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以Gnutella网络为测量对象,分析了Gnutella网络的基本特点和关键协议,利用Limewire的源代码设计了一个Gnutella网络内容爬虫,测量了Gnutella网络中用户的共享文件类型、共享文件数目、共享空间、文件副本、用户日均在线时长和节点应用层带宽,并对以上测量结果进行统计分析。统计分析表明文件共享数目与共享空间存在显著的相关关系,应用层带宽与日均在线时长则存在弱相关关系。此外,对Gnutella网络中的用户按照共享文件数目、共享空间、应用层带宽、日均在线时长这4个方面进行了聚类分析,分析结果表明,Gnutella网络中的平庸用户占所统计用户数的97%。  相似文献   

介绍了什么是P2P和多线程,并对其相关理论、技术特点、应用范围等进行了简单描述;分析了Napster、Gnutella、Kazaa这几种典型的P2P文件共享系统模型。在此基础上,提出基于Gnutella模型改进的针对文件共享与多线程传输的机制。  相似文献   

Napster 和QICQ一样的P2P应用程序已经受到了越来越多网络用户的青睐,P2P应用程序使得用户可以利用现有的网络,以平等的方式共享彼此的资源,极大地提高了方便性。微软的NET框架提供了一个丰富的开发P2P应用的平台。本文介绍了P2P应用程序的有关概念以及如何利用Microsoft NET编写P2P应用程序。  相似文献   

The Gnutella file sharing system allows a large number of peers to share their local files. However, it does not coordinate the way by which these shared objects are named or how they are searched by other users; such decisions are made independently by each peer. In this work, we investigate the practical performance implications of this design. We collected the shared filenames and user generated queries over a three-year period. We show the mismatch between these naming mechanisms. We show the fundamental limitations of Gnutella performance that cannot be addressed by improvements in overlays or by varying the search mechanisms alone. Based on our observations, we describe two practical approaches to improve Gnutella performance. We describe a mechanism to build the file term synopsis using the observed popularity of queries routed through the ultrapeer. We also describe a query transformation mechanism that improves the success rates for failed queries.  相似文献   

在P2P文件共享系统中,节点之间共享彼此的文件.但是由于对等网络的匿名性和开放性,在文件共享系统中存在很多信任方面的问题,如恶意节点和自私节点的大量存在.为了孤立恶意节点和鼓励节点共享自己的文件,提出了基于访问控制的信任模型.首先,定义了一种信任机制,它引入了直接信任,推荐信任,时间衰减等因子.其次,对每个共享文件都加入了两个阈值--可信性总评价阈值和贡献量阈值来控制访问.对于每个请求者,只有当它有了对文件的访问资格后才能访问该文件.最后,通过大量的实验证明了本模型的可行性和高效性,特别是对恶意节点具有很好的孤立作用.  相似文献   

Accompanying the growth of the Internet, computers throughout the world can connect to each other and exchange information, increasing the convenience and efficiency of information-based work. The advent of data-sharing applications, such as Napster and Gnutella, has made peer-to-peer (P2P) systems popular for widespread exchange of resources and voluminous information between millions of users. In recent years, research issues associated with P2P systems have been discussed widely. To resolve the file-availability problem and improve the workload, a method called the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) has been proposed. However, DHT-based systems in structured architectures cannot support efficient queries, such as a similarity query, range query, and partial-match query, due to the characteristics of the hash function. This study presents a novel scheme that supports filename partial-matches in structured P2P systems. The proposed approach supports complex queries and guarantees result quality. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Many people associate peer-to-peer technology with file-sharing applications such as BitTorrent, Gnutella, Kazaa, and Napster and with concerns about the unauthorized, free distribution of video, audio, and other copyrighted content. These concerns have led the entertainment industry to crack down on P2P systems. For example, the US Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has taken numerous file sharers to court to recover copyright-infringement damages. P2P was adopted first by folks looking to share unauthorized content and is still widely used for that purpose. In addition, ISPs have complained that high volumes of large video files and other P2P traffic traveling between multiple peers have hurt their networks' performance. This has also inhibited P2P usage in some cases and cast doubts upon its future growth potential. In response, proponents have undertaken a major effort to change P2P technology, rehabilitate the approach's reputation, and encourage its use for fast, efficient content distribution and improved Internet-based communications services, including telephony.  相似文献   

张智  李瑞轩 《计算机工程》2006,32(22):114-115
非结构化对等网络Gnutella存在短路效应,这会严重影响消息的到达率,造成网络查询效率低下。利用Gnutella网络拓扑的分布呈现典型的幂规律和小世界特性,将少量度很大的节点提升为超级结点,并以超级节点为中心,将兴趣相同或相似的节点进行聚类,从而形成若干自治域小世界,这样Gnutella网络模型被抽象层次化,自治域内查询请求由本域的超级节点直接处理,自治域间查询请求在超级节点间进行转发。研究表明,这种方法可以有效解决短路效应问题。  相似文献   

