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China plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from 2005 levels by 40–45% by 2020 and by 60–65% by 2030. This research project addresses this challenge by analyzing Chinese provincial carbon dioxide emission efficiencies and the energy consumption structure. The study applies the Slacks Based Measure (SBM) model to analyze the data from 30 regions in China from 2000 to 2011. The situation of provincial carbon dioxide emission efficiency, the characteristics of the energy consumption structure in each province, and the differences among these provinces are quantitatively analyzed. Based on the K-means cluster analysis, this research suggests that China be divided into five groups in the energy consumption structure: the inefficient and less reasonable group, the inefficient and more reasonable group, the efficient and less reasonable group, the efficient and more reasonable group, and the efficient and most reasonable group. The study offers recommendations for the government to develop policies to effectively and efficiently reduce carbon dioxide emission levels for each group. It also has profound implications for government administration in developing countries to guide the energy consumption and to control environmental pollution for the healthy development of the economy.  相似文献   

This study investigates the long and short run relationships among carbon emissions, energy consumption and economic growth in India at the aggregated and disaggregated levels during 1971–2014. The autoregressive distributed lag model is employed for the cointegration analyses and the vector error correction model is applied to determine the direction of causality between variables. Results show that a long run cointegration relationship exists and that the environmental Kuznets curve is validated at the aggregated and disaggregated levels. Furthermore, energy (total energy, gas, oil, electricity and coal) consumption has a positive relationship with carbon emissions and a feedback effect exists between economic growth and carbon emissions. Thus, energy-efficient technologies should be used in domestic production to mitigate carbon emissions at the aggregated and disaggregated levels. The present study provides policy makers with new directions in drafting comprehensive policies with lasting impacts on the economy, energy consumption and environment towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of electricity consumption on the economic growth in the Middle East countries during the period 1990–2008. The panel model is used in this study. Based on the cointegration test results, it is found that CO2 emission and electricity consumption have a long-run relationship with economic growth. Moreover, there is also a bi-directional Granger causality between electricity consumption, CO2 emission, and economic growth in both the short run and the long run. The results of this study show clearly that electricity consumption plays an important role in the economic growth of the Middle East countries.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal relationship between carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, and real output within a panel vector error correction model for eleven countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States over the period 1992–2004. In the long-run, energy consumption has a positive and statistically significant impact on carbon dioxide emissions while real output follows an inverted U-shape pattern associated with the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. The short-run dynamics indicate unidirectional causality from energy consumption and real output, respectively, to carbon dioxide emissions along with bidirectional causality between energy consumption and real output. In the long-run there appears to be bidirectional causality between energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   

The East Asia region includes three of the world's top five oil-importing nations—China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. As a consequence, international oil supply disruptions and oil price spikes, and their effects on the economies of the region, have historically been of significant concern. Each of these three nations, as well as other nations in East Asia, has developed or is developing their own strategic oil stockpiles, but regional coordination in stockpiling arrangements and sharing of oil stocks in an emergency could provide significant benefits. This article describes the overall oil supply security situation in East Asia, reviews the attributes of different stockpiling arrangements to address energy supply security concerns, summarizes ongoing national approaches to stockpiling in East Asia, describes the development of joint oil stockpile initiatives in the region, and suggests the most attractive options for regional cooperation on oil stockpiling issues.  相似文献   

This paper explores the causal relationship between economic growth, trade openness and energy consumption using data of 15 Asian countries. The study covers the period of 1980–2011. We have applied panel cointegration and causality approaches to examine the long-run and causal relationship between variables.Empirical results confirm the presence of cointegration between variables. The impact of economic growth and trade openness on energy consumption is found to be positive. The panel Granger causality analysis reveals the bidirectional causality between economic growth and energy consumption, trade openness and energy consumption.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causal relationships between carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption and real economic output using panel cointegration and panel vector error correction modeling techniques based on the panel data for 28 provinces in China over the period 1995–2007. Our empirical results show that CO2 emissions, energy consumption and economic growth have appeared to be cointegrated. Moreover, there exists bidirectional causality between CO2 emissions and energy consumption, and also between energy consumption and economic growth. It has also been found that energy consumption and economic growth are the long-run causes for CO2 emissions and CO2 emissions and economic growth are the long-run causes for energy consumption. The results indicate that China's CO2 emissions will not decrease in a long period of time and reducing CO2 emissions may handicap China's economic growth to some degree. Some policy implications of the empirical results have finally been proposed.  相似文献   

This paper studies the characteristics of waste gas emission (WGE), energy consumption (EC) and economic development in China, and analyzes the reason for the change of waste gas intensity (WI) in order to provide necessary information for policy maker. Firstly, this paper describes the situation of WGE and the primary factors in China in general to describe the relationship among energy, economy and environmental at the national level. Then we detect the main sectors for WGE that have notable effectiveness for economic and EC through the comparison of the percentage of EC, value added (VA) and industrial WGE from combustion in 39 industrial sectors. Then with the calculation of energy intensity (EI), clean level (CL) and WI, this paper selects those crucial sectors for waste gas control and shows the efficiency of waste gas control in these sectors from 2001 to 2005. The result showed most waste gas came from heavy industrial sectors. However, heavy industrial sectors usually have lower CL than light industries. Moreover, within these sectors, some sectors, particularly Production and supply of electric power and heat power, showed the tendency of worsening efficiency for waste gas control from 2001 to 2005.  相似文献   

