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本文基于课题组开发的原位拉伸测试系统,结合扫描电镜(SEM)与数字图像相关方法(DIC),研究了[001]和[314]取向的二代镍基单晶高温合金在室温下的拉伸变形断裂行为和微观结构演变之间的关系。结果显示,镍基单晶高温合金的力学性能具有各向异性。室温下镍基单晶高温合金的拉伸变形主要以滑移带剪切γ′相为主,其中[001]取向试样开启■、■滑移系,表现为交叉滑移;而[314]取向开启■滑移系,表现为单滑移。不同晶体取向激活的滑移系统及数量不同,滑移引起的塑性变形区扩展方向不同,由此造成不同的延伸率。室温下,不同取向的合金为类解理断裂机制。不同晶体取向的合金,开启滑移系的数目与难易程度不同,呈现出不同的断口形貌特征。  相似文献   

为了探究不同激光功率及扫描速度下水导激光加工技术对镍基单晶高温合金加工微孔的影响规律及规律形成机理。使用自主研发的水导激光加工平台对镍基单晶高温合金CMSX-4在不同激光功率及扫描速度下进行1 mm微孔的加工。然后采用白光干涉仪、扫描电子显微镜和Vision64软件获得微孔加工时间、孔径、圆度、锥度及重铸层厚度随不同激光功率及扫描速度的变化规律,并研究变化规律的形成机理。结果表明,加工时间、锥度及重铸层厚度与激光能量强度有关。随着激光能量强度的增大,加工时间缩短,锥度变小,重铸层厚度变小。孔径和圆度受激光能量强度及其在材料表面分布的影响。仅当激光能量作用范围控制在水束直径范围下时,孔径及圆度相应获得较好的加工质量。  相似文献   

利用TEM和XRD原位研究了一种镍基单晶高温合金在时效过程中的取向变化.研究发现固溶-时效热处理后的初始样品内部不同γ′相之间存在~4°的小角度晶界.对材料在950℃下进行10 min短时时效处理,原位TEM和XRD结果表明γ′相的取向偏离初始取向~5°,且该取向变化在降温之后也不会完全恢复;该短时升、降温过程使γ′相的取向集中度增加.  相似文献   

本文采用扫描电镜(SEM)原位高温蠕变实验研究方法,在780℃/720 MPa的蠕变条件下,对镍基单晶高温合金开展蠕变实验,实时观察了孔洞区域显微组织原位演化过程。实验结果表明:蠕变开始后孔洞处应力集中,变形集中于孔洞区域,孔洞旁产生45°及135°方向以及垂直于应力轴的裂纹,多个孔洞共同作用可引起颈缩。颈缩发生后真实应力增加,促进颈缩区孔洞处裂纹垂直于应力轴扩展,而非颈缩区裂纹在切应力作用下沿45°以及135°方向发生扩展。此外蠕变第一阶段已经发生颈缩,导致第二以及第三阶段时间较短,缩短蠕变寿命。揭示了高温下孔洞缺陷对蠕变行为的影响规律及机制,对蠕变寿命预测及高温合金研发有一定启发意义。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于扫描电镜(SEM)的原位高温蠕变实验研究方法,并在750℃/800 MPa的蠕变条件下,对一种二代镍基单晶高温合金开展蠕变实验,对其微观组织在恒定载荷条件下的演化行为及失效断裂过程进行了原位观察.实验结果表明:该方法在750℃/800 MPa下可稳定进行蠕变实验研究,对镍基单晶合金测量显示实验结果可靠...  相似文献   

本文通过在透射电子显微镜(TEM)中应用原位加热台,对镍基单晶高温合金进行了变温加热,观察研究了γ/γ′相界面与界面位错的相互作用.发现相界面迁移过程中不改变界面位错网络的位错密度,只会改变位错网络形态.研究发现界面位错的弹性应力场能够阻碍γ′相长大,使界面产生向γ′相凹进的凹槽.  相似文献   

