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This article explores the relationship between sociopsychological factors, sexual activity, and sexual satisfaction in a sample of 1,216 elderly people (mean age = 77.3). Almost 30% had participated in sexual activity in the past month and 67% were satisfied with current level of sexual activity. Men are more likely to be sexually active, but less apt than women to be satisfied with their level of sexual activity. Regarding predictors of sexual activity, for men the strongest predictors were being younger and having more education. For women, the strongest predictor by far was being married. For both men and women the strongest predictors for satisfaction were being sexually active and having positive mental health scores. In summary, the main variables predicting sexual activity were being married, having more education, being younger, being male, and having good social networks. The main predictors for satisfaction with sexual activity were, in addition to being sexually active, being female, having good mental health, and better functional status.  相似文献   

Fifty children, 24 female and 26 male, with ages varying from 6 to 72 months (mean = 23.7 m.) that experienced at least one febrile seizure (FS) entered a prospective study of intermittent therapy with clobazam. Cases with severe neurological abnormalities, progressive neurological disease, afebrile seizures, symptomatic seizures of other nature, or seizures during a central nervous system infection were excluded. Seizures were of the simple type in 25 patients, complex in 20 and unclassified in 5. The mean follow-up period was 7.9 months (range = 1 to 23 m.), and the age at the first seizure varied from 5 to 42 months (mean = 16.8 m.). Clobazam was administered orally during the febrile episode according to the child's weight: up to 5 kg, 5 mg/day; from 5 to 10 kg, 10 mg/day; from 11 to 15 kg, 15 mg/day, and over 15 kg, 20 mg/day. There were 219 febrile episodes, with temperature above 37.8 degrees C, in 40 children during the study period. Twelve children never received clobazam and 28 received the drug at least once. Drug efficacy was measured by comparing FS recurrence in the febrile episodes that were treated with clobazam with those in which only antipyretic measures were taken. Ten children (20%) experienced a FS during the study period. Of the 171 febrile episodes treated with clobazam there were only 3 recurrences (1.7%), while of the 48 episodes treated only with antipyretic measures there were 11 recurrences (22.9%), a difference highly significant (p < 0.0001). Adverse effects occurred in 10/28 patients (35.7%), consisting mainly in vomiting, somnolence and hyperactivity. Only one patient had recurrent vomiting which lead to drug interruption. These effects did not necessarily occurred in every instance the drug was administered, being present in one febrile episode and not in the others. We conclude that clonazepam is safe and efficacious in preventing FS recurrence. It may be an alternative to diazepam in the intermittent treatment of FS recurrence.  相似文献   

Predictors of epilepsy in children who have experienced febrile seizures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined the frequency of development of afebrile seizures in 1706 children who had experienced at least one febrile seizure and were followed to the age of seven years. Epilepsy developed by seven years of age in 20 per 1000 (2 per cent), and another 10 per 1000 had at least one afebrile seizure that did not meet our definition of epilepsy. In children whose neurologic or developmental status was suspect or abnormal before any seizure and whose first seizure was complex (longer than 15 minutes, multiple or focal) epilepsy developed at a rate 18 times higher than in children with no febrile seizures (92 vs. 5 per 1000; P less than 0.001). In the largest group with febrile seizures, those previously normal with noncomplex first febrile seizures, epilepsy developed in 11 per 1000; this rate, although moderate, was greater than that for children with no febrile seizures (P = 0.027). Prior neurologic and developmental status and characteristics of the first febrile seizure are important predictors of epilepsy after febrile seizures.  相似文献   

Maritrema neomi n. sp. is described based on specimens found in the intestine of the Mediterranean water shrew (Neomys anomalus) from the Ukrainian part of the Carpathian Mountains. The most important diagnostic features of M. neomi are the body size, sucker ratio, shape and length of the cirrus sac, the cirrus sac/body length ratio, and the topography of the intestinal ceca. Maritrema neomi differs from Maritrema carpathica in the length and shape of body, size of eggs and vitelline follicles, and length of uterus; from Maritrema feliui, in length of cirrus sac, the cirrus sac/body length ratio, and length of intestinal ceca; from Maritrema pyrenaica, in the suckers ratio, shape of body, and size of some internal organs; and from metacercariae of Maritrema galloprovinciale, by much smaller size of body and internal organs, size of vitelline follicles, and topography of the vitellarium. The life cycle of M. neomi involves as intermediate hosts prosobranch snails (Terrestribythinella) and gammarid crustaceans (Gammarus (Rivulogammarus) balcanicus).  相似文献   

