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BACKGROUND: The effect of interleukin-6 (IL-6), the major growth factor for myeloma cells, may be enhanced by soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R). Therefore, the current study investigated the clinical significance of serum sIL-6R in patients with multiple myeloma (MM). METHODS: Serum levels of sIL-6R were determined by enzyme-linked immunoassay in 55 normal controls, 81 individuals with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), and 164 patients with MM in various phases of the disease. RESULTS: sIL-6R concentrations were higher in MM patients (162.0 +/- 134.6 ng/mL) than in individuals with MGUS (58.9 +/- 36.7 ng/mL) or in controls (45.6 +/- 22.3 ng/mL) (P = 0.0000). sIL-6R was not found to have a significant linear correlation with any other parameter, including IL-6, beta2-microglobulin (beta2-m), and neopterin, either in newly diagnosed cases or during the course of the disease. In addition, there were no statistically significant differences in sIL-6R concentrations between the clinical stages at the time of diagnosis. In univariate logistic regression analysis sIL-6R was a significant but weak prognostic indicator (P = 0.000000). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that elevated levels of sIL-6R were associated with shorter survival (P = 0.00282). Patients also were stratified according to their serum beta2-m and sIL-6R levels. Patients with low levels of both parameters had a clear survival benefit over the other groups (P = 0.000000). CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between sIL-6R levels and survival is significant but weak, making it unlikely to be of much value in predicting the outcome of patients with MM alone. The results of the current study support the role of sIL-6R levels in improving the prognostic value of beta2-m and in discriminating patients with MM from individuals with MGUS.  相似文献   

Soluble receptors for several cytokines have been detected in body fluids and are believed to modulate the cytokine response by binding the ligand and thereby reducing its bioavailability. In the case of IL-6, the situation is more complex. The receptor consists of two components, including a ligand-binding alpha-subunit (IL-6R, gp80, or CD126), which in its soluble (s) form (sIL-6R) acts agonistically by making the ligand accessible to the second subunit, the signal transducer gp130 (CD130). Soluble forms of both receptor subunits are present in human blood. Gel filtration of iodinated IL-6 that had been incubated with human serum revealed that IL-6 is partially trapped in IL-6/sIL-6R/sgp130 ternary complexes. sgp130 from human plasma was enriched by immunoaffinity chromatography and identified as a 100-kDa protein. Functionally equivalent rsgp130 was produced in baculovirus-infected insect cells to study its antagonistic potential on four different cell types. It was found that in situations in which cells lacking membrane-bound IL-6R were stimulated with IL-6/sIL-6R complexes, sgp130 was a much more potent antagonist than it was on IL-6R-positive cells stimulated with IL-6 alone. In the latter case, the neutralizing activity of sgp130 could be markedly enhanced by addition of sIL-6R. As a consequence of these findings, sIL-6R of human plasma must be regarded as an antagonistic molecule that enhances the inhibitory activity of sgp130. Furthermore, in combination with sIL-6R, sgp130 is a promising candidate for the development of IL-6 antagonists.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) exerts its action via a receptor complex composed of a ligand-binding subunit (gp80) and a signal transducer (gp130) which both belong to the hematopoietic receptor super-family. Very little is known about the biosynthesis and the biological half-lives of proteins of this superfamily. Therefore, we studied the biosynthesis and maturation of the interleukin-6 receptor and its signaling subunit gp130 by pulse chase experiments in stably transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. We found that both proteins are synthesized as precursors with apparent molecular masses of 67 kDa and 130 kDa, respectively. These receptor forms are processed within 45-60 min into mature proteins of 82 kDa and 150 kDa containing complex-type oligosaccharides. The signal transducer gp130 shows a similar maturation in human hepatoma cells HepG2. The IL-6 receptor appears at the cell surface 45 min after completion of its synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum. In both cell types studied, gp80 and gp130 are rapidly turned over with half-lives of 2-3 h. These half-lives were unaffected by the presence of the ligand IL-6.  相似文献   