激光焊接铸造镍基高温合金工艺研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
熊建钢  胡席远  陈祖涛  胡伦骥 《中国激光》1996,23(12):1107-1111
研究了铸造镍基高温合金(K3)激光焊接时工艺参数对焊缝熔深及熔宽的影响.讨论了焊缝及热影响区产生热裂纹的机制及防止措施.结果表明,采用合适的激光焊接工艺可得到有较高强度、没有裂纹和气孔等焊接缺陷的接头.  相似文献   

本文通过环境扫描电子显微镜(ESEM)原位观察研究一种第三代镍基单晶高温合金以恒定速率在加温条件下的拉伸实验。在设定温度750℃下的实验结果表明:拉伸过程中由密排面{111}和密排方向〈110〉所组成的滑移系统最先启动,其它的滑移系统随着塑性变形的增加相继启动,并且该温度下拉伸样品在拉伸过程中产生位错运动,位错滑移以切过机制通过γ′强化相,从而合金出现中温硬化行为。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜及能谱研究了固溶处理温度对一种第四代镍基单晶高温合金微观组织和枝晶偏析的影响。结果表明:铸态合金中存在显著的成分偏析,其中Ru和Mo的偏析系数接近1;随着固溶温度的升高,枝晶组织形貌特征退化,成分偏析明显减轻,但在1 360℃固溶时合金部分组织出现初熔,限制了固溶温度上限。提高最高固溶温度可一定程度增大γ′相尺寸,显著降低合金的微观偏析,但Re和W元素在高温固溶后仍存在明显的残余偏析。  相似文献   

固溶处理是消除镍基单晶高温合金凝固偏析的重要手段,而进行固溶处理的前提是具备合适的固溶窗口。随合金的发展,固溶窗口逐渐变窄,从而加大了固溶处理的难度。由于固溶窗口为动态窗口,其上限的初熔温度会随合金内部γ′相及共晶的溶解而提高,因此开展固溶工艺对合金初熔温度影响机制的研究具有重要意义。然而,目前缺乏不同固溶工艺对合金初熔温度影响机制及作用机理的相关研究。本文采用电子显微学为研究手段,对比研究了阶段式和连续式固溶处理对初熔温度的影响规律。研究发现,固溶处理会促进合金的均匀化行为,而均匀化程度随固溶工艺中高温下保温时间的延长而增加;均匀化效果越好的样品,其初熔温度提升更大,但是均匀化效果越好的合金内部也存在较多由“柯肯达尔效应”所诱发形成的固溶微孔。  相似文献   

两种实验合金(DD00和DD0WR)被设计用于阐明难熔元素W/Re对镍基单晶高温合金再结晶行为的影响。对比DD00合金,加入W/Re的DD0WR合金的再结晶形核阶段被延长,晶粒长大速率减慢,这也意味着DD0WR合金的再结晶行为明显受到抑制。通过透射电镜(TEM)明场像观察,随着热处理时间地延长,DD0WR合金的位错密度消除得更慢。结合TEM中扫描透射电子显微探测器(STEM)和X射线能谱仪(EDS)观察发现,在DD0WR合金中,位错和晶界处有W/Re元素富集。据此可知,对于DD0WR合金,由于难熔元素W/Re在位错和晶界处富集,阻碍了位错运动和晶界迁移,有效地抑制了再结晶的发生。  相似文献   

镍基超合金激光打孔再铸层及其控制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了镍基超合金激光打孔再铸层的危害.介绍了在控制再铸层方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新的表达电子衍射相对强度的经验公式。利用衍射斑点的灰度侧视分布图,详细研究了Ni-Fe-Ga合金中14M调制结构马氏体的选区电子衍射图。结果表明:晶体结构因数的对数值与其相应的衍射斑点灰度积分值差的函数呈线性关系。  相似文献   

为了研究单轴晶体最大双折射率在某一波长下随温度的变化情况,根据偏振光干涉的理论分析,推导出了单轴晶体最大双折射率随温度变化的解析式.在此基础上,设计、建立了一套双光路对比测试实验系统.利用该实验系统对石英晶体样品进行测试,获得了其实验数据变化曲线,并总结出了在测试波长下,石英晶体最大双折射率随温度变化的数学式.结果表明,单轴晶体在某一波长下的最大双折射率基本上与温度成线性关系;实验过程中,只要精确调整仪器,并注意控制好实验所需温度,其测量结果是可靠的.  相似文献   