This paper uses multivariate co-integration Granger causality tests to investigate the correlations between carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption and economic growth in China. Some researchers have argued that the adoption of a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption as a long term policy goal will result in a closed-form relationship, to the detriment of the economy. Therefore, a perspective that can make allowances for the fact that the exclusive pursuit of economic growth will increase energy consumption and CO2 emissions is required; to the extent that such growth will have adverse effects with regard to global climate change.  相似文献   

This article introduces a methodological framework to study institutions in European and Asian energy markets with a comparative case study on the EU and east Asia. A distinction is made between informal and three types of formal institutions; and their transaction cost reducing, order creating and ecological/climatic functions. The operation of energy markets is explained through the structure of institutions, their types and functions. It is found that order-creating institutions guarantee enough stability, (mutual) trust and solidarity among EU Member States to support the competitive markets institution and supranational formal institutions as the underpinnings of trade in the internal energy market, which nevertheless retains some corporatist features. In the east Asian markets the nature of order-creating institutions sovereignty, energy diplomacy and great power management prevents the emergence of supranational formal institutions and a shared idea of trade. The prevailing structure has a large number of sub-regional organisations with overlapping tasks and few powers. In both markets the functions of institutions signify more than their number; transaction cost reducing institutions are dependent on order-creating institutions, while both of these functions are better realised on the regional level than ecological/climatic functions; ultimately informal institutions are most influential.  相似文献   

For the Chinese industry as the mainstay of the national economy and dominant energy user and carbon emitter, an integrative assessment is performed from major energy policy perspectives of energy security, energy efficiency and carbon emission. Extensive systems indicators, including oil dependence ratio, average oil growth rate; indices of energy diversity, of carbonization and of oil growth risk; ratios of energy use to output, to value added and to compensation for laborers; ratios of carbon emission to output, to value added and to compensation for laborers, are devised to assess the Chinese industry 2002–2007 with most recent statistics availability. Combined indicators are identified by sparse principle component analysis to characterize sector performances. The industrial sectors are classified into five clusters and the main features of each cluster are pinpointed using fuzzy clustering algorithm. Concrete results facilitate comparisons of sectors to enable more accurate policy recommendations.  相似文献   

China's carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion had increased with an annual growth rate of 4.36% since 1980, hitting 1 GtC in 2003. The global climate change issue is becoming more and more important and hence to be the fourth challenge for China's future energy development, following energy supply shortages, energy security, and local environmental protection. This paper used three MARKAL (MARKet ALlocation) family models, that is, MARKAL, MARKAL-ED (MARKAL with elastic demand), and MARKAL-MACRO, to study China energy system's carbon mitigation strategies and corresponding impacts on the economy. The models’ structures and the economic feedback formulations used in MARKAL-MACRO and MARKAL-ED are briefly described. The endogenous demands in MARKAL-MACRO and MARKAL-ED enable them to partly satisfy carbon abatement constraints via energy service demand reductions, and the reduction levels for the 30 demand sectors from these two kinds of models for given carbon emission constraints are presented and compared. The impact of carbon mitigation on social welfare from MARKAL and MARKAL-ED, and on GDP, investment and consumption from MARKAL-MACRO are evaluated. The changes in both final and primary energy mix, changes in technology development, as well as marginal abatement costs for given carbon constraints from the three models, are analyzed.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of a new generalized price-augmented Working-based (Tran Van Hoa and Reece, 1989) six-equation model of energy consumption in Thailand for the period 1974–1987, and provides improved 2SHI (Tran Van Hoa, 1986) forecasts for six petroleum products for the period 1991–2000. The forecasts are particularly useful in complete fuel-cycle greenhouse-gas emission approaches (e.g. Wilson, 1990) to study the impact of energy consumption on the environment.  相似文献   

At present, China is the largest primary energy consumer and carbon emitter in the world. Meantime, China is a large transitional economy with significant regional gaps. Against such backgrounds, the calculated results of energy and carbon performance indicators may be biased, without considering heterogeneity across regions. To this end, after incorporating region-heterogeneity, this paper provides detailed information, regarding energy efficiency, carbon emission performance and the potential of carbon emission reductions from regional perspectives, which may be important and useful for policy makers. Our main findings are as follows. Firstly, there is significant group-heterogeneity across regions in China, in terms of energy efficiency and carbon emission performance. Secondly, there are no considerable differences between total-factor and single-factor performance indices, since there is limited substitutability between energy inputs and other production inputs. Finally, significant carbon emission reductions can be made by “catching up” for regions with low energy efficiency and carbon emission performance. Looking ahead, the Chinese government should adopt measures to promote improvements in terms of energy efficiency and carbon emission performance in the short term.  相似文献   

