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis is a complex process requiring the coordinate expression of a number of testis-specific genes. How these genes are regulated during spermatogenesis is poorly understood. However, the elucidation of these mechanisms has significant implications for both medicine and the primary livestock industry. The delineation of this process is of particular interest and, in this study, Pdha-2, a gene which codes for the murine testis-specific isoform of the E1 alpha subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, has been used as a model. This review focuses on current knowledge about its expression and regulation during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Very high variability is characteristic of crossing over. A mechanism of crossing-over variation is proposed on the basis of new data obtained by Chadov et al. Variations are believed to be determined by the character of pairing preceding crossing over and the mechanism of transforming contacts into exchanges. Pairing of homologues is assumed to involve consecutive formation of local contacts between them. The onset of this process depends of the chromosome structure. Exchanges appear in contact sites. Determination of crossing-over sites occurs when the contact number in a meiocyte reaches a certain threshold. The number of contacts formed in each chromosome pair by this time can vary. This results in variations of all parameters of crossing over: recombinational length (RL), exchange number per chromosome arm, and interference. The effect of a chromosome aberration on crossing over in aberrant and heterologous chromosome pairs, i.e., the interchromosomal effect on crossing over (IEC) and the mechanisms determining exchange number and interference, are explained on the basis of the proposed model.  相似文献   

Investigation of vertebrate regulatory biology is restricted by the modest response amplitudes in mammalian model species that derive from a lifestyle of frequent small meals. By contrast, ambush-hunting snakes eat huge meals after long intervals. In juvenile pythons during feeding, there are large and rapid increases in metabolism and secretion, in the activation of enzymes and transporter proteins, and in tissue growth. These responses enable an economic hypothesis concerning the evolution of regulation to be tested. Combined with other experimental advantages, these features recommend juvenile pythons as the equivalent of a squid axon in vertebrate regulatory biology.  相似文献   

