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控制软件设计与验证计算机辅助系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了控制软件设计与验证系统的原理与实现过程,给出顺序功能图(Sequential Function Charts,即SFC)需求说明语言到系统Petri网模型的转化算法和系统几种异常现象的验证算法,讨论了系统实现的若干关键技术,最后通过例子演示了系统的操作过程。  相似文献   

徐永宁 《硅谷》2012,(16):120-120,101
随着计算机技术的发展,计算机技术在越来越多的领域得到广泛应用,除此之外,多个领域的技术都实现对计算机技术的利用,在工艺设计领域,应用计算机技术之后,不但提高工艺设计水平,而且发挥工艺设计的优势,更好的为现代制造业服务。目前计算机辅助工艺设计技术已经成为一门独立的技术,在现代制造业中发挥着重要作用,对现代制造业起到较强的指导意义。因此,我们对计算机辅助工艺设计技术要有全面而深刻的了解,要明确其基本原理、开发模式以及在实际中的应用情况,做到对计算机辅助工艺设计技术熟练运用。  相似文献   

阐明计算机辅助工业设计的内涵。以工业设计的核心——产品设计为重点,从4个方面综述了国内外计算机辅助工业设计技术的发展状况。同时,结合现代设计的发展方向,指出计算机辅助工业设计技术领域有待解决的关键技术问题及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

综述了专家系统、模糊技术、神经网络和智能优化算法等人工智能技术在计算机辅助公差设计(CATD)中的应用,总结了各种方法的优缺点及应用背景,讨论了未来发展方向。  相似文献   

聂鑫 《硅谷》2014,(10):97+33-97,33
所谓空中交通管制,是指利用通信、导航技术和监控手段对飞机飞行活动进行监视和控制,以保证飞行员安全、有秩序的飞行,为了确保飞行员在空中安全飞行,将计算机辅助系统应用在空中交通管制中,进而避免因人为因素而造成空中交通管制事故,文章对计算机辅助系统在空中交通管制中的相关设计进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

 在时间和成本的双重压力下,产品开发越来越强烈地要求采用数值计算方法,尤其是计算机辅助的数值计算方法。但是,不断增长的设计任务复杂性以及快速增加的商业化计算系统功能范围,使得产品开发者难以独立使用这些方法。因而要求具备计算经验的诀窍(Know-how)。下面提出的方法可以减少设计和计算之间的分离,成功地实现稳健的(鲁棒的)和缩短时间的产品开发。  相似文献   

工业产品的设计要求确定许多相互之间发生影响的参数。设计师掌握的关于如何在诸多可能的解答中作出选择的知识,是确定最优化设计解答的重要前提条件。同时,设计师还必须熟悉这些制约其作出选择的产品参数的函数关系。柏林工业大学机床与工厂管理研究所研制了一套用于总体构形设计与计算的概念构架,在关于产品参数的函数关系方面,该概念构架保证了必需的直观可视性,此外,它还显著地降低了设计费用。对于特定的任务,因其各个参数都存在着变动的可能性,从而对设计师来说形成为一个设计活动空间,该设计活动空间在这里被解释和视觉化为一种几何空间。对此,该几何空间的解空间将包含有可供本项设计任务选择的解答,并且它还支持解答的最优化。  相似文献   

计算机辅助包装工程   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
王志伟 《包装工程》2003,24(1):1-3,11
结合包装工程学科的有关领域;论述了计算机辅助包装设计、分析与优化的若干进展,介绍了网络辅助包装设计技术。  相似文献   

赵震  吴晨 《中国科技博览》2009,(29):148-148
本文通过剖析传统的计算机辅助工业设计课程中所存在的问题,提出在该课程中不仅要加强与其他课程之间的衔接关系,而且应注意提高学生空间想象力与对产品结构的认知的能力培养,并结合本人的授课经历,提出了该课程授课的一些新思路。  相似文献   

1995,1996年东京大学开发使用了一种具有计算机辅助视觉系统的新的图形学课程软件。为了评估该软件的使用效果,我们设计了一套学生评价调查表和综合空间能力测试题,并进行了调查测试,结果表明这个新的计算机辅助视觉系统择增强学生的空间能力是极其有效的。  相似文献   

The design of an end-product and the choice of the material from which it should be made are interdependent activities which nevertheless have separate and different requirements for supporting data. The provision of such data is not quite as straightforward as it might seem at first sight, mainly because the properties of a moulded item vary from point to point and differ from the properties exhibited by idealized specimens. At the very least this complicates the task of evaluation and on occasions it leads to the charge that the data provided bear little relation to service performance, but such situations are common whenever complex materials are used in exacting applications and are in no sense peculiar to plastics and the automotive industry which are the focus of this paper. Our comprehension of the materials is continually enhanced by new research results and the means by which that comprehension can be translated into data of value to the end-user industries improve in step with the advances in computer technology.One can now envisage an efficient flow of pertinent data across the interface between the end-user industries and the plastics industry. The first steps towards that ideal were discussed in two papers presented at SITEV 791,2; they described new results emerging from work in the research laboratories of thee Plastics Division1 of ICY that offered a possible route to data that are both more concise and more relevant to downstream applications than earlier data described ways in which such data and more iraditional information can be manipulated by computer and “tailored” to the specific needs of particular users. This new paper develops that theme further and possibly marks the point at which responsibility for later developments should pass from research workers to those professionally concerned with the transfer of information from one group to another, for there now exists a prototype data system. The only issues to be resolved now are what information should be incorporated rather than how should the task be done. The paper is concerned primarily with the data and the underlying rationale rather than with the software that controls the various operations.  相似文献   