In the past few years, peer-to-peer (P2P) networks have become a promising paradigm for building a wide variety of distributed systems and applications. The most popular P2P application till today is file sharing, e.g., Gnutella, Kazza, etc. These systems are usually referred to as unstructured, and search in unstructured P2P networks usually involves flooding or random walking. On the other hand, in structured P2P networks (DHTs), search is usually performed by looking up a distributed inverted index. The efficiency of the search mechanism is the key to the scalability of a P2P content sharing system. So far, neither unstructured nor structured P2P networks alone can solve the search problem in a satisfactory way. In this paper, we propose to combine the strengths of both unstructured and structured P2P networks to achieve more efficient search. Specifically, we propose to enhance search in unstructured P2P overlay networks by building a partial index of shared data using a structured P2P network. The index maintains two types of information: the top interests of peers and globally unpopular data, both characterized by data properties. The proposed search protocol, assisted search with partial indexing, makes use of the index to improve search in three ways: first, the index assists peers to find other peers with similar interests and the unstructured search overlay is formed to reflect peer interests. Second, the index also provides search hints for those data difficult to locate by exploring peer interest locality, and these hints can be used for second-chance search. Third, the index helps to locate unpopular data items. Experiments based on a P2P file sharing trace show that the assisted search with a lightweight partial indexing service can significantly improve the success rate in locating data than Gnutella and a hit-rate-based protocol in unstructured P2P systems, while incurring low search latency and overheads.  相似文献   

Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems provide a new solution to distributed information and resource sharing because of its outstanding properties in decentralization, dynamics, flexibility, autonomy, and cooperation, summarized as DDFAC in this paper. After a detailed analysis of the current P2P literature, this paper suggests to better exploit peer social relationships and peer autonomy to achieve efficient P2P structure design. Accordingly, this paper proposes Self-organizing peer-to-peer social networks (SoPPSoNs) to self-organize distributed peers in a decentralized way, in which neuron-like agents following extended Hebbian rules found in the brain activity represent peers to discover useful peer connections. The self-organized networks capture social associations of peers in resource sharing, and hence are called P2P social networks. SoPPSoNs have improved search speed and success rate as peer social networks are correctly formed. This has been verified through tests on real data collected from the Gnutella system. Analysis on the Gnutella data has verified that social associations of peers in reality are directed, asymmetric and weighted, validating the design of SoPPSoN. The tests presented in this paper have also evaluated the scalability of SoPPSoN, its performance under varied initial network connectivity and the effects of different learning rules.  相似文献   

由于Napster,Gnutella和Freenet的巨大成功,端对端技术在搭建分布式应用上吸引工业界和媒体的注意。基于P2P的项目大多要面对一些基本的问题,这包括了安全性、可靠性和路由。但是,由于网络规模的问题,传统的技术并不能直接应用于P2P系统。本文将介绍一种基于Power—Law原则的P2P模型。  相似文献   

A Queuing Model for Evaluating the Transfer Latency of Peer-to-Peer Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a queuing model to evaluate the latency associated with file transfers or replications in peer-to-peer (P2P) computer systems. The main contribution of this paper is a modeling framework for the peers that accounts for the file size distribution, the search time, load distribution at peers, and number of concurrent downloads allowed by a peer. We propose a queuing model that models the nodes or peers in such systems as M/G/1/K processor sharing queues. The model is extended to account for peers which alternate between online and offline states. The proposed queuing model for the peers is combined with a single class open queuing network for the routers interconnecting the peers to obtain the overall file transfer latency. We also show that in scenarios with multipart downloads from different peers, a rate proportional allocation strategy minimizes the download times.  相似文献   

The enormous popularity of Video on Demand (VoD) has attracted substantial research attention into the effective use of peer-to-peer (P2P) architectures to provide solutions at large-scale. In particular, the high efficiency of BitTorrent has inspired many P2P protocols for VoD. However, these protocols use different approaches to adapt the design of Bittorrent to VoD, and in most cases their performance has been evaluated separately and in limited scenarios. As a consequence, the research community still lacks a clear understanding of how these protocols compare against each other and how well each of them would work in real world conditions, where, for instance, peers have heterogeneous bandwidths, may freeride or may be located behind NAT/firewall.In this paper, we propose a simulation based methodology which aims at putting forward a common base for comparing the performance of these different protocols under a wide range of conditions. We show that, despite their considerable differences: (i) existing BitTorrent-like VoD approaches all share some characteristics, such as that their bandwidth reciprocity based methods to incentivize cooperation do not always yield an optimal overall performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that (ii) in these protocols there is a trade-off between QoS and resilience to freeriding and malicious attacks. We also discover that, (iii) when peers doing streaming coexist with peers doing traditional file transfer, the latter actually benefit from this coexistence, at the expenses of the former. Finally, we show that (iv) early departures of peers from the system do not significantly affect the QoS delivered, while jumping to a different position in the file has a bigger negative impact. Overall, our findings provide important implications for both VoD service providers and future system designers. On the one hand, our results can guide VoD service providers in selecting the most appropriate protocol for a given environment. On the other hand, exposing the flaws of current approaches will help researchers in improving them and/or designing better ones.  相似文献   