The effect of phenobarbital on total sleep time, night awakenings, and lengthy awakenings was examined as part of a randomized trial of children with febrile seizures; information about sleep patterns was gathered by parental observation. Children were between ages 8-36 months at enrollment and were examined subsequently for 2 1/2 years. Night awakenings were not more common in children assigned to phenobarbital except for those who were poor sleepers at the beginning of the study. Total sleep time was no different in children assigned to phenobarbital than in those assigned to placebo. It is concluded that sleep problems reported in most young children with febrile seizures treated with phenobarbital did not exceed those reported in children treated with placebo, but a subset of predisposed children did experience an increase in night awakenings.  相似文献   

Six heavy smokers with leucocytosis are described. Except for leucocytosis, laboratory tests were normal. A strong tobacco-induced leucocyte response indicates an increased risk of developing arterial diseases and lung diseases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of various medications in the prevention of recurrent febrile seizures. STUDY DESIGN: A meta-analysis of all published randomized, placebo-controlled trials of the preventive treatment of febrile seizures published in English; 45 articles were found, but only 9 trials were randomized and placebo-controlled--4 using phenobarbital; 3, diazepam; 1, pyridoxine; and 1, phenytoin. In one of the phenobarbital trials, valproate was also compared with placebo. RESULTS: The risk of recurrences was significantly lower in children receiving continuous phenobarbital therapy than placebo (odds ratio 0.54, 95% confidence intervals 0.33 to 0.90, p = 0.017). The odds ratio for recurrences in the valproate group was 0.09, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.78, p = 0.011. No difference in the risk was found for recurrences between children receiving intermittent diazepam and placebo (odds ratio 0.81, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.22, p = 0.31). The risk for recurrences in children receiving pyridoxine or phenytoin did not differ from the risk among children receiving placebo. Four children would have to be treated with valproate (95% CI 2 to 11) or eight children would have to be treated with phenobarbital (95% CI 5 to 27), continuously, to prevent one febrile seizure. CONCLUSIONS: Because both agents found to be effective in prevention of recurrent febrile seizures have known adverse effects, prophylaxis of febrile seizures cannot be recommended.  相似文献   

Fever plays an important role in causing disturbances in fluid and electrolyte balance. Hyponatraemia has been thought to enhance the susceptibility to seizures associated with febrile illnesses in childhood. We have studied serum electrolyte levels in children with simple and complicated febrile convulsions. Sodium levels were lower in those children with complicated convulsions in comparison with those having simple convulsions (136.07 +/- 3.06 mmoll-1, mean +/- SD, n = 42, and 137.62 +/- 2.63 mmoll-1, n = 71, respectively; p < 0.01, Student's t-test). The sodium concentrations were lowest in children with repeated seizures (134.20 +/- 2.30 mmoll-1, n = 15) compared with children having simple (p < 0.01, ANOVA, Duncan's test) or other complicated types of febrile convulsions: focal seizures (137.08 +/- 3.82 mmoll-1, n = 12, p < 0.01), seizures lasting longer than 15 minutes (138.00 +/- 2.45 mmoll-1, n = 5, p < 0.05) and children over 5 years (136.70 +/- 2.06 mmoll-1, n = 10, p < 0.05). Serum potassium levels showed no statistically significant differences between the patient groups. Our results show that hyponatraemia may increase the risk for multiple convulsions during the same febrile illness.  相似文献   

