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Y. Chen  J. Li  J.L. Lu  F.S. Wang 《Electrochimica acta》2007,52(17):5392-5399
Polyaniline emeraldine base/epoxy resin (EB/ER) coating was investigated for corrosion protection of mild steel coupled with copper in 3.5% NaCl solution. EB/ER coating with 5-10 wt% EB had long-term corrosion resistance on both uncoupled steel and copper due to the passivation effect of EB on the metal surfaces. During the 150 immersion days, the impedance at 0.1 Hz for the coating increased in the first 1-40 days and subsequently remained constant above 109 Ω cm2, whereas that for pure ER coating fell below 106 Ω cm2 after only 30 or 40 days. Immersion tests on coated steel-copper galvanic couple showed that EB/ER coating offered 100 times more protection than ER coating against steel dissolution and coating delamination on copper, which was mainly attributed to the passive metal oxide films formed by EB blocking both the anodic and cathodic reactions. Salt spray tests showed that 100 μm EB/ER coating protected steel-copper couple for at least 2000 h.  相似文献   

Electrodeposition of polypyrrole phosphate (PPy–P) on mild steel (ST12) was achieved in oxalic acid medium using cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique. Adherent and homogeneous PPy–P films were obtained. The corrosion behavior of mild steel with phosphate (PPy–P) coatings in 3.5% NaCl solutions was investigated through potentiodynamic polarization technique, open circuit potential–time curves, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Based on a physical model for the corrosion of mild steel composite, the Zview (II) software was applied to the EIS to estimate the parameters of the proposed equivalent circuit. It was found that the PPy–P coatings could provide much better protection than PPy. The effect of phosphate on the morphology and structure of the passive film was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and electron dispersion X-ray analysis (EDX). The results reveal that the PPy–P coated electrode provided a noticeable enhancement of protection against corrosion process.  相似文献   

Inhibition effect of three bis-Schiff bases of isatin namely (2-methoxybenzylidene) hydrazono) indolin-2-one (HZ-1), (2-hydroxybenzylidene) hydrazono) indolin-2-one (HZ-2) and (4-nitrobenzylidene) hydrazono) indolin-2-one (HZ-3) was studied on mild steel corrosion in 1.0 M HCl by gravimetric measurements, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potentiodynamic polarization and quantum chemical study. The values of activation energy (Ea), equilibrium constant (Kads), free energy of adsorption ΔG°ads, activation enthalpy ΔH* and activation entropy ΔS*were discussed. The adsorption of inhibitors on metal followed Langmuir's adsorption isotherm. SEM and EDX observations confirmed the existence of protective inhibitor film on metal surface. Quantum chemical study supports the comparative inhibition effect of HZs.  相似文献   

Poly-m-aminophenol (PMAP) films were synthesized using cyclic voltammetric (CV), chronoamperometric (CA) and chronopotentiometric (CP) methods in basic hydro-alcoholic medium on mild steel (MS). The structure and properties of these films were characterized by FTIR, UV–vis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM microphotographs reveal that the surface of MS was coated with PMAP films using CV, CP and CA methods. Some pinholes were seen in the SEM microphotograph of PMAP films prepared using CP method. The anti-corrosion behavior of PMAP films synthesized by CV, CA and CP has been investigated in 3.5% NaCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The results show that PMAP films synthesized by CV and CA methods are much more effective in reducing the corrosion of MS than PMAP films synthesized by CP method. Corrosion performance of these films arises from the barrier effect for the diffusion of O2.  相似文献   

Synthesis of polyindole was achieved on mild steel electrode previously coated with a very thin polypyrrole layer (PPy). Cyclic voltammetry technique was used for both syntheses; oxalic acid solution was used for synthesis of primer PPy coating and polyindole film (PI) was obtained from LiClO4 containing acetonitrile medium. The corrosion performance of this PPy/PI coating was investigated properly in 3.5% NaCl solution by using anodic polarization and open circuit potential (Eocp)–time curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). This coating exhibited excellent barrier efficiency for a long time (about 190 h) and it was also able to provide a certain anodic protection. After 240 h of immersion time in corrosive test solution, the protection efficiency value was determined to be 98.9%.  相似文献   

The corrosion process of mild steel in the presence of benzoate-doped polyaniline coatings exposed to different environments (3% NaCl, atmosphere, and the Sahara sand) has been investigated. This system was also tested for cathodic protection and it has proven more efficient comparing to mild steel alone. Possible mechanisms of the corrosion protection of mild steel in the presence of a polyaniline-based coating in different corrosion media were also proposed.  相似文献   

