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Exosomes secreted by tumor cells, through the transport of bioactive molecules, reprogram the surroundings, building a microenvironment to support the development of the tumor. The discovery that exosomes carry genomic DNA reflecting that of the tumor cell of origin has encouraged studies to use them as non-invasive biomarkers. The exosome-mediated transfer of oncogenes suggested a new mechanism of malignant transformation that could play a role in the formation of metastases. Several studies have examined the role of tumor exosomes on the modulation of the tumor microenvironment, but relatively few have been directed to assess how stressful stimuli can influence their production and cargo. Understanding the changes in exosome loads and the production pattern of the stressed tumor cell may uncover actionable mechanisms responsible for tumor progression.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV)(+) and HPV(−) head and neck cancer (HNC) cells’ interactions with the host immune system are poorly understood. Recently, we identified molecular and functional differences in exosomes produced by HPV(+) vs. HPV(−) cells, suggesting that genetic cargos of exosomes might identify novel biomarkers in HPV-related HNCs. Exosomes were isolated by size exclusion chromatography from supernatants of three HPV(+) and two HPV(−) HNC cell lines. Paired cell lysates and exosomes were analyzed for messenger RNA (mRNA) by qRT-PCR and microRNA (miR) contents by nanostring analysis. The mRNA profiles of HPV(+) vs. HPV(−) cells were distinct, with EGFR, TP53 and HSPA1A/B overexpressed in HPV(+) cells and IL6, FAS and DPP4 in HPV(−) cells. The mRNA profiles of HPV(+) or HPV(−) exosomes resembled the cargo of their parent cells. miR expression profiles in cell lysates identified 8 miRs expressed in HPV(−) cells vs. 14 miRs in HPV(+) cells. miR-205-5p was exclusively expressed in HPV(+) exosomes, and miR-1972 was only detected in HPV(−) exosomes. We showed that HPV(+) and HPV(−) exosomes recapitulated the mRNA expression profiles of their parent cells. Expression of miRs was dependent on the HPV status, and miR-205-5p in HPV(+) and miR-1972 in HPV(−) exosomes emerge as potential discriminating HPV-associated biomarkers.  相似文献   

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that contain nucleic acids, lipids and metabolites, and play a critical role in health and disease as mediators of intercellular communication. The majority of extracellular vesicles in the blood are platelet-derived. Compared to adults, neonatal platelets are hyporeactive and show impaired granule release, associated with defects in Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion Attachment protein REceptor (SNARE) proteins. Since these proteins participate in biogenesis of exosomes, we investigated the potential differences between newborn and adult plasma-derived exosomes. Plasma-derived exosomes were isolated by ultracentrifugation of umbilical cord blood from full-term neonates or peripheral blood from adults. Exosome characterization included size determination by transmission electron microscopy and quantitative proteomic analysis. Plasma-derived exosomes from neonates were significantly smaller and contained 65% less protein than those from adults. Remarkably, 131 proteins were found to be differentially expressed, 83 overexpressed and 48 underexpressed in neonatal (vs. adult) exosomes. Whereas the upregulated proteins in plasma exosomes from neonates are associated with platelet activation, coagulation and granule secretion, most of the underexpressed proteins are immunoglobulins. This is the first study showing that exosome size and content change with age. Our findings may contribute to elucidating the potential “developmental hemostatic mismatch risk” associated with transfusions containing plasma exosomes from adults.  相似文献   

Even though colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most preventable cancers, it is currently one of the deadliest. Worryingly, incidence in people <50 years has increased unexpectedly, and for unknown causes, despite the successful implementation of screening programs in the population aged >50 years. Thus, there is a need to improve early diagnosis detection strategies by identifying more precise biomarkers. In this scenario, the analysis of exosomes is given considerable attention. Previously, we demonstrated the exosome lipidome was able to classify CRC cell lines according to their malignancy. Herein, we investigated the use of the lipidome of plasma extracellular vesicles as a potential source of non-invasive biomarkers for CRC. A plasma exosome-enriched fraction was analyzed from patients undergoing colonoscopic procedure. Patients were divided into a healthy group and four pathological groups (patients with hyperplastic polyps; adenomatous polyps; invasive neoplasia (CRC patients); or hereditary non-polyposis CRC. The results showed a shift from 34:1- to 38:4-containing species in the pathological groups. We demonstrate that the ratio Σ34:1-containing species/Σ38:4-containing species has the potential to discriminate between healthy and pathological patients. Altogether, the results reinforce the utility of plasma exosome lipid fingerprint to provide new non-invasive biomarkers in a clinical context.  相似文献   