An extended pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) model is presented, in which the effect of binding of the drug to plasma proteins and to tissue binding sites in a peripheral compartment, and nonspecific and receptor binding in the effect compartment are taken into account. It represents an extension of the classical Sheiner model, and the model proposed by Donati and Meistelman. The present model is characterized by the following parameters: Kue (exit rate constant of unbound drug from the effect compartment), Pue (ratio of the unbound clearances to and from the effect compartment), fue (fraction of drug in effect compartment that is not bound to nonspecific binding sites), Kd (equilibrium dissociation constant of drug-receptor binding), and Rtot (concentration of receptor binding sites in effect compartment). The rate of association and dissociation of the drug-receptor complex can be incorporated in the model. The influence of the pharmacokinetic parameters (V1, V2, fu, fu2, CLu10, CLu20, CLu12, CLu21) and the PK/PD model parameters (kue, Pue, fue, Kd, Rtot) on various dynamic parameters is analyzed. These include potency (single dose needed to produce 90% effect, ED90), constant infusion dosing rate needed to maintain a constant effect of 90%, time to maximum effect (onset time), and duration to 90% recovery. The neuromuscular blocking agent vecuronium is used as an example. It is shown that both potency and time course of action are strongly dependent on the ratio V1/fu, CLu10, kue, Pue (at equipotent doses the time course is not affected by Pue), fue, Kd, and Rtot (only if Rtot is high), whereas they are less affected by the ratio V2/fu2, CLu20, CLu12, and CLu21. In general, the model parameters affect the ED90 and the time course of action in the same direction, e.g., an increase of V1 results in an increase of ED90 and an increase of onset time and duration. However, the unbound clearance CLu10, the intercompartmental unbound clearance CLu12 and the receptor affinity Kd have an opposite effect on ED90 and the time course parameters, e.g., an increase of CLu10 results in an increase of ED90 and a decrease of onset time and duration. This effect may be responsible for the inverse relationship between onset time and potency of neuromuscular blocking drugs observed in animal experiments and clinical studies. We demonstrate that PK/PD analysis using the traditional effect compartment model (Sheiner model) results in an apparent value of keo, which is a function of kue, fue, Kd, Rtot, as well as the unbound drug concentration in the effect compartment Cue. On the other hand, the model proposed by Donati and Meistelman gives correct values of keo (equal to the product fue.kue), but the receptor affinity Kd and the receptor density Rtot obtained by this method are apparent values, which depend on fu, fue, and Pue.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Catecholamines hasten cardiac relaxation through beta-adrenergic receptors, presumably by phosphorylation of several proteins, but it is unknown which receptor subtypes are involved in human ventricle. We assessed the role of beta1- and beta2-adrenergic receptors in phosphorylating proteins implicated in ventricular relaxation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Right ventricular trabeculae, obtained from freshly explanted hearts of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (n=5) or ischemic cardiomyopathy (n=5), were paced at 60 bpm. After measurement of the contractile and relaxant effects of epinephrine (10 micromol/L) or zinterol (10 micromol/L), mediated through beta2-adrenergic receptors, and of norepinephrine (10 micromol/L), mediated through beta1-adrenergic receptors, tissues were freeze clamped. We assessed phosphorylation of phospholamban, troponin I, and C-protein, as well as specific phosphorylation of phospholamban at serine 16 and threonine 17. Data did not differ between the 2 disease groups and were therefore pooled. Epinephrine, zinterol, and norepinephrine increased contractile force to approximately the same extent, hastened the onset of relaxation by 15+/-3%, 5+/-2%, and 20+/-3%, respectively, and reduced the time to half-relaxation by 26+/-3%, 21+/-3%, and 37+/-3%. These effects of epinephrine, zinterol, and norepinephrine were associated with phosphorylation (pmol phosphate/mg protein) of phospholamban 14+/-3, 12+/-4, and 12+/-3; troponin I 40+/-7, 33+/-7, and 31+/-6; and C-protein 7.2+/-1.9, 9.3+/-1.4, and 7.5+/-2.0. Phosphorylation of phospholamban occurred at both Ser16 and Thr17 residues through both beta1- and beta2-adrenergic receptors. CONCLUSIONS: Norepinephrine and epinephrine hasten human ventricular relaxation and promote phosphorylation of implicated proteins through both beta1- and beta2-adrenergic receptors, thereby potentially improving diastolic function.  相似文献   

On the basis of the assumption that oxygen delivery across the endothelium is proportional to capillary plasma PO2, a model is presented that links cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen utilization (CMRO2) to cerebral blood flow (CBF) through an effective diffusivity for oxygen (D) of the capillary bed. On the basis of in vivo evidence that the oxygen diffusivity properties of the capillary bed may be altered by changes in capillary PO2, hematocrit, and/or blood volume, the model allows changes in D with changes in CBF. Choice in the model of the appropriate ratio of Omega identical with (DeltaD/D)/(DeltaCBF/CBF) determines the dependence of tissue oxygen delivery on perfusion. Buxton and Frank (J. Cereb. Blood Flow. Metab. 17: 64-72, 1997) recently presented a limiting case of the present model in which Omega = 0. In contrast to the trends predicted by the model of Buxton and Frank, in the current model when Omega > 0, the proportionality between changes in CBF and CMRO2 becomes more linear, and similar degrees of proportionality can exist at different basal values of oxygen extraction fraction. The model is able to fit the observed proportionalities between CBF and CMRO2 for a large range of physiological data. Although the model does not validate any particular observed proportionality between CBF and CMRO2, generally values of (DeltaCMRO2/CMRO2)/(DeltaCBF/CBF) close to unity have been observed across ranges of graded anesthesia in rats and humans and for particular functional activations in humans. The model's capacity to fit the wide range of data indicates that the oxygen diffusivity properties of the capillary bed, which can be modified in relation to perfusion, play an important role in regulating cerebral oxygen delivery in vivo.  相似文献   