The interleukin-6 (IL-6) family of cytokines activates signaling through the formation of either gp130 homodimers, as for IL-6, or gp130-leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR) heterodimers as for ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), leukemia inhibitory factor, oncostatinM, and cardiotrophin-1. Recent in vitro studies with IL-6 and CNTF have demonstrated that higher order hexameric receptor complexes are assembled in which signaling chain dimerization is accompanied by the dimerization of both the cytokine molecule and its specific receptor alpha subunits (IL-6Ralpha or CNTFRalpha, respectively). IL-11 is a member of the IL-6 family and known to require gp130 but not LIFR for signaling. In this study we investigate the functional and biochemical composition of the IL-11 receptor complex. The human IL-11 receptor alpha-chain was cloned from a human bone marrow cDNA library. IL-11Ralpha was shown to confer IL-11 responsiveness to human hepatoma cells either by cDNA transfection or by adding a soluble form of the receptor (sIL11Ralpha) expressed in the baculovirus system to the culture medium. In vitro immunoprecipitation experiments showed that sIL11Ralpha specifically binds IL-11 and that binding is enhanced by gp130. Similarly to IL-6 and CNTF, gp130 is able to induce dimerization of the IL-11.IL-11Ralpha subcomplex, the result of which is the formation of a pentameric receptor complex. However, in contrast to the other two cytokines, IL-11 was unable to induce either gp130 homodimerization or gp130/LIFR heterodimerization. These results strongly suggest that an as yet unidentified receptor beta-chain is involved in IL-11 signaling.  相似文献   

Drugs acting at the three known classes of histamine receptors were injected intracerebroventricularly into the rat. The effects of these drugs upon synaptic potentials recorded from the dentate gyrus of the freely-moving rat were determined. Population spikes and field excitatory postsynaptic potentials were recorded from the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus following stimulation of the perforant path. Drugs, dissolved in 0.9% NaCl were applied into the lateral cerebral ventricle in a volume of 5 microl over a period of 6 min. The histamine H1 receptor antagonist mepyramine (0.4 or 0.8 microg) had no significant effect on population spikes or field excitatory postsynaptic potentials. In contrast the H2 receptor antagonist cimetidine (3.25, 6.5 or 13 microg) showed a biphasic effect. At the lower doses (3.25 or 6.5 microg) a small (15%) depression of the field excitatory postsynaptic potentials and population spikes was observed beginning about 1 h following the infusion. At the highest dose tested (13 microg) a marked increase of the population spike was observed beginning immediately following the infusion and lasting for 90 min. Application of the H3 receptor agonist R-alpha-methylhistamine (0.2 microg) depressed the field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (15% at 4 h post-injection) and even more strongly the population spike (50%). Surprisingly, at higher doses (0.4 and 0.8 microg) no effect was seen. The H3 receptor antagonist thioperamide (0.41 and 0.82 microg) did not cause an increase in synaptic potentials but rather at the highest dose a small depression occurred at later time points (2-4 h following the infusion). At the lower dose (0.41 microg) thioperamide blocked the effect of R-alpha-methylhistamine (0.2 microg). These results show that the histaminergic system modulates information flow through the dentate gyrus in a complex manner involving both histamine H2 and H1 receptors.  相似文献   

The effect of original analogues of the 6-9 C-terminal AVP fragment, D-MRP and D-MPRG, on the active avoidance behaviour of rats was studied using intranasal administration in a wide range of doses. The dose in 0.1 mcg/kg was the most efficient for D-MPR and 0.01 mcg/kg for D-MPRG, which for the tripeptide was ten times, and for the tetrapeptide hundred times lower than the corresponding dose of AVP used in the similar experiments. The tri- and tetrapeptide were shown to facilitate the active avoidance behaviour affecting both the formation of the reaction and consolidation of memory trace. The peptides mostly affect the perception processes, i.e., the detection of a specific stimulus from the environment, the estimation and memorizing of its biological significance.  相似文献   

The plasma cell labeling index (PCLI) in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) is relatively low and this has been associated with the low rate of remission following chemotherapy. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) has been demonstrated to be a major growth factor of myeloma cells. In order to increase the S-phase proportion of myeloma cells, which might increase the sensitivity to chemotherapy, we gave rhIL-6 followed by chemotherapy to 15 myeloma patients with refractory disease. A total of 25 treatment cycles were administered since ten patients had two cycles. The rhIL-6 dose was 2.5 (n = 3), 5.0 (n = 6) and 10.0 microg/kg (n = 6) by subcutaneous injection once daily for 5 days and chemotherapy was administered on the last day of rhIL-6 injection. The effect of rhIL-6 treatment on labeling index (LI) was heterogeneous, but no statistically significant change was noted for this particular group as a whole. In two patients an increase (mean 7.7%) in LI of mononuclear bone marrow cells during the rhIL-6 treatment was demonstrated and in one patient a decrease of 2.8% was seen. Assessment of PCLI demonstrated an increase of 2.9% in one out of six patients and a decrease of 1.9% in one out of six patients. None of the 15 patients achieved remission according to standard criteria. During the rhIL-6 treatment, 14 of the 15 patients developed mild constitutional adverse events (AE) well known in patients treated with IL-6, and none of the AE in the subsequent chemotherapy phase were related to IL-6. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that rhIL-6 can be administered safely to patients with refractory MM, but the cell cycle recruitment approach was not sufficiently effective to be of clinical value.  相似文献   