The latest development of a simulation program designed for quartz crystal oscillator analysis is presented in this paper. The simulator being developed uses the full nonlinear Barkhausen criterion method. It consists of finding the frequency ω0 and the amplitude u0 which nullify both the real and imaginary parts of a characteristic complex polynomial P(u,jω) describing the oscillator behavior. Most of the nonlinearities come from the amplifying transistor described by using large signal admittance parameters y(u) obtained by means of an analog circuit simulator (SPICE). This paper presents the method used to derive and code the characteristic polynomial coefficients. This method has been successfully implemented for a Colpitts oscillator and is currently being used to build an oscillator library covering the most widely used structures. The validity and the predictive power of the model have been checked experimentally and the comparison between experimental results and simulation is presented and discussed  相似文献   

This paper describes current problems in the field of assembly planning and reasons why industrial enterprises need integrated, computer aided tools for the design of worksystems. An example of such a tool is presented in this article. With this computer aided planning system (CAP) called EMMA (expert for the design of manual assembly workplaces ≡ Experte zur Gestaltung manueller Montagear-beitsplätze), it is possible to plan ahead a workplace considering all anthropometrical and biomechanical restrictions, based on a geometric design model of the product, that has to be assembled. A combination of heuristics is used to achieve the objectives of the planning process. Taken into account are the economic aspects as well as human factors. A multi dimensional evaluation of the planning solution and the interactive optimization will lead to workplaces of high economic and ergonomic value. At the end of the article, a case study describes how EMMA works.  相似文献   

为缩短旋转整体式斯特林制冷机的研发周期、提高设计效率及降低开发成本,提出了一种基于计算机辅助设计的旋转整体式斯特林制冷机动力学设计方法。根据外形尺寸、输入功率及振动输出等已知参数,重点从旋转电机、轴承选型、飞轮设计及曲柄连杆机构强度校核4个方面采用计算机辅助设计方式进行动力学设计研究。通过三维设计软件Pro/E对制冷机组件建模后导入Adams虚拟样机进行动力学仿真分析,将仿真分析结果导入Ansys有限元软件进行制冷机组件强度校核。通过该方法设计出的制冷机实测制冷量为1.65 W@80 K/23℃,比目标值提高27%,振动输出为0.3N,比目标值降低25%。  相似文献   

The world-wide sales for silicon integrated circuits totalled some £3,500M in 1980. The high growth rate of the industry is generated by high levels of investment in research, development and capital equipment leading to rapid innovation in design and manufacturing methods. This article concentrates on the increasing use of computers in the design process, new design concepts and the efforts to make the components within the silicon chip even smaller.  相似文献   

The integration of circuit simulation programs into an undergraduate electronics curriculum is discussed. Several projects are presented which combine application of a computer package with corresponding practical experiments in the electronics laboratory. In this way, students learn that electronic circuits are not simply blackboard theory but tangible objects which only given the optimum performance predicted by theoretical analysis following a careful design, simulation and test. Furthermore, some ideas for diploma thesis projects are presented, which offer students an opportunity to understand better the limitations of the software package and to extend its capabilities to new applications  相似文献   

In the design of die casting dies, the object is to produce sound casting as cheaply and rapidly as possible. At the same time consideration must be given to suitable die size, locations of gating system, and selection of an appropriate die casting machine. Foundries in many cases encounter difficulties to ensure shortened lead-time in designing a new die for new product. A lot of estimations have to be done which use fundamentally based on previous experience and application of various mathematical and empirical equations. In this work, main die design procedures and related equations are presented in a logical way. A computer program is developed to estimate main die elements based on the geometry input of casting shape. After initial inputs have been given, the system does full calculations, optimizes selections, and lists main die element sizes. The program can present die characteristics and casting machine characteristics. From both characteristics the optimum die elements were optimized. Optimum filling time and gating dimensions among other elements of die are estimated. Cooling time, cooling channel locations, and flow rates relations are estimated and presented.  相似文献   

Refinement of design and increasing demands for accurate pattern, core box and die making haved caused both designers and manufacturers to see how the computer might be used to aid them in their problems. The system of computer aided engineering [CAD/CAM°)] both for design and for manufacture shown in the following, is now firmly established in British and German industry for the design and manufacture of complex shapes. This paper discusses some of the problems which are being solved by its use.  相似文献   

Microfluxgate sensors have been developed to measure very low magnetic fields, of about some nanotesla. This paper describes a recent integrated solution coupled with the basic microfluxgate component. The objective is to decrease the noise level of the sensor down to a few nanotesla per square root of hertz. The technological solution consists of adding coils or single layers, thanks to which the required ac transverse magnetic field can be applied. A large enhancement of the sensor sensitivity is put in evidence on output signal figures with and without stabilization signal. The specifications of the sensor connected with its electronics are also presented.  相似文献   

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