Alternating current (AC) corrosion of mild steel in marine environments under cathodic protection (CP) condition was studied. Electrochemical studies at the two protection potentials namely −780 and −1100 mV versus SCE were examined by different techniques. DC polarization study was carried out for mild steel in natural seawater and 18.5 g/L NaCl solution to evolve corrosion current density. The corrosion rate determination, pH of the end experimental solution and surface morphology of the mild steel specimens under the influence of different AC current densities were studied. The amount of leaching of iron into the solution was estimated using inductively coupled plasma spectrometry. All these techniques revealed that AC influences the corrosion of mild steel in the presence of marine environments even though CP was given. Surface micrographs revealed that spreading of red rust products noticed on the mild steel surface. At −780 mV CP, red rusts are visually seen when the AC source was above 10 A/m2 in both the media but red rusts are appeared after 20 A/m2 in the case of −1100 mV CP. Weight loss measurements coupled with surface examination and solution analysis is a effective tool to characterize and quantify the AC corrosion of mild steel in marine environments.  相似文献   

Polyaniline (PANI) coatings were electrochemically synthesized on nickel (Ni) coated mild steel (MS) and their corrosion protection properties were investigated. In this work, the Ni layer (∼1 μm thick) was electrodeposited on MS under galvanostatic condition. Thereafter, the PANI coating was deposited over the Ni layer from aqueous salicylate medium by using cyclic voltammetry. These bi-layered composite coatings were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, UV–vis absorption spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The corrosion protection properties of Ni coated MS (Ni/MS) and PANI coated Ni/MS (PANI/Ni/MS) were investigated in aqueous 3% NaCl by using open circuit potential (OCP) measurements, potentiodynamic polarization technique and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It was shown that the top layer of PANI exhibits a lower porosity behavior with respect to Ni coating and reduces the corrosion rate of Ni/MS almost by a factor of 3500 and increases the lifetime of Ni coating.  相似文献   

The inhibition efficiency of Zn2+, 3-phosphonopropionic acid (3-PPA), benzotriazole (BTA) and two synthesized benzotriazole derivatives namely 1-(2-pyrrole carbonyl) benzotriazole (PCBT) and 1-(2-thienylcarbonyl) benzotriazole (TCBT) were evaluated as inhibitors for the corrosion of mild steel in ground water. The inhibition efficiencies of PCBT and TCBT in combination with Zn2+ and 3-PPA were also investigated and the results were compared with BTA. In order to study the corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency we employed potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Further characterization using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrates the adsorption of inhibitor and the formation of corrosion products on the mild steel surface, respectively. Combination of PCBT along with Zn2+ and 3-PPA shows better corrosion inhibition efficiency than other inhibitor combinations and the individual inhibitors.  相似文献   

R. Naderi 《Electrochimica acta》2009,54(27):6892-8733
This work intends to study inhibitive performance of organic and inorganic complexes of Zn(II) using electrochemical techniques along with surface analysis. In this regard, inorganic zinc aluminum polyphosphate pigment as modified zinc phosphate and zinc acetylacetonate and benzimidazole mixture representing organic replacement of zinc phosphate were employed. Through taking advantage of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and DC polarization, two mentioned approaches were indicated to be efficient. Charge transfer resistance and corrosion current density values exhibited superiority of zinc aluminum polyphosphate and mixture of zinc acetylacetonate and benzimidazole compared to zinc phosphate and also zinc acetylacetonate and benzimidazole as individual inhibitors. Corrosion inhibition efficiencies calculated based on charge transfer resistance in consistent with those calculated from corrosion current density showed the following sequence; zinc aluminum polyphosphate > mixture of zinc acetylacetonate and benzimidazole > zinc acetylacetonate > zinc phosphate > benzimidazole. Showing film formation, surface analysis SEM/EDX confirmed the results obtained by electrochemical methods.  相似文献   