In this study we determined, in patients with multiple myeloma (MM), serum levels of IL-4 and IL-6 at diagnosis and during the course of the disease, seeking a correlation with disease activity and prognosis. We studied 54 MM patients, 41 of whom responded to chemotherapy whilst 11 were resistant. At diagnosis, IL-6 was increased in 66% of patients (median 35.5 pg/ml) whereas IL-4 was low (median 4 pg/ml) in 75% of patients. In responding patients, IL-4 increased in remission (median 25 pg/ml), whereas IL-6 decreased (median 4 pg/ml). In chemotherapy-resistant patients, IL-6 and IL-4 values remained stable during the course of the disease.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is supposed to be a growth factor in multiple myeloma (MM). Applying a bioassay and a modified ELISA, we measured serum IL-6 values in 64 patients with overt MM, seven patients with smouldering myeloma (SMM), 57 patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and 40 healthy volunteers as controls. IL-6 failed to discriminate between MGUS and MM, stage I, whereas comparison of MM, stage I and stage II/III (p = 0.0143), or comparison of stable disease/remission and progressive disease (p < 0.0001) revealed significant differences. Furthermore, we found significantly higher IL-6 values in overt MM compared to SMM (p = 0.0018). Using a Ki67/CD38 immunohistological double staining method we found a significant correlation between proliferation of bone marrow myeloma cells and serum IL-6 values in 15 patients (p = 0.005). These data demonstrate that IL-6 is a parameter of disease activity in MM and, beside its role in tumor biology, may become a valuable supplement to the established risk factors when selecting patients with unfavourable clinical course for more aggressive treatment modalities.  相似文献   

Serum soluble interleukin-6 receptor (sIL-6R) concentrations were measured in 52 patients with multiple myeloma (MM) and 24 normal controls, using a commercially available immunoenzymatic assay kit. Patients were staged according to the Bataille et al. myeloma staging system based on the levels of patients' serum beta 2-microglobulin and C-reactive protein. Twenty-one patients were at stage A of disease, 19 at stage B and 12 at stage C at the time of serum collection for sIL-6R determination. Serum sIL-6R concentrations ranged from 15 to 176 ng/ml with a mean of 64.8 +/- 35.9 ng/ml and a median of 58 ng/ml in the entire group of patients studied. These values were significantly higher than those of 34.4 +/- 13.4 ng/ml found in the controls (P < or = 0.001). Patients of stage C had higher sIL-6R levels (94.8 + 41.2 ng/ml) than patients of stage B (67.7 +/- 31.0 ng/ml) (P < 0.01), and markedly higher than patients of stage A (45.0 +/- 23.1 ng/ml) (P < 0.001). Serum levels of sIL-6R in patients with stage A disease did not differ statistically from those of the controls. A linear positive correlation was observed between serum levels of the receptor and the stage of MM (r = 0.539, P < 0.001). These data strongly suggest that serum sIL-6R concentrations correlate with the stages of MM and may be used as an indicator of the activity of the disease.  相似文献   

Previous results using an amphibian model showed that systemic and spinal administration of opioids selective for mu, delta and kappa-opioid receptors produce analgesia. It is not known whether non-mammalian vertebrates also contain supraspinal sites mediating opioid analgesia. Thus, opioid agonists selective for mu (morphine; fentanyl), delta (DADLE, [D-Ala2, D-Leu5]-enkephalin; DPDPE, [D-Pen2, D-Pen5]-enkephalin) and kappa (U50488, trans-3,4-dichloro-N-methyl-N-[2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-cyclohexyl] benzeneacetamide methanesulfonate; CI977, (5R)-(544alpha,744alpha,845beta)-N-methyl-N-[7-(1-p yrr olidinyl)-1-oxaspiro[4,5]dec-8yl]-4-benzofuranaceta mide++ + monohydrochloride) opioid receptors were tested for analgesia following i.c.v. administration in the Northern grass frog, Rana pipiens. Morphine, administered at 0.3, 1, 3 and 10 nmol/frog, produced a dose-dependent and long-lasting analgesic effect. Concurrent naltrexone (10 nmol) significantly blocked analgesia produced by i.c.v. morphine (10 nmol). ED50 values for the six opioids ranged from 2.0 for morphine to 63.9 nmol for U50488. The rank order of analgesic potency was morphine > DADLE > DPDPE > CI977 > fentanyl > U50488. These results show that supraspinal sites mediate opioid analgesia in amphibians and suggest that mechanisms of supraspinal opioid analgesia may be common to all vertebrates.  相似文献   