This study attempts to empirically examine the dynamic causal relationships between carbon emissions, energy consumption, income, and foreign trade in the case of Turkey using the time-series data for the period 1960–2005. This research tests the interrelationship between the variables using the bounds testing to cointegration procedure. The bounds test results indicate that there exist two forms of long-run relationships between the variables. In the case of first form of long-run relationship, carbon emissions are determined by energy consumption, income and foreign trade. In the case of second long-run relationship, income is determined by carbon emissions, energy consumption and foreign trade. An augmented form of Granger causality analysis is conducted amongst the variables. The long-run relationship of CO2 emissions, energy consumption, income and foreign trade equation is also checked for the parameter stability. The empirical results suggest that income is the most significant variable in explaining the carbon emissions in Turkey which is followed by energy consumption and foreign trade. Moreover, there exists a stable carbon emissions function. The results also provide important policy recommendations.  相似文献   

中国农村生活用能及其碳排放分析(2001-2010)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了2001~2008年中国农村生活用能的变化以及2001~2010年中国农村生活用能对气候变化的影响。研究发现,农村生活用能呈现了从非商品能源向商品能源转变的趋势,其中,传统生物质能源的消费比例从81.5%下降至70.9%,而商品能源则从17.1%上升至25.1%。此外,除传统生物质能源外的其它可再生能源的消费增长迅速,年均增长率为19.8%。与此相应,农村生活用能消费所导致的碳排放呈现出显著的增加趋势,由152.2百万t上升至366.89百万t,且农村人均CO2排放的增长速度是同期城镇人口的1.87倍。分析认为,影响商品能源消费的主要因素是农村居民收入的增加,强有力的政策支持则促进了农村除传统生物质能源外其他可再生能源的发展。  相似文献   

Many countries have implemented various policies for renewable energy development ranging from setting power purchase agreements and the legislation of renewable energy requirements to providing incentives and imposing carbon taxes. The evaluation of the effectiveness of such policies, however, is fragmented, which raises a need for a comprehensive analysis. This paper aims to assess whether and how policies promoting renewable energy investment have achieved the intended goals. It employs five broadly defined criteria - market, uncertainty, profitability, technology, and financial resources - to build an index to assess respectively if such policies have helped create a market for renewable energy, maximize potential profits, reduce risks relating to the investment, develop and adopt new technologies, and improve the access to financial resources. Each criterion is reflected by three indicators. Values of each indicator are converted into ordinal values for analysis. The index not only scans comprehensively all relevant renewable energy investment policies in the East Asia Summit countries, but also provides systematic and quantitative measures to compare the effectiveness of policies in these countries with respect to the creation of market, the degree of uncertainty, the potential of profitability, the development and adoption of technology and the accessibility of financial resources.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the long-run equilibrium relationships, temporal dynamic relationships and causal relationships between energy consumption structure, economic structure and energy intensity in China. Time series variables over the periods from 1980 to 2006 are employed in empirical tests. Cointegration tests suggest that these three variables tend to move together in the long-run. In addition, Granger causality tests indicate that there is a unidirectional causality running from energy intensity to economic structure but not vice versa. Impulse response analysis provides reasonable evidences that one shock of the three variables will cause the periods of destabilized that followed. However, the impact of the energy consumption structure shock on energy intensity and the impact of the economic structure shock on energy consumption structure seem to be rather marginal. The findings have significant implications from the point of view of energy conservation and economic development. In order to decrease energy intensity, Chinese government must continue to reduce the proportion of coal in energy consumption, increase the utilization efficiency of coal and promote the upgrade of economic structure. Furthermore, a full analysis of factors that may relate to energy intensity (e.g. energy consumption structure, economic structure) should be conducted before making energy policies.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the main features of CO2 emission from fossil energy combustion in China. Then it estimates China's future energy requirements and projects its CO2 emission from 2010 to 2020 based on the scenario analysis approach. China's rate of carbon productivity growth is estimated to be 5.4% in the period 2005–2020, while the CO2 intensity of GDP will reduce by about 50% but CO2 emission in 2020 will still be about 40% higher than prevailing in 2005 because of rapid growth of GDP. This estimation is based on the assumption that China will implement a sustainable development strategy in consideration of climate change issues. The main objectives of the strategy are to implement an “energy conservation first” strategy, to develop renewable energy and advanced nuclear technology actively, to readjust the country's economic structure, and to formulate and legislate laws and regulations, and to build institutions for energy conservation and development of renewable energy. It concludes that international measures to mitigate CO2 emission will limit world fossil fuel consumption. China is not placed to replicate the modernization model adopted by developed countries and has to coordinate economic development and carbon dioxide emission control while still in the process of industrialization and modernization. China has to evolve a low carbon industrialization model. This is the key to the success of sustainable development initiatives in China.  相似文献   

In Korea, 97% of the energy resources are imported. The growth rate of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission per capita in the country was the highest in the world during 1990 and 2004. Moreover, 83% of the domestic GHG emissions stemmed from energy use in the year 2004. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop an econometric model for energy intensity and GHG emission intensity in view of the poor energy endowment and environmental situation in Korea.  相似文献   

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