Ovarian cancer (OC) is one of the most common and fatal types of gynecological cancer. In the early phase of OC detection, the current treatment and diagnostic methods are not efficient and sensitive enough. Therefore, it is crucial to explore the mechanisms of OC metastasis and discover valuable factors for early diagnosis of female cancers and novel therapeutic strategies for metastasis. Exosomes are known to be involved in the development, migration, and invasion of cancer cells, and their cargo could be useful for the non-invasive biopsy development. CD151- and Tspan8-positive exosomes are known to support the degradation of the extracellular matrix, and are involved in stroma remodeling, angiogenesis and cell motility, as well as the association of miR-24 and miR-101 with these processes. The objective of this study was to explore the relationship of these components of exosomal cargo, in patients with OC, to clarify the clinical significance of these markers in liquid biopsies. The levels of tetraspanins Tspan8+ and CD151+ exosomes were significantly higher in plasma exosomes of OC patients compared with healthy females (HFs). The relative levels of miR-24 and miR-101 in plasma exosomes of HFs were significantly higher than in plasma exosomes of OC patients, while the levels of these microRNAs in exosomes from plasma and ascites of ill females showed no difference. Our study revealed a strong direct correlation between the change in the ascites exosomes CD151+Tspan8+ subpopulation level and the expression levels of the ascites (R = 0.81, p < 0.05) and plasma exosomal miR-24 (R = 0.74, p < 0.05) in OC patients, which confirms the assumption that exosomal cargo act synergistically to increase cellular motility, affecting cellular processes and signaling. Bioinformatics analysis confirmed the involvement of CD151 and Tspan8 tetraspanins and genes controlled by miR-24-3p and miR-101 in signaling pathways, which are crucial for carcinogenesis, demonstrating that these tetraspanins and microRNAs are potential biomarkers for OC screening, and predictors of poor clinicopathological behavior in tumors.  相似文献   

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), an unconventional cancer therapy with optimistic desirable effects, utilizes the delivery of a photosensitizer (PS) that is activated by light at a particular wavelength and inducing oxidative cytotoxic damage of a tumor and its surrounding vasculature. Deeper seated tumors such as internally metastasized melanomas are more difficult to treat with PDT as the penetration of laser light to those sites is less. Limitations in targeting melanomas can also be attributed to melanin pigments that hinder laser light from reaching targeted sites. Exosomes serve as naturally occurring nanoparticles that can be re-assembled with PSs, improving targeted cellular absorption of photosensitizing agents during PDT. Additionally, studies indicate that exosomes released from PDT-treated tumor cells play a critical role in mediating anti-tumor immune responses. This review collates the role of Melanoma Cell-Derived Exosomes (MTEX) in immune response mediation and metastasis. Tumor Cell-Derived Exosomes (TEX) post PDT treatment are also reviewed, as well as the effects of exosomes as carriers of photosensitizers and delivery systems for PDT. The understanding and research on the role of melanoma exosomes induced by Photodynamic Therapy and their tumor microenvironment will assist in future research in treatment prospects and implications.  相似文献   

The long-underestimated role of extracellular vesicles in cancer is now reconsidered worldwide by basic and clinical scientists, who recently highlighted novel and crucial activities of these moieties. Extracellular vesicles are now considered as king transporters of specific cargoes, including molecular components of parent cells, thus mediating a wide variety of cellular activities both in normal and neoplastic tissues. Here, we discuss the multifunctional activities and underlying mechanisms of extracellular vesicles in neuroblastoma, the most frequent common extra-cranial tumor in childhood. The ability of extracellular vesicles to cross-talk with different cells in the tumor microenvironment and to modulate an anti-tumor immune response, tumorigenesis, tumor growth, metastasis and drug resistance will be pinpointed in detail. The results obtained on the role of extracellular vesicles may represent a panel of suggestions potentially useful in practice, due to their involvement in the response to chemotherapy, and, moreover, their ability to predict resistance to standard therapies—all issues of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause cytokine storm and may overshoot immunity in humans; however, it remains to be determined whether virus-induced soluble mediators from infected cells are carried by exosomes as vehicles to distant organs and cause tissue damage in COVID-19 patients. We took an unbiased proteomic approach for analyses of exosomes isolated from plasma of healthy volunteers and COVID-19 patients. Our results revealed that tenascin-C (TNC) and fibrinogen-β (FGB) are highly abundant in exosomes from COVID-19 patients’ plasma compared with that of healthy normal controls. Since TNC and FGB stimulate pro-inflammatory cytokines via the Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) pathway, we examined the status of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and C–C motif chemokine ligand 5 (CCL5) expression upon exposure of hepatocytes to exosomes from COVID-19 patients and observed significant increase compared with that from healthy subjects. Together, our results demonstrate that TNC and FGB are transported through plasma exosomes and potentially trigger pro-inflammatory cytokine signaling in cells of distant organ.  相似文献   

