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Quantumstates and potential configurational relief of hydrogen atomin BCC-metals is considered. Onthe basis of the quantumstate data ,two regi mes of hydrogen andits isotopes incoherent transport throughmodel BCC-systems ,pure metals and dilute solid solutions are considered. Local lattice deformation neari mpurity centre and phonons dispersion was takeninto account under diffusion coefficient derivation.The type of a crystal lattice determines the mechanismof the hydrogen atomdiffusion elem…  相似文献   

Deduced the propagation rule of longitudinal and transverse wave. On the basis of this, propagation rules in attenuated visco-elastic media and varied Lame coefficient were put forward as well. The subsequent numerical analysis found that in a small scope longitudinal and transverse wave could be considered as homogeneously propagating when faultages and joints were not taken into account. The existence of lane hindered the wave's propagation, and it made the velocity gradient change in a local vicinity area. Therefore velocity varied in different direction.  相似文献   

In the world energy about 26% of all was dedved from coal combustion. Nearly 80% of the electricity produced in China is generated from coal. Coal will play the most important role in the coming 50 years as the past century in China. However one consequentially of the mining and combustion of coal is the mobilization of trace elements, especially trace metals, which have environmental and human health significance. Information on concentrations and distributions of potentially toxic elements in coal, and information On the modes of occurrence of these elements and the relations of the minerals in coal can help to predict the behavior of the potentially toxic trace metals dudng cleaning, combustion, weathering, and leaching.  相似文献   

The rights and interests value of mineral resources includes the prospecting rights value and the mining rights value. The mining rights value is made up of the mineral resources value and the compensation value based on the in puts of capitals and labors indifferent exploration stage, the prospecting rights value should be equal to exploration differential rent of resources. According to the stage characteristic of mineral resources exploration and development, the initial evaluating methods and models are used to evaluate the prospecting rights and mining rights value.  相似文献   

Currently,it is of great significance to develop new proton-conduction materials with high proton conductivity,high stability,and good conducting durability to meet the demands of fuel cell and sensors.Herein,we prepared two composites DETAHPW@MIL-101-SO3 H 1 and TETA-HPW@MIL-101-SO3 H 2(DETA=diethylenetriamine,HPW=H3 PW12040·xH2 O,MIL=Material Institut Lavoisier,TETA=triethylenetetramine) by encapsulating polyoxometalate(POM) and organic amine into a ...  相似文献   

1IntroductionPul monary embolism(PE),also called lung embolism,is the clinical pathological physiological syn-drome of the dyshemia in the lung caused by thrombus or other kinds of embolus clogging the pul monaryartery andits branches.In75%-90%of the cases,pul monary artery embolus hasits sourceinthe veinsinlower li mbs and the cavitas pelvis.The thrombus amotioes fromthe vein andis sent to the cor dextrumbybloodstream.At last it reaches the pul monary artery andthus pul monary embolismcomes …  相似文献   

At present ,the attention of producers of medicinal preparations is focussed on therapeutic systems ofmicrocapsular type the manufacture of whichis based on nanotechnologies . As a polymer base of microcap-sules ,natural polymers such as collagen and gelatin are used and besides ,they are subjected to specialtreat ments that lead to the change in their structure . Therefore ,the detection of interconnection betweenthe structure and physico-chemical properties of natural polymers is an urgent p…  相似文献   

1IntroductionLithiumion batteries are largely adopted for potable electronic devices due to its high capacity,highvoltage and good safety attributes.The advancement of lithiumbattery requires newtype of cathode mate-rials with high energy density,as well as good safety and lowcost.Accordingly the cathode materials arebeing developedin two directions[1].One wayis toincrease the gravi metric capacity of the materials,e.g.by preparing Li Ni1-yCoyO2with higher capacity but poor thermal stability…  相似文献   

Based on the statistical data from 1975 to 1997, we forecast the growth rate of coal consuming and the quantity in coming decade with the BP neuron network in the article.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the expression of the jigging bed porosity based on the jumping height of the jigging bed and water wave. This kind of expression can help to realize the jigging process automation and intelligence. The computer detection system is also developed.  相似文献   