由于P2P系统的开放、匿名等特点,使得P2P系统对节点缺乏约束机制,节点间缺乏信任。针对以上问题,本文提出了一种新的P2P系统信任模型,该模型根据系统中节点的历史交易情况和系统中其它节点的推荐计算节点的信任度,节点根据计算的结果决定是否进行交易。仿真试验及分析表明,该模型能有效地评估节点的信任度,隔离恶意节点,提高下载成功率。  相似文献   

BitTorrent is a popular peer-to-peer file sharing system and a target file shared through BitTorrent is partitioned into pieces and downloaded from multiple peers in parallel in order to shorten the download process. However, due to peer dynamics in P2P networks, rare pieces may be lost and thus lead to the so-called last piece problem. BitTorrent employs rarest-first piece selection algorithm to deal with this problem, but its efficacy is limited because each peer only has a local view of piece rareness. In this paper, we propose an Interest-Intended Piece Selection (IIPS) algorithm aiming at better alleviating the last piece problem while maintaining stable cooperation between peers. IIPS is named interest intended in that every IIPS peer favors pieces that, if downloaded, would increase the probability of being interesting to its cooperating peers. Simulation results show that IIPS achieves less occurrences of piece loss under tough conditions and slightly outperforms the BitTorrent’s rarest-first algorithm in terms of higher piece diversity.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(8):1861-1881
The success of a P2P file-sharing network highly depends on the scalability and versatility of its search mechanism. Two particularly desirable search features are scope (ability to find infrequent items) and support for partial-match queries (queries that contain typos or include a subset of keywords). While centralized-index architectures (such as Napster) can support both these features, existing decentralized architectures seem to support at most one: prevailing unstructured P2P protocols (such as Gnutella and FastTrack) deploy a “blind” search mechanism where the set of peers probed is unrelated to the query; thus they support partial-match queries but have limited scope. On the other extreme, the recently-proposed distributed hash tables (DHTs) such as CAN and CHORD, couple index location with the item’s hash value, and thus have good scope but can not effectively support partial-match queries. Another hurdle to DHTs deployment is their tight control of the overlay structure and the information (part of the index) each peer maintains, which makes them more sensitive to failures and frequent joins and disconnects.We develop a new class of decentralized P2P architectures. Our design is based on unstructured architectures such as Gnutella and FastTrack, and retains many of their appealing properties including support for partial match queries, and relative resilience to peer failures. Yet, we obtain orders of magnitude improvement in the efficiency of locating rare items. Our approach exploits associations inherent in human selections to steer the search process to peers that are more likely to have an answer to the query. We demonstrate the potential of associative search using models, analysis, and simulations.  相似文献   

基于随机性和文件块相似性的结点选择策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高对等网文件共享系统的服务性能,增强文件共享过程的延续性,通过对比分析目前典型的P2P网络应用BitTorrent和基于临近节点聚类的Bit Torrent文件共享系统中的邻居节点选择策略的优点和不足,提出了一个优化的邻居结点选择策略,服务器tracker为结点优先选择与其具有相近文件块数的结点作为其邻居结点的同时,采用基于随机性的策略来提高文件共享过程的延续性.最后,模拟实验结果表明,该策略提高了共享系统的延续性和服务性能,具有很好的文件共享效率,有效地抑制了"搭便车行为".  相似文献   

How would you like to share files with another user without having to explicitly place them in a designated external location? The recent successes of (and controversies surrounding) Napster, Gnutella, and FreeNet have drawn attention to peer-to-peer computing, which allows precisely such interactions between information and service providers and their customers. The author takes a brief look at peer-to-peer computing, or P2P, and its main variants, both those that are popular and those that ought to be. P2P can be defined most easily in terms of what it is not: the client-server model, which is currently the most common model of distributed computing. In the client-server model, an application residing on a client computer invokes commands at a server. In P2P, an application is split into components that act as equals. The client-server model is simple and effective, but it has serious shortcomings, which are discussed. P2P is by no means a new idea. The distributed computing research community has studied it for decades. Networks themselves demonstrate P2P in action: Ethernet is nothing if not a P2P protocol, and network routing operates through routers acting as peers with other routers. The difference in the recent focus on P2P seems to be that it has finally caught the imagination of people building practical systems at the application layer; and for good reason.  相似文献   

针对当前移动设备无法加入Gnutella网络实现文件共享网络的现状,提出一种移动代理Gnutella网络架构的设计方案。利用移动代理作为移动设备的代理加入Gnutella网络,帮助移动设备实现文件的共享功能。架构能有效地减少移动设备的信息流量,并支持移动设备在Gnutella网络中实现可移动性。  相似文献   

王丽芬 《现代计算机》2013,(10):20-22,44
设计基于P2P模式流媒体传输网络的拓扑结构(G—N结构),提出并应用基于G—N结构的节点间协作算法,对结构中的负载进行分析,并通过模拟实验分析.与Gnutella和Nap—ster网络进行比较,G—N结构在流媒体文件的搜索和查询方面相对更好一些。  相似文献   

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