Three flagellates of the family Trypanosomatidae were isolated from mango fruits (Mangifera indica) and from the stems of clover (Trifolium glomeratum) and Amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus) in southeastern Spain and were adapted to in vitro culture in monophase media. The parasites showed an ultrastructural pattern similar to that of other species of the genus Phytomonas. Mango and clover isolates differed from amaranth isolates in ultrastructural terms. The isolates were characterized by isoenzymatic analysis and by kDNA analysis using five different restriction endonucleases. With eight of the nine enzymatic systems, mango and clover isolates were distinguished from those of amaranth. Nevertheless, with the enzymes malate dehydrogenase and superoxide dismutase, flagellates isolated from clover were differentiated from those isolated from mango. Electrophoretic and restriction-endonuclease analysis of kDNA minicircles showed similar restriction cleavage patterns for the isolates from mango and clover, whereas the patterns of the amaranth isolates differed. The results of the present study confirm that the strains isolated from mango and clover constitute a phylogenetically closely related group of plant trypanosomatids, which is more distantly related to the strain isolated from amaranth. The similarities in the results obtained for isolates from mango and clover foliage, on the one hand, and those obtained from tomato and cherimoya fruits (studied previously), on the other, as well as the geographic proximity of the different plants support the contention that only one strain is involved, albeit one strain that can parasitize different plants. Furthermore, some of the plants appear to act as reservoirs for the parasites. On the other hand, the metabolism studies using [1H]-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy did not reveal that the catabolism of Phytomonas in general follows a pattern common to all the species or isolates. Phytomonas are incapable of completely degrading glucose, excreting a large part of their carbon skeleton into the medium as fermentative metabolites (acetate, ethanol, glycine, glycerol, and succinate).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the degree and frequency of reductions in hippocampal volume in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with and without a history of febrile seizures. METHODS: In vivo measures of hippocampal volume were computed from three dimensional gradient echo (FLASH) images in 44 patients undergoing comprehensive evaluations for epilepsy surgery. Twenty one patients (48%) reported a history of febrile seizures. The volumes from these patients were compared with those from 23 patients without a history of febrile seizures and 34 healthy controls. RESULTS: The febrile seizure group had significant reductions in volume, both ipsilateral (30% decrease) and contralateral (15% decrease), to the EEG seizure focus. Twelve of 18 patients with febrile seizures exhibited clinically significant ipsilateral volume reductions, defined as volumes falling 2 SD below the mean obtained from the control sample. Only four of 19 patients without febrile seizures exhibited this degree of reduction. No significant correlations were found between seizure variables (for example, duration of epilepsy, seizure frequency) and ipsilateral reductions in volume. However, a significant inverse correlation (r=-0.45, P<0.05) between seizure frequency and the volume of the hippocampus contralateral to the seizure focus was found in the febrile seizure group. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that a history of febrile seizures is associated with the finding of a smaller hippocampus on the side ipsilateral to the subsequent temporal lobe focus whereas chronic factors seem to be be related to pathology contralateral to the seizure focus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is a current interest in local anaesthetic drugs/formulations exhibiting long durations of sensory block and minor motor-blocking effects. Objectives: To compare the duration of sensory and motor blockade in peripheral nerve blocks induced by the new agents ropivacaine and levobupivacaine, with that of racemic bupivacaine and pethidine. METHODS: Groups of 8 male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to infraorbital (IONB) or sciatic nerve block (SNB) employing 0.2 ml of differently concentrated solutions of bupivacaine, levobupivacaine, ropivacaine or pethidine. The sensory blocking effect in IONB is expressed as (i) the time to elicitation of an abdominal jerk by electrical stimulation at arbitrarily chosen (threshold) intensities (IONB degree 3, 5, 8 and 10), and as (ii) the area under the curve (AUC, threshold intensities vs time). The duration of motor block in SNB is given as the time from injection to regained ability to walk and grip normally with the toes. Comparisons of the dose-effect relationships for the investigated agents were made by analysis of covariance. RESULTS: In IONB the log (dose)-log (effect) lines for bupivacaine, levobupivacaine and ropivacaine did not deviate from parallelism. The duration of sensory block induced by equimolar doses of these agents was similar, although bupivacaine exerted more pronounced effects than levobupivacaine (AUC by 25%, P=0.001; IONB degree 3 by 14%, P=0.03). In SNB only the log (dose)-log (duration) lines for bupivacaine vs levobupivacaine were found not to deviate from parallelism, both agents exerting similar durations of action. The motor-blocking effects of ropivacaine showed an inverse dose-duration relationship (P=0.019). CONCLUSIONS: Equimolar doses of the investigated local anaesthetics exerted similar durations of sensory blockade in a peripheral nerve block model in the rat.  相似文献   

Crisis theory rests in part on the assumption that specific psychological changes accompany the crisis state and that adaptation to a crisis occurs within 6–8 wks after onset. To verify these assertions, 5 psychological tests were administered to a crisis group composed of 35 patients undergoing surgery for cancer and to a comparison group composed of 70 patients undergoing surgery for less serious illnesses. The tests were the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Wakefield Self-Assessment Depression Inventory, a modified version of Rotter's Internal–External Locus of Control Scale, the Rosenberg Self-Concept Scale, and the Halpern Crisis Scale. Tests were administered 4 times, first on the night before surgery and thereafter at 3-wk intervals. Results indicate significant psychological changes only in the crisis group, in which feelings of helplessness preceded the appearance of depression and lowered self-esteem. Contrary to present theory, the duration of crisis was found to be greater than 6 wks but less than 7 mo. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine longitudinal hyperglycemia and peripheral nerve responses in a population-based incident cohort. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A sample from an incident cohort of young people was comprehensively followed from diagnosis of IDDM. Participants were invited to submit blood samples three times per year for central testing of GHb. During their 4th year of diabetes, nerve conduction studies were performed on the median sensory and motor, peroneal motor, and sural sensory nerves. Relationships between mean GHb and nerve latencies, velocities, and amplitudes were explored. RESULTS: GHb was positively related to all nerve latencies and negatively related to all nerve velocities. The relationships between mean GHb and nerve conduction latencies and velocities differed by sex for the peroneal nerve latency (beta = 0.17 male subjects, beta = -0.01 female subjects; P < 0.001). Pubertal participants had lower velocities and longer latencies than prepubertal participants (beta = 0.37; P = 0.05 peroneal latency), after adjustment for GHb, height, and extremity temperature. Sensory and motor nerve amplitudes were related to GHb, and these relationships did not differ by sex. CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that sustained hyperglycemia is related to functional changes, at the minimum, in peripheral sensory and motor nerve conduction at a diabetes duration of 4 years. Our findings are consistent with a dying-back neuropathy, and there is some suggestion that chronic hyperglycemia may be more detrimental to nerves in male subjects than in female subjects.  相似文献   