The influence of [Fe]-hydrogenase from Clostridium acetobutylicum was studied on the anaerobic corrosion of mild steel. Two short-circuited mild steel electrodes were exposed to the same solution and hydrogenase was retained on the surface of only one electrode thanks to a dialysis membrane. The galvanic current and the electrode potential were measured as a function of time in order to monitor the difference in electrochemical behaviour induced by the presence of hydrogenase. A sharp potential decrease of around 500 mV was controlled by the deoxygenating phase. When hydrogenase was introduced after complete deoxygenation, significant heterogeneous corrosion was observed under the vivianite deposit on the electrode in contact with hydrogenase, while the other electrode only showed the vivianite deposit, which was analysed by MEB and EDX. The effect of hydrogenase was then confirmed by monitoring the free potential of single coupons exposed or not to the enzyme in a classical cell after complete deoxygenating. In both phosphate and Tris-HCl buffers, the presence of hydrogenase increased the free potential around 60 mV and induced marked general corrosion. It was concluded that [Fe]-hydrogenase acts in the absence of any final electron acceptor by catalysing direct proton reduction on the mild steel surface.  相似文献   

The purines and its derivatives, such as, guanine, adenine, 2,6-diaminopurine, 6-thioguanine and 2,6-dithiopurine, were investigated as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in 1 M HCl solution by weight loss measurements, electrochemical tests and quantum chemical calculations. The polarization curves of mild steel in the hydrochloric acid solutions of the purines showed that both cathodic and anodic processes of steel corrosion were suppressed. The Nyquist plots of impedance expressed mainly as a depressed capacitive loop with different compounds and concentrations. For all these purines, the inhibition efficiency increased by increasing the inhibitor concentration, and the inhibition efficiency orders are 2,6-dithiopurine > 6-thioguanine > 2,6-diaminopurine > adenine > guanine with the highest inhibiting efficiency of 88.0% for 10−3 M 2,6-dithiopurine.The optimized structures of purines, the Mulliken charges, molecular orbital densities and relevant parameters were calculated by quantum chemical calculations. The quantum chemical calculation results inferred that the adsorption belong to physical adsorption, which might arise from the π stacking between the π electron of the purines and the metal surface.  相似文献   

The Chromene derivatives having heteroatoms as active sites were investigated for scaling downthe corrosion process in mild steel (MS). The effectiveness of the inhibitors was monitored by gravimetric potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) methods. Observations suggested that the mechanism of inhibition is mainly due to the adsorption of the inhibitor molecules on the MS surface. Adsorption of both inhibitors follows the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Tafel curve shows that both inhibitors act as mixed type inhibitor. Morphological studies were done by FESEM and AFM instruments. These images indicated the formation of a protective layer on the MS surface which slows down the process of corrosion. DFT calculation provides the valuable quantum chemical parameters for both inhibitors which are supportive of the results obtained from gravimetric and EIS methods.  相似文献   

Engineering behaviour of soil materials on the corrosion of mild steel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Underground pipelines and steel structures are usually expected to have a long working life. The risk of corrosion should be estimated before installing such pipelines so this paper is aiming at the investigation of the surrounding and incorporating medium (soil filling materials).Many problems related to soil application are due to the unfavorable interaction between water and soil. Underground corrosion is primarily influenced by the following factors: the presence of soil moisture, the supply of oxygen, the redox potential, the pH value, the soil resistivity, and also by microbial activity.From engineering aspects an increase in soil water content has a number of disadvantages e.g. swelling, shrinkage and cohesion decreases which affect directly on the interaction of pipelines, causing deterioration of pipeline materials “corrosion” and also cause damage of infrastructure above this soil due to the occurrence of general and localized corrosion (pitting formation) which is present in different sites of steel structures. The presence of water is a prerequisite for the functioning of corrosion cells. Corrosion of mild steel is affected by grain size, swelling, shrinkage and clay mineral content. The finer soil particles, owing to the increase in swelling, shrinkage, and plasticity, are considered as corrosive medium for underground pipelines and steel structures. The clay mineral contents are also the main quality control to the mild steel corrosion for example montmorillonite and illite absorbed water more than kaolinite clay minerals so it is highly effective in the deterioration of metals.  相似文献   

Aziz Ya?an 《Electrochimica acta》2006,51(14):2949-2955
Poly(N-ethylaniline) (PNEA) coatings on the mild steel electrode were synthesized by electrochemical oxidation of N-ethylaniline using aqueous oxalic acid solutions as reaction medium. Electrodeposition was carried out by potentiodynamic, potentiostatic and galvanostatic synthesis techniques. Smooth, adhesive and thick PNEA coatings on mild steel could be electrosynthesized during sequential scanning of the potential region between −0.5 and 1.4 V versus SCE, with scan rate of 20 mV s−1. The electrodeposited coatings were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, FT-IR and UV-vis techniques. Corrosion behavior of PNEA coated steels was investigated by linear anodic potentiodynamic polarization technique and Tafel test. Anodic potentiodynamic polarization results showed that electrodissolution current value of PNEA coated steel decreased about 90% compared to that of the uncoated steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 aqueous solution. Tafel plots showed also strong decrease of corrosion current for the PNEA coated electrode compared to the uncoated steel electrode in 3% NaCl as corrosive medium.  相似文献   