A model of antipyrine disposition from the moment of its injection was developed incorporating the intravascular mixing component as determined by indocyanine green (ICG) kinetics. The simultaneous dispositions of antipyrine and ICG were characterized in five dogs anesthetized with halothane. After injecting antipyrine and ICG into the right atrium, femoral arterial blood samples were collected every 3 sec for the 1st min and less frequently to 20 min for ICG and to 360 min for antipyrine. ICG and antipyrine concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography and modeled with SAAM 30.1. A fully identifiable recirculatory compartmental model, incorporating the ICG recirculatory model with blood flows and time delays, was used to describe antipyrine disposition. Four distinct antipyrine pharmacokinetic tissue compartments and the distribution clearances assigned to them could be estimated: a pulmonary tissue (0.13 +/- 0.05 I, and 2.51 +/- 0.39 liters/min), a very fast equilibrating tissue (0.12 +/- 0.08 I, and 1.33 +/- 0.22 liters/min), a fast equilibrating tissue (3.21 +/- 0.45 I, and 0.74 +/- 0.09 liters/min) and a slow equilibrating tissue (15.94 +/- 1.8 I, and 0.44 +/- 0.13 liters/min). Although this recirculatory model retains the predominant attributes of traditional pharmacokinetic models, it also can describe completely drug concentrations during the mixing transient when many drugs reach peak effect as well as ascertain the role of cardiac output and its distribution in drug disposition.  相似文献   

The fur gene product, Fur, of Escherichia coli is a repressor when it binds Fe(II). Since heme and iron metabolism are closely linked and Fur is rich in histidine, a ligand for heme, the binding of heme to Fur was investigated. The oxidized Fur-heme complex is stable and low spin with a Soret maximum at 404 nm and no 620-nm band. CO coordinates with the reduced heme-Fur complex, causing a shift from 412 nm to 410 nm, and stabilizes it, increasing the half-life from 5 to 15 min. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra in the Soret region show heme bound in an asymmetric environment in Fur, both in the oxidized and reduced-CO forms. Quenching of tyrosine fluorescence by heme revealed rapid, tight binding (Kd < 1 microM) with an unusual stoichiometry of 1 heme:1 Fur dimer. Fur binds Mn(II), a model ligand for the endogenous Fe(II), much more weakly (Kd > 80 microM). Far-ultraviolet CD spectroscopy showed that the alpha-helix content of apo-Fur decreases slightly with heme binding, but increases with Mn(II) binding. Competition experiments indicated that heme interacts with Fur dimers at the same site as Mn(II) and can displace the metal. In contrast to Mn(II), Zn(II) did not quench the tyrosine fluoroescence of Fur, affected the CD spectrum less than Mn(II), but did bind in a manner which prevented heme from binding. In sum, Fur not only binds heme and Zn(II) with sufficient affinity to be biologically relevant, but the interactions that occur between these ligands and their effects on Mn(II) binding need to be taken into account when addressing the biological function of Fur.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) is synthesized in the hypothalamus and can be released either as a hormone from the neurohypophysis or as a neurotransmitter in various brain regions. The present studies were undertaken to better characterize the pharmacological properties of brain oxytocin receptors (OTRs) using a radioligand selective for OTRs. Based on kinetic analysis, brain membranes obtained from 10-day-old rats display rapid and reversible binding to this ligand. In addition, saturation isotherm studies demonstrated that binding was saturable and of high affinity. Indicative of the selectivity of these receptors, compounds known to be ligands for OTRs in other tissues were able to displace the radioligand with high affinity. Consistent with the divalent cation requirement of OTRs in other tissues, OT binding was greatly reduced in rat brain membranes by the removal of magnesium from the incubation. To examine the possible GTP regulation of these receptors, binding was examined in the presence of a GTP analog. High affinity agonist, but not antagonist, binding was reduced by the GTP analog, indicating that these OTRs are likely to be associated with G proteins.  相似文献   

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