Therapeutic agents that are able to prevent or attenuate inflammation and ischemia-induced injury of neural and retinal cells could be used for the treatment of neural and retinal diseases. Exosomes derived from adipose tissue-sourced mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSC-Exos) are extracellular vesicles that contain neurotrophins, immunoregulatory and angio-modulatory factors secreted by their parental cells. AT-MSC-Exos are enriched with bioactive molecules (microRNAs (miRNAs), enzymes, cytokines, chemokines, immunoregulatory, trophic, and growth factors), that alleviate inflammation and promote the survival of injured cells in neural and retinal tissues. Due to the nano-sized dimension and bilayer lipid envelope, AT-MSC-Exos easily bypass blood–brain and blood–retinal barriers and deliver their cargo directly into the target cells. Accordingly, a large number of experimental studies demonstrated the beneficial effects of AT-MSC-Exos in the treatment of neural and retinal diseases. By delivering neurotrophins, AT-MSC-Exos prevent apoptosis of injured neurons and retinal cells and promote neuritogenesis. AT-MSC-Exos alleviate inflammation in the injured brain, spinal cord, and retinas by delivering immunoregulatory factors in immune cells, suppressing their inflammatory properties. AT-MSC-Exos may act as biological mediators that deliver pro-angiogenic miRNAs in endothelial cells, enabling re-vascularization of ischemic neural and retinal tissues. Herewith, we summarized current knowledge about molecular mechanisms which were responsible for the beneficial effects of AT-MSC-Exos in the treatment of neural and retinal diseases, emphasizing their therapeutic potential in neurology and ophthalmology.  相似文献   

The Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that affects the world’s popula-tion with chikungunya disease. Adaptation of the viral life cycle to their host cells’ environment is a key step for establishing their infection and pathogenesis. Recently, the accumulating evidence advocates a principal role of extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, in both the infection and pathogenesis of infectious diseases. However, the participation of exosomes in CHIKV infec-tion and transmission is not well clarified. Here, we demonstrated that the CHIKV RNA and pro-teins were captured in exosomes, which were released by viral-infected epithelial cells. A viral genomic element in the isolated exosomes was infectious to naïve mammalian epithelial cells. The assay of particle size distribution and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed CHIKV-derived exosomes with a size range from 50 to 250 nm. Treatments with RNase A, Triton X-100, and immunoglobulin G antibodies from CHIKV-positive patient plasma indicated that in-fectious viral elements are encompassed inside the exosomes. Interestingly, our viral plaque for-mation also exhibited that infectious viral elements might be securely transmitted to neighboring cells by a secreted exosomal pathway. Taken together, our recent findings emphasize the evidence for a complementary means of CHIKV infection and suggest the role of exosome-mediated CHIKV transmission.  相似文献   