Homopolymers and bilayers of polyaniline (PAni) and polypyrrole (PPy) coatings have been electropolymerized on mild steel by potentiodynamic synthesis technique in aqueous oxalic acid solutions. Characterization of coatings was carried out by cyclic voltammetry. Corrosion behavior of the polymer coated mild steel electrodes was investigated using linear anodic potentiodynamic polarization, Tafel test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques in various aqueous corrosive solutions. Corrosion test results clearly showed that PPy and PAni/PPy bilayer coatings served as a stable host matrix on mild steel against corrosion. However, bilayers of PAni and PPy did not exhibit good combined properties of each polymer, unlike expected. PPy exhibited the best corrosion resistance among all coatings.  相似文献   

Polyaniline (PANI) and poly(N-methylaniline) (PNMA) have been electrodeposited on mild steel from oxalic acid bath using cyclic voltammetric technique. Pretreatments like passivation and primer polymer coatings were required for effective coating. Differently stacked composite polymer layers on the metal surface by layer-by-layer approach have also been obtained and their properties have been compared with their corresponding copolymer coatings. FTIR study confirms the formation of electroactive polymer compounds on mild steel. Evaluation of these coatings in 3.5% NaCl solution by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy reveals significant corrosion resistant behavior. Relatively higher corrosion protection is exhibited by copolymer coatings and composite-bilayer coatings than the corresponding homopolymer coatings. The composite metal–PANI–PNMA layer shows higher stability and better protection than the metal–PNMA–PANI layer.  相似文献   

The effect of Thyme leaves extract on corrosion of mild steel in HCl   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aqueous extract of Thyme leaves was investigated for its efficacy as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 2 M HCl using weight loss measurements and various electrochemical techniques. Experimental results show that corrosion inhibition efficiency increases with concentration of the Thyme leaves extract. A corrosion inhibition efficiency of 84% was achieved in 2 M HCl. Polarization studies show that Thyme leaves extract acts as a mixed inhibitor. The adsorption of Thyme leaves extract on the steel surface is found to follow Langmuir adsorption isotherm.  相似文献   

Effect of steel microfibers on corrosion of steel reinforcing bars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Steel microfiber reinforcement was previously found to be successful in mitigating alkali silica reaction in concrete, an expansive phenomenon. The use of steel microfibers to mitigate rebar corrosion, another expansive reaction, was investigated. Mortar specimens with and without steel microfiber reinforcement were exposed to a corrosive environment. All specimens were prepared with water/cement ratios of both 0.40 and 0.55, cured for 28 days, and then submerged in aerated 3.5% NaCl solution. The corrosion behavior of the specimens was monitored via electrochemical measurements. Three types of electrochemical tests were performed: corrosion potential measurements, potentiodynamic polarization, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Chloride concentration measurements and microscopic analysis were performed as well. The polarization curves, Tafel, and polarization resistance measurements indicate that the steel rebar in the microfiber-reinforced mortars are more resistant to corrosion than the rebar in the control mortars, despite higher chloride concentrations. Furthermore, the steel microfiber-reinforced cement based materials have a lower electrolytic resistance. This is not indicative of a higher corrosion rate, which would be the case if it had been observed in standard mortar specimens.  相似文献   

Corrosion inhibition of mild steel by aerobic biofilm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mild steel electrodes were incubated in phosphate-buffered basal salt solution (BSS) having two different aerobic bacteria, viz. Pseudomonas alcaligenes and Pseudomonas cichorii. In the medium containing P. cichorii, significant reduction in the corrosion rate was observed due to the surface reaction leading to the formation of corrosion inhibiting bacterial biofilm. With a view to understand the mechanism of microbially influenced corrosion/corrosion inhibition, electrochemical and biological experiments such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements and biochemical analysis were made. The exposed surfaces were examined using scanning electron micrographs (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA). The scraped surface film was also examined using FT-IR spectroscopy. The results suggested that mild steel surface contained iron oxide-phosphate layer covered with bacteria and exo polymeric substance (EPS)/iron-EPS complex for P. cichorii and iron oxides and iron phosphate for P. alcaligenes.  相似文献   

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