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<正>创新·执著·团结·领先BRIEF INTRODUCTION中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(简称"中材国际")是中国中材集团有限公司旗下上市公司(股票代码:600970)。公司是全球建材领域领先的技术装备工程企业,  相似文献   

<正>BRIEF INTRODUCTION中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(简称"中材国际")是中国中材集团有限公司旗下上市公司(股票代码:600970)。公司是全球建材领域领先的技术装备工程企业,主导产业包括水泥技术装备工程业、玻璃技术装备工程业和玻璃纤维技术装备工程业,拥有完整的产业链条和全球领先的技术。中材国际成立后,持续追求公司治理的完善、技术进  相似文献   

<正>BRIEF INTRODUCTION中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(简称"中材国际")是中国中材集团有限公司旗下上市公司(股票代码:600970)。公司是全球建材领域领先的技术装备工程企业,主导产业包括水泥技术装备工程业、玻璃技术装备工程业和玻璃纤维技术装备工程业,拥有完整的产业链条和全球领先的技术。  相似文献   

梁广平 《中国建材》2005,(11):14-16
中材国际工程股份有限公司(下称“中材国际”)成立于2001年12月,是由中国材料工业科工集团(下称“中材料集团”)旗下南京水泥工业设计研究院、成都建材工业设计研究院、苏州混凝土水泥制品研究院、中国建筑材料工业建设唐山安装工程公司、中国建筑材料工业建设苏州安装工程公司  相似文献   

<正>创新·执著·团结·领先BRIEF INTRODUCTION中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(简称"中材国际")是中国中材集团有限公司旗下上市公司(股票代码:600970)。公司是全球建材领域领先的技术装备工程企业,主导产业包括水泥技术装备工程业、玻璃技术装备工程业和玻璃纤维技术装备工程业,拥有完整的产业链条和全球领先的技术。  相似文献   

日前,中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(以下简称中材国际)在尼日利亚滨海城市拉各斯与Dangote集团举行工程项目合作签约仪式。  相似文献   

1中材矿山建设有限公司基本情况介绍 1-1中材矿山简介中材矿山建设有限公司(以下简称“中材矿山”)是中国中材股份有限公司的全资子公司.成立于2008年9月.是中国中材集团旗下的矿山建设企业.是由原天津矿山工程有限公司、中国建筑材料工业西安工程有限公司。  相似文献   

正中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(以下简称中材国际)是国务院国资委下辖的中国中材集团旗下的上市公司,以水泥技术工程装备为主业。公司充分发挥EPC商业模式的"总成本领先"核心优势,实现了连续5年保持全球第一的市场份额,成为中央企业"走出去"的典范。"EPC"是英语Engineering、Procurement、Construction"设计、采购、施工"3个英文单词第一个英文字母的缩写。EPC总承包模式是指建设单位作为业主将建设  相似文献   

深耕 《中国建材》2008,(10):51-55
2008年9月3日,中材集团旗下中国中材股份有限公司(股份代号:1893.HK)(以下简称中材股份)在香港召开2008年中期业绩发布会,公布公司上市后第一份中期报告.  相似文献   

西安蓝田尧柏水泥将建5000t/d生产线;邯郸中材中标山东申丰5000t/d生产线两项工程;苏州中材建设签署龙岩三德3#水泥磨工程总承包合同;河南平煤集团平顶山水泥生产基地开工;新登集团5000t/d熟料水泥项目开工。  相似文献   

巴中友谊中心是一座集多种功能于一体的综合建筑,其平面及立面布置均极不规则,柱网复杂,部分跨度较大,给结构设计带来较大难度。重点介绍了该建筑结构选型、计算模型的处理及构造措施等,可供同类结构设计时参考。  相似文献   

巴中友谊中心是中国对外援建项目,由商务部组织竞标,我公司方案中标后进行设计。巴中友谊中心拟建于巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡。经过实地考察,用地选址在伊斯兰堡博物馆、纪念碑等集中地的伊斯兰堡最大的森林公园区域内,毗邻中国援建的体育中心。附近有自然历史博物馆、国家纪念碑、文化遗产博物馆等重要建筑,其地理位置极其重要。现有景观绿树成荫,环境优美,是建设项目的理  相似文献   

Climatic variations in comfortable temperatures: the Pakistan projects   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two thermal comfort surveys in Pakistan are described. One was longitudinal conducted in summer and winter, the other was transverse with monthly surveys over a whole year. The surveys were conducted in five cities each representing a particular climatic region. The use of building controls and clothing is analysed. There is close agreement between the findings of the two surveys despite differences in methodology. The surveys show that there is a definite relationship between indoor comfort and outdoor conditions in line with an adaptive approach to thermal comfort. The current International Standard does not accurately reflect these. Because of the large variations in indoor temperature in many Pakistani buildings, the surveys also indicate the limits of people's ability to adapt to indoor temperatures.  相似文献   