IL-6, its receptor and its transducer protein gp130 mRNAs were analyzed in three cell lines with megakaryocytic properties including CMK, K562, and HEL. Their colony proliferation was also assayed in the methylcellulose medium with or without IL-6. CMK had IL-6, IL-6 receptor and gp130 mRNAs, while the other two cell lines lacked IL-6 receptor mRNA expression. K562 responded to IL-6 indicating that it has an alternative receptor to the so called "IL-6 receptor". HEL was not sensitive to IL-6 suggesting that it proliferates with growth factors other than IL-6 via gp130.  相似文献   

The functional receptor for the inflammatory cytokine IL-6 is composed of the ligand binding IL-6 receptor alpha chain (IL-6R alpha) and the signal transducing chain gp130, which is a shared component of multiple cytokine receptors. We analyzed the surface expression of gp130 and IL-6R alpha in thymocytes and peripheral T cells. While all thymocytes expressed gp130 throughout thymic maturation, they gained expression of IL-6R alpha at the CD4 or CD8 single-positive stage. Approximately 10-30% of the CD4-CD8+ and 40-50% of the CD4+CD8- thymocytes expressed IL-6R alpha. Within the CD4+CD8- population, the IL-6R alpha- subpopulation was cortisone sensitive, appeared immature according to the cell surface markers expressed and failed to proliferate after TCR cross-linking. Peripheral T cells were predominantly gp130+ and IL-6R alpha+, but down-regulated gp130 and IL-6R alpha expression upon TCR engagement in vitro and in vivo. Peripheral gp130low/-IL-6R alphalow/- T cells expressed surface markers characteristic of memory T cells. We show that gp130 and IL-6R alpha are expressed in a regulated manner in T cells, depending on the developmental and functional stage.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a multifunctional cytokine postulated to play a central role as a growth factor for multiple myeloma (MM). We evaluated the spontaneous secretion of IL-6 in supernatants of Ficoll-Hypaque--enriched bone marrow (BM) cultures from 35 patients with MM. The levels of IL-6 were correlated with biological and clinical characteristics of the disease. High levels of IL-6 production defined a subgroup of patients with low tumor burden as determined by lower serum beta 2-microglobulin (B2M) (P = .02) and lower percentage of myeloma cells infiltrating the bone marrow (P = .003), higher synthetic rates of monoclonal protein (P = .006), and low proliferative compartments as measured by the percentage of Ki-67--positive myeloma cells. Patients with high proliferative fractions (Ki-67--positive myeloma cells > 20%) had significantly lower levels of IL-6 when compared with patients with low proliferative fractions (P = .005). Our findings do not support IL-6 as a major growth factor for MM, but demonstrate an association of high levels of IL-6 secretion with low tumor cell burden and low proliferative fraction.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to investigate whether behavioral and physiological responses induced by administration of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) were also associated with changes in interleukin-6 (IL-6) and soluble IL-6 receptor levels (sIL-6R). Following intravenous injection of rhIL-1 beta, blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were collected from juvenile rhesus monkeys. Marked increases in IL-6 levels were evident at 1 h in both blood and intrathecal compartments. IL-1 beta also induced significant elevations in the release of ACTH and cortisol into the blood stream, and following high doses, the monkeys evinced signs of sickness behavior. The second study characterized the IL-beta dose-response relationship showing that these physiological changes were most evident at doses between 0.5 microgram and 1.0 microgram IL-1/kg body weight. Soluble IL-6 receptor concentration was also increased, but only in plasma. There was no detectable sIL-6R in CSF. The large release of IL-6 into CSF suggests that some behavioral symptoms may be due to intrinsic changes in central nervous system activity concomitant with the alterations in peripheral physiology.  相似文献   