Recently ,therealoptionmethodsintheprojectevaluationtheoriesanditsapplicationhavereceivedmoreatten tion[1] ,butmanydiscussionsjustappliedautomaticallythefinancialOption pricingmodel (suchasBinominalOption pricingModel,Black ScholesModel) .Formostprojects,theirindeterminacieshavedifferentcharacteristics,andtheircharacteristicsofincomeandriskisdifferenttoo ,sowecan’tapplythefinancialtheoriesautomatically .Additionally ,theactualrealoptionmethodsfocusontheproject’sreturnandsaylittleoftheriska…  相似文献   

In this study, a modification of oil assisted flotation processes of quartz particles has been proposed, which is based on introduction of miscible Dodecylamine (DDA)-Kerosene as collector with DDA cationic surfactant coated on kerosene to the hydrophilic quartz particles in the pulp. The property of miscible DDA–Kerosene emulsion was investigated. Due to the adsorption of DDA at kerosene/water interface, a smaller and uniform kerosene emulsion formed. Addition of cationic surfactant to the kerosene emulsion changed the zeta potential value from negative to positive, which resulted in enhancing the adhesion of the oil droplets to negatively charged quartz. The results showed that agglomeration and flotation process can be realized simultaneously with DDA–Kerosene. The agglomeration of fine quartz minerals in the presence of miscible DDA–Kerosene led to the formation of very large compact agglomerates resulting in increasing hydrophobicity of the particles and inducing a higher probability of collision and adhesion to air bubble. Experimental data indicated that miscible DDA–Kerosene had better selectivity and stronger collectability to quartz than DDA–HCl, which can be used as an efficient collector in the reverse flotation of magnetic separation concentrate of TISCO. At the same DDA dosage (60 g/t), separation efficiency got to 18.53% when using DDA–HCl as collector; while a better result was obtained with DDA–Kerosene, the efficiency of separation reached 59.07% which was identical with 120 g/t DDA–HCl.  相似文献   

In present work the features of the interaction between modulated laser beams and layered structuresare investigated.It was shown,that a modulation of beams allowed to obtain specific shape of temperaturefield by changing pulses repetition rate.Also photoacoustic effect was investigated.In order to modulate the effect,corresponding thermoelastic deformation equation was solved.Lami-nation was takeninto account by special procedure of averaging of combined equations.Solutions obtainedfor defor…  相似文献   

The trapezoidal cross-section roadway, driven along with its medium and fine grain sandstone roof in special thick stratum, was situated in shale strata. Rock-lining wall was employed in roadway, which its roof is in the free situation. Under the action of virgin stress, the surrounding rock of roadway was in stability. While under the action of fixed abutment pressure arisen from protection pillar of roadway, which its two sides‘s eams were extracted, free strong roof of roadway was in the stability. But its two sides‘ rock-lining walls was fractured, partially broken into pieces, and its floor heave was obvious. The velocity of floor heave is 0.440.8 mm/d. The size of broken zone of surrounding rock of roadway increases doubly. An effective load coefficient of surrounding rock to was quoted illustrate these phenomena. The main reasons of roadway convergence are that, rock property of surrounding rock is inferior, protection pillar affects its stability, and supporting pattern employed is improper. At last, effective measures to control roadway convergence should be bolting and grouting lining, which mainly consolidates surrounding rock of roadway.  相似文献   

The theory and method of wavelet packet decomposition and its energy spectrum dealing with the coal-rock Interface Identification are presented in the paper. The characteris-tic frequency band of the coal-rock signal could be identified by wavelet packet decomposition and its energy spectrum conveniently, at the same time, quantification analysis were per-formed. The result demonstrates that this method is more advantageous and of practical val-ue than traditional Fourier analysis method.  相似文献   

The physicochemical characteristics of effluent water produced by phosphate mining and processing in M’dhilla, Tunisia, its potential environmental effects, and its suitability for irrigation were studied. Five effluent water samples were collected from the M’dhilla phosphate plant and analyzed for selected parameters, including chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, metals, sulfate, and chloride. Most of the contaminant concentrations exceeded international water quality standards. Water treatment is recommended for all effluents in the M’Dhilla industrial area to improve received water quality. The potential adverse environmental effects and human health risks associated with the discharge of phosphate mining wastewater are also discussed.  相似文献   

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