Aerosol mass (PM10 and PM2.5) and detailed elemental composition were measured in monthly composites during the calendar year of 2007 at a site in Lahore, Pakistan. Elemental analysis revealed extremely high concentrations of Pb (4.4 μg m− 3), Zn (12 μg m− 3), Cd (0.077 μg m− 3), and several other toxic metals. A significant fraction of the concentration of Pb (84%), Zn (98%), and Cd (90%) was contained in the fine particulate fraction (PM2.5 and smaller); in addition, Zn and Cd were largely (≥ 60%) water soluble. The 2007 annual average PM10 mass concentration was 340 μg m− 3, which is well above the WHO guideline of 20 μg m− 3. Dust sources were found to contribute on average (maximum) 41% (70%) of PM10 mass and 14% (29%) of PM2.5 mass on a monthly basis. Seasonally, concentrations were found to be lowest during the monsoon season (July-September). Principle component analysis identified seven factors, which combined explained 91% of the variance of the measured components of PM10. These factors included three industrial sources, re-suspended soil, mobile sources, and two regional secondary aerosol sources likely from coal and/or biomass burning. The majority of the Pb was found to be associated with one industrial source, along with a number of other toxic metals including As and Cr. Cadmium, another toxic metal, was found at concentrations 16 times higher than the maximum exposure level recommended by the World Health Organization, and was concentrated in one industrial source that was also associated with Zn. These results highlight the importance of focusing control strategies not only on reducing PM mass concentration, but also on the reduction of toxic components of the PM as well, to most effectively protect human health and the environment.  相似文献   

More than half the world's population use biomass fuels as a household energy source and, hence, face significant exposure to a number of air pollutants. In Pakistan about 90% of rural households and 22% of urban households use biomass fuels. In order to assess the levels of NO2 in the residential micro-environment, two sampling campaigns were carried out at different times of the year (summer and winter) at an urban and two rural sites during 2005 and 2007. Rural site I used biomass fuels while natural gas was utilized at rural site II and the urban site. In winter NO2 concentrations at all three sites were higher in the kitchens than living rooms and outdoors. ANOVA showed that, although, there was a significant difference among NO2 concentrations in the kitchens, living rooms and courtyards, at all the three sites, there was no significant different between kitchens using biomass fuels and natural gas. During the summer NO2 levels fell sharply at both rural sites (from 256 μg/m3 and 242 μg/m3 to 51 μg/m3 and 81 μg/m3). However at the urban site the mean levels were slightly higher in summer (234 μg/m3) than in winter (218 μg/m3). The considerable seasonal variation at the rural sites was due to a shift of indoor kitchens to open outdoor kitchens at rural site I and more ventilation at rural site II during summer. There was no significant difference between kitchens using biomass (site I) or natural gas (site II), however the kitchens at rural site II and urban site showed a significant difference. Overall fuel selection showed no significant effect on NO2 levels. However the NO2 concentrations may pose a significant threat to the health of people, especially women and children.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》1996,23(3):169-174
Field surveys of thermal comfort have been conducted summer and winter in the five climatic regions of Pakistan to help the Pakistani Government to replace existing inappropriate indoor temperature standards. Results are presented which show large variations in desired indoor temperature with climate and season. The reasons for the differences are explored and an indication of the way in which responsive indoor temperature standards, which encourage the use of passive architecture and save energy in air-conditioned buildings, might be framed is presented.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in technology and the multiplication of functional responsibilities demand proper planning and control of projects. In developing countries, in particular, managers and engineers cannot plan and control projects using only experience or conventional project management methods that demand their presence at critial moments. The problem of setting up rural development centres in the Punjab, Pakistan, is presented. The choice of method used to ensure that these centres were available in a specified time and that the system was adopted is discussed, together with the problems of impementation. The results of the methods used are presented and overall conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

近年来,发展中国家在转基因技术与商业化发展上取得了巨大进展。巴基斯坦是同中国有着深厚友谊的国家,是"一带一路"政策亚欧非大陆的重要一站。本文介绍了巴基斯坦转基因技术发展现状及转基因商业化情况,研究其管理框架及政策变化等,分析其在政策、监管、知识产权、消费者认知度等方面存在的问题。研究结果对中国转基因政策的制定具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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