Several substances including proteases and restrictocin have been suggested as candidates for virulence determinants in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. However, the roles of such substances are not well understood. This study compared the in vitro suppressive effects of Aspergillus fumigatus culture filtrates (ACFs), on the functions of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs), the principal cells in the host defence against aspergillus hyphae, from a clinically isolated wild-type and isogenic mutant strains which lack production of elastolytic alkaline protease (Alp) and/or restrictocin. ACFs were obtained by culturing conidia of each strain in Medium- 199 at 37 degrees C for 5 days. ACFs of the wild-type significantly (p<0.01) suppressed chemotaxis, superoxide anion (O2-) release and PMNL-mediated hyphal damage, compared with the control (Medium-199). ACFs of the mutant strains that lack Alp or restrictocin significantly (p<0.01) suppressed chemotaxis and O2(-)-release, but did not suppress hyphal damage, compared with the control. The wild-type significantly (p<0.01) suppressed chemotaxis of PMNLs compared with the mutant strains lacking Alp or restrictocin, whereas there were no significant differences in suppression of O2(-)-release and hyphal damage by PMNLs. ACF of a mutant strain that lacks both Alp and restrictocin had much less activity, but significantly (p<0.01) suppressed chemotaxis of PMNLs compared with the control. In conclusion, alkaline protease and restrictocin may play roles in the suppressive effect of Aspergillus fumigatus culture filtrates on the functions of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Other antiphagocytic substances produced by Aspergillus fumigatus remain to be identified.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from two experiments designed to show how duration and intensity are processed during speech perception. Duration and intensity are two physical dimensions which are known to interact psychoacoustically in the perception of both length (a term that will be used for perceived duration) and loudness. The first experiment, a selective attention task, shows that length and loudness are processed as a unit [integrally, in the terms of Garner, The Processing of Information and Structure (Erlbaum, Potomac, MD, 1974)], but that the integrality is asymmetric: Extracting length information appears to be easier than extracting loudness information. The results of the first experiment make the prediction that listeners would not use loudness by itself in making prominence judgments, since the extraction of loudness in the presence of duration variation appears to require a (relatively) high processing load. The second experiment, a traditional trading relation experiment in which duration and intensity were varied orthogonally, appears to bear out this prediction. Listeners' responses were predicted from computed measures of length and loudness in a linear multiple regression analysis. Results show a negligible independent contribution of loudness to listeners' responses. Listeners' behavior is best predicted by computed measures of length.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the effects of learning on both the accuracy and bias of duration judgments were examined. In Experiment 1, subjects learned one of two tasks (i.e., using a computer software package, building a model car), containing a varying number of action steps, over a one-, three-, or five-trial period. Retrospective judgments of a task's total duration revealed that accuracy was high at intermediate stages of learning but was low at early stages due to an overestimation bias and low at later stages due to an underestimation bias. The number of action steps within a task influenced behavior only at early learning stages where more action steps led to significantly longer duration estimates. Experiment 2 acted as a converging operation in which novice and experienced pianists were asked to estimate, in advance, how long they thought it would take them to play melodies that varied in their degree of familiarity (i.e. recently learned, well learned, extremely well learned). When these estimates were compared with the melodies' actual playing times, results revealed a similar pattern of accuracy and bias as found in Experiment 1. These findings are discussed in terms of a "structural remembering model" that emphasizes the role of event predictability in time estimation behavior.  相似文献   

While the evaluation and treatment of patients with seizures or epilepsy is often challenging, modern therapy provides many patients with complete seizure control. After a first seizure, evaluation should focus on excluding an underlying neurologic or medical condition, assessing the relative risk of seizure recurrence and determining whether treatment is indicated. Successful management of patients with recurrent seizures begins with the establishment of an accurate diagnosis of epilepsy syndrome followed by treatment using an appropriate medication in a manner that optimizes efficacy. The goal of therapy is to completely control seizures without producing unacceptable medication side effects. Patients who do not achieve complete seizure control should be referred to an epilepsy specialist, since new medications and surgical treatments offer patients unprecedented options in seizure control.  相似文献   

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