High photosensitivity and high photocurrent gain have been obtained based on dielectric optimized dinaphtho[3,4-d:3′,4′-d′]benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene (Ph5T2) single crystal microplate transistors. In our experiments, the PMMA dielectric device shows the best operational stability without hysteresis effect. Based on such an optimized device, the photoelectric properties of the Ph5T2 single crystal microplates have been studied for the first time. The Ph5T2 phototransistor has the high photosensitivity at 21 mA W−1 and the extremely high photocurrent gain (Ilight/Idark) at 6.8 × 105. The photocurrent gain is higher than that of the most reported organic phototransistors (OPTs), and is in a class with the highest photocurrent gain for the reported values so far. This confirms that Ph5T2 is a photosensitive material and shows it promising potential in photoswitches and phototransistors.  相似文献   

We report on the integration of a PMN-PT single crystal-based piezoelectric resonator in a microfluidic system. In this experiment, the resonator was implanted in the microfluidic channel through a standard soft lithography process with its top electrode in contact with the flowing fluid. The results showed that, activated in shear mode, the resonator sensed changes occurring along the fluid-electrode interface and gave responses in the form of impedance resonance frequency shift. By measuring the frequency shift, changes in the fluidic property (e.g. viscosity) could be monitored. Examples are given to demonstrate the potential use of the system for cell detections.  相似文献   

张鹏  冯显英  杨静芳 《半导体学报》2014,35(9):096002-6
Firstly, this paper presents an orthogonal test of six factors and five levels, called the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process parameters experiment, for determining the best process parameters and ranking the influencing factors from primary to secondary. The three most important factors are the polishing pressure, the polishing liquid concentration and the relative velocity ratio of polishing disk to polishing carrier. Then, based on this analysis, the three factors and three levels of the quadratic orthogonal regression test are put forward. A math- ematical model impacting the surface roughness has also been set up. Finally, this work has achieved a polished wafer, whose material removal rate (MRR) is in the range of 70-90 nm/h and the surface roughness (Ra) is between 0.3 nm and 0.5 nm.  相似文献   

The effect of off-orientation growth has been investigated in terms of stacking fault formation during physical vapor transport (PVT) growth of silicon carbide (SiC) single crystals on the (11 0) seed crystal surface. Occurrence of stacking fault formation is largely dependent on the direction of off-orientation, and basal plane stacking fault density is significantly reduced by growing the crystals on a (11 0) seed crystal off-oriented toward 〈0001〉. The density of the basal plane stacking faults rapidly decreases from 100–150 cm−1 to ∼10 cm−1 as the degree of off-orientation is increased from 0 to 10 deg. The results are interpreted in the framework of microscopic facet formation during PVT growth, and the introduction of off-orientation of seed crystal is assumed to prevent (01 0) and (10 0) microfacet formation on the (11 0) growing surface through modification of the surface growth kinetics and to suppress the stacking fault formation. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising wide bandgap semiconductor material particularly suitable for future high power devices operable at high temperatures (>200 °C), at high frequencies, and in harsh environments (chemical and radiation) due to its unique physical and crystallographic properties. The absence of SiC liquid phase, under easily achievable growth conditions of pressure and temperature has created unique challenges for crystal growers.This paper reviews the basics of bulk growth processes, including source sublimation, mass transport of the Si and C species to the growing seed and crystallization. The growth process is shown to be a self-congruent phenomenon where the mass transport of the vapor species and the heat dissipation at the surface of phase transformation are interrelated. This process results in reduction of the growth velocity as a function of crystal thickness. Major mechanisms of defect generation in the grown crystal are discussed.  相似文献   

采用开管涂源法,对p25为7Ω·cm的n型单晶硅进行了Au和Pt双重掺杂,制备了低阻高B型NTCR.研究了扩散时间和扩散温度对样品参数的影响,并进行了相关的测试和分析.结果表明:扩散温度θ=1200℃、扩散时间t≥2h时,导电类型反型为P型,此时B25/50值不再随扩散时间明显变化,而是稳定在4 000K左右,P25恒...  相似文献   

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