Liquid biopsies allow for the detection of cancer biomarkers such as circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). Elevated levels of these biomarkers during cancer treatment could potentially serve as indicators of cancer progression and shed light on the mechanisms of metastasis and therapy resistance. Thus, liquid biopsies serve as tools for cancer detection and monitoring through a simple, non-invasive blood draw, allowing multiple longitudinal sampling. These circulating markers have significant prospects for use in assessing patients’ prognosis, monitoring response to therapy, and developing precision medicine. In addition, single-cell omics of these liquid biopsy markers can be potential tools for identifying tumor heterogeneity and plasticity as well as novel therapeutic targets. In this review, we focus on our current understanding of circulating tumor biomarkers, especially in breast cancer, and the scope of novel sequencing technologies and diagnostic methods for better prognostication and patient stratification to improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are elements of indisputable significance as they seem to be responsible for the onset of metastasis. Despite this, research into CTCs and their clinical application have been hindered by their rarity and heterogeneity at the molecular and cellular level, and also by a lack of technical standardization. Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is a highly aggressive cancer that is often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Its incidence has increased so much in recent years that new diagnostic, prognostic and predictive biomarkers are urgently needed. Preliminary findings suggest that CTCs could represent an effective, non-invasive, real-time assessable biomarker in all stages of EAC. This review provides an overview of EAC and CTC characteristics and reports the main research results obtained on CTCs in this setting. The need to carry out further basic and translational research in this area to confirm the clinical usefulness of CTCs and to provide oncologists with a tool to improve therapeutic strategies for EAC patients was herein highlighted.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids (SLs), glycosphingolipids (GSLs), and eicosanoids are bioactive lipids, which play important roles in the etiology of various diseases, including cancer. However, their content and roles in cancer cells, and in particular in the exosomes derived from tumor cells, remain insufficiently characterized. In this study, we evaluated alterations of SL and GSL levels in transformed cells and their exosomes, using comparative HPLC-MS/MS analysis of parental human bronchial epithelial cells HBEC-12KT and their derivative, benzo[a]pyrene-transformed HBEC-12KT-B1 cells with the acquired mesenchymal phenotype. We examined in parallel SL/GSL contents in the exosomes released from both cell lines. We found significant alterations of the SL/GSL profile in the transformed cell line, which corresponded well with alterations of the SL/GSL profile in exosomes derived from these cells. This suggested that a majority of SLs and GSLs were transported by exosomes in the same relative pattern as in the cells of origin. The only exceptions included decreased contents of sphingosin, sphingosin-1-phosphate, and lactosylceramide in exosomes derived from the transformed cells, as compared with the exosomes derived from the parental cell line. Importantly, we found increased levels of ceramide phosphate, globoside Gb3, and ganglioside GD3 in the exosomes derived from the transformed cells. These positive modulators of epithelial–mesenchymal transition and other pro-carcinogenic processes might thus also contribute to cancer progression in recipient cells. In addition, the transformed HBEC-12KT-B1 cells also produced increased amounts of eicosanoids, in particular prostaglandin E2. Taken together, the exosomes derived from the transformed cells with specifically upregulated SL and GSL species, and increased levels of eicosanoids, might contribute to changes within the cancer microenvironment and in recipient cells, which could in turn participate in cancer development. Future studies should address specific roles of individual SL and GSL species identified in the present study.  相似文献   

Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (UCMSCs) have potential applications in regenerative medicine. UCMSCs have been demonstrated to repair tissue damage in many inflammatory and degenerative diseases. We have previously shown that UCMSC exosomes reduce nerve injury-induced pain in rats. In this study, we characterized UCMSC exosomes using RNA sequencing and proteomic analyses and investigated their protective effects on cisplatin-induced hearing loss in mice. Two independent experiments were designed to investigate the protective effects on cisplatin-induced hearing loss in mice: (i) chronic intraperitoneal cisplatin administration (4 mg/kg) once per day for 5 consecutive days and intraperitoneal UCMSC exosome (1.2 μg/μL) injection at the same time point; and (ii) UCMSC exosome (1.2 μg/μL) injection through a round window niche 3 days after chronic cisplatin administration. Our data suggest that UCMSC exosomes exert protective effects in vivo. The post-traumatic administration of UCMSC exosomes significantly improved hearing loss and rescued the loss of cochlear hair cells in mice receiving chronic cisplatin injection. Neuropathological gene panel analyses further revealed the UCMSC exosomes treatment led to beneficial changes in the expression levels of many genes in the cochlear tissues of cisplatin-injected mice. In conclusion, UCMSC exosomes exerted protective effects in treating ototoxicity-induced hearing loss by promoting tissue remodeling and repair.  相似文献   

Stemness and epithelial–mesenchymal plasticity are widely studied in the circulating tumor cells of breast cancer patients because the roles of both processes in tumor progression are well established. An important property that should be taken into account is the ability of CTCs to disseminate, particularly the viability and apoptotic states of circulating tumor cells (CTCs). Recent data demonstrate that apoptosis reversal promotes the formation of stem-like tumor cells with pronounced potential for dissemination. Our study focused on the association between different apoptotic states of CTCs with short- and long-term treatment outcomes. We evaluated the association of viable CTCs, CTCs with early features of apoptosis, and end-stage apoptosis/necrosis CTCs with clinicopathological parameters of breast cancer patients. We found that the proportion of circulating tumor cells with features of early apoptosis is a perspective prognosticator of metastasis-free survival, which also correlates with the neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in breast cancer patients. Moreover, we establish that apoptotic CTCs are associated with the poor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and metastasis-free survival expressed at least two stemness markers, CD44 and CD133.  相似文献   

Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer is the most common form of bladder cancer. The main problem in managing bladder tumors is the high recurrence after the transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TURBT). Our study aimed to examine the fate of intravesically applied cancer cells as the implantation of cancer cells after TURBT is thought to be a cause of tumor recurrence. We established an orthotopic mouse bladder tumor model with MB49-GFP cancer cells and traced them during the first three days to define their location and contacts with normal urothelial cells. Data were obtained by Western blot, immunolabeling, and light and electron microscopy. We showed that within the first two hours, applied cancer cells adhered to the traumatized epithelium by cell projections containing α3β1 integrin on their tips. Cancer cells then migrated through the epithelium and on day 3, they reached the basal lamina or even penetrated it. In established bladder tumors, E-cadherin and desmoplakin 1/2 were shown as feasible immunohistochemical markers of tumor margins based on the immunolabeling of various junctional proteins. Altogether, these results for the first time illustrate cancer cell implantation in vivo mimicking cellular events of tumor recurrence in bladder cancer patients.  相似文献   

To date, there is indisputable evidence of significant CTC heterogeneity in carcinomas, in particular breast cancer. The heterogeneity of CTCs is manifested in the key characteristics of tumor cells related to metastatic progression – stemness and epithelial–mesenchymal (EMT) plasticity. It is still not clear what markers can characterize the phenomenon of EMT plasticity in the range from epithelial to mesenchymal phenotypes. In this article we examine the manifestations of EMT plasticity in the CTCs in breast cancer. The prospective study included 39 patients with invasive carcinoma of no special type. CTC phenotypes were determined by flow cytometry before any type of treatment. EMT features of CTC were assessed using antibodies against CD45, CD326 (EpCam), CD325 (N-cadherin), CK7, Snail, and Vimentin. Circulating tumor cells in breast cancer are characterized by pronounced heterogeneity of EMT manifestations. The results of the study indicate that the majority of heterogeneous CTC phenotypes (22 out of 24 detectable) exhibit epithelial–mesenchymal plasticity. The variability of EMT manifestations does not prevent intravasation. Co-expression of EpCAM and CK7, regardless of the variant of co-expression of Snail, N-cadherin, and Vimentin, are associated with a low number of CTCs. Intrapersonal heterogeneity is manifested by the detection of several CTC phenotypes in each patient. Interpersonal heterogeneity is manifested by various combinations of CTC phenotypes in patients (from 1 to 17 phenotypes).  相似文献   

Corneal wound healing involves communication between the different cell types that constitute the three cellular layers of the cornea (epithelium, stroma and endothelium), a process ensured in part by a category of extracellular vesicles called exosomes. In the present study, we isolated exosomes released by primary cultured human corneal epithelial cells (hCECs), corneal fibroblasts (hCFs) and corneal endothelial cells (hCEnCs) and determined whether they have wound healing characteristics of their own and to which point they modify the genetic and proteomic pattern of these cell types. Exosomes released by all three cell types significantly accelerated wound closure of scratch-wounded hCECs in vitro compared to controls (without exosomes). Profiling of activated kinases revealed that exosomes from human corneal cells caused the activation of signal transduction mediators that belong to the HSP27, STAT, β-catenin, GSK-3β and p38 pathways. Most of all, data from gene profiling analyses indicated that exosomes, irrespective of their cellular origin, alter a restricted subset of genes that are completely different between each targeted cell type (hCECs, hCFS, hCEnCs). Analysis of the genes specifically differentially regulated for a given cell-type in the microarray data using the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software revealed that the mean gene expression profile of hCECs cultured in the presence of exosomes would likely promote cell proliferation and migration whereas it would reduce differentiation when compared to control cells. Collectively, our findings represent a conceptual advance in understanding the mechanisms of corneal wound repair that may ultimately open new avenues for the development of novel therapeutic approaches to improve closure of corneal wounds.  相似文献   

Sleep apnea syndrome (SAS), characterized by recurrent episodes of oxygen desaturation and reoxygenation (intermittent hypoxia (IH)), is a risk factor for hypertension and insulin resistance. We report a correlation between IH and insulin resistance/diabetes. However, the reason why hypertension is induced by IH is elusive. Here, we investigated the effect of IH on the expression of catecholamine-metabolizing enzymes using an in vitro IH system. Human and mouse neuroblastoma cells (NB-1 and Neuro-2a) were exposed to IH or normoxia for 24 h. Real-time RT-PCR revealed that IH significantly increased the mRNA levels of dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) in both NB-1 and Neuro-2a. Western blot showed that the expression of DBH and PNMT in the NB-1 cells was significantly increased by IH. Reporter assays revealed that promoter activities of DBH and PNMT were not increased by IH. The miR-375 level of IH-treated cells was significantly decreased relative to that of normoxia-treated cells. The IH-induced up-regulation of DBH and PNMT was abolished by the introduction of the miR-375 mimic, but not by the control RNA. These results indicate that IH stress increases levels of DBH and PNMT via the inhibition of miR-375-mediated mRNA degradation, potentially playing a role in the emergence of hypertension in SAS patients.  相似文献   

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