We investigated whether interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) is differentially expressed in plasma cells from monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and multiple myeloma (MM) patients because IL-1beta appears to play a major role in the development of lytic bone lesions, the major clinical feature distinguishing MGUS from myeloma. In situ hybridization (ISH) for IL-1beta was performed using bone marrow aspirates from 51 MM, 7 smoldering MM, 21 MGUS, and 5 normal control samples. Using the ISH technique IL-1beta mRNA was detectable in the plasma cells from 49 of 51 patients with active myeloma and 7 of 7 patients with smoldering myeloma. In contrast, 5 of 21 patients with MGUS and 0 of 5 normal controls had detectable IL-1beta message. Bone lesions were present in 40 of the 51 MM patients analyzed, and all 40 patients had IL-1beta mRNA by ISH. These results show that greater than 95% of MM patients but less than 25% of MGUS patients are positive for IL-1beta production. In the future, continued follow-up of IL-1beta positive and negative MGUS patients should determine whether aberrant expression of plasma cell IL-1beta is predictive of those MGUS patients that will eventually progress to active myeloma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mechanisms of drug resistance associated with advanced, hormone-independent prostate carcinoma are poorly understood. The human prostate carcinoma PC-3 cell line, derived from a metastatic tumor and lacking androgen receptors, represents a useful model to investigate drug resistance. METHODS: The effects of oncostatin M (OM), antiinterleukin-6 (IL-6) treatment, or interference with the gp130-mediated signaling on etoposide- or cisplatin-mediated cytotoxicity were investigated. RESULTS: Both endogenous and exogenous IL-6 and exogenous OM up-regulated cell growth and enhanced resistance of PC-3 tumor cells to both etoposide and cisplatin. The influence of IL-6 is controlled by treating PC-3 tumor cells with anti-IL-6 neutralizing antibody and, more efficiently, by a mutated IL-6, Sant7. Sant7 has a high affinity binding to the IL-6 receptor-alpha (IL-6Ralpha) subunit, but does not bind to the signaling subunit gp130; therefore, it behaves as a receptor antagonist. Both IL-6- and OM-mediated effects are inhibited by the treatment of PC-3 with an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide against gp130, the protein kinase inhibitor genistein (GNS), or the monoterpene perillic acid (PA), a posttranslational inhibitor of p21ras isoprenylation. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the protective roles in drug sensitivity of IL-6 and OM through signaling of the common chain gp130 and, most likely, a downstream ras-dependent pathway in PC-3 tumor cells. These findings suggest the potential clinical application of anticytokine therapy or interference with gp130 signaling in the treatment of drug resistant prostate carcinoma.  相似文献   

To better define the role of interleukin-3 (IL-3) and IL-6 in the cytogenetic analysis of multiple myeloma (MM), we performed concomitant chromosome and cytologic studies in 34 patients. In each case, 10-30 x 10(6) bone marrow cells were incubated in two independent cultures consisting of conventional cytogenetic medium with and without IL-3 plus IL-6 added for 72 hours. 1-ml aliquots of each culture were aspirated at 24, 48, and 72 hours and exposed to colcemid for 6 hours. Cytospin preparations were then made and mitotic cells were counted and identified as plasma cells or as nonmalignant cells based on their reactivity with an appropriate anti kappa/lambda serum. Slides for conventional cytogenetic analysis were prepared at 72 hours. A greater than two-fold increase of mitotic plasma cells was observed in cytospin preparations from stimulated cultures versus unstimulated cultures in 15 of 34 cases, whereas a less than 2-fold increase, no variation or no mitosis was recorded in 19 cases. Comparison of the number of mitotic plasma cells in stimulated cultures at 24, 48, and 72 hours showed a decreased mitotic activity at 72 hours. Clonal abnormalities were detected by conventional cytogenetic analysis in 19 of 34 cases (55.8%). Recurrent clonal aberrations involved chromosome 13 (4 cases), chromosomes 1p, and 14q (3 cases); chromosomes 3p, 6q, 7q, and 9q (2 cases). We conclude that IL-3 + IL-6 may increase the number of dividing plasma cells in cytogenetic cultures and that a 2-day culture with these cytokines may facilitate the detection of chromosome abnormalities in MM.  相似文献   

To define the potential role of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and its soluble receptor alpha in cartilage metabolism, we analyzed their effects on tissue inhibitor of metalloproteases (TIMP) synthesis by synoviocytes and chondrocytes. TIMP-1 production by isolated human articular synovial fibroblasts and chondrocytes, stimulated by IL-6 and/or its soluble receptor, was first assayed by specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; the slight stimulatory effect of IL-6 on TIMP-1 production by both types of cells was markedly amplified by the addition of soluble receptor, the maximal secretion being observed only at 96 h. TIMP-1 mRNA expression, determined by ribonuclease protection assay, was induced by IL-6 together with its soluble receptor, but TIMP-2 and -3 mRNAs were not affected by these factors. A specific neutralizing antibody abolished the effects of the soluble receptor. Finally, supernatant from synoviocytes stimulated by IL-6 plus its soluble receptor blocked almost completely the collagenolytic activity of supernatant from IL-1-induced synoviocytes. These observations indicate that IL-6 and its soluble receptor have a protective role in the metabolism of cartilage. Given the high levels of soluble receptor in synovial fluid and the marked induction of IL-6 by IL-1 or TNF-alpha, it is likely that IL-6 and its soluble receptor are critical in controlling